at this time.

On the field.

The blood corpse ghost god looked at his mutilated body parts and Shen Jian's provocative behavior, and he couldn't hold back.

At the same time, there was a bit of surprise in my heart.

His body organs were so easily controlled by this man, and he couldn't even enter deeper into the ghost realm.

There is weirdness.

Think of this.

He opened his mouth and uttered a syllable of unknown meaning.


The sound spreads.

A cold breath filled the air.

An inexplicable supernatural wave also began to sweep around.

Just for a moment.

The faces of the ghosts changed drastically.

In their eyes, the appearance of the resurrected ghosts and gods in front of them was extremely impressive. They were composed of bright red organs, intertwined into a disgusting body with no skin, dripping blood, and squirming flesh.

Coupled with the missing eyes, fingers and other defects, even in the ghost world, the opponent would be considered ugly.

If there were a competition among the ten ugliest ghosts, then this blood corpse ghost god would undoubtedly be among the best and compete for first place.

they know.

This ghost and god cannot be considered a complete recovery because he still lacks the final skin.

But even so, the other party is still a ghost.

And its level of terror is far beyond that of normal ghosts and gods.

Even the protagonists in the entertainment city who stand out in big movies and become ghosts and gods are not as strong as the bloody corpse in front of them.

I am afraid that even among the major movies, this five-star supernatural place is unprecedented.

They were in big trouble.

If you are not good, just wait to become the protagonist of others' feast.

At this time.

They saw the bloody corpse ghost opening its mouth.

He uttered an incomprehensible word.

Listen carefully.

This is clearly the word come.

Its sound ripples.

Everyone present felt their minds buzzing, as if a heavy hammer had hit their minds hard.

The souls of the dead are rising inside.

Damn it, he's summoning the soul, his voice is so unpleasant.

Is he talking to his missing organ? Why do I have the urge to cut open my stomach, take out the heart, and inject all the blood into his body? He is obviously not talking to us. This kind of supernatural erosion is also It’s too domineering.”

Damn, this is too weird. I, the top ghost king, actually feel that this bloody corpse is perfect, and I desperately want to merge with him.

Fuck, get out of my ears.

What are you barking at?

The ghosts roared.

A few top ghost kings can still resist this supernatural erosion, but the vast majority of ghost kings below the top ghost kings are already scratching their cheeks and screaming in pain.

The ghost hand has been raised.

He cut his stomach.

The pain on his face turned into a charming smile in an instant.

Holding up his heart, he walked towards the bloody corpse ghost and god like a pilgrim.

It seems to be even more evil than the legendary cult.

It made many people feel chilly in their hearts.

If this scene were changed, it would be that believers are serving the ghosts and gods they worship.

but now……

This kind of worship is compulsory.

He is forcing his followers to sacrifice themselves.

This is something no one wants to see.

See this scene.

The bloody corpse ghost continued to open his mouth.




Continuous ghost sounds exploded in the sky.

More and more ghost kings could not bear this supernatural erosion, and they took the initiative to reveal charming smiles on their faces, held up their hearts, and dedicated them to the Lord.

Such a scene is fascinating no matter how you look at it.


When the blood corpse ghost looked at Shen Jian again.

The expression on his face suddenly stiffened.

Because Shen Jian disappeared.


Disappear in place.

Some of his organs were still tied to a blood-stained hemp rope and hung in the air. As he shouted, these organs moved faster and faster, spinning in circles in the air. .

Just like a swinging spinner at an amusement park.

And Shen Jian, who was supposed to be holding the rope, disappeared at some point.

That's what I thought.

The bloody corpse ghost suddenly discovered that a big palm-leaf fan hand stretched out from his heart.

Shrink again.

His heart was gone.

Blood Corpse Ghost:? ? !

He was confused.

Turned around blankly.

He happened to see Shen Jian standing behind him, his right hand still holding his heart.

His pupils widened.

He pointed at Shen Jian tremblingly.

You old bastard, you came to steal on horseback and deceived me, an eighty-year-old man.

He's so inhuman.

the other side.

Shen Jian raised his eyebrows.

He raised the heart in his hand and grinned: Are you surprised? Are you surprised?

While talking.

Shen Jian's eyes also showed a little excitement.

Unexpectedly, part of Luo Fengtian's authority in this third area could be obtained so easily.

He originally planned to take a look at the situation, but he didn't expect that this ghost and god directly launched a map cannon attack and dangled in front of him with Luo Fengtian's authority that he cherished so much. It would be a shame for him not to pay for it.


The blood corpse ghosts and gods also reacted.

You...what are you doing?

His expression was like seeing his wife rolling on the same bed with a wild man, with a mutilated and bloody face filled with shock, confusion, confusion and sluggishness.


He had not expected this situation.

I don't understand how Shen Jian took out his heart.

What are you doing? Don't you want these people to merge with you and become a complete individual?

The blood corpse ghost nodded subconsciously.

That's right.

That's right.

But what does this have to do with you ripping out my fucking heart?

See this.

Shen Jian smiled.

The smile on his face was very weird.

Ugly brother, your IQ is really proportional to your appearance. The road to fusion does not distinguish between you and me. You can fuse with others, and I can fuse with you. In this way, won't we go hand in hand?

Say it.

Shen Jian opened his mouth.

Put the heart in your hand to your mouth.

The next second.

The heart turned into a few wisps of red gas and was swallowed into the abdomen.

This moment.

The whole place fell into dead silence.

Almost to the point where you can hear a pin drop.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

I was shocked by Shen Jian's sick operation.

What the hell? Can he eat the fried cake? He actually swallowed the most dangerous organ in this ghost and god's body?

It's against the sky...what on earth is he thinking? Isn't this just passing the clues to the enemy?

Crazy, crazy, this behavior looks dangerous, but it is actually unsafe.

You're riding a horse here and there.

Gan, what kind of disease do I need to get to be as defiant as him?


All the ghosts were confused.

I don’t understand what Shen Jian is doing...

Judging from the supernatural attack just launched by Zunguishen, all the organs in his body are harmful. Once they are parasitized on other ghosts, they will crazily absorb nutrients until the parasitized person is eaten dry.

However, Shen Jian ate the opponent's core.

Or in person.

What's the difference between this and the torture of other people's wives in front of the mistress?

Apart from letting honest people perish together, it has no effect at all.

No matter how you look at it, Shen Jian's behavior can be called sick.


Some of the top ghost kings seemed to have thought of something.

There was a look of defeat in his eyes.

Is it possible...

Is that heart really the authority mentioned by the City Lord of Entertainment City?

If this is the case, they have completely failed.

after all.

Once it enters the stomachs of ghosts and gods, can they still make each other spit it out?

In such an atmosphere.

Just when the ghost kings thought that the blood corpse ghost god would show an expression of excitement and ecstasy, they discovered that the face of the blood corpse ghost god had indeed changed.

Turned pale.

Spit it out, you can get on your horse and let me spit it out!

this moment.

The blood corpse ghosts and gods could no longer remain calm.

He seemed to be going crazy, grabbing Shen Jian's mouth with his ghost hands, as if he was planning to take out his heart from Shen Jian's mouth.

That appearance stunned everyone present.

what happened?

Shen Jian committed suicide by swallowing the heart of a bloody corpse. He shouldn't be happy.

This expression.

How could it be the same as when he was arrested and raped, his wife and the wild man regarded him as nothing and were still engaging in primitive movements, but when he tried to pull them apart, he was pushed down by the wild man, tied up, and watched helplessly?

Haha, ugly brother, the situation is too small, so working together is the best choice. You are too small-minded.

Shen Jian said with a smile.

The earth and rocks surged underground, sinking the two feet of the bloody corpse ghost and god, and wrapping them up.

Blood Corpse Ghost God:...

God is so small.

If you have a big plan, just give your heart back to me.

He struggled with a ferocious expression.

However, the suppressive supernatural effect of the black soil has taken effect, again! In addition, Shen Jian wrapped his legs, and for a while, he was unable to move, let alone break free from the restraints.

This time.

He panicked.

Just a silent supernatural attack, which made him unable to resist. What level of terror has this guy reached?

Why would such a being come to argue with him about this?

This is unreasonable.

He murmured to himself: It shouldn't be like this, the result shouldn't be like this, I will die, I will die... and you will die too!

As he spoke, he looked up at Shen Jian.

See this.

Shen Jian's eyes flashed.

His expression also became enthusiastic.

Ugly brother, tell me in detail, maybe I can give your heart back to you.

You will die, you will die. Either I fuse you and walk out with authority; or you swallow me whole and walk out with authority. Other than that, you have no other choice.

Come on, since I can't fuse you, then you can only fuse me, let me become one with you, and successfully control, restrain, and change everything about you. Only in this way will the authority be yours.

The bloody corpse ghost raised its head.

A crazy sinister smile flashed on his face.

He has seen that he cannot compete with this man, but he will not die, he will become one with this man and become another part of him.

This is not a beautiful word, but a superficial meaning.

He will become another part of a body, responsible for controlling, monitoring, and changing the man's mind to become the most loyal subordinate and obey his master.

Hear this.

Shen Jian was thoughtful.

Although he had already guessed it, he still clicked his tongue when he heard the blood corpse ghost god say these words.

The protagonists of so-called big movies are basically subordinates controlled by world-weary ghosts and gods.

In the third place, Luo Fengtian's authority is also controlled by these selected protagonists, and the protagonists obey the orders of world-weary ghosts and gods, which means that the complete authority is still controlled by her.

Just in a different way.

Without him, Lin Yan, the protagonist of this five-star movie copy, would also enter here, win the battle with the blood corpse ghosts and gods, inherit everything from him, and successfully advance to the level of ghosts and gods.

Then he walked out of the Valley of the Buried Gods and fought against the Lord of Yincao Hall, finally winning a complete victory.

A very perfect script.

Lin Yan, who has some authority, will also have his knowledge quietly rewritten by the blood corpse ghost and god when he leaves Wutong City and enters the entertainment city, and becomes a subordinate who obeys the orders of the world-weary ghost and god.


Not only did she have an extra ghost and god as her subordinate, but she also had full control over her authority.

Think of this.

Shen Jian clicked his tongue.

Compared with the plans of world-weary ghosts and gods, Emperor Qing of Qing Kingdom was like a child. Not only did he only capture one of the nine dragon spirits, he didn't even know where the other dragon spirits were.


The blood corpse ghost smiled sinisterly: Why are you still standing there? Keep swallowing my body. Otherwise, once the authority leaves my body for a certain period of time, and my breath is not connected to the authority, he will come and kill me. You destroy.”

Shen Jian's eyes lit up.

He just stood there and waited.

for a long time.

No movement was seen.

Shen Jian looked at the bloody corpse ghosts and gods, as if to say: Where is the person you are talking about?

Blood Corpse Ghost God:...

He froze.

Confusion was written in his eyes.

The authority has left his body, and he has not merged with Shen Jian. This has triggered the supernatural beings left by world-weary ghosts and gods. Why didn't she appear?

Is it because there is no time?

In shock and doubt.

A row of scarlet panels appeared in front of Shen Jian.

【warn! warn! Serious warning! 】

[It has been detected that the player has attracted the attention of world-weary ghosts and gods. 】

Scarlet words kept emerging.

Then disappear.

Only one sentence is left that is clearly not spoken by a thriller game.

[If you steal my things, you will regret it soon...]

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