At this moment.

Throughout Nanlin Province, dramas of resurrection of the dead are constantly being staged.

Green Vine City.

A city that was ravaged by the five-star supernatural asylum.

Feng Cheng looked at this devastated city with infinite sadness in his heart.

He was walking on the road back to the Daxia Longque Branch. The streets were deserted. This once prosperous city now seemed to be an abandoned and rotten area.

Although King Qin Guang solved the ghost problem, the dead people are still dead after all.

Most of them became food for those crazy ghosts. The few who retained part of their bodies were corroded by the supernatural and turned into lunatics who were neither human nor ghosts.

some of.

The Daxia Longque branch in Luteng City is undoubtedly the most serious.

The entire branch, with thousands of people, was almost wiped out.

There are only a few who are lucky enough to survive when they go out on missions, and he is one of them.

He is lucky.

He was already on the verge of death, and fell into the evil spirit's trick, leaking the safety of ordinary people, but King Qin Guang appeared, holding the Book of Life and Death and the Judge's Pen, to wipe out these lunatics, so that he would not have to bear the pain. A miserable death.


The ghost trouble was completely eliminated in the underworld, and the scene of seven kings of hell appearing in the world at the same time also gave them all confidence.


Nanlin Province should also enter the renovation stage.


Feng Cheng returned to the Daxia Longque branch.

He planned to move the bodies of his colleagues out. Whether they were cremated or claimed by relatives, they should not die here.

Enter the branch.

He began searching for the bodies of his colleagues.

But the strange thing is that he didn't notice it.

This made Feng Cheng's heart skip a beat.

When he returned to the branch before, he clearly saw corpses all over the ground, most of them in horrible condition. It had only been a few days, how could it be possible that the corpses were all gone.

Could it be that there are still ghosts alive?

Think of this possibility.

He panicked.

Moving carefully, he began to check each room one by one.

Not long after.

He checked the last room.

That is, the conference room.


He pushed open the conference room door.

Look away.

The densely packed figures noticed the movement at the same time and turned to look at him.

These figures are his colleagues.

at this time.

They were looking at themselves with incomprehensible eyes as they pushed open the door of the conference room.

Xiao Feng?

Feng Cheng:......


at the same time.

Huangcheng City.

Gu Yuan is also cleaning up the situation at the scene.

This city, which had been attacked by the Song emperor, was even more riddled with holes.

There were scorch marks everywhere.

He looked like he had been struck by lightning.

Although this is indeed the case,

Captain, we want to... collect the body.

One of the team members spoke.

The tone sounded sad.

Gu Yuan fell silent.

He was from the Demon City, and he voluntarily entered Huangcheng City in Nanlin Province to attract the attention of the evil spirits and buy time for more ordinary people to evacuate. There were five people in total who came with him.

Now only three remain.

Two of them died in the hands of evil spirits because they helped them cut off their queens.

Let's go, they are all heroes, it's time to take them home.

Gu Yuan took the lead and soon arrived at the place where his companion died in his memory.

There were more than a dozen scorched marks all around.

At that time, they were targeted by more than a dozen fierce ghosts.

The scene matched.

But there was no body at the scene.

Not even a trace.

There was a burst of sadness in Gu Yuan's eyes.

Thinking of the worst possible scenario.

The corpse of his companion had probably been eaten clean by the evil spirits, leaving not even a scrap left.

Captain, are you looking for us?

At this time.

Two faint voices came from Gu Yuan's ears.

Gu Yuanmeng's scalp felt numb.

He raised his head and punched back.

Ah, I'm going to die, I'm going to die, Captain, you must have done it too darkly.

Hearing this familiar voice, Gu Yuan turned around sharply, just in time to see his two dead companions, covering their eyes and screaming like they were playing tricks. guys...

Gu Yuan was confused.

He clearly saw that these two people had been submerged in the ghosts in order to cut them off, so how could they be safe and sound.

Even the clothes on the body showed no signs of damage.

This is simply impossible.

Captain, we don't know what happened. We clearly remembered that we had died in the hands of the ghost. But when I opened my eyes, I found myself unscathed on the spot, and I also saw my body. A restored scene.”

Hear this.

Gu Yuan glanced at the sky subconsciously.

He hugged the two of them.

Captain, do you know what's going on? We found that our condition is extremely good, as if we have just mastered the ghost puzzle, and there is no feeling of the ghost's recovery at all.

I think I probably know...turning yin and yang, reversing life and death, and resurrecting the dead. Who else in this world can do such a thing except the underworld?

You should be grateful...that there is still hell in this world.

The same scene happened all over Nanlin Province.

Especially the survivors of Chengming City and the resurrected members of the Great Xia Longque.

They watched with their own eyes as Shen Jian held the Book of Life and Death and a judge's pen in his hand. He used the flesh and white bones of the dead to change their destiny, and forcefully pulled the dead back from the underworld, even those whose bodies no longer existed.

This kind of thing is a miracle that can only be accomplished in the underworld.

Everyone was shaken.

I don’t know how to describe my mood at this moment.

According to legend, the underworld controls the life and death of all things, the six paths of reincarnation, and is the end of all dead people.

Death, they had seen it.

Those who commit crimes in the underworld will be cast into the eighteen levels of hell, and will be cast into the Great Hell forever to be punished.

A hundred thousand ghost waves were wiped out in one fell swoop.

There is no doubt about the power of Yama when it comes to annihilating living beings.

And now...

They saw 生.

The underworld is the end of all dead people, and it is also the starting point of all dead people.

Words such as reincarnation, rebirth, and soul recovery are familiar to everyone in the Dragon Kingdom.

What Shen Jian is doing now is to use the power of the Book of Life and Death to bring the dead back to reality.

This kind of thing.

Even the former Monkey King could not do it.

The Monkey King only modified the life span and increased the longevity, but Shen Jian was even more ruthless and resurrected the dead.

But he himself is still the King of Hell.

Is it really okay to do this?

I'm afraid no one knows this answer except Shen Jian, the person involved.

the other side.

Do it all.

The buzzing between heaven and earth dissipated.

Everything is back to normal.

Shen Jian looked at the Book of Life and Death, and vaguely realized that his life span had suddenly been shortened by more than 200,000 years.

This is the price of reversing life and death.

Almost none of the more than 13,600 Daxia Dragon Bird members he resurrected has a complete body. According to the rules of the underworld, it is basically impossible to return to the Yang, and they will die soon if they return to the Yang.

And he resurrected these people forcefully.

The price required will naturally be borne by him alone.

This life span of more than 200,000 years is the common lifespan of these more than 13,600 members of the Great Xia Longque.

To this.

Shen Jian's expression remained calm.

His eyes glanced at his lifespan.

[Lifespan: None. 】

Reducing his lifespan by more than 200,000 years at once has no impact on him at all. After all, his lifespan is nothing.

It can also be said that it is infinite.

As long as the underworld is immortal, he will not die.

The so-called deduction of life span is just a formality to him.

Not to mention deducting more than 200,000 years, even deducting a million years of life is just a series of numbers to him.

A number that can be increased or decreased at will.


Shen Jian took back the life and death certificate.

Taking one last look at this city riddled with holes, he turned around and stepped into the gate of hell.

A group of underworld villains also poured into it one by one.


The miserable green portal towering into the sky disappeared into Chengming City.

It was as if nothing had happened.

at this time.

No one spoke at the scene.

The resurrected Daxia Dragon Bird members also cast their most pious glances.

They knew that the one who saved them was the underworld and the legendary King Yama.

Although it is not clear what the price is for reversing life and death, it is certainly not something that can be achieved casually.

You think, if we can become the underworld's evildoer, will we be considered as living in reverse for three lifetimes?

If you can serve as a city god, you will not only live three lives, but also live as long as heaven.

Damn, you want to get involved like this? You need to get involved with your colleagues while you are alive, and you have to get involved with bad things even after you die, right?

Some kind of idea began to take root in these members of the Great Xia Dragon Bird.

Infinite hell.

After returning to the underworld.

Shen Jian arrived at the Six Paths of Reincarnation immediately.

[Tian Shen Dao: (unlocked)]

[Shura Dao: (unlocked)]

[The Way of the World: (Unlocked)]

[Hungry Ghost Road: (Unlocked)]

[Beast Way: (Unlocked)]

[Hell Path: (Unlocked)]

See this.

A smile appeared on Shen Jian's face.

He had already collected the fifty wealthless ghosts he needed to collect in the Hungry Ghost Path in the Entertainment City Dungeon.

Luo Fengtian, a complete piece needed for the human world, has just been recovered.

So far.

He has completely unlocked the three evil realms among the six realms of reincarnation.

The human path, one of the three good paths, has also been unlocked.

Look at it this way.

Now he only needs the Shura Dao and the Divine Dao to completely unlock the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

By then.

When the six paths of reincarnation reappear, the underworld is truly complete.

Shen Jian clicked on the God Way, but there was no response.

Click on Shura Road.

[Shura Dao: (unlocked)]

[Unlocking conditions: Complete recovery of Sanjo Luo Fengtian. 】

Shen Jian pondered for a moment.

Three complete Luo Fengtians. Except for the third Luo Fengtian he has collected now, the only two things he has made progress with are the Qingguo authority that has recovered the six dragon energy, and half of the Olympus authority.

It seems.

To unlock the Shura Dao, you must focus on these two Luofeng heavens.


The system's cold beep sounded in his ears.

Mission: Rebuild the Underworld.

Stage 4: Unlock any of the Six Paths of Reincarnation (Completed)

Reward: City Palace.

Reward: Palace of Equality.

Shen Jian's mood fluctuated.

The eighth palace of Yama, the Ten Palaces, is the City King Palace.

The ninth hall of Yama, the Tenth Hall, is the Hall of Pingwang.

this moment.

He completely unlocked all the authority of the Ten Palaces of Yama.

The ten kings of hell are added to the body.

He is the king of hell in the ten palaces, and he is the king of hell in the ten palaces.

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