on the road.

The little aristocratic man who was knocked out crawled back in a strange manner.

His right leg was crushed into several sections by the carriage and fell to the ground as soft as mud. His left leg was raised high and twisted several times like a twist, and he stood up with a deformed movement.

A bloody grimace turned 180 degrees and stared at Shen Jian and the eldest princess on the side of the road.

It's all your fault. You are so cruel. You have caused so much harm to us.

The little aristocratic man spoke in a sinister tone.

The deformed body moved little by little.

This scene.

The resulting visual effects are terrifying enough.

The passersby ghosts on both sides also began to blame themselves.

He looks like a human being, but I didn't expect his thoughts to be so vicious.

The more beautiful something is, the more sinister it is. It seems this sentence is true.

Go away, we in Winter City don't welcome you ghosts with no moral qualities.

Hey, what a sin. Two good ghosts. One is dead and the other is disabled. I don't know what to do in the future.

The accusing voices of the ghosts are everywhere.

They are fighting against the eldest princess and Shen Jian together.

This time.

The face of the eldest princess Ai Ni Ya became even colder.

Equally gloomy and terrifying.

Although she couldn't tell that the two ghosts that were knocked away were both top ghost kings, she was fully aware of the other's behavior of randomly looking for trouble.

Before I did it, it was out of ghostism. She will compensate appropriately with some Thriller Coins.

but now……

She can't even move her pussy.

What? Do you think you are not wrong? Do you still have a heart? If everyone in this world was like you, this kingdom would have fallen apart long ago.

The little noble man continued.

The gloominess in his words was no longer concealed.

The passers-by and ghosts around are also gearing up.

There is a sense of déjà vu that if I don't express my gratitude, I won't be able to leave today.


The eldest princess Ainiya raised her eyebrows.

The eyes are malicious.

She was a member of the Four Holy Families and the eldest princess of the Eli Empire, but now she was betrayed in the East.


This is simply frivolous.

They are bullying them because they are from out of town and isolated.

If it weren't for her important identity and her distinctive features under the supernatural force, she would have wished she could have unleashed the supernatural threat of a top ghost king right now to teach this group of people a lesson.

at this time.

Shen Jian patted this good sister-in-law on the shoulder and motioned to leave everything to him.


He walked out.

He strode to the side of the road and looked at the little aristocratic man crawling in the darkness with interest.

Brother, don't get excited. Your situation is not hopeless.


Shen Jian took out a blood-stained white coat and put it on.

Look, I'm a doctor. If I say you're fine, you'll be fine.

The little noble man was stunned.


He unexpectedly met a ghost doctor and gave others the opportunity to have a professional counterpart.

That's what I thought.

The man suddenly caught a glimpse of the words embroidered on the collar of Shen Jian's white coat - Huangquan Ward, Third Mental Hospital, Patient No. 16.


He was stunned.


Mental hospital? !

Patient No. 16?

Damn it!

Are you a doctor?

Are you sure it wasn't a mental patient who slipped through the doctor's white coat?

Think of this.

The little noble man choked.

He blinked in disbelief, as if he thought he had seen it wrong.

Take another look.

The words above are clearly visible.

It is indeed Patient No. 16.


This guy is a psychopath.


He heard Shen Jian talking in a very professional manner, You have broken a leg, but you can still move and walk without any pain. This shows that your injury is very serious. The ghost brain subconsciously secretes stimulating substances to the human body. The supernatural substance helped you cover your injuries, but once the supernatural substance is secreted and cannot be properly handled, you will soon die on the spot.

Little noble man:...

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

God is so seriously injured.

He was obviously pretending.

Even though he had a broken leg, the actual damage had already been transferred away, it just looked scary.


This neurosis has nothing to do with doctors.

It's all nonsense.

But you can't play with this, but the female ghost next to you can play with it.

Even if she is a lunatic who runs away, considering how beautiful she is, they can't accept it.

I have played with women a lot, but this is the first time I have seen a mental patient.

Think of this.

The young aristocratic man ignored Shen Jian and focused on the eldest princess.

See this.

Shen Jian suddenly said, You want to go to the roadside? That's right. It's too dangerous to stand in the middle of the road and talk. I'll help you.

The words fell.

Shen Jian took the initiative to step forward and grabbed the man's wrist.

The next second.

Before the man could react, Shen Jian dragged him to the roadside, picking up the beggar ghost pretending to be a corpse and dragging him along.

Little noble man:? ? !

Damn it.

Are you so rude?

Is this what you call support?

The brain circuits of mentally ill patients are too unpredictable.

The little noble man's bloody face was completely black, and the resentment in his eyes deepened.

He is an earl and one of the directors of Eastern Territory.

What he likes most is bullying those from out of town in this way. What he likes to see the most is the anger of the out-of-town ghosts who are very angry, but there is nothing they can do about him.

This is much more interesting than killing people.


In the process of his imagination, there was absolutely no picture of being dragged away by a mentally ill person.

Damn it.

This bitch must have had to work hard to grow up.

He couldn't even struggle.

With this thought.

The little noble man was quickly thrown to the side of the road.

Shen Jian looked at it carefully and gave a guidance plan.

There are no treatment equipment here, so it is difficult for me to operate on you, but your situation is not optimistic and your life may be in danger at any time, so I have to take some radical measures.

Just when the man was wondering what radical measures meant, a strong pain hit him.

He looked down with a pained look on his face.

Shen Jian stepped on his left leg, and Pei Ran pressed down with great force, trampling his intact left leg into a pulp.

Little noble man:? ? ?

He was confused.

Is this a radical measure?

How can you be so radical? Isn't this going to kill me?

Which good person needs to crush the patient's intact leg when taking rescue measures?


You are really strong as an elephant.

He can crush the left leg of one of my top ghost kings with one foot.


Under the intense pain, the man wailed: What are you doing? What are you doing on horseback?

Shen Jian explained: Brother, I am saving you. The supernatural substance secreted by your brain is almost used up. Once it stops, you will freeze on the spot, so I can only use this method to stimulate your brain to produce supernatural substances again. material, and buy time for rescue.”

Don't worry. In addition to this foot, you also have two hands. If it doesn't work, just take off the lower body. I promise, you will survive.

Shen Jian beat the chicken blood.

Little noble man:...

What the hell, do you really want me to be disabled?

It's too doggy.

I finally know why you were admitted to the mental hospital.

With your condition, a mental hospital would actually release someone. How much money did you have to pay to get out?

It's best that I don't find this underworld ward, otherwise I will definitely beat the dean there to death.

Jerov, how long are you going to pretend to be dead? There's something wrong with this lunatic. He's hiding his strength.

The little noble man howled ghostly.

What he was referring to was, of course, the beggar ghost who had been pretending to be dead since he was knocked away.

Like him, the other party is an Earl of the East and one of the directors. He deals with corpses all day long and is also a complete psychopath. Recently, the other party has become obsessed with pretending to be corpses. The more miserable they are, the more interesting they are.


The two of them hit it off immediately.

One is made of porcelain, and the other is made of porcelain material.

He has defeated many ghosts from other places and has a remarkable record.

Hear sounds.

Shen Jian promptly turned his attention to the beggar ghost whose legs were dismembered.

You mean he's been pretending to be dead? That doesn't seem like it. He must be on the verge of death, but it's okay. I can save him.

Shen Jian laughed.

Before the beggar ghost's body moved, he stepped on the opponent's chest step by step.

at once.

The beggar ghost's body shook on the spot, as if he was trembling.

He is still responsive and can be saved.

Shen Jian gave a conclusion.

Little noble man:...

Beggar Ghost:......


If you save me, you may have some serious illness.

Don't be like this, we're afraid.

The little aristocratic man wanted to cry but had no tears.


Although this person from out of town is a psychopath, he is actually a mental patient with terrifying abilities.

Not only can he crush his legs with one kick, but he can also suppress beggar ghosts of the same level as him. The terror level of the other party is at least infinitely close to the level of ghosts and gods, or even a ghost.


Such a result must not be caused.

Brother, we are grateful that you want to save us. I know a place. Do you want us to go there and treat it?

The young aristocratic man began to follow Shen Jian's wishes and suggested.

Oh, where is it?

It's the tallest building over there. I know there are the most advanced medical equipment there, which can give you a chance to show off your skills.

The man pointed into the distance with a sinister look in his eyes.

That place is the headquarters of the Noble Freemasonry.

Among the top ten directors in the East, except for the two of them and a lonely Earl of Renn, the remaining seven people all live there.

As long as you go there, even if this lunatic is a ghost, you won't be afraid.

Okay, let's go there.

Shen Jian agreed immediately.

Without any hesitation.

Dragging the man with one hand and the beggar with the other, they walked straight in the direction of their destination.


The two earls looked at each other, with nothing but hatred and gloom in their eyes.

He is indeed a lunatic.

There was not even a doubt about what they said.

This way, the possibility of Shen Jian deliberately playing tricks on them was ruled out.

This damn Hundan would be tortured by them when they arrived at their base camp.

Think of this.

Both of them smiled.

When he pulled at the wound, he couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air, and his smile became even more ugly.


The eldest princess Ainiya no longer knew how to express her feelings.

I can only follow behind like a little follower.

How dare you make such a big noise on other people's territory.

If she guessed correctly, the place these two ghosts were pointing to was the center of political power in Winter City. Not only did it contain the core power of the entire Eastern Territory, but even the top combat power was located here.

According to her understanding of the four major realms of the kingdom, the number of ghosts and gods in each realm is no less than three, scattered throughout the major territories.

The division of forces in the East is special, and the three ghosts and gods are likely to be in the same place.

In other words.

Once a huge commotion is caused, the fourth prince will probably face more than three ghosts and gods joining forces to attack him.

This brother-in-law really doesn’t make people worry.

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