This time.

After knowing Shen Jian's character, the beggar ghost no longer dared to speak, and he mainly looked like a bitch.

The saddle is in front of the horse and the horse is behind.

The attitude was extremely respectful.

He didn't even look at his former partner who fell straight behind him and fell into a deep sleep. He didn't even dare to express the slightest concern, for fear that if he were not careful, Shen Jian would be accused of being a compatriot.

The guilt is not the biggest problem.

He was just afraid that if Shen Jian was unhappy, he would just use this crime to kill him.

This may sound a bit ridiculous.

No one would choose the ghost around them just because they value love and justice.


He was too scared to gamble.

Especially since he has already witnessed the scene where Shen Jian killed all the members of the Black Dragon Society for such ridiculous reasons. What would he do if Shen Jian said, The love between compatriots is so deep, and it seems that he has evil intentions towards me and wants to take advantage of the opportunity to take revenge. ?

There was nothing he could do.

So the most correct thing to do is to be a loser wholeheartedly.

There is still a chance of survival.

What's more.

He also saw Shen Jian's performance just now.

In addition to his bad behavior of beating people up and playing tricks, the methods Shen Jian showed also shocked him.

Only three gongs were struck in the whole process, and the entire Black Dragon Society members were wiped out. You know, some of them were no less than the vice president of their intelligence department.

But even so, it was still solved by a gong.

He saw it very clearly.

Shen Jianquan seemed to have struck the gong three times, but in fact the first and second were just appetizers, more dramatic than the others. Only the last was the real supernatural attack.

It was also the last blow that killed more than two hundred members of the Black Dragon Society in an instant, causing the group to be wiped out.

Such strength cannot be achieved by ordinary ghosts and gods.

Even the Black Dragon Society's most terrifying combat section vice-president can only kill everyone, but cannot annihilate the whole group in an instant. The two seem to mean the same thing, but the actual difference is huge.

The beggar ghost knew that he had far underestimated this man's strength.

The opponent's level of terror must be as simple as a ghost or a god.

Think about it this way.

His kneeling and licking behavior became more and more obvious.

One moment he cheered, Brother is awesome, and the other moment he said sadly, I'm not familiar with the Black Dragon Society.

That look fully demonstrated the image that a senior licker should have.

at the same time.

The beggar ghost also does not forget to show his commercial value.

Brother, the vice presidents of the three major branches should be asleep at this time. In that case, they will be awakened when they hear the sound of the gong and join the battlefield. But now none of them have appeared, which means that they are hiding in Inside the multi-layered ghost realm.”

I guess that at this time, the three vice-presidents were tasting the potion of drunkenness, dreams, and death to eliminate their own grievances, and that's why they didn't hear anything.

Shen Jian paused.

The Potion of Drunk Life and Dreams of Death is a special product of Luo Feng Genius in the fifth place. It is a product of the Pavilion of Rebirth, one of the three overlord forces in the bloody city. It has the supernatural effect of eliminating the resentment of evil ghosts, purifying the soul, and preventing them from turning into evil ghosts.


Because drinking the potion will produce all kinds of complicated thoughts, making people immerse themselves in it, linger, and forget everything, it is called the potion of drunkenness, dreams, and death.

The reason why Shen Jian pays attention to this is because its effect is suspected to be a weakened version of Meng Po Tang.

More importantly, Po Meng is suspected to be in the fifth place, Luo Fengtian.

Under such circumstances, a supernatural potion that had the effect of a low-quality Mengpo soup naturally came into his sight.

His eyes were dark.

The condition for unlocking the Heavenly Way, one of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, is to let the dead souls enter reincarnation and allow the underworld to completely reappear in the human world. Among them, currently, the only things missing are the Three Life Stones and Meng Po Tang.

He has found clear clues about the former

The latter is still uncertain information.


He came in person to confirm the authenticity of the information.

Complete one of the links.

If that didn't work, he would rather overturn the place and find out the whereabouts of Po Meng.

Think of this.

Shen Jian continued to move.


A layer of ripples appeared.

While passing through the end of the village, the original shabby environment suddenly changed and turned into a glorious attic.

The mountains are high and the water is beautiful.

The attic stands.


There was a faint sound of ghostly howling.

The beggar ghost explained with some emotion: Brother, this is the former site of the Black Dragon Society. Now it has been divided up by the Pavilion of Purity and has become its territory. I didn't expect that the vice president and the others would use the ghost domain to recreate all of this. They must still be thinking about the glorious history of the Black Dragon Society.

Shen Jian was not interested.

A quick glance.

His eyes quickly focused on one of the attics.

He showed a little more interest and grinned: Found it.

Inside the palatial center loft.

Three figures were lying on their backs on the seats, looking contented, as if they were puffing away clouds.

A burly iron-armed ghost with a left arm that was obviously larger than his right arm looked at the ceiling and said with a relaxed expression: This potion of drunkenness, dreams and death is indeed a divine thing. I have killed a lot of ghosts these days, and I feel a little resentful. I am no longer in control. After drinking this potion, most of my resentment will dissipate and I will feel comfortable.

He is the vice-president of the Black Dragon Society's combat department.

Although the Black Dragon Society has not come back, relying on the terrifying strength of ghosts and gods, he can still be regarded as a leader in the bloody city.

I don’t know how many low-level ghosts living here have been killed.

It shattered their hope of survival.


Every time he killed a ghost, the resentment on his body became heavier.

The resentment on his body is almost substantive.

It is infinitely close to the real evil ghost.

If it weren't for the potion of drunkenness and dreams, sooner or later within a month, he would have become a lunatic who couldn't tell the difference between friend and foe.

It's a pity that this supernatural potion is produced by the Rebirth Pavilion and cannot be snatched. And each force can only get one per month, otherwise no matter what, you will get it.

The other half-closed eye, the dark ghost eyes full of calculations, the conspiracy ghost took up the words of the iron-armed ghost.

He is the vice president of the mobility department.

The organization was a raid by the Black Dragon Society.

Known for his Yin Ao and his plans for Yin damage.

Even if we want to grab it, it's not our turn. Are the Hundred Demons Association and the Yin Shen Palace just free food? Believe it or not, as soon as we have this idea, the Yin Shen Palace will give us a thunderous blow and completely eliminate us in the bloody Capital?

The last person to speak was the vice president of the logistics department.

He is short in stature, looks very old-fashioned, and looks very thin.

I still cough a few times from time to time.

You are just too timid. The Yin Shen Palace is nothing. If the president hadn't offended the Pavilion Master of the Rebirth Pavilion and was hit by the dimensionality reduction, I don't know if the Yin Shen Palace would have been able to take the third place.

The iron-armed ghost snorted disdainfully.

His tone was full of dissatisfaction.

But the problem now is that Yin Shen Palace is firmly in the third place, and we can only split it into four parts and live in the most inconspicuous location. All members don't even have three hundred.

The thin ghost replied.


The Iron-Armed Ghost was about to go berserk, but the Vice President of the Mobility Department, the Conspiracy Ghost, had already spoken to stop him: Calm down, the potion of Drunk Life and Dreams of Death has taken effect. When the consciousness is in a trance, the boundary between virtuality and reality will become weaker, making it difficult for us to distinguish reality. , if you keep arguing, can you tell whether you are talking or whether you are talking nonsense in your dream?

Hear this.

The attic fell silent.

Neither of them spoke anymore.

Immerse yourself wholeheartedly in the washing and forget all the troubles.

at this time.

Tap tap tap...

The sound of footsteps echoed slowly from far to near.

The three of them opened their eyes suddenly.

They are all ghosts and gods, and they are extremely keen in supernatural perception.

But just now I didn't notice any supernatural fluctuations.

If it hadn't been for the sound coming, they wouldn't have known that an uninvited guest had broken into the ghost realm.

This situation is simply impossible.

No one can come in quietly in front of these three ghosts and gods.


A thought came into the minds of the three of them at the same time:

This time the dream was more real than before.

Just thinking about it.

The thin guy farthest from the door, the vice president of the logistics department, happened to see a figure walking in.

A handsome man with a blood-stained hemp rope tied around his wrist, his personal characteristics are very distinctive.


There was some confusion on the face of the thin ghost.

Who is this person?

The Drunk Life and Dream Death potion can make the user forget everything in his dream and immerse himself in the most beautiful fantasy, but this has a premise, that is, the content of the dream is based on his own memory.

But he clearly didn't recognize this man now.

What's going on with this horse riding?

Why did I imagine such a man entering my dream?

Last second.

The thin ghost is still wondering if his orientation is abnormal.

The next second.

He was stunned.

I saw the man grinning, taking out a blood-stained scalpel from his body, and then came to behind the iron-armed ghost sinisterly, stretched out his big hand, and with one stroke, he cut the iron in front of the three people. The arm ghost's throat was slit.

In an instant.

Ghost blood sprayed out.

The smelly blood even splashed onto the face of the thin ghost farthest away.

This time.

He was completely confused.

Damn it?

Damn it!

I fucking know why I don't know this man.

Dare I subconsciously feel that you can't use an acquaintance to assassinate the Iron-Armed Ghost, so I imagined a completely strange man.

And his sweet dream is to watch the iron-armed ghost die.

I see.

this moment.

The thin ghost's eyes were in a trance.

It turns out that in my subconscious, I wanted the Iron-Armed Ghost to die?

I think so?

I turn out to be a person who is determined to retaliate against others?

He fell into deep self-doubt...

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