Drive away a group of top ghost kings.

Shen Jian got down to business: You should know my goal. Taking the northern border means that I have the entrance to the high seas in my hands, but... I took a tour of the high seas an hour ago, except for seeing a few ships. Outside of the black ship with the evil ghost logo, Third Prince Sister is nowhere to be found, where did she go?

While searching for the Three Life Stones and exterminating the evil spirits in the north, he was also simultaneously searching for the whereabouts of the three princesses.


Not only were the fragments of the Three Life Stones not found, not even the Three Princesses were seen.

This situation is very unusual.

After all, according to his intelligence, the three princesses have unified the entire high seas, established the Deep Sea Devil Fleet, and controlled the most important sea routes in the North and West. Every day, they get hundreds of thousands of horror coins just by lying down. .

They are all protection fees paid by merchant ships of all sizes.

With this income, the Third Prince's Daughter has developed faster than anyone imagined.


What's even more astonishing is that when the three princes and girls made these preparations, the trial for the king had not yet begun, but the other party made arrangements in advance and entered the competition first, having spent several years saving up before the other princes, princes, and girls.


In just the first year of the King Trial, the entire Kingdom and Continent heard the news that the three princesses unified the high seas and were honored as the Queen of the Sea.

His courage, his scheming, and his courage are evident.

at the same time.

The third princess is also the only one among all the royal heirs to be promoted to the rank of ghost.

Her deeds are extremely dazzling.

Women do not give way to men.

Stronger than all princes.

If the eldest prince hadn't had the dual support of his grandfather, the Duke of the West, and his natal family, the Belkia family, the outcome would have been very clear.

He is very interested in this legendary third princess.


If the third princess hadn't bribed the chief maid and the chief of guards around the fourth prince, and arranged for him to fall off a cliff, causing the fourth prince to fall into a short sleep and be unable to wake up, he would not have been assigned such a noble status by the horror game. .

After all, all this is due to the three princesses.


The reunion between brother and sister that he imagined did not happen.

Much to his regret.

Hear this.

An imperceptible thought flashed between the Sixth Princess' brows.

It seems that rhetoric is brewing.

He also seemed to be weighing the disadvantages and deciding whether to tell the man in front of him.

In her opinion.

Shen Jian's identity is still unclear, and she always has doubts.


This is not because she has a close relationship with the fourth prince. On the contrary, she doesn't care whether something happens to the fourth prince. The reason why she always wants to find out Shen Jian's identity is that she believes that the royal bloodline cannot be tainted by others. Secondly, it is natural. She couldn't fully trust people wearing masks.

However, thinking of Shen Jian's previous scene of giving the North to her without hesitation, she pondered for a moment and explained: The black sailboat you saw is the Deep Sea Devil Fleet of the Third Princess, which was about ten days ago. , the Deep Sea Devil Fleet once landed in the Northern Territory and seemed to be investigating the terrain. This is also the basis for the rumor that the Third Queen Sister wants to occupy the Northern Territory.

But those were all false rumors. Less than three days after landing in the North, the Deep Sea Devil Fleet chose to return. Apparently, they noticed that the evil spirits in the North were really difficult to get rid of and could not find the source, so they gave it up. Some kind of plan, and since then, there has never been any sign of large-scale operations by the Deep Sea Devil fleet, and now...the fleet has disappeared, and it still came out in full force, leaving only a few ships to guard it.

Then there is only one possibility. Sister Three Wang has taken action, and the goal is...

Western Realm!

Shen Jian's eyes lit up.

took over the topic.

The two ends of the high seas connect the northern and western territories. Although it is possible to take a detour to the southern and eastern territories, those two territories were occupied by him not long ago. It was the time when the nobles from all over the place were being swept away and the defense was at its most intensive.

If you take a detour, you will definitely notice something unusual.

Unless there is no master in the territory, everyone will do their own thing.

The one that meets this condition is naturally the Southern Territory.

Thinking back to the fact that the third princess first chose to take action against the fourth prince, Shen Jian was almost 100% sure that the location where the third princess initially chose to log in was probably the southern border.

If he hadn't taken over the identity of the fourth prince and occupied the southern border in a very short period of time, the army of the third princess would have probably killed him long ago.

And now...

Because the southern border and the eastern border were occupied by him one after another, the third princess could not sit still and chose to investigate the situation in the northern border. However, she was persuaded to retreat by a steady stream of evil spirits, and finally she could only target the western border.

After all, she knew that if she didn't take action, she would probably be trapped and die on the high seas. Instead of doing this, it was better to give it a try.

As long as they can successfully tear a hole in the Western Territory, the three princesses will have a large front, relying on the fleet's continuous supplies, enough to consume the eldest prince.

Think of this.

Shen Jian understood immediately.

He has a clear grasp of the third princess's mental journey.

That's right. The Sixth Princess pursed her lips and looked arrogant as if she was not too stupid. You have already occupied the two southeastern territories. If you take a detour, you will definitely find them and snipe them on the coastline. Outside, the Western Territory is different. The Western Territory has a large number of ports, and even the Duke of the Western Territory cannot close them all by himself.

Furthermore, Sister Wang has already released the message that she will land in the Northern Territory, so the Western Territory will naturally be negligent. At this critical moment, an unexpected landing in the Western Territory will undoubtedly catch everyone off guard.

She talked freely.

In terms of analysis, the six princesses are indeed naturally smart.

Just by getting the information that a third princess is not on the high seas, one can immediately guess the other party's intentions and accurately describe the general idea.

A counselor is nothing more than that.

As the terror level of the ghosts continues to increase, their thinking ability seems to be beyond that of normal people. If horror games really invade the real world and assimilate everything, human beings will become a low-level species within a few decades.

I can no longer tell the difference between humans and ghosts.


Shen Jian withdrew his gaze.

Nod slightly.

Stand up.

See it.

The Sixth Princess noticed Shen Jian's imminent move and was a little startled.

She, the Fourth Prince Brother, isn't going to interfere, is she?

What do you want to do?

What else can I do? Of course, I'm going to have a respectful meeting between brothers and sisters. I can eliminate two of them at once and save me a lot of effort.

Shen Jian grinned.

There was an uncontrollable weird smile in his pupils.

As if he couldn't wait to intervene.

I can't fix it for the Sixth Prince.

Sometimes, she really couldn't understand Shen Jian's brain circuit.

Is this the time to intervene?


This is a war between the prince with the greatest background and the princess with the strongest overall strength.

That's war, not child's play.

Ordinary people's first reaction when they hear about war is panic. Even nobles will be worried when they hear about war, for fear that it will affect them.

You're damn good, you're excited.

At least show some restraint.

Otherwise, if others see it, they will think that the royal family of the Eli Empire is full of war madmen.

If one or two people do not start a war, they feel that their lives are in vain.

She couldn't help but hold her forehead.

He said angrily: There is a simpler way, why complicate it? You can wait until the two people decide the winner, then take advantage of it and win the final victory, but if you choose to intervene, you will Leading the situation to an unknown outcome.”

Shen Jian smiled even more wildly.

Looking at the Sixth Princess, he said word by word: In that case, what's the point? Some people like to be conservative, some like to be radical, and I like the process of conquest.

Hear the words.

The Sixth Princess was stunned.

Looking at the flamboyant and domineering man in front of him, it is hard to imagine that someone actually enjoys war.


She converted based on Shen Jian's meaning, basically saying, I like war, the outcome of the war is not important, what is important is that I personally participate in it and dominate the battlefield situation.

She... was speechless.

I don’t understand, I don’t support, I don’t object.

at last.

She could only show her dead fish eyes, snorted softly, and chose to see the guest off: Since you have decided, I won't stop you. Anyway, the good news is all yours. If you lose the fight and escape to the north to save your life, I will I will laugh at you forever.


She also stood up, glanced at Shen Jian with her dead eyes again, and made a standard aristocratic gift to see off guests.


The next second.

Shen Jian put his hand on her shoulder.

Youyou said: My sister, have you forgotten something? Just because I didn't say anything, doesn't mean I don't care. You were calling me shameless just now, right?

The face of the Sixth Princess froze slightly.

But his expression remained unchanged and he said calmly: The palace master should have taught you that beating a lady is not the behavior of the royal family. Even if there is a verbal conflict, a man should maintain a gentleman's demeanor and show his generosity.

Haha, you may have forgotten that family conflicts do not require the maintenance of aristocratic etiquette.

Shen Jian smiled disdainfully.

He pressed the little loli who only reached his chest onto the sofa.

Point your pout at him.

This time.

The sixth princess, who was naturally smart, immediately understood what Shen Jian wanted to do. Her golden pupils suddenly opened wide, and the golden ghost realm erupted, and she was about to escape from Shen Jian's clutches.



How dare you! No one dares to hit me like this, not even my brother.

This time.

The voice of the Sixth Princess showed more emotions.

A little face that was always plain, as if nothing could affect her mind, was now anxious.

As the body struggles, other parts of the body naturally twist as well.

Although young, it is already small-scale.

Shen Jian's expression remained unchanged.

hands up.


This time.

He was not polite at all.

Both elegant and loud.

The Sixth Princess bit her lower lip, looking confused.

He probably never imagined that he would be punished in this posture by someone he hated before.

There was no pain, but this humiliation made her twist her slim waist desperately.

The more this happened, the more Shen Jian wanted to punish her.

Are you still scolding me?

Just scold.


Do you know how to be more respectful?

have no idea.


Will you still be venomous in the future?

I will write a Vicious Quotation when I get back, specifically to write down your embarrassing things and spread them out, so that the entire kingdom and mainland will know what kind of person the fourth prince is in their eyes.

The six princesses were not convinced.

The voices became shrill.

Like a maggot, struggling darkly.

But he still couldn't escape from the big hand that grabbed Shen Jian.

Call me brother.

not called.


not called.


elder brother.

The six princesses are convinced.

He yelled reluctantly.


Shen Jian shouted again: Call daddy.

Sixth Princess:? ? ?

Shen Jian reacted and let go of the Sixth Princess without blushing or heartbeat.

The Sixth Princess looked at Shen Jian resentfully, rubbed her hands, and turned around sadly.

Brother, you are so perverted.


As if she was caught again, she immediately left.

Shen Jian:......


I'm used to being shouted at.

Did not notice.

But it's all little things.

Anyway, the Sixth Princess is not that old yet, so she probably doesn’t know what it means.


That's it.

Shen Jian comforted himself.

Out of the corner of his eye.

on the game board.

The scarlet text has already risen.

[Hidden Mission: Recover the Northern Territory (Completed)]

[It has been detected that the player has the title of Dungeon Terminator, the plot point has been changed, and the reward is initial favorability +50 (applicable to the North)] (End of this chapter)

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