this moment.

The whole place was completely silent.

Seeing the ghost street turned into a scorched earth hell, the ghosts turned pale with horror.

He opened his mouth, but no sound came out. It was as if fate's throat was being strangled by an invisible hand, which made his heart tremble.

With one blow, the entire neighborhood was destroyed.

What a supreme power this is.

It is simply divine punishment.

In their eyes, the Duke, who was regarded as the most terrifying ghost in the North, was nailed to the ground without even causing any trouble. The devastating blow caused by the two thunder guns completely made this extremely northern man The owner of the land lost all supernatural reactions and turned into a mutilated corpse.

The Duke of the North, the Lord of the North, ended up like this. I am afraid that even the Grand Duke of the North himself did not expect that his end would be so tragic.

Damn, so damn sloppy.


All this is also related to the shamelessness of the intruder.

It clearly gave people the impression that they were playing a ball-guessing game, but they didn’t play according to the routine. The ball-guessing game turned into a death-choosing game. They suspected that the ball on the left hand of this thousand-foot giant had the same words. Other similar ways to die, rather than the save death option.

In other words.

The moment the Grand Duke of the North made his choice, he was destined to die here.

And they believe that man is really capable of doing this kind of thing.

Otherwise, it would be better to just leave it. Why bother and play trivial games?

Think of this.

The ghosts couldn't help but secretly sigh.

It's really nothing.

How could there be such a bad guy in this world who likes to play tricks on ghosts?

Just thinking about it.

The ghosts suddenly noticed that Shen Jian's eyes suddenly fell on them.

This time.

All the top ghost kings froze and lowered their heads, not daring to look at the pair of breathtaking dark pupils.

Those are the eyes of the gods.

There is a supreme edge, and any ghost who dares to look at it will fall into an endless abyss.

That is the majesty of a God who cannot be looked directly at.

At this time.

The corners of Shen Jian's lips curled up, as if he had just done something trivial, and he said enthusiastically: Does anyone else want to play? I have a lot of these props here, please choose one?

No one answered.

Shen Jian continued to promote, impassioned: Don't be cowardly. You will be a hero in life, and you will be a hero in death. Everyone present is not a hero. How can you take life and death so seriously? What if, what if, you choose to live? ?”

Group of ghosts:......

Their eyelids twitched fiercely.

His head bowed even lower, almost buried in his chest.

Damn it.

These inspiring words, coming from an enemy of yours, don’t sound right.

You're giving us a blood injection right here.

To put it bluntly, you are just satisfying your own selfish desires. You want to watch our expressions change from hope to despair. It is so perverted.

Although the Duke of the North was cruel and used a large number of evil ghosts to create an extremely evil spirit, he was also very perverted, but at least... the premise of the other party doing all this was for his career.

As for the man standing on top of the thousand-foot giant, he did all this without any purpose. He just wanted to see them struggling. His level of perversion was even greater than that of the Grand Duke of the North.

What's more.

You said that in case, what about the remaining 10,000 points and 9,999 points?

They have reason to suspect that in this just in case probability, it really takes the last ten thousand people to win the so-called chance of life.

And how many are they?

There were less than fifty people in total.

Under these odds, who dares to choose?

It’s completely a matter of choosing the rhythm of one death.

at this time.

A top ghost king couldn't bear the pressure, his legs and feet softened, and he knelt down.


How can a man kneel down when there is gold under his knees?


A man born between heaven and earth, how can he live in depression for a long time? How can you be worthy of the Duke?

The sharp gazes of the ghosts were about to pierce through the first ghost who knelt down.


Immediately afterwards.

A chain reaction occurred.

Another top ghost king was sluggish for less than a second and also knelt down.

Don't get me wrong, I'm tall and I'm hypoxic. I just want to kneel down and breathe some fresh air.

...If you didn't tell me earlier, I would stand next to you and block the fresh air. In this way, I would kneel down and let you breathe more.

Fuck, when one side is in trouble, all sides support, who are you looking down on? It's as if no one will sacrifice for our brothers, so we will kneel down too.

A group of ghosts swarmed over each other.

None of them gave in to each other.

A look of loyalty that says, They are all my brothers, I will not sacrifice anyone else.

Each one kneels faster than the other.

I'm afraid that if I'm too slow, I won't be able to express my pride and others will look down on me.

That's enough. What are you doing? You are so timid.

At this time.

The chief instructor seemed to be unable to stand it any longer, and stood up sadly.

He is different from other top ghost king level instructors, he is a ghost god.

Responsible for all the instructors in the Duke's Mansion.

In the principality, his status is equivalent to that of a generalissimo.

Once the Grand Duke of the North dies, his words will represent the Duke's Palace.

The Duke has just died, and you rebelled like this. Is this worthy of the Duke? Where is your sincerity? Where is your loyalty? Where are your principles?

Upon hearing this, the top ghost kings who were kneeling paused on the spot, with a look of shame on their faces.


As instructors of the Duke's Palace, they surrendered to the enemy so spinelessly just after the Duke's death and his body was still cold. This approach not only brought shame on the Duke's Palace, but also on their faces.

Everyone will know that they are a bunch of cowards.


Just when the ghosts thought this.

The chief instructor had already stood up, first scolded the cowards behind him, and then... his legs went weak and he knelt down.


A hundred thousand whys came to the minds of the ghosts.

But before they could ask questions, the chief instructor had already started a new operation.

He knelt on the ground on all fours and kowtowed three times in Shen Jian's direction.

That was really loud.

The kind that hits the ground,

After three strikes, a shallow pit was dug into the ground.

? ?

Facing the more confused looks from everyone, the chief instructor said righteously: What's the point of sincerity in just kneeling down? Is your loyalty so cheap? If you don't knock a few times, how can you prove that you are different from the Duke's Palace? You are so timid. Shrunken and without any sincerity.

? ? ?

Hear this.

The ghosts were stunned for a moment.

Then he reacted.

His face was crooked with anger.

Damn it!

When you talk about sincerity, loyalty, and principles, do you mean that we only kneel down, which is insincere and too perfunctory?

The so-called timidity does not make us bravely stand up and fight, but makes us completely abandon our face?


I thought you were a loyal martyr, which made us feel guilty.

It turns out that you are even more unprincipled when riding a horse.

Face is lower than we think.

If you do this, aren't you disrupting the market?

What good does it do you if they all roll up?

The ghosts were shocked and couldn't stand the behavior of the chief instructor.

The ones with quick minds and quick hands have already begun to kowtow.

Each one is louder than the other.

It seems that only in this way can we express our sincerity better than the former.

Until the last top ghost king looked at the seven or eight centimeter deep pit in the ground in front of him, his lips trembled, and he knocked down hard with an expression of grief and anger.

Bang bang bang!

Watch this scene.

Shen Jian's facial muscles also twitched slightly.

There was a flash of disappointment in his eyes.

Think about it.

He has completed the first and second hidden tasks. The remaining three are to stabilize the order in the northern border, and the only city in the northern border is Yongkang City where he is now.

If the problem of Yongkang City is dealt with well, the northern border will basically be solved.

These top ghost kings in the Duke's Palace have the deepest knowledge of Ghost Street and the evil deeds of the Duke of the North. They are the most suitable candidates to expose the actions of the Duke of the North.


There are definitely doubts.

After all, no matter what, Yongkang City can maintain its current situation, the Duke of the North is indeed indispensable. For a small number of ghost residents who already live here, the Duke is heaven.

This group of people has lived in Yongkang City for generations and has a solid foundation. If they openly resist, the northern border will really be stable in a short period of time.

He also needed a more overwhelming identity.

Think of this.

Shen Jian waved his hand and did not look at the group of Duke's Mansion instructors who were digging deep holes into the ground.

He directly issued an order: I will give you one hour to announce what the Duke of the North has done. I want everyone in Yongkang City to know what happened in Ghost Street. If you can't do that, just go and apologize.

His words were full of majesty that could not be rejected.

This made the chief instructor who was about to exclaim that he couldn't do it obediently shut his mouth.

He ran out to execute the order as soon as possible.

Not long after.

The entire Yongkang City got the news.

Everyone froze in place, digesting this explosive information.

The master of the far north, the Grand Duke of the North, turned out to be the real culprit who caused the evil ghosts in the north to wreak havoc, leading to the destruction of countless innocent ghost people's homes.

The so-called Ghost Street is not only a sealed place where the Duke suppresses the source of evil ghosts, but is actually a place where evil ghosts are created.

More importantly, the Duke of the North who did all this is dead.

The huge movement caused just now, the thousands-foot-high angel giant towering into the clouds, was the hero who killed the Duke of the North.

Everything seemed too dreamy.

They didn't know what to say for a moment.

There was a sense of powerlessness that they had just learned who the culprit was, and the other person died, leaving them angry, resentful, and resentful, but with nowhere to vent.

Everyone, don't be deceived. How about the Duke? Everyone should be aware of it. If it weren't for the Duke, would we be able to live here so peacefully?

In front of the Duke's Palace.

In the crowd of ghosts gathered around.

An excited voice sounded.

As soon as these words came out.

It has resonated with many vested interests.

They all spoke out.

That's right, now that the Duke is dead, there is no proof, it's just whatever the other party says.

To be so insulting to the Duke and the heroes who protect the North, what is the Duke's Palace doing now? Why doesn't anyone speak out? Is it already under control? Could it be that these words were spread by someone behind the scenes?

The words became louder and louder.

Many neutrals also changed their minds.

I feel like something is fishy.

There was an endless stream of voices of condemnation.

Among this group of people, I don’t know when the Sixth Princess, who was originally thousands of miles away, also arrived here quietly.

She has received information from the spy.

Learn in detail what happened in Ghost Street an hour ago.

A thousand-foot-high angel giant, holding a thunder spear in his hand, pierced the Duke of the North with two spears, and destroyed the entire evil neighborhood. Such deeds are like a fantasy story, which is unbelievable.

Because she knew clearly that the person who did all this was her fourth brother.

Her good brother...

But now, she was even more curious about how her good brother, who had been reborn as a different person, would face the pressure of public opinion in the city.

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