Why couldn't you resist knocking that parrot? She seemed to be becoming more and more violent... Sona couldn't help but sigh.

In the past, Sona would not use these magics easily, but on Earth, magic seems to have become a daily necessity, especially arias and hymns, which are used very frequently.

(Designer: Is this the reason why you go to the top lane? Come on! The girls who are exploited will not have bad luck!)

They might be here to catch mutants... Why didn't the X-Men show up? Natasha knew a lot, and her long-term spy work allowed her to keep countless secrets in a small book.

The helicopter was a bit far away, and Sona didn't know if her magic could successfully hit it.

Land the helicopter and capture all the mutants in the academy. Stryker gave the order.

After the helicopter landed, soldiers broke into X Academy with sonic weapons. Most of the students inside had not yet mastered their abilities and were easily knocked unconscious.

Quicksilver also collapsed on the college lawn because he was tired and had no strength to resist. After taking a few tranquilizer bullets, he was put on the helicopter.

The four people who had just returned to the academy and had skipped classes were also frightened by such a scene. They hid outside the academy and did not dare to expose themselves.

The wooden door of a room in the academy was violently kicked open. The soldiers first used sonic weapons to test the room, and then walked in, hoping to capture the mutants inside.

I don't know who you are, but I'm very angry right now! Kassadin took out the affected ear and put on the Void Walker suit with a gloomy look.

Just now, Kaisha showed signs of waking up soon, but with this kind of sound wave, it might take some time.

The appearance of the purple biochemical monster makes soldiers with high psychological endurance tremble in their feet...

Volume 1: Chapter 63 Void Walker VS Wolverine

We need support!

Where have you all gone? Ah!!

wdnmd! Knife him!

In the communication channel, the soldier's panicked voice made Stryker feel a little bad and frowned.

Major, I think... it's time to let the wolf out of the cage. The leader's leisurely tone seemed to predict the outcome of the matter.

He was really looking forward to seeing how powerful the secret weapon that kept Stryker in his hands would not be used to exchange the super soldier serum with him.

The leader originally had an agreement with General Ross, but since Blonsky and Hulk disappeared, Ross has been lukewarm about cooperating with him. The leader decisively gave up on him and found the young and promising Major Stryker. , and encouraged him to come to Xavier Academy for Talents to catch mutants.

His plan is very thorough, and Magneto's whereabouts are not difficult to trace. With a little guidance, all the X-Men will be dispatched, right?

But he didn't expect that there were such powerful mutants in the academy.

Stryker did not reply. He was using a special telescope to check the situation inside the academy. They did not have complete control of Weapon X. If it was released rashly, it might cause accidental casualties.

A soldier was thrown from the second floor by a huge force. There was a terrifying crack in his chest. He died cleanly and did not suffer too much physical pain.

Kassadin has killed very few humans, but this does not mean that he will be soft on ordinary humans who attack him!

Killing you is worse than stepping on bugs! He was talking about void bugs. Although they were cut one by one, the human body was not as hard as the shell of a void grasshopper.

This sentence reached Stryker's ears through the intercom on a soldier's corpse. Veins popped out in the hand holding the telescope, and his whole body was in bad shape. He had never seen such an arrogant mutant! They're just freaking humans!

Release Weapon

The operator of Weapon Lived in an indescribable part.

This is a device used to control Weapon .

Continuing to give orders to move forward, Weapon X's speed changed from walking to running, and finally moved forward at full speed on all fours. It was hard to imagine that a human could run so fast using both hands and feet.

The leader nodded slightly, he was satisfied with the speed of Weapon X.

Easily dealing with the last intruding soldier, Kassadin threw him aside, retracted the Void Blade, and began to use void energy to clean the blood on his hands.

Being able to give them a happy life is already his greatest kindness to the weak.

Huh? An unusual guy... The instinct of void creatures will detect threatening creatures around them, and Kassadin sensed that Weapon X was approaching at high speed.

This human's aura is very strange, like...a beast? This feeling reminded Kassadin of an old friend. He felt the same way when he was fighting Kha'Zix.

But Kazik gave him a greater sense of vigilance, because it was not only a dangerous void creature, but also an insidious and cunning hunter.

Let me see how capable you are. Kassadin's tone was a little indifferent. He didn't think there was anyone on earth who could threaten him.

Oh yes, except Ancient One.

The smell of blood stimulated Weapon X, and he started rampaging as soon as he entered the academy.

This place... looks familiar... This was a roar that only Weapon X could understand. The sharp steel claws stretched out from the hand and then retracted. The command given by the machine to the brain was to move forward, but Weapon X seemed to be resisting its own brain. .

Corridor...stairs...oil painting...

The memory in his brain was washed away, but Logan's body seemed to remember Academy X. He walked in the corridor with his hands on the wall, and a seam seemed to be torn open in his blank brain.

Are you lost? The sudden sound made Weapon X turn his head sharply. The instinct of the beast made him pounce directly, and the steel claws stabbed with the sound of breaking the wind.

Not too slow, this is Kassadin’s evaluation of Weapon X.

The Void Blade turned crimson, and Kassadin used Void Walking to jump on top of Weapon X, and stabbed a fatal blow to the heart behind his back.

Kassadin landed slowly, and the body of Weapon X fell not far away.

I launched a desperate attack without considering the enemy's mobility... Kassadin originally thought he was a tough opponent, but he didn't expect him to be a reckless man.

But it doesn't matter. Just be more careful in the next life...ah! Kassadin screamed before he finished his rant to himself.

He was stabbed in the waist! Still two!

The wound was bleeding profusely, and Kassadin had to mobilize void energy to repair his body.

not dead? How can it be! Kassadin didn't believe someone could live after being stabbed in the heart.

But the opponent had already stood up, and the still-vibrant X weapon taught Kassadin a lesson: to kill someone, you need to learn how to last-hit.

The wound that penetrated Weapon X's chest began to heal, and the void energy actually left no trace at all.

I was careless... Unexpectedly, the enemy had such abnormal recovery ability. Kassadin put away his previous casual attitude and prepared to take it seriously.

The steel claws constantly collided with the Void Blade, causing sparks. Weapon X attacked unscrupulously, and Kassadin evaded with flexible movement. The battle between the two was like dancing on the tip of the knife, and losing life was often just a moment away.

The steel claws made of Adamantium alloy can easily pierce Kassadin's armor. Although Kassadin can clearly see the attack of Weapon .

The self-healing factor can perfectly repair the damage caused by Kassadin to Weapon X. Weapon X has no damage so far.

This is not only a means of consumption, but also pressure on Kassadin.

A six-god Mundo will give anyone a headache if they look at it.

Kassadin's wound was bleeding continuously, and the healing effect of void energy was not very good.

Just when Weapon X was about to launch the next attack, the sudden appearance of purple void energy hit him and made him take several steps back.

Ka'Sa! Seeing the figure falling from the sky, Kassadin seemed to suddenly forget the pain and ducked in front of Ka'Sa.

My father's memories came so unexpectedly.

Charles restored not only Kasha's previous memories, but also the memories after coming to Marvel.

The creatures of the void destroyed the village where Kassadin's family lived, and Kassa accidentally fell into the transitional space between the void and Valoran. Kassadin was not in the village at the time.

In a void filled with dangers, Kasha would think of Kassadin from time to time, hoping that her father would suddenly appear and take her away from this nightmare place.

From a defenseless little girl to an excellent hunter in the void, no one can do it better than Kaisha.

After going through the most difficult period, Kassadin was rarely remembered by Kasha. Only before falling asleep, Kasha would briefly recall the man who told her bedtime stories when she was a child.

It's not that she wants to forget, but that Kaisha hopes that she can slowly accept the worst outcome.

Fortunately, in the Marvel world, the father and daughter were reunited.

Can you save the touching words for later? Natasha's voice sounded at an inappropriate time, and she and Sona were also late.

Sona? Natasha? Why are you here? With a very confused tone, Kassadin didn't know why they were able to rush from New York to Westchester so quickly.

Natasha did not speak, but took out a pistol and shot at Logan. Of course she knew that ordinary bullets were ineffective against Wolverine, but that machine was obviously not a body armor, especially some important joints, which were very easy to damage.

Wolverine Logan was a mutant soldier who was active from World War I to World War II. Natasha's spy organization at the time had detailed records of him, and he was considered an old acquaintance.

Natasha didn't know what happened to Logan after so long, but she still recognized the machine that controlled humans, because it was a product of Hydra during World War II and was used to control the semi-finished products of the Winter Soldier plan. , I don’t know why it was controlled by the military.

Logan, who lost control of the machine, did not regain his memory, but attacked Kassadin even more violently.

This piece is an adagio.

The beautiful sound of the guqin, the sound of the clear spring, and the wind washing over the sand seem to soothe people's souls.

The power of magic acted on Logan, who was already mentally exhausted, unconsciously fell down and fell into a coma.

This is not a skill, just the use of music and magical energy. Sona also used this piece of music to treat Mrs. Bouvier's insomnia.

He is very tired...in pain... Sona said to Natasha through telepathy. The feedback of magical energy was mixed with countless negative emotions.

He has experienced too many things. Natasha conservatively estimated that Logan was over 200 years old.

The longer you live, the more things go wrong, and Natasha knows this very well.

Volume 1: Chapter 64: How to fight Tianqi?

Qin, what should we do now? It was him who started skipping class, but at this critical moment, Scott became unassertive.

Most of the soldiers who entered the academy were killed by Kassadin. Stryker could only ask the pilots of the plane to get down and move the unconscious mutant students. Unfortunately, it was no longer possible to enter the academy, leaving some mutants and Weapon X. It couldn't be recovered. The last image from the camera was Weapon X falling down, with four people standing around it.

Big loss.

Stryker glanced at the smiling head, and his teeth itched with anger. If he had known better, he would not have listened to this man's nonsense!

It is still unknown how much benefit the mutant students can bring to him, but the X weapon that he has been studying for so long is just gone, so he can make a lot of money!

I'm trying to control that officer. Qin pressed his fingers on his temples, trying to invade Stryker's brain with his psychic power.

The unknown magnetic field emitted around the helicopter blocked Qin, and she couldn't even see the scene inside the helicopter. This was a brainwave interference device kindly provided by the leader, specifically to prevent mutants like Professor X.

No, something is interfering with me. Qin shook her head and withdrew her spiritual power: We have to think of other ways.

There's no time, let me try. Stryker's people are already preparing to evacuate, and Scott wants to take off the special glasses Hank made for him and use laser light to break the helicopter's propeller.

Wait, Kurt, can you take us into those helicopters? Jean stopped Scott from the dangerous operation and wanted to change to a more stable method.

Or... maybe... I haven't tried teleporting to an invisible place yet... Kurt was very nervous. He was afraid that he would get into a bug with his teammates and only teleport half of his body, like It's as tragic as the white-robed assassin suddenly getting stuck in a tree while taking a leap of faith.

Believe in yourself, you can do it. Jean and Scott encouraged him together, giving Kurt confidence.

The blue devil's ability was activated, and the three people immediately disappeared.

And after that? What else can be said after that, Kurt's ability inside the helicopter also failed, and the three of them were trapped in the helicopter together, for nothing.

Return to base. Stryker put on his sunglasses and took one last look in the direction of Academy X...

Just as Stryker's people left, people from SHIELD arrived. After all, although the people in the academy are mutants, most of them are underage children. This terrorist attack will definitely bring a great loss to the reputation of Xavier Academy for the Gifted. Charles can Some are busy.

By the way, where did Professor X go? Natasha asked Kassadin. She and Sona didn't know how they got here, so they could only ask Kassadin.

Just as Kassadin was about to say that he didn't know, Charles's voice sounded in everyone's minds.

People on Earth! Please lend me your vitality!

? ? ? what's the situation?

Convey my words well! Apocalypse was a little annoyed. He strengthened Charles not to let him tell meaningless jokes, and then said: This is the advice I give you, you have lost your direction!

But I have returned! The final judgment is coming!

All the towers will collapse! Religious beliefs will change! Humans only have the only true God they believe in - Apocalypse!

There is only one purpose for delivering this message. The strongest among you, the mutants with great power! All will own this world! Apocalypse was somewhat impassioned. He had already seen the bright future of the Apocalypse Era!

The strongest among you...protect the weak! Charles modified Apocalypse's last lines. He didn't want to see mutants who had previously hidden themselves in obscurity jump out to cause trouble at this time.

Hmph... Tianqi snorted coldly and looked at Charles. He didn't expect that Charles was still unwilling to surrender at this time.

I can't get your heart, but I can get your person!

Apocalypse is preparing to use Charles as his next carrier. He wants to rule a planet with a population of seven billion, so the ability to control minds is still necessary.

The battle at the steel smelting plant was one-sided. All the X-Men were easily wiped out. Apocalypse threatened the lives of Hank and the three of them, so Charles agreed to be a tool for Apocalypse.

Afterwards, they were all taken by Apocalypse to the place where he was unearthed - Egypt. The beginning of an era always needs some witnesses.

My empire exists in every grain of sand... Looking at the city under the hillside, Apocalypse's memories were evoked. The once glorious dynasty had turned into dust.

However, everything will be back on track! Humans can no longer defeat him!

The eyes turned white, Apocalypse's abilities were fully activated, and countless buildings and cars turned into gravel. Under Apocalypse's control, they gathered in one direction and became part of a huge pyramid.

I hope they can prevent the apocalypse... Charles looked at the rising pyramid with a solemn expression on his face. He had already told the location to the people he thought had the ability to prevent this disaster... .

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