Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 828: Give yourself a concave personality: the tragic male lead

Eastern Border, Winter City.

Shen Jian looked at the rising favorability with strange eyes. If Princess Ainiya looked up at this moment, she would find an unconcealable smile on the face of the brother-in-law in front of her.

[Favorability: 43 (friendly)]

He never expected that he would achieve such remarkable results on the first day he entered the Eastern Territory.

It seems that his elder brother really doesn't treat his sister-in-law very well.

In other words, in the eyes of the eldest prince, in the trial of the king, the importance of the crown prince's position is far more important than a wife.


The wedding of the two was scheduled before the start of the King's Trial, in order to join forces with the Belkia family and gain more protection in the battle for the crown prince.

Under such circumstances, I am afraid that I am not in the mood to want the eldest prince to be romantic.

But that's just fine.

If the eldest brother doesn't know how to love his wife, then he, the brother-in-law, should take over the husband's duties for the eldest brother and let the eldest sister-in-law tolerate his specialties.

Just thinking about it.

The eldest princess Ainiya in her arms said coldly: Your Royal Highness the Fourth Prince, your purpose of coming to the Eastern Territory is not simply to make the Eastern Territory Noble Freemasonry give up targeting the Southern Territory. You want to take advantage of this window period to join the Eastern Border. Before anyone could react, the Eastern Territory was also in their hands.


Shen Jian did not refute.

He nodded slightly.

You can't hide this kind of thing, and besides, he doesn't need to hide it.

After hearing the affirmative reply, the good sister-in-law sighed, and a warm breeze blew on Shen Jian's chest, making him feel itchy.

What? Sister-in-law, are you worried about Brother Wang? Shen Jian said casually. not your opponent.


The eldest princess said quietly.

The purpose of her coming to the south was to use the privileges of the Belchia family to make a divine judgment on the fourth prince and buy time for her husband to make plans.

but now……

There is still some time before the divine judgment.

Under normal circumstances, the fourth prince should be under her supervision at this time. Even if the southern territory is reorganized, not much can be accomplished in a month.

But the fourth prince did the opposite. At a time when the southern territory had not been truly unified, he chose to go to the eastern territory. The purpose seemed to be to dissuade the eastern nobles from giving up targeting the southern territory, but in fact he planned to kick out the second prince and bring them to the east. The Eastern Territory is also included in the scope of control.

This is a crazy idea.

If anything goes wrong, the originally good situation will be ruined and he will become the first eliminated in the trial of fighting for the king.


The transfer of Count Rennes gave this seemingly crazy plan an excellent start, and also allowed the princess to see the possibility of completing the plan.

If it succeeds, the fourth prince will become the first person in the history of the King's Trial to unify the two realms of the East and the South at the same time, becoming the undisputed winner.

By then.

No matter how dissatisfied her husband is, he can't change the outcome.

In this regard, the brother-in-law in front of her has already walked in front of her husband, and is walking farther and farther, and soon other royal heirs will not be able to see his back.

Sister-in-law, if you feel embarrassed, you can tell me and I promise not to take the initiative to attack Brother Wang. Of course, if Brother Wang takes the initiative to attack me out of ignorance, I will not show mercy.

Shen Jian smiled.

Some eagerly looked at the good sister-in-law in front of her.

It seemed that as long as she said a word, she would give up the idea of ​​dealing with the eldest prince.

Hear the words.

The eldest princess Ai Niya paused.

Struggling out of Shen Jian's arms.

Lower your head.

in silence.

for a long time.

Only then did I hear a murmur: Why are you doing this? This must be the second time I have met you, His Highness the Fourth Prince. I think the relationship between us has not reached this level yet.

Shen Jian's face did not blush, his heart did not beat, and his expression was sincere: Because... I like my sister-in-law. I regretted it from the first time I saw her.

What do you regret?

I regret why I didn't meet my sister-in-law earlier. If I had met my sister-in-law before Brother Wang, I would definitely try my best to snatch you from Brother Wang. Especially, Brother Wang doesn't know how to cherish you. Not only did I not let you Sister-in-law, you live an enviable life, and it even puts you in danger. To be honest, I really want to beat Brother Wang now.

Speaking of which.

Shen Jian's voice became deeper.

Like a defeated lion licking its wounds alone.

Of course, the diss words from the eldest prince are also indispensable.

Hear this.

With a swish sound, the eldest princess's expression became stunned, and then a trace of panic appeared on her face.

His heart was beating violently, and his yin energy was surging.

If she understood correctly, the fourth prince... liked her? Is it just that the image he pretended to be at that time was too disreputable and there was no chance of success at all, so he just watched the woman he liked marrying someone else?

Think of this.

She had to admit that she was panicked and confused.

Anyone who hears someone confessing to themselves will be a little shocked subconsciously, let alone this person is his brother-in-law.

After a brief trance, she was about to speak. Shen Jian had already collected his emotions first, showed a sad smile, waved his hand and said, Sister-in-law, don't take it too seriously. I'm not expecting a response. I just said what I said. It’s just psychological talk.”

I will keep a distance from you, sister-in-law, but I hope that sister-in-law will allow me to stay by your side, even if I don't do anything, just look at you quietly, I am already satisfied.

Shen Jian expressed great satisfaction with this instant confession.

If we change the scene, he is undoubtedly the tragic second male lead in the TV series. He is rich, good-looking, and powerful. He is also loyal to the heroine and will never marry for the rest of his life. He is willing to do anything for the heroine unconditionally. He will also bless the man. The relationship between the protagonist and the heroine.

Anyone who sees it is not allowed to give a thumbs up and say you are a licking dog.


That's what it looks like to outsiders.

For the person involved, it is difficult not to be moved by having such a male lead next to him.

What he is doing now is to create such a tragic character.

After saying this.

Shen Jian said no more.

Acting as such a dead licking dog image.

the other side.

Along the way.

The eldest princess Ainiya was in a state of confusion.

From time to time, she looked up at her brother-in-law who was protecting her from any danger. His delicate and pretty face was full of complexity.

She had never thought that the fourth prince actually loved her and was willing to protect her without asking for any price. The ending of such a poignant fantasy story made her unable to calm down for a long time.

But soon.

She forcibly gave up these thoughts.

after all.

She is already the wife of the eldest prince and the eldest princess of this kingdom. There is no possibility between her and the fourth prince.

Instead of getting entangled and suffering from each other in the future, it is better to cut off this strand of love as soon as possible.

It seems.

You have to find time to talk to the fourth prince about this matter.

at this time.


A weak voice sounded.

Young man, can you help me?

The eldest princess looked.

On the path to the left, a ghost with dismembered legs was standing on the side of the road, seemingly preparing to cross the road, and in his hand, he was holding a broken bowl.

It seems that this is a beggar ghost who is preparing to cross the road, but because his legs are dismembered, it is inconvenient, so he seeks help from others.

Looking at the horror level again, the red-coated level doesn't even have a ghost realm, no wonder it needs help.


She was ready to help.



She caught a glimpse of Shen Jian's intriguing expression from the corner of her eye and was immediately excited.

The steps he had taken suddenly stopped.

Just as he was about to make a gesture with his eyes and ask, the next second, another voice sounded from directly in front, the voice was cold and full of sarcasm.

A man dressed as a minor nobleman stepped forward.

Are all ghosts from out of town so rude? Old man, let me help you.


The man helped the beggar ghost and walked across it to the other side.

From time to time, he turned around and said contemptuously: Today's outsiders are so unqualified. They turn a blind eye when someone else asks for help. This moral standard is too low. I hope you will be like this when you are old and disabled. No one wants to help you.”

The eldest princess's face sank.

Helping is a matter of affection, not helping is a duty.

In this world, helping is a very risky thing. After all, no one knows whether the process of helping someone will be attacked by a supernatural being.

Even if she doesn't help, no one can say anything.

But this man ignored him and scolded her every time. No matter how good-tempered she was, she couldn't help but feel a little angry.


Shen Jian was indifferent.

A posture of sit back and watch the show.

In his eyes, the beggar ghost is not the red-clothed one on the surface, but a top ghost king.

The man who curses is not a ghost king, but a top ghost king who is infinitely close to ghosts and gods.

Such two top ghost kings, even if they were placed in the Winter City, were not unknown, so how could they bump into them by such a coincidence.

no doubt.

The other party is just here for them.

Identity exposed?


Shen Jian shook his head.

If their identities were exposed, it wouldn't just be the two top ghost kings who would come.

This looks like Earl Ren is looking for fun?

And from what I heard, I was looking for ghosts from out of town.

Think of this.

Shen Jian had some speculations.


Something unexpected happened in the middle of the road.

A luxury carriage pulled by ghost horses was running rampant on the road. By chance, it hit two beggar ghosts who were crossing the road, knocking them several meters away.


The people in the carriage walked away as if they didn't see it.

At this time.

The beggar ghost immediately stopped moving after being hit violently, and the supernatural fluctuations were gradually dissipating.

The little noble man's legs were crushed into several sections, and he struggled to crawl on the roadside. The supernatural wave was also extremely weak.

See this scene.

The eldest princess turned pale.

He looked at Shen Jian as if asking for help.

Shen Jian was also stunned.

Then the corner of his mouth curved into a strange arc.

The nobles of Winter City are quite good at playing.

Chain set.

If he guessed correctly, the next step would be...

Just thinking about it.

The next second.

The young aristocratic man whose legs were crushed into several sections by the carriage looked towards them, his eyes were vicious and cold, and he wailed: It's all your fault, this is all your fault, if you had just sent the old man to the road a minute earlier, On the other side, this accident would not have happened.

You guys from out of town are really not good people.

The words fell.

On both sides of the road.

Many passers-by cast their eyes on the eldest princess and Shen Jianjian, their eyes full of complaints.


The eldest princess also had a cold expression.

Are you bullying people from out of town?

Is Winter City so exclusive?

The words are not finished yet.

Shen Jian had already walked out and stopped in front of the princess. He smiled strangely and said, I'll handle it. I'm the best at handling disputes. (End of Chapter)

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