Kassadin was panting heavily, his long black hair was disheveled, his face was covered with sweat, and the wounds on his body were cracked due to the violent exercise.

In addition to Kassadin, there were three people in the room, Professor Charles Xavier, Hank the Beast, and Ilanka the Healer.

Ilanka's ability is to increase the self-healing ability of the person being touched. The specific amount varies from person to person, but it is faster than most medical methods, so she will temporarily serve as the school doctor of Xavier College.

Where is my daughter! Kassadin said this, leaving Charles and Hank at a loss of how to answer. Kassadin's last memory was of Vel'Koz unleashing a disintegration ray on him, followed by boundless darkness.

Your daughter? Is she the one who fought against us that day? Charles guessed.

Yes! Where is Kassa! Kassadin was a little excited.

Charles hesitated for a moment and then told Kassadin the truth: Kasha...she was taken away by the big eye that appeared in the sky. He also heard from Alexander that the mental power of that big eye was far greater than that of Charles. It only took a moment for Professor X to lose consciousness.

Vel'Koz! Kassadin said the name through gritted teeth. He was about to get up and head for the void, but as soon as he got out of bed, an unbearable pain came from the wound on his body. Even Kassadin couldn't help but gasp. Cool air.

Yes... I'm sorry! The energy in your body is resisting my healing power, so you still need to continue receiving treatment! Ilanka said in a panic, sincerely apologizing. It was her dereliction of duty for not treating the patient well. Disgusted

Hank helped Kassadin back to the hospital bed, and Kassadin slowly said, Where is this? He only remembered the man in the wheelchair, and he had never seen Hank or Ilanka. World

This is Xavier Academy for the Gifted. I am Charles, the principal of the academy. Charles introduced himself. He did not read Kassadin's memory without authorization, so he knew nothing about him. kind

Kassadin. After saying his name, Kassadin thought for a moment and then said, I'm not from your world.

Charles was a little surprised and asked: This world? He noticed that Kassadin was not talking about the planet, but the world. group

Yes, dimensionally speaking, I do not belong to this universe, and those big eyes you have seen are also creatures from other dimensions, and they are not originally from the same dimension as me.

It took some time to explain to Charles and the others about Valoran and the Void. suspect

Kassadin has shuttled back and forth between the Void and Valoran over the years, constantly destroying the transmission channels between the Void and Valoran, and has a certain understanding of both worlds. Sis

The void is not like an ordinary material universe, it is more like a space with consciousness, a bit similar to the dark dimension in Marvel. Energy turns into living bodies, and the living bodies continue to absorb energy. The more energy you control, the more authority you have in the space. And the more. Si

After the Void gains consciousness, it will expand outward. Not only Valoran, but many other planes are also being invaded by the Void. The Void may have used Valoran as a stepping stone to reach the Marvel Universe. stop

Kassadin naturally knew that Valoran had been destroyed by the Starforge Dragon King. He also knew that when Valoran was destroyed, the Void still contained many combat forces in Icathia, such as Baron Nashor, a large number of Swift Crabs, and others. Elemental dragon. stroll

His daughter Kai'Sa was also captured by the void at that time. Later, Kassadin sensed Kai'Sa's aura in the void and pursued her all the way to the Marvel Universe. Expect

Charles took some time to digest this information, and his temples felt a little swollen and painful. Just listening to Kassadin's description, he could feel that the void was a big trouble, one that could threaten the entire earth. start

What's more, Charles has already seen the void beetles in Memphis. If it is true as Kassadin said, those bugs are not even soldiers in the void, but can only be regarded as the eyes of the void piercing the earth. Humanity is at stake. Mausoleum

Mr. Kassadin, is there a way to cut off the channel between the void and our universe? Hank suddenly said.

Kassadin nodded and said, Yes, but you have to find it first. This is what Kassadin has been doing for so many years. Some passages can be blocked, and some can be directly destroyed.

When the three heard this, they breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little lucky. If a steady stream of void bugs really invaded the earth, then no matter how strong the earth is, it will be slowly consumed.

Mr. Cassadine, I know some information about your daughter. Seeing Cassadine's eagerness for his daughter, Charles said, Kassa's memory seems to have been modified, but as long as I can control her, I may be able to change it. return.

It's not like Charles has never done anything to modify his memory. He once erased CIA agent Moira's memory about the X-Men. Some national leaders' memories were also touched by Charles, but they were all related to the Mutant Act. The modifications will have little impact on human society.

With these experiences, Charles could detect traces of tampering with the memory just by entering Kasha's mind a little bit.

Modify memory? Kassadin was silent. He initially thought that Kasha was infected by void energy and forcibly controlled. This situation may be troublesome, but it is not irreversible.

Unexpectedly, Kaisha still retained her consciousness, but her memory was modified.

Although Kassadin never saw Kassadin again after she was involved in the Void, Kassadin had heard news about Kassadin in the villages near Icathia. He believed that his daughter would not be willing to die for the Void. work.

Charles, if I can bring Kasha here, can you modify her memory back? Kassadin asked.

Charles seemed to have been waiting for Kassadin to say this. He smiled and responded: I am very happy to help, but before that, Mr. Kassadin should train at Xavier Academy for Gifted Talents.

Perhaps it would be a good choice to leave Kassadin in the academy as a mentor, Charles had his own little plan.

Before, Charles only wanted to gather mutant children in an academy so that they could have a learning environment that would not be rejected by ordinary people. He did not want them to become warriors.

But the void is eyeing the earth and even this universe, forcing Charles to reconsider the X-Men plan.

This world needs more heroes.

(Thank you to Mr. Scathach for giving us fifteen blades at once. How about I try to get more blades tomorrow?)

(I collected three hundred pieces at noon, and then they just fell off again...)

Volume 1: Chapter 26 There is no ordinary day

What the hell are these guys from S.H.I.E.L.D. doing? NYPD Director George Stancey did a classic American move of throwing documents, and the roar could be heard throughout the police station.

This morning, while he was still making coffee in the office, someone sent him the news that Wilson Fisk had been taken away by SHIELD. He thought today was April Fool's Day, so he scolded his subordinates in a gentle manner, but they still didn't care. Only then did he realize the seriousness of the problem.

Now the entire northwest of Shanxi... ah, no, the entire Hell's Kitchen is in chaos, and any gangster who can be named wants to grab a piece of meat in this chaos.

This is very difficult for police officers who work in Ping'an. Their daily life is not simple. Now the police station's phone calls are not stopped, and gun battles occur all the time in the streets and alleys.

Fortunately, S.H.I.E.L.D. didn’t just wipe its mouth and run away, and also helped deal with some violent incidents.

Kingpin is being escorted to the Cube, a new special prison built by S.H.I.E.L.D., along with super-powered criminals such as Bullseye the Scorpion and Rhinoceros.

As for the previous evil ghost, he was just an ordinary person. Without a flying machine, Kingpin could kill three of them.

Kingpin was very depressed at this time. It was not like he had never been beaten by an official organization before. Whether it was the police or the US military, if he was arrested, he would also have to go through judicial procedures.

Kingpin had plenty of money to hire lawyers, litigate, and bribe judges. Ordinary judicial procedures have no way of sending a philanthropist to jail.

But SHIELD is a rogue organization and does not follow judicial procedures.

Black Widow and Hawkeye broke into the Empire State Building and subdued a group of fish raised by Kingpin. Bullseye could barely hold them back.

Just when Kingpin wanted to escape from the secret passage, he heard heavy metal rock music from upstairs. Iron Man grabbed the descending elevator and flew upwards. Kingpin locked in the elevator was like a turtle in a urn.

Wilson Fisk claimed to be missing, but as long as he paid a little attention, he could see that there was a hole missing from the top of the Empire State Building. Some reporters were like sharks smelling blood, and came to the scene to investigate regardless of the danger, but found nothing.

In addition to the major reshuffle of New York's underworld, there is another thing that stimulates the nerves of New York City citizens. That is, many people have seen a big green man wearing blue pants appear in the city and cause chaos. He has destroyed many places and even Many people were injured.

The evil genetic experiment escaped!

Aliens in Area 51 are out of control!

Super criminals forgive people!

Various speculations and remarks spread among citizens, causing panic across the United States.

It's not just the NYPD that's having headaches. The military is also worried about this. Although it asked SHIELD for help before, it didn't have much effect. There is no difference between the military personnel and SHIELD agents in front of the Hulk.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters, Medical Department.

Agents were constantly being sent in, leaving Sona no time to rest.

Are all your agents working so hard?? The elegant handwriting on the writing board reflected Sona's doubts. Everyone who was sent in had either broken bones or broken internal organs, and their lives were really hanging by a thread.

Fortunately, the healing energy of Aria of Perseverance does not differentiate between injuries and can heal the person as long as they are alive.

The agent being questioned lowered his head and did not speak. Although he did not participate in the mission, he had seen the video. An ordinary person would be lucky to be alive in a hospital bed after being punched by the Hulk.

It wasn't until the last agent saved her life that Sona stopped playing, her body already dripping with fragrant sweat.

Isn't ten thousand a month a loss for such a workload? After walking out of the treatment room, Sona thought to herself. She had no idea about U.S. dollars, so she agreed as ten thousand seemed like a lot.

More than sixty agents were brought in one after another. Fortunately, the guqin can make the Aria of Perseverance form a halo, otherwise so many people may not be able to be saved.

Hello, Miss Sona. A bald man came forward with a kind smile on his face and extended his right hand towards Sona.

Although Sona resisted, she still stretched out her hand to shake it and nodded.

I am Steve Jobs, a senior official of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick Fury did not deliberately hide Sona's existence from anyone. Most of the senior officials knew about Sona's existence.

Hello. Sona wrote on the writing board.

Jobs didn't say much. He just said that if Sona encountered any trouble, she could come to him in the office. He left his phone number and left in a hurry.

SHIELD sent Sona a mobile phone for communication, but apart from receiving calls and text messages, Sona didn't use the phone very much.

Sona had no intention of wandering outside. She just wanted to go back to her room, take a hot bath, and have a good sleep.

Jobs walked in a hurry, and instead of returning to his office, he turned to Alexander Pierce's office.

Stealth mode. Pierce said as soon as Jobs entered the door. The smart system closed the door, the windows were tightly covered, and monitoring and recording were disabled.

Pierce poured himself a cup of coffee, took a sip slowly, and then said, Is the investigation complete?

Everything that can be found is here. Jobs handed over a document, which contained records about Sona in the SHIELD database.

Is there anything else that can be investigated? Pierce raised his eyebrows. He had given Jobs override authority, so there shouldn't be anything he couldn't find.

There are also some... that have been specially encrypted by Nick Fury, and only he can view them. Jobs looked a little nervous, and his speaking speed slowed down a lot.

After flipping through the information, Pierce took another sip of coffee, nodding from time to time, and said to himself: Such a talent, our nine...we SHIELD must get it!

Seemingly thinking of something, Pierce asked again: Did you find the one who ran away?

No, there seems to be a flaw in the last brainwashing work, allowing the Winter Soldier to escape.

Are all the people in the experimental department freeloaders? Can this make him run away? Pierce, who had always maintained a good attitude, suddenly exploded and slammed the table so hard that the coffee in the cup spilled out.

Our password is implanted in the Winter Soldier's brain. As long as we find him, we will definitely be able to bring him back! Seeing his boss's anger, Jobs responded quickly.

We can't live without him in our plan! Go get him quickly! Pierce roared.

Jobs walked out of the office with a gloomy expression on his face.

Pierce released the stealth mode and the bright environment returned to the office. Pierce picked up the coffee cup again and drank it leisurely, as if nothing happened.

(Today, a person with pneumonia was found in the community. He was very close. I went to the hospital for a checkup because I was worried. Fortunately, everything was fine. I was delayed for a long time. I’m sorry for everyone. I will update more next time. I will definitely update it next time. Hmm. .)

Volume 1: Chapter 27 Banner: There is a monster inside me! Eddie: What a coincidence, so am I.

Who is the most powerful reporter in New York? Anyone who is engaged in the news media industry will answer you with one name - Eddie Brock.

Eddie can always magically appear in all kinds of dangerous places, shooting and recording exclusive reports that other reporters would never dare to imagine, such as gossip about popular stars, corruption and bribery of government officials, confidential transactions of gangs, etc. Many newspaper owners They all struggled to get him.

However, Eddie declared to the public that his work schedule was very chaotic and he was not suitable for working for a long time. He would only work occasionally and send the photos and reports he took to the corresponding newspapers in exchange for large royalties.

Walking in the supermarket, Eddie wanted to buy some daily necessities and accidentally saw the electronic calendar on the shelf. Eddie thought that it seemed like it had been a year since he had been married to Venom.

Before that, I was just a dedicated reporter who dared to report on anything but encountered obstacles everywhere and got into a lot of trouble.

After combining with Venom, although the process was a bit unpleasant and he died once, Venom also completely changed his life.

Don't think about it, Eddie, I will not celebrate my first anniversary with you. Also, your idea is really disgusting. I am a symbiote, not a union, that is called parasitism! A voice suddenly sounded in my mind. Eddie's thoughts were interrupted, and he almost forgot that Venom could know what he was thinking.

Okay, okay, I'll do whatever you want. Eddie smiled and walked to the supermarket where cakes were sold.

I want chocolate-flavored cake. Venomous Tsundere said again, and Eddie could also hear Venom's heart.

After buying a lot of things, Eddie returned home. His house was very secure. In addition to guarding against reporters who wanted to enter his house to steal news, Eddie also guarded against people who wanted to deal with him.

Although Venom will basically leave no one alive, there is no guarantee that others will know his true identity.

There were many photos pinned to the wall, but most of them had red crosses drawn on them. Eddie didn't take them off. Kingpin's photo was also among them, with a big question mark on it.

Eddie was sitting at the table, eating a sandwich and looking at the network of connections on the wall. Venom's head was protruding from his shoulders, and he was munching on the chocolate cake on the plate.

I don’t know why this alien symbiote is so naughty. It either eats meat or sweets. It’s so difficult to keep.

Concentrate on your work! If you think about it again, I'll make you striptease on the street!

Wow, Venom, where did you know all this unhealthy stuff, are you an adult?

Shut up! Stop talking!

Ever since Eddie got used to Venom, he has become more and more fond of teasing the arrogant alien symbiote. Disgusted

Without continuing to bicker, Eddie looked at the information he collected attentively. He initially speculated that Kingpin's disappearance was related to Iron Man. Missile fragments from Stark Military Industries were found at the scene. Since Stark's weapons department was closed, it can be used The only one with this is Tony Stark. World

Although he didn't know why the superhero would touch this gangster, no newspaper would dare to publish this kind of news even if it was investigated, so Eddie crossed it off his notepad. middle

Another big news is about the green giant in the city. So far, Eddie has not seen him in person, but has only surveyed the places he has destroyed. Even the destructive power of venom cannot be compared to that of venom. Although venom itself is I won’t admit it even to my death. Specialize

Eddie has been paying close attention to the news of the Green Goliath, not only for the news, but also for the safety of New York City. After all, he is also a deadly guardian. Although other vigilantes such as Daredevil don't get along with him very much and can't stand him. The law enforces the law to kill, but the venom is only eaten by evil people, and Eddie has no objection. abandoned

Eddie marked a few more locations, which were his exploration targets tonight, and said, Venom, are you ready? You have to go to work.

It's been done a long time ago. Venom stretched out his long tongue, licked around the mouth full of fangs, and ate up all the chocolate sauce, as if he was still savoring the taste. temple

Thick black liquid gushes out of Eddie's body and soon covers his body, turning into a black devil muscleman with a terrifying fanged face that can give people nightmares for three days just by looking at it. Si

His huge body did not affect his flexibility at all. He jumped out of the window and disappeared into the night...


Name? The greasy middle-aged uncle took out a notebook and recorded it. wife

The young man wearing the hat suddenly became nervous and said, Isn't it true that no ID is required here?

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