Now, look at the gap between us.

The voices of ghosts and gods rang through the sky.

Shen Jian raised his eyes, and his deep dark eyes were blooming with a halo. Then, he gently raised his feet, and the golden-armored giant with huge golden wings on his back, holding the thunder spear, bent down his majestic body. , greeting its owner respectfully.

Let it step on your sacred torso.

It seems that in its eyes, being stepped on is the highest honor.

This is also the moment.

Everyone in the audience was dumbfounded.

Stunned in place.

His eyes looked dull.

Damn it?

High... Gundam? !

Three white players went absolutely crazy.

Looking at the towering giant with a divine body, like a god descending, a huge wave has stirred up in my heart, just like dreaming on a horse.

This is outrageous.

Although Shen Jian is a ghost and god, the Duke of the North is also a ghost and god, and the level of terror is even higher. Even the opponent's full burst can only condense an ice crystal ghost hand of nearly seventy meters. Damn it, you are thousands of feet away. giant.

He even put on a set of angel armor for the mountain stone giant and used the divine thunder from the nine heavens as a weapon.


It's so extravagant.

I don't dare to cheat like this when playing toy Gundam, but you are lucky enough to play the humanoid Gundam in the game copy, activate skins, and recharge weapons.

The thriller game is played in your home, right?

No money to recharge? Why is it so gorgeous?

This is no longer a gap that can be described. There is absolutely no comparison between the two. As the Grand Duke of the North said, there is indeed an insurmountable gap between them.


On both sides of the divide, the positions are reversed.

the other side.

The Duke's Palace.

Both the top group of ghost kings who had already arrived and the Duke's Palace guards who were arriving were all shocked by this unparalleled scene.

Horror again and again.

Emotions such as horror, fear, etc. were visible to the naked eye on the ghost's face.

Because they knew that this was definitely not the supreme power that the Duke could display.

Otherwise, if nothing else, just let this thousand-foot-high angel giant descend on the royal city, the four holy families and the royal family of the Eli Empire are all just chickens and dogs, and they are not worth mentioning at all.

And this also means that the Duke has encountered an unprecedentedly powerful enemy.

Under such unparalleled power, whether Yongkang City can be saved is a question.

In this situation.

How could the guards who were attached to the Duke's Mansion not panic?

I don’t know if the Duke has been kicked in the head by a donkey, and he is not so far-sighted as to provoke such an enemy.

So fucked.

As for the Duke of the North, the ferocious smile on his face also disappeared.

Instead, there was a hint of deep panic.

He originally thought that in this three-acre land in the north, he was an invincible existence, and no ghost could compete with him, but who was this man?

Whose general is this? So outrageous?

I destroy the 70-meter ice crystal ghost hand, and you use the 100-meter giant hand. I am still mentally prepared to accept it, and I may not have a chance to fight back.

But if you hit the target in one fucking step, your starting hand is thousands of feet high. It's not just a mere arm, but a complete giant... What a joke.

You have the ability to be unruly, arrogant, and even arrogant.

As long as you can do the above three points, I will still attack you from the side and will not take action randomly.

But you are a bitch, you have no Yin Qi in your body, you are low-key, and you are also choking. Are you forcing others to take action?

How is it different from fishing law enforcement?

You are so fucking mean to the point where you pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger.

Just fish hard.

It's too silly.

at this time.

A hundred thousand grass and mud horses rose in the heart of the Grand Duke of the North.

I couldn't help but scold all the eighteen generations of Shen Jian's ancestors in my heart.

But on the surface, he restrained his original ferocious smile and showed a faint smile. Although it was very forced and looked uglier than crying, it could still be seen that the master of the far north was indeed smiling. .

This... sir, there is a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding.

The Duke of the North withdrew his ice crystal ghost hand and his tone became weaker by an unknown amount.

Shen Jian raised his eyebrows.

I still like your unruly expression just now, please recover.

Grand Duke of the North:...

The corners of his mouth twitched wildly.

I'm just a little more perverted and a little more hands-on. I'm not demented or stupid.

He shook his head wildly.

Expresses Dah.

In his opinion, Shen Jian's level of terror is higher than that of the glorious ghosts and gods. According to his understanding, the glorious ghosts and gods are the oldest source of supernatural beliefs in the horror world and have already reached the end of the world-destroying ghosts and gods.

And there are definitely higher levels above the world-destroying level ghosts and gods.

at this point.

After he got the Sansheng Stone, it was determined.

Because of this, he suspected that Shen Jian was the existence above the world-destroying ghosts and gods.

Think of this.

He was also extremely bitter.

In the Eli Empire, where world-destroying ghosts and gods are legendary, there is actually an existence above the world-destroying ghosts and gods. How could such an outrageous person open the door to outrageous people? It's so outrageous.

If he hadn't confirmed with his own eyes that this thousand-foot-high angel giant was not an illusion from the ghost realm, he would have doubted whether he had fallen asleep.

Such a being actually exploded.

As for the other party's purpose, he suspected that it was the broken stone tablet he had salvaged.

This stele is amazing.

Even if he uses all his Yin Qi, he can't break it even a little bit.

The picture of the past life presented above is even more unbelievable.

And more importantly, just the aura emanating from this stone tablet can produce obsidian supernatural materials that can suppress ghosts and gods, which is extremely extraordinary.

It can't be created by world-destroying ghosts and gods at all.

This is also the reason why he speculates that there are even more terrifying ghosts above the world-destroying ghosts and gods.

It is normal for Shen Jian to regard such a magical thing.

Sir, I don't want that stone tablet anymore. I'll give it to you. Besides, I also have clues about the broken parts of the stone tablet. Give me some time and I can help you find it.

The Grand Duke of the North asked for mercy.

Look sincere.

There is no falsehood at all.


Shen Jian didn't believe it.

He possesses the soul of ghosts and gods, and no one can match him in terms of soul creation.

Although he couldn't intuitively understand whether others were lying like the eldest princess, but by carefully distinguishing the fluctuations of the soul, it could still be seen that the Duke of the North's words were very watery.

after all.

If there is a second three-life stone fragment under the high seas, it is impossible for the Duke of the North to leave it alone.

Not seeing it means not having it.


There was a bit of sarcasm on Shen Jian's face.

He glanced at the more and more people gathered around.

Think about it.

Reach out a little.

Two golden spheres condensed.

Caught in the hands of a thousand-foot giant.

There was a stir.

at last.

Two large hands that were over 100 meters tall stood with their fingers clasped together, above the head of the Grand Duke of the North.

The other party almost jumped in fright.

This is no joke.

If it really hits him, he will be half dead, if not dead.

Don't worry, I'm a good person.

Shen Jian grinned and said with a smile: Because you are so sincere, I can give you a chance. Now... choose, and see if you can choose Miracle.


The Thousand-foot Giant's hand lowered again.

From the tightly closed fingers, no trace could be seen at all.

The Grand Duke of the North was stunned.

Is this... asking him to choose a way out?

Guess which hand has the golden ball?

He had never seen this kind of magic, but he had heard of it.

I heard that the magician will hide all the balls during the flipping process so that others can't guess.


The Duke of the North thought for a while and felt that Shen Jian would not do such a shameless thing.

Otherwise, the other party can kill him directly.

In other words.

This is testing his luck.

As long as you guess which hand has the golden ball, you can survive.

Think of this.

The Grand Duke of the North's heart was pounding.

When it comes to luck, he is confident.

Otherwise, he would not have found the broken stone tablet sunk to the bottom of the sea in the vast open sea.


He pointed decisively at the right hand of the Thousand-foot Giant.

The next second.

The giant opened his right hand, and sure enough, there was a golden ball lying on his palm.

See this.

The Duke of the North was overjoyed.

This kind of excitement about surviving the disaster could not help but reveal a hint of excitement on his face.

When he was about to speak.

He suddenly saw Shen Jian reaching out and making a stroke.

The golden ball was split into two.

The golden writing inside was revealed.

[Reward a pair of Thunder Spears. 】

Grand Duke of the North:? ? !

He was confused.

He looked at Shen Jian blankly, his eyes full of disbelief.

Damn it.

I bet this is not a game of guessing the ball, but a game of choosing the writing inside the ball?


You step on the horse to make it clear.

What's the difference between doing this and operating behind the scenes?


Doesn't this pair of thunder spears refer to the two lightning spears held by the thousand-foot-long angel giant at that time?

Is this a fucking reward?

Is it the reward I was thinking of, or is it superficial?

A second ago, the Grand Duke of the North was still wondering how to distribute this reward.

The next second, he knew.

It was the kind of reward he imagined.

After Shen Jian glanced at the golden writing in the ball, a strange smile appeared on his face, and he smiled arrogantly: You are so lucky. This Thunder Spear is the most cost-effective reward among the two. I will give it to you right away. Send it to you, pick it up.

The words fell.

In the hands of the thousand-foot-high angel giant, two spear guns flashing with thunder and lightning were held in his hands and thrown towards the Duke of the North.

One throw is two.

The thunder tore through the sky, crashing down like a battle in the sky.

That is totally divine punishment.

With a momentum that could not be denied, the criminals were punished with thunder.

Show vast power.


Mushroom clouds rose.

The entire Ghost Street was completely annihilated and turned into a scorched earth hell.

The Grand Duke of the North, who was at the center of the explosion, only had time to hold up an ice crystal in front of him before he was pierced by the Thunder Spear.

Before death.

The Duke of the North was puzzled as to why this hanging man could do such a shameless thing despite being a being above the world-destroying ghosts and gods.

His heart was born black.

The kind where pus will come out when you cut it open. (End of chapter)

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