Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 861: Filial piety, loyalty, trust, etiquette, justice and integrity, what is missing?

In front of the Duke's Palace.

A figure with a bright light shining behind him and full of sacred aura stood in the air, showing the demeanor of the holy son of the temple, as if he was preaching a saint, solemn and extraordinary.

In sharp contrast to this, is the bloody scene below where thousands of ghosts scream and crazily eat one person.

It looks extremely weird.

This scene.

The six princesses in the ghost tide have a panoramic view.

She stared into her gilded eyes, and her expression changed slightly. Although it was not obvious, it was enough to show the shock in her heart.

She had thought of several solutions to how this man, who was suspected of being her Fourth Prince brother, would resolve the public opinion turmoil in Yongkang City.

Exposing one's royal identity is one of them.

Using her own strength to coerce the whole city and adopt high-pressure policies is also the method she envisioned based on the evil spirit's thinking.


She never expected that Shen Jian would use the most unexpected method.

Pretending to be the Holy Son of Elim Temple, he pretended to preach the oracle of the glorious ghosts and gods.

This move is so shameless...oh no, it's so wonderful.

Even she hadn't imagined it.

After all, outsiders don’t know the relationship between the royal family and the temple. As a princess, can she still know?

That was simply dire straits, and they wished they could destroy their theocratic rule.

As a princess, she had never thought that she could use the influence of the temple to expand her reputation and increase her support. This was too unreasonable.

It's also too bold.

Especially when it comes to falsely spreading the oracle of the glorious ghost and god, isn't he afraid that the glorious ghost and god himself will show up and kill him for blasphemy?

If that's the case, I'm afraid even the royal family won't be able to protect him.

What did he think?

The six kings were puzzled.


She also had to admit that, at least for now, after giving herself the identity of the Holy Son of Elim Temple, public opinion has completely turned to the side of the fourth prince.

This is the terrible influence of theocracy.

The more troubled the times, the more believers there are in the temple.

There are enough to paralyze a city in a short period of time, and can also cause a city to change ownership in a short period of time.

Belief in supernatural beings is undoubtedly the most terrifying brainwashing in the world.

For example, just now, under Shen Jian's order, a group of people who didn't even have a ghost king dared to attack a ghost. This is completely impossible for normal ghosts.

But when it comes to believers, it can be easily accomplished.

However, the Sixth Princess also saw that at the moment when the Fat Marquis was about to use the ghost realm to leave, she, the Fourth Prince's brother, seemed to have said something to him, causing the Marquis to give up his resistance and be overwhelmed by all the ghosts.

Thinking about it, you know it must be some kind of threat.

And it is a fatal threat that the other party cannot bear.

Otherwise, no matter how good a ghost or god is, it is impossible for him to give up his life on his own initiative.

This is also an important reason why she thinks that Shen Jian is pretending to be the Holy Son of Elim Temple.

it's over……

The Sixth Princess murmured in a low voice.

A touch of emotion flashed in his eyes.

She is born with a weak ability to empathize with emotions, and is even less able to generate strong emotions in response to changes in external things. She is what people often call a ruthless person.

In the past two days, her mood changes have exceeded the total of the past ten years.

All of this was naturally because of her, the Fourth Prince Brother who was so radiant that he seemed to be the manifestation of a god.

Is he really my brother...?

With this confusion, the Sixth Princess turned and left without any nostalgia.

The next second.

She took one step forward.

Appeared inexplicably in a strange environment.

His eyes swept away.

She recognized this as the Duke's Mansion in the North.

Because the noisy cheers outside continued.

On the side, a group of top ghost kings headed by the chief instructor were standing respectfully in the corner.

Sixth Princess:...

She lightly clenched her pink fists and said in a deep voice, Brother, it must be you.

Correct answer, but unfortunately there is no reward.

In the empty hall.

Shen Jian's voice sounded suddenly.

At this time, he was no longer as radiant as outside, but he was still extraordinary, flamboyant and stern. His long golden hair and gilded golden eyes made him even more divine.

For those who don't know, they might really think that Shen Jian is the holy son of Elim Temple.

Don't you know that taking a lady away without saying a word is a very rude invitation? The court master should have taught you this.

The voice of the Sixth Princess was calm, but you could still hear a hint of eye-rolling dissatisfaction.


Shen Jian is also upright.

Brother, you are really ignorant.

Haha, my good sister, has the palace master ever taught you to show more respect to your brother?

Oh, as early as when I hung you up all night, you were clamoring to sever ties with me. This is what you said. And your subsequent behavior showed that you did not regard me as your sister.

The two men carried guns and sticks.

I heard the top ghost kings around me shivering.

My Mamma Mia.

This little ancestor, you must be too brave to talk to this devil like this.

We were horrified to hear this.

It’s true that you are brother and sister, but we are extremely afraid that if that man is unhappy, he will kill us to add to the fun.

A good while.

Seeing that Shen Jian was determined to fight to the end, the Sixth Princess took out two breaths in succession, calmed down her mood, and said angrily: Tell me, what do you want to do? You have already taken the northern territory, and I can't threaten you. You You’re not so careful as to drive me back to the royal city, are you?”

Shen Jian waved his hand and said: I hope you can manage the Northern Territory on my behalf. You don't need to do anything, just be a mascot. By the way, you can supervise the Duke's Palace until the situation is completely stable.

Hear this.

The Sixth Prince's eyebrows couldn't help but raise.

There was a hint of surprise on his face.

He seemed to be suspecting that he had heard something wrong.

You want me to take charge of the northern territory? Aren't you afraid that I will give you a bird's nest?

This time.

She was really confused.

That's the northern border.

Although after experiencing the ravages of evil spirits, the development of the Northern Territory has not caught up with the other three realms, it is not an ordinary five-star supernatural land that can be touched.

If any prince or princess can occupy a realm and become the master, their advantage in the King's Trial will be unmatched, and victory will basically be guaranteed.

One can imagine how tempting it is to take charge of a realm.

And now...

Shen Jian actually planned to let her take charge of it?

What are you thinking about?

Or is this to test her reaction?

What? You want it? If you want it, I can give it to you as compensation for the prank I played on you before.

Shen Jian said with a smile.

His goal has always been to end the King Trial ahead of schedule, not to really occupy the four realms and unify the entire Eli Empire. In other words, occupying the four realms is just a means to achieve the goal, and he does not value it.

The Sixth Princess narrowed her eyes.

For a moment, there was no flaw in Shen Jian's face.

Oh, I really wish there was someone with the blood of the Belkia family by my side... But I don't want to go to the North. The reason why I chose the North was because I thought the environment here was harsh and it would allow me to have less contact with the outside world. Communicate, rather than really want to participate in the trial of fighting for the king. As for the trusteeship, as long as you are not afraid of my evil intentions, brother, I can temporarily take over for you.

The corners of her eyes were slightly raised, and her long golden hair touched her cheeks, like light golden threads. Her expression was full of confidence, as if taking charge of a place was not a difficult task for her.

However, you are too bold. You are pretending to be the Holy Son of Elim Temple, and you are also falsely preaching the glorious ghost oracle. This matter will be exposed soon. You should know what the reaction from the temple will be. Just in case. If it really attracts the glorious ghosts and gods, you'd better think of a solution, otherwise even if you are a prince, the royal family will not be able to protect you.

I don't want to be here to help you take charge of the Northern Territory, and then hear the news of your death over there. I don't want to be the Lord of the Northern Territory.

The voice of the Sixth Princess was cold.

No emotion could be heard.

But Shen Jian could still see that his nominally good sister showed concern for a moment. It was not obvious, but it was enough to prove that what he had done had touched the stone girl.

See this.

Shen Jian stretched out his hand and rubbed her head, My sister is really unlovable, can't you think about the good things? Can't I really be the holy son of Elim Temple?

Don't I look like that?

The words fell.

Sixth Princess:...

A group of top ghost kings:...

Their lips twitched together.

This is no longer a question of resemblance, you are so fucking different from the image of the Holy Son of the Temple.

Yes, your temperament and appearance are very consistent with the image of the Holy Son, even more so. You are simply more Holy Son than the real Holy Son.


The criteria for selecting the Holy Son in the Elim Temple are not based solely on appearance, but on how compatible they are with the glorious ghosts and gods, and whether their character is favored.

If you go, let the glorious ghosts and gods see all your bad deeds and evil deeds, and they will not purify you as an evil ghost. This is already a very restrained result.

Still want to be a saint?

Next life.

Let's change your so-so black heart first.

The ghosts complained in their hearts.

I wanted to despise him, but after thinking about it I decided to let it go. It would be better to do less than to do more.

Their desire to survive is quite strong.

The sixth princess was dissatisfied and knocked off Shen Jian's hand, straightened out some of the messed up hairs, held it in for a while, and then curled her lips and said: Brother, the palace master once taught us filial piety, loyalty, trust, etiquette, justice, integrity, and shame. , you still remember it.

What's wrong?

It's nothing, I just think that you are so good, brother. You have already achieved filial piety, loyalty, trust, etiquette, justice and integrity. Unlike my sister, I haven't achieved many of them yet.

Shen Jian:......

He was tongue-tied.


The chief instructor approached the gun ghost and lowered his voice: You are a cultured person. What do you mean by the words of the six princesses? They have already achieved the seven items of filial piety, loyalty, trust, etiquette, justice and integrity. Isn't this good? We are ghosts. , how can it be perfect, but I don’t think you are happy.

The gun ghost also lowered his voice: You are stupid. Don't you think about it? You have already accomplished seven items, so what is nothing?

The chief instructor was stunned for a moment.

He seemed to be counting in his mind.

No, shameless... Ouch, this noble is different, he curses people like this... ah!

The chief instructor hasn't finished speaking yet.

He was already knocked out by a bright bolt of lightning, accompanied by an astonishing scream.

Group of ghosts:......


I just said that the Sixth Prince is very courageous, and you are also very courageous when riding a horse.

Others, like the Sixth Prince, were beating around the bush, but it was better for you to say it directly as if you were missing a muscle.

Damn it, if you don’t speak, no one will think you are mute.

For a while.

The Duke's Palace fell into silence.

Only the Sixth Princess seemed to have slightly curved eyebrows, showing a bit of playfulness.

Brother, no wonder you asked me to take care of it. Before this Duke's Palace in the North, everyone should be a martial type.

Shen Jian was a little mute.

God is so martial.

Wouldn't it be better for you to just say that these people are stupid and weak-minded?

My sister turns out to be a bit vicious. (End of chapter)

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