Don't worry, it's just a registration. I know why you came here, and I will keep it a secret. The middle-aged uncle grinned, and the fat on his face turned into wrinkles. Ling

Kozler. This is Bruce Banner's pseudonym. Although this small hotel is for special personnel, it is still better to be careful.

Have a good sleep, tomorrow is a new day. After the uncle collected the money, he gave Banner a key and took him to the room.

If the uncle knew that the good-looking young man in front of him was the Hulk who just smashed several buildings, I don't know if he would be so enthusiastic.

Since Banner was turned into the Hulk by a secret experiment, he has embarked on a long journey of escape. He had been to Brazil before, but was discovered by his father-in-law, General Ross, and escaped after an earth-shattering battle.

Why not escape to a place with fewer people? Still coming to New York? Is it because Banner is floating or is Hulk's fist not strong enough?

of course not! In fact, Banner doesn't really want to come to New York. First, it is easier to be discovered by the military, and second, Hulk losing control will cause a lot of casualties.

But Banner came to New York to solve the problem of gamma rays in his body. He wanted to get rid of the curse of Hulk.

Previously, Banner sent his blood to netizen Mr. Lan, and also made a request to meet in New York, hoping that Mr. Lan could help him completely solve the Hulk problem.

However, Banner, who has never experienced how dangerous the online world is, doesn't know that Mr. Lan has made many copies of the super soldier serum in his blood.

Lying in bed, Banner couldn't fall asleep for a long time. He was afraid that the next time he opened his eyes, he would find himself standing naked on top of the ruins.

What Banner didn't know was that the small hotel was surrounded by people from SHIELD and the military.

There is such a saying, which is very true. If SHIELD can't find anyone except the Hydra people, it can be found by anyone else.

Dong dong dong! Banner, who was already nervous, jumped up when he heard the knock on the door, and instinctively wanted to escape through the window.

Don't be nervous Kozler! I'm here to help you! Banner heard the voice, it was the middle-aged uncle downstairs.

What are you going to do? Banner began to doubt his identity. This was a small hotel introduced by his friend, saying that no matter what he committed, he could stay there safely for one night.

Those who are chasing you are nearby. I suggest you go to the basement and hide. The uncle whispered outside the door.

No one is chasing... Banner wanted to deny it, but he didn't say it. He was afraid that the uncle was not a member of the military and just wanted to help him. If there were really people from the military nearby, then tonight It must have been another sleepless night.

How should I trust you? Banner still didn't believe there could be such a kind person, and why an ordinary person could find that there were military people outside surrounding this place, everything was too weird.

You can completely trust Thompson, Bruce Banner. If you don't come out, those people will pour gas inside. Thompson didn't know how much his words stimulated Banner.

Banner's hair stood up when he heard his name, and his eyes turned green with fear. He had been hunted by the military for a long time, and he couldn't stand the temptation to reveal his identity. Banner immediately broke the window and jumped from the third floor. jumped down.

Thompson outside the door shook his head alone and said to himself: Hey, are all young people today so suspicious?

He didn't know why. He could obviously provide the safest protection, but most people still chose not to believe him. Did he look like an official?

Thompson clicked on the surveillance software on his cell phone and deleted the information about Bruce Banner on his cell phone, along with the video about the Hulk. It seemed that he was a hacker, and a very powerful one.

After falling into the garbage heap in embarrassment, Banner ran out of the alley regardless of the disgusting smell all over his body.

This considerable movement was heard by SHIELD agents, and for a moment Banner could hear a large number of footsteps nearby. His heart beat faster and faster, and his vision became a little blurry and glowed with green light.

Don't come out! Don't come out! Banner didn't even dare to use external force to calm himself down. He was afraid that it would irritate Hulk, so he transformed directly.

After finally running out of the alley, Banner accidentally tripped over something and fell directly to the side of the road.

The familiar feeling became more and more intense. Banner could no longer resist. He lay on the ground and struggled painfully. He could only hope that Hulk would not hurt too many people.

Hey, buddy, are you okay? Eddie suddenly appeared, causing Banner to secretly scream, Oops.

Run! There's a monster inside me! Banner's voice began to become strange and his body began to swell.

He thought he had met a heart patient. Looking at Banner's physical reaction and what he said, Eddie quickly guessed the identity of the person in front of him.

What a coincidence, me too. Eddie smiled and immediately let Venom take over.

(To be honest, Eddie and Venom, Kayn and Raast, the cp feeling is so similar.)

Volume 1: Chapter 28 Venom VS Hulk

What do you think it will taste like? Matcha or wasabi? Venom said. He had never eaten a green person with so much meat.

Hey, Venom, can you please stop telling me what people taste like in the future? Although I can feel it when you eat it, it's weird, okay? Eddie complained. He and Venom share senses, so he does too. He's a cannibal, it's really... hard to accept.

Hulk! Smash! Hulk punched Venom hard.

Compared to Venom, Hulk's IQ is a bit lower. He only knows a few basic words, which is about the same as a kindergarten child, and Hulk is not willing to share his body with Banner.

My temper is still... Before Venom could finish his words, he was punched away. It obviously underestimated Hulk's strength. Venom only regarded Hulk as a human with more flesh.

The huge black body hit the cement pillar, breaking it directly, and flew some distance before the venom landed on the ground.

Fortunately, the symbiote has a strong self-healing ability, and Eddie's broken bones were quickly reattached, but the pain was real. This German orthopedic-like anesthesia-free bone-synthesising technology was simply not very satisfying.

Damn it! Venom was very angry now. Ever since the riot was defeated, it had never suffered such a big defeat! Grin growled and rushed out quickly.

Hulk is also a natural war maniac, and is not afraid of the menacing venom at all. He chooses to fight head-on. Hulk's collision is like a tank traveling at high speed, with an unstoppable momentum.

Venom was not that stupid. After suffering a loss, he still struggled with Hulk. He jumped over Hulk and shot out multiple black thick liquids from his arms. The liquid like crude oil tied Hulk's upper body. Venom yanked, trying to give Hulk a bolas combo.

The SHIELD agents who hurriedly arrived were stunned when they saw this scene. Their mission was to capture a green monster, so why was there a black one now? Friend or foe?

Don't act rashly yet! Coulson, as the operational commander, issued the order at this time, but he did not expect that the military people would not listen to him at all. There were only about twenty people in total and they all acted rashly.

What are you doing!? Coulson wanted to know if the minds of military soldiers are all about muscles. Are you going to fight the Hulk with a rifle? Do you really think you are Yan Shuangying?

In fact, most soldiers did not want to charge, but someone gave a death order, so they had no choice but to obey. The person who gave the order was none other than General Ross's confidant, Bronsky.

Blonsky's blood was agitated at the moment and his expression was ferocious. The violent aesthetic battle between Venom and Hulk stimulated his nerves. He had just been injected with the super soldier serum given by General Ross, and his whole body was full of strength. He felt that he was invincible.

Boom! Hulk was pulled into the air by the venom, and then slammed to the ground. A crater was directly smashed into the cement floor, and Hulk was also dizzy.

Good job! As soon as Eddie finished speaking, he felt a series of blows on his back, and someone was shooting at him with a rifle.

World-weary, swollen bricks, guilty of sarsaparilla p, offering sacrifices to Uncle Ling

Can they be eaten? Venom conjured up a shield to block these itchy bullets and asked Eddie in his mind.

No! They are from the military. They should be here to capture the Green Giant. We will subdue him and leave. Eddie didn't want to offend the military, and besides, they only attacked him out of uncertainty and fear.

Hulk! Angry! There was another roar. Hulk crawled out of the ground and shook off the black liquid on his body, then charged up and jumped upwards, using the inertia of his fall to smash down.

Venom dodged to the side, but was still affected by the shock wave caused by Hulk and suffered some damage.

Ceasefire! Bronsky shouted. He wanted to defeat this green-skinned monster with his own hands. He wanted to avenge his shame!

Running faster and faster, Bronski kicked hard with his left foot, and turned around in the air. He raised his right leg high, and his heel was like the knife of a Noxian guillotine, moving downward with the force of the wind. Hack away.

I have to say that the diluted version of the Super Soldier Serum is still somewhat effective. Blonsky's attack hit Hulk's head hard, and his shoes were actually stained with green blood.

You're nothing more than that. Bronski gestured with an inverted thumb, which was really a good move.

As we all know, the setting of Green Fatty is that the more he fights, the angrier he becomes, and the angrier he gets, the stronger he gets.

Being provoked by Blonsky, Hulk's anger gauge immediately exploded. His body seemed to have grown bigger again. With the force of his feet, Hulk was knocked out.

Just when Hulk's shoulder was about to touch Blonsky, Venom pulled Blonsky away with his tentacles. Venom did not know the grudge between Blonsky and Hulk, and it was only Eddie who asked Venom to save him.

Let me go! Monster! Blonsky was not grateful at all. He thought that Venom had interrupted his duel with Hulk, and was tearing at the tentacles tied with Venom crazily.

Venom didn't have a good temper either, and he threw him away for more than ten meters, but this was obviously much better than being hit by the Hulk.

As soon as he landed, he felt the severe danger. Venom turned around suddenly, stretched out his hands, and met Hulk's palms. The two giants were in a stalemate with their fingers interlocked. Venom, who was smaller in size and strength, had the upper hand. .

Hurry up and use the tranquilizer! Coulson on the side finally found an opportunity, raised his gun and shot at the Hulk. It was a tranquilizer bullet specially made by SHIELD.

Commander, which one should we fight?

Of course it's green!

As a senior executive of SHIELD, Coulson has of course seen Venom's information and knows that he is not yet an enemy.

A total of five special bullets were fired, all hitting Hulk.

Venom can clearly feel that Hulk's strength has become smaller. It seems that the sedative is working well.

Ahhh! That's my prey! Bronsky suddenly rushed out, knocked Venom to the ground, and then gave the Hulk, who had just calmed down, a brutal punch.

SHIT! You'll wake him up! Coulson obviously couldn't believe the IQ of the man in front of him. Ross still dared to let him lead the team? Give it together for free?

Sure enough, Hulk, who had just taken the anesthetic, was punched in the head several times. The gamma energy in his body changed. Hulk's self-healing ability was greatly improved, and the effect of the anesthetic was greatly offset.

Hulk!! Hulk took hold of Blonsky's fist and broke it down hard. The sound of broken bones sounded, and Blonsky screamed in pain.

Seemingly more awake, Hulk did not continue to fight with them. Instead, he turned around, charged up his strength and jumped, disappearing from sight in a few blinks.

Eddie and Venom obviously had no intention of continuing the pursuit, so they jumped up in the opposite direction, swayed by the street lights and disappeared into the night.

There were Blonsky and military personnel lying there, as well as SHIELD agents who stood looking at each other in silence.

Commander Fury, I request to terminate cooperation with the military. Coulson reported into the headset. If he teamed up with pig teammates, the king might also be tricked into the black iron.

Volume 1: Chapter 29 Banner: The medicine in my hand suddenly doesn’t smell good anymore

Betty! Help me! Banner's voice was full of helplessness. He was wearing a rag and calling a public phone on the street, asking his girlfriend for help. Fortunately, it was three o'clock in the morning and there was no one on the street yet. .

He only had fragmentary memories of what happened last night, including a black monster fighting the Hulk, and many people from the military.

Banner! Where are you? Hearing Bruce's voice, Betty, who had just woken up, immediately cheered up. After Banner accidentally transformed last time, Hulk left Betty and jumped away.

After learning Banner's location, Betty immediately drove there.

Why did you come to New York? Looking at Banner getting dressed in the back seat, Betty's face flashed with a blush for no reason. Why is Banner still partially mutated?

Banner, who was putting on his pants, did not notice Betty's abnormality, and said quickly: Now there is a way to solve the gamma rays in my body, let's go to Carlville University!

The sky is gradually getting brighter, and New York City has transformed from a deserted quiet city into a bustling bustling city. It is obvious that most people are unaware of the giant monster riot last night and go to work and school as usual.

Just as Banner and the others parked their car and entered the school to look for Mr. Lan, something happened quietly on the roof of the main building of Carlville University. Disgusted

The door to the void was opened, and Kai'Sa and Vel'Koz, wearing adaptive helmets, walked out. World

Since Vel'Koz was defeated by Havoc and Thor releasing energy beams together last time, he has had to re-examine the world. Kai'Sa and a group of void beetles alone are not enough to occupy the planet. He needs more data before he can make a judgement. . Xin

The subconscious command given to Kai'Sa before was to invade this world, which was obviously too difficult. After Malzahar's training (fog), no, it was to return to the factory settings, and Kai'Sa's subconscious became the legendary sixteen-word mantra. swell

When the enemy advances, we retreat; when the enemy is stationed, we harass; when the enemy is tired, we attack; when the enemy retreats, we pursue bricks.

Only through constant testing in this way can we safely judge whether the Marvel Universe has the ability to counterattack the void, and how much void power is needed to invade Marvel. guilty

Once upon a time, the void invaded a strange plane. People in it were able to fly with swords, practice spiritual cultivation, and conquer mountains and seas in a matter of seconds. There was a powerful person who broke through the space and entered the void to cause a great disturbance, causing the entire void to be severely damaged.

The mission of each Eye of the Void thereafter is to detect the strength of the invading planes, make an assessment, and eliminate planes that are too dangerous to avoid another accident like the one before. Sarsaparilla

After setting up the Zrot portal, Vel'Koz returned to the void. Fighting could just be left to the wage earners.

One after another, the enhanced void beetles crawled out of the portal, not knowing what kind of disaster they would cause. p


Bruce, is this really okay? That person looks very unreliable. Betty whispered into Banner's ear. Ling

It should be... no problem... Looking at Mr. Lan, who was wearing special glasses and a bald head, operating the computer somewhat crazily, looking like a Frankenstein, Banner also felt a little confused. uncle

Mr. Blue’s real name is Samuel Stern. In addition to being a professor at Carlville University, he is also a crazy biologist. After coming into contact with Mr. Green on the Internet and learning about him, Samuel became uncontrollably obsessed with him. Banner’s wonderful gamma gene.

You said you want to eliminate these gamma energies? Samuel's tone was full of doubts.

Yes! The faster, the better! Ever since sharing a body with Hulk, Banner has never had a good night's sleep.

I really don't understand you. This is the gene that so many people dream of! Samuel danced with excitement. In his opinion, such a nearly perfect gene is the first step in human evolution.

After typing hard on the keyboard, the green data bar kept refreshing, and the machinery in the laboratory began to move. Chemicals were constantly fused, and finally a tube of dark purple medicine was synthesized on the console.

Is this enough? Although Banner himself has many doctorates and has done research on gamma rays, when faced with his own problems, he had no choice but to turn to Mr. Lan for help.

This potion contains gamma energy suppression energy, which can offset the gamma energy in your body to a negligible value. Samuel took out the potion from the mechanical table and placed it in front of Banner.

In fact, Samuel has a way to completely solve it, but he is holding back. He doesn't want the Hulk to become history from now on. If there is a problem with the super soldier serum he copies in the future, there must be a raw material, right?

This negligible value only needs some catalyst to restore it to its original state.

Looking at the purple potion in the test tube in front of him, Banner's hands trembled a little. The gamma energy and Hulk that troubled him were finally solved?


The floor beneath my feet suddenly began to vibrate violently, and there was the sound of explosions and the faint sound of someone crying.

Banner stumbled and did not hold the potion in his hand. The test tube came out of his hand and was about to fall to the floor.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Betty rushed over and grabbed the test tube firmly. This thrilling operation made Banner's heart pound. Fortunately, it didn't break in the end.

What happened? Samuel frowned and opened the curtains of the laboratory. The scene outside made his eyes widen and he froze on the spot.

Huge purple beetles gnawed wantonly on the humans they saw. Not far away, there was a row of tanks, firing at the beetles with no regard for the safety of the civilians.

However, in the face of the sky full of beetles, the tank's artillery could not play a big role. On the contrary, the fleeing civilians were easily injured by the explosion of the tank shells.

Samuel's eyes changed from confusion to shock, from shock to excitement, and finally turned into fanaticism.

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