this moment.

There was a deathly silence in the attic.

The thin ghost even had a spiritual storm in his mind.

He never expected that in his heart he actually wanted the Iron-Armed Ghost to die.

Is this the deepest dark thought in his heart that even he doesn't know about?

Think of this.

As the vice president of the logistics department, the thin ghost face fell into deep self-doubt...

Because the potion of drunkenness, dreams, and death took effect, he had regarded all of this as a beautiful dream, and the scenes that appeared in the dream were all the deepest ambitions hidden in his heart.

Those natures that need to be disguised in daily life will be magnified to the maximum extent under the influence of supernatural medicine, amplifying the evil in one's heart.


If you don't have similar ideas on a daily basis and plan to implement them, they won't show up in your subconscious mind.

In other words.

He could see the Iron-Armed Ghost's throat being cut, which proved that he subconsciously wanted to see the Iron-Armed Ghost being killed.

Such thoughts, how could he not start to doubt his life.

after all.

Although he doesn't deal with the Iron-Armed Ghost, the general direction is still for the development of the Black Dragon Society, but the stance is different. In his opinion, he has never had such an idea.

at the same time.

Also beginning to doubt life was the conspirator, the Vice President of the Mobile Department, sitting in the middle.

There was a hint of horror in his pair of dark pupils, which had no whites and no whites.

What did he see?

A completely strange man took out a scalpel and wiped the iron-armed ghost's neck with a Jie Jie Jie weird smile.

Is this his dream? !

What a joke!

How could he possibly want to see the Iron-Armed Ghost die?

It is true that when the Iron-Armed Ghost and the Slender Ghost were arguing, he did get angry and deepen the conflict between the two, but that was just a mentality of watching a good show.

If the two of them were going to fight each other, he would be the first to stop them.

Especially the Iron-Armed Ghost, as the vice-president of the combat department, has the highest level of terror among their four vice-presidents. Although it has not yet approached the threshold of world-destroying ghosts and gods, it is undoubtedly one of them in the ranks of ghosts and gods. Outstanding.

The current Black Dragon Society cannot do without each other.

But what did he see so strangely?

In his dream, the iron-armed ghost was captured?

Does he have such thoughts?

The conspirator fell into deep suspicion.

He knew that he was not a good person, and he also knew that his heart was dark and despicable, but he never thought that he would be so dark.

It seems.

He never faced up to the deepest evil in his heart.

For a while.

Whether it was a weak man or a conspiracy man, his heart began to turn upside down.

at the same time.

It wasn't until his neck was wiped and the ghost's blood was sprayed out as if it was free of money that the Iron-armed Ghost finally reacted and his expression changed drastically.


This was not the effect of the potion, but his throat was actually cut in reality.

Otherwise, how could the pain be so intense?

To know.

In the past, when he was immersed in dreams, although he had the pleasure of killing people in his dreams, most of the time it was him who killed people, and there was no reason for others to kill him.

Who dreams about seeing themselves being tortured?


Only then did the Iron-armed Ghost react, and there was a man named Liu who sneaked up on him.


at once.

The iron-armed ghost stood up suddenly.

A rough grimace became extremely sinister and ferocious.

A supernatural threat at the level of ghosts and gods suddenly swept across the entire place.

He covered his neck and glanced around the attic with dizzy eyes.

The intense pain made him even more irritable.

This time.

It also made the conspiracy ghost and the thin ghost shrink their pupils.

The two looked at each other.

They all saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Isn't this their dream? Is this true?

Who has the guts to commit murder in front of these three ghosts and gods?

Don't want to die?

Come out, I know you are here. If you dare to wipe my neck, you deserve to die.

The iron-armed ghost was still furious.

Hateful appearance.

His eyes scanned the empty attic, and then his eyes suddenly fell on the conspiracy ghost and the thin ghost.

The ghost's eyes are full of scarlet.

A fierce look that chooses and devours people.

Calm down.

The conspiracy ghost stood up first and stretched out his hand to signal the iron-armed ghost to calm down.

His face was extremely serious.

The other party was able to walk into the ghost realm without the three ghosts and gods being aware of it, and they could not see any traces. It can be imagined that it is definitely not a good thing.

The immediate priority.

It is to investigate the clues as soon as possible.


As soon as he finished speaking, he realized something was wrong.

Because he saw that the iron-armed ghost and the thin ghost were looking at him with a somewhat different look in their eyes.

The conspiracy ghost was stunned.

His eyes followed.

I saw a scalpel stained with blood in my hand.

That way was clearly the one used to slit the throat of the iron-armed ghost.

Conspirator:? ? ?

He was confused.

His eyes almost popped out of his head.

Damn it!

When did he get this murder weapon?

Who is setting him up?

For a while.

The conspirator's thoughts became disordered.

The scalpel in his hand also fell down, making a crisp clang sound.

See this.

The murderous look in the iron-armed ghost's eyes deepened.

Suddenly he said: It's you, it turns out to be you. Let me tell you, except for a few world-destroying ghosts and gods in this bloody city, how could anyone break in under the noses of the three of us? But if the murderer was originally Between the three of us, it makes more sense to cause this situation.”

You want to kill me!


The iron-armed ghost showed a determined expression.

He has never been as sharp and insightful as he is now.

This feeling is so good.

It turns out that having wisdom is such a fulfilling thing.

Conspirator: ...

Slender ghost:......

Hear this.

Both of them were startled.

The conspirator has an expression that is incomprehensible.

The thin ghost was shocked and confused.

Because he discovered that what the Iron-Armed Ghost said made sense.

This ghost realm was constructed by the joint efforts of their three ghosts and gods.

Anyone who enters it will leave his own supernatural fluctuations, but just now he didn't notice a trace of supernatural aura at all. As the Iron-armed Ghost said, the only ones who can do this are the president of the Hundred Ghosts Association and The two masters of the Pavilion of Rebirth are world-destroying ghosts and gods.

But what is the current Black Dragon Society worth worrying about?

Rule this out.

The remaining answer may be correct no matter how absurd it is.


The reason why he was not 100% sure of this answer was because he had seen that the man who cut his throat was not a conspirator, but a complete stranger.

Could there be some hidden secret in this?

Think of this.

The thin ghost quickly reconciled and looked at the iron-armed ghost, There must be a misunderstanding. Think about it, if the conspiracy ghost really wanted to kill you, how could he be so casual.

The iron-armed ghost said abruptly: What do you want to do with your hands behind your back?

Hear the words.

The thin ghost showed a bit of helplessness on his face.

This is too urgent.

He always likes to speak with his hands behind his back, and the Iron-Armed Ghost is not unaware of this habit.

At this point, he shouldn't be trusted.

In this case, let's prove ourselves harmless first.


He lowered his hand.

The moment he put it down, he suddenly realized that he was holding something in his hand.

Like a knife hilt.

He had an unknown premonition in his heart.

He looked down with a stiff expression.

He saw that he was holding a bloody kitchen knife in his right hand.



Whoever steps on the horse is also framing me!

This moment.

The thin ghost panicked.

His whole body was filled with excitement.

There is a ghost in this attic!

He could be sure that there was nothing in his hand just now.

But the moment he put it down, the kitchen knife was inexplicably held in his hand.

It feels like there is an invisible third party on the field, watching the whole process and dominating it all.

The purpose is to make them kill each other.

Got this.

He felt a chill in his heart.

I just felt a chill going straight up to Tian Ling Gai.

Let him feel cold all over.

Wait, I can explain.

The thin ghost turned pale and was ready to explain.


The Iron-Armed Ghost no longer wanted to hear it.

His eyes were wise, as if he had already understood the truth, and his tone became more serious: As expected, when I was wiped off my neck just now, you could see your position most clearly. It is impossible for you not to see the murderer, but you did not remind me at all, but Watching my throat being cut, and knowing that the matter was exposed, you seemed to be trying to break up the fight, but in fact you wanted to break my guard so you could take the opportunity to stab me and join forces with the ghosts to kill me.

Haha, your trick has failed. Now, it's my turn to kill you.

The iron-armed ghost's smile became distorted.

The overwhelming resentment spread.

He raised the serrated sword in his hand... huh? Since when did he have a weapon in his hand? Forget it, never mind, kill the two people on the opposite side first.


He rushed forward.

The serrated sword in his hand was wielded extremely ferociously.

Even if it is hit by a chop, it will be directly dismembered.

See it.

The conspirator's thin face turned green.

You want to say something, but in this case, the ghost with the iron arm will listen.

Not to mention that the other party has been filled with resentment and his thinking has been affected. The only way now is to suppress the other party first and then consider other things.

Otherwise they will definitely be hacked to death.

The next second.

The thin ghost held the kitchen knife tightly, and the conspiracy ghost also picked up the scalpel. There was a bit of coldness on the ghost's face, and he also pounced on it.

for a long time.

The attic fell into dead silence again.

Ghost blood flowed throughout the room.

Center of the room.

Three figures with severed legs were lying in a pool of blood.

Two of the arms of the Iron-Armed Ghost were dismembered, and one leg was also lying on the side.

Half of the conspiracy ghost's body was split open, and he was only a few centimeters away from splitting in half.

The thin ghost was equally miserable. He was cut off at the waist, leaving only his eyeballs still moving.

The three people's supernatural fluctuations were rare.

Extremely weak.

It was just one step away from death.

Who are you? Just watch from here, come out.

The conspirator remained motionless, with only his lips moving, but the words he spoke still attracted the attention of the other two.

Especially the iron-armed ghost, with a ferocious look on his face.

He didn't believe there was anyone else here.

All the conspirators said was just to protect themselves.

after all.

He seems to have suffered the most serious damage, but his level of terror is also high. When it comes to recovery, he is definitely the fastest.

Once recovered, these two people could only be killed by him.

Because of this, in the Iron-Armed Ghost's view, the Conspiracy Ghost's words were a plea for mercy in another sense.

He smiled sinisterly.

Just as he was about to speak, a strange voice sounded first: My greeting gift is quite interesting.

The words fell.

A figure emerged.

Shen Jian was sitting in his seat, as if he had been sitting here for a long time, with a little teasing on his face.

There was also a bottomed portion of popcorn on the table.

A posture of you guys can afford it.

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