Daxia Longque Headquarters.


Seeing the death of the world-weary ghost and god, the scene fell into a brief silence, and then cheers broke out.

Oh my god, the tide of one hundred thousand ghosts was disintegrated, and the source ghosts fell into the blood pool hell. We really won.

Some people exclaimed, some cried, some cried with joy, and some squeezed their arms until the pain was unbearable, then murmured to themselves: This is not a dream, all of this is real.

Yes, it's true. The underworld successfully blocked the invasion of the horror world. We really survived.

They cheered and celebrated.

It almost brought tears to my eyes.

Five days ago, the horror world was invaded by evil spirits. It only took two days for a province with a population of tens of millions to fall. But they could do nothing but watch the evil ghosts wreak havoc, watch the lives being devastated, and watch countless people. The family was broken up and people died.

Half a day ago, they were even ready to die in the line of duty.

but now……

They won.

The reversal happened so quickly that even though they were mentally prepared, they still couldn't come back to their senses.

The celebration lasted for a while.

After the brief excitement, everyone was greeted with sadness.

It’s a bunch of numbers that are hard to look at.

Nanlin Province is a province with a population of tens of millions.

Each city has a permanent population of more than two million, but in just five days, these cities were riddled with holes, leaving traces of the evil ghosts everywhere.


These are nothing.

Big deal is rebuilding.

It’s nothing more than spending more money.

But the dead people cannot be resurrected.

They counted the survivors who were safely evacuated in Nanlin Province, and found that there were more than six million survivors scattered in Xiping Province and neighboring provinces.

But more than four million people are still forced to stay in the ghost cave.

Although the specific number of people could not be counted, they could roughly judge from the reports of those Daxia Longque members who voluntarily entered Nanlin Province that the number of casualties was at least two million, or even more.

Most of them died at the hands of evil spirits.

There are still some who are not dead, but are still missing arms and legs, or have been eroded by supernatural aura, and are already dying.

It can be said.

After this battle, Nanlin Province will not be able to recover for the next 20 years.

Directly reduced to the bottom of existence.

Coupled with the impact of supernatural events, how many people dare to continue to live in Nanlin Province in the future is a question.

The more I think about it.

The mood of all the senior officials at the scene became increasingly heavy.

If this is not handled well, it will directly trigger a second round of panic. By then, the Dragon Kingdom will be shaken and its national power will be weakened. If the Western Holy See takes advantage of the situation, it will undoubtedly make things worse.

Let the already unstable world structure stir up waves again.

These... are all things they must deal with as soon as possible.

Just thinking about it.

In communication.

Suddenly a familiar voice came.

Qian Kuan was stunned.

Turn around and look at the big screen.

What is playing on the screen is the real-time situation of Chengming City.

They saw Shen Jian standing high in the sky, and the sounds of ghosts and gods were heard.

It's like communicating with some kind of being.

What's going on? Are you making a wish? Instructor Qian, do you know something?

someone asked.

There was a bit of excitement in his eyes.

If it could be done by going back to five days ago, it would be beyond the reach of a miracle.

This completely subverted their understanding.

Is there anyone in this world who is more terrifying than the King of Hell, no, than the Lord of the Underworld, Emperor Fengdu?

Could it be that there is still heaven in this world?

Qian Kuan said nothing.

Watch from beginning to end.

He said carefully: No, from a logical point of view, this is definitely not a force like Heavenly Court, and the entire Heavenly Court is more powerful than Emperor Fengdu. How many do you think there are? If such a existence is revived, how can it look at Yang Shi? Has it become like this?

I suspect that it is some collective consciousness, such as...the way of heaven.

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone gasped.

The word Tiandao is too high for human beings.

Did you hear this from Mr. Shen?

Instructor Gu couldn't help but ask.

This news is too shocking.

Of course... no, isn't that what's written in the book?

Qian Kuan shrugged.

Instructor Gu:...


Mad, it turned out to be a guess.

Happy for nothing.

Don't think about it. Even if there is a way to heaven, it's not something we can see. Let's think about what Mr. Shen said about reincarnation. Isn't he preparing to resurrect everyone?

Qian Kuan guessed.

Hiss... Heavenly Dao doesn't have such an ability, but Mr. Shen can do it? This is not just a matter of adding a few years to your life, but a real reversal of life and death.

Don't forget, he is the Great Emperor of Fengdu, the incarnation of the Ten Palaces of Yama, and the only god in the world. No one knows what kind of power he has...

the other side.

When the great ambition was realized, the life and death book flew out of Shen Jian's hands.

Countless pages were inserted into the volume.

Shen Jian glanced casually.

Zhang Ergou, a native of Luteng City, Nanlin Province, died five days ago.

Wang Mazi, a native of Chixia City, Nanlin Province, died four days ago.

Li Dabai, from Zichuan City, Nanlin Province, died three days ago.



The detailed information of one hundred thousand, one million, two million dead people reappeared in the book of life and death.

Shen Jian saw it.

Today's life and death books still have limitations.

One day after a person dies, his or her data will automatically disappear.

This is to prevent too many dead people from affecting the normal operation of the Book of Life and Death.

If the detailed information of these people is not recovered, the underworld will not be able to count the dead people, let alone bring their ghosts back to the underworld.

Think about it.

Shen Jian found out the members of Daxia Longque who died in this ghost attack.

A total of thirteen thousand six hundred people.

Looking at these deceased people who had been judged dead, Shen Jian's eyes darkened.

These people are very lucky, and their lives are not meant to be cut off. They save people from death and have merit. They are considered dead because their life span has not reached the age of death. At this time, the Lord of Hell has two choices.

One: As compensation, these people can choose where to be reincarnated and their families.

The second is to return Yang to him.

And Shen Jian's choice was to let them return their yang.

Although some personnel have even had their bodies chewed clean and are no longer qualified to return to the Yang world, but... who makes him the Lord of the Underworld?

If he says to return Yang, he will return Yang.

These people are just the first batch, responsible for cleaning up the mess left by Nanlin Province.

Most of the rest will be handed over to the underworld.

Those who have committed many crimes will be thrown directly into the eighteenth level of hell.

Those who have merit can return Yang or make Yin difference.

The rest of the general public, based on their merits during their lifetime, choose to return to the sun or stay in the City of Wasted Death and temporarily become residents of the underworld.

As for reincarnation, it’s not yet possible.

Although he has recovered the authority of Luo Fengtian in the third place, he can already unlock the human world, one of the six paths of reincarnation, but without Meng Po Tang, reincarnation is empty talk.

He couldn't let people reincarnate with the memories of the previous life, otherwise the world would be in chaos and the workload of the underworld would be increased.


Shen Jian returned his attention to the life and death book.

I...King Yama, hold on to life and death and change destiny!

The sounds of ghosts and gods resounded.

Full of majestic sounds.

The words fell.

There was a sudden huge earthquake between heaven and earth.

Thousands of threads burst out from the thin film of life and death.


An inexplicable force emerged from the pages that had been crossed out and denied life one by one, as if someone was taking an eraser and erasing the traces of death of these people one by one.

These spreading threads connect the lives of these people.

this moment.

Shen Jian stood in the sky.

Countless bright red threads centered on Chengming City and spread towards the entire Nanlin Province.

Countless people were alarmed.

Everyone looked at this scene in stunned silence.

Change destiny?

In layman's terms, isn't this just resurrection?

This is too exaggerated!

Just by looking, they could see that there were more than thousands of threads.

Shen Jian plans to resurrect thousands of people at once?

Isn't he the king of hell?

Why do you do this?

Although they are not from the underworld and do not know what kind of power the King of Hell has, they have read Journey to the West and heard the myth and legend that Sun Wukong sneaked into the underworld and changed his life span.

Just modifying the life span caused the wrath of the underworld.

One can imagine the consequences of using the Book of Life and Death at will.

What Shen Jian wants to do now is not to simply modify his life span, but to change his destiny and reverse yin and yang.

This seems to be... not allowed.

Everyone stared blankly.

No matter what doubts they had in their hearts, Shen Jian was undoubtedly performing a real miracle at this moment.

A miracle that only the underworld can achieve.

He is like the legendary immortal saint, possessing the supreme power to change the heaven and earth and re-establish the order of heaven and earth.


A member of Daxia Dragon Bird noticed from the corner of his eye that many threads had fallen on Chengming City, and dozens of them had fallen on the corpse not far from him.

Among these corpses, broken walls and broken arms were everywhere, and some even had most of their heads eaten away, leaving only fragmented bodies.

And these are his partners.

There were more than fifty people in total.

In the end, he was the only one left alive.

at this time.

These threads fell on the body.

A magical scene happened.

I saw the corpse healed suddenly, and in the blink of an eye, it was as if it had never been injured.

Immediately afterwards.

It takes less than a few seconds.

These corpses opened their eyes and stood up, their eyes full of doubts.

It seemed strange that he was not dead.

Especially the last member who died, he once watched the ghost take off his companion's head and crush it.

But now...

The companion lived.

The brain is also intact.

This can no longer be explained by simple cure.

This horse riding is a ghost.

People can be resurrected after death.

Oh, the same goes for him. Before he died, he clearly saw a ghost opening its bloody mouth and swallowing him.

And he was not only alive, but also jumping around as if he had never been injured. Even the ghost Jigsaw he controlled had entered a period of silence.

what on earth is it!

At this moment.

The entire Nanlin Province fell into deathly silence.

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