Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 669: You have finally learned the essence of Zhang Wuji

at this time.

Everyone saw that Shen Jian casually stretched out his hand and penetrated Qi Shan's belly. When he stretched out his hand again, there was already a red intestine in his hand.

Qi Shan:? ? !

He looked at this scene with horror on his face.

Anyone who sees someone reaching into their body and pulling out an organ that is obviously an organ will be shocked.

Even though he knew that Shen Jian did not lack his intestines, the human nerve center still instinctively gave him an early warning, making him tremble all over.

A normal person would be frightened and faint even if they knew the other person was trying to save someone.

It took a while.

Qi Shan said weakly: Master, did you treat me like this just now?

What he was talking about was obviously the scene where Shen Jian took away the ghost professor Su Rou.

From Shen Jian's previous words, he could clearly hear that treatment should require taking off clothes so that the alien organs hidden in the body could be accurately pulled out.

That's why Shen Jian took away Professor Ghost.

Otherwise, it is an erotic picture that was witnessed by others.

Because of this, after discovering that he had also been tricked, he chose to take off his shirt directly, which could save Xian Jian the number of times he used his supernatural powers.


The reality doesn't seem to be this way.

Judging from Shen Jian's casual and relaxed look, even through clothes, it seemed to have no effect.

Think of this.

The corners of his mouth twitched wildly.

Damn it.

How dare you, master, have such double standards.

To save a female ghost, you need someone else to take off your clothes, but if it were a man, you would just violently disembowel her?


For the first time in his life, he experienced sexism.

You understand Zhang Wuji.

Hear this.

Shen Jian glanced at Qi Shan.

He raised his eyebrows.

As if to say: Just know the difference.

But think about it.

Still, he explained casually: She doesn't want to see blood.

Qi Shan:?

He looked puzzled.

Master, have you forgotten that I was by your side when you were at Scarlet University?

It's not like I haven't seen this female professor's desperate fighting style. If she can't see blood, wouldn't I faint when I see blood?


She is a ghost.

How could the ghost not have seen more bloody scenes than him?

It's better not to explain what you said.

He wanted to cry but had no tears.

It can be seen that the master has no other reason than pure double standards. His attitude towards the female professor is obviously better than towards the players.

To him, he directly resorted to violence to break his belly.

To deal with the ghost professor, the approach should be gentler and less scary.


He was speechless.

Looking at the red intestines in Shen Jian's hand, there was only fear in his eyes.

If it weren't for Shen Jian, he would probably be like other ghost kings, whose body organs would be eaten away, leaving only a piece of human skin in the end.


He is human, not a real ghost.

Once the body loses any important organ, it will die instantly.

Rather than waiting until all the flesh and blood in the body is eaten to detect an abnormality, such a supernatural attack is undoubtedly a fatal blow to human players.


More and more ghost kings began to appear abnormal.

One by one roared.

Falling to the ground in pain.

Some chose to seek help from Shen Jian, and some of the top ghost kings chose to attack the only surviving large tomb in the cemetery.

All the problems at the moment are related to the beating heartbeat just now.

They believe that as long as the heartbeat stops, the supernatural attacks will end.


The timing is just right.

The situation was chaotic and chaotic, and no one could care about anyone.

The ghosts and gods in the big tomb are also launching supernatural attacks. They have no skills. They can just rush to the location of the big tomb. While attacking, they are looking for the authority mentioned by the city lord of the entertainment city.


A violent roar sounded.

More than a dozen top ghost kings joined forces, and with just one attack, a large crater of more than ten meters was created in the location of the tomb.

A red heart buried under the black soil is exposed.

The heart was as red as blood and beating continuously.

The supernatural fluctuations it emitted chilled everyone.

On a hot day, the blood all over my body seemed to be frozen.

At the red heart, there seemed to be an invisible ghost standing there, and the beating position of the heart was exactly on the left side of his chest.

What a terrifying ghost heart. It was obviously dismembered until only one heart was left, but the supernatural fluctuations it carried still reached the level of ghosts and gods. It's hard to imagine how terrifying the buried ghosts and gods were during their lifetimes.

I don't know if it's scary or not, but I know we're in trouble.

Fuck, there is only one ghost heart at the scene. Where is the so-called authority? Is our guess wrong? There is no so-called authority in this supernatural place?

All the top ghost kings spoke to each other.

There was confusion in his words.

They have not seen permissions and do not know what permissions are. They only know that the city lord of Entertainment City said that permissions are very special. Once you see them once, you will never forget them.

And now.

Before them, there was only a ghost heart.

Is this the authority?

As soon as this idea came up.

The ghosts couldn't help but feel happy.

They each looked at each other and saw the wariness in the other's eyes.

There is only one authority, whoever gets it first will be able to reach the sky in one step.

In the face of such huge interests, even biological parents will rebel at any time, let alone a group of strangers they have never met.

In the face of authority, everyone is an enemy.

How to seize authority in the fight is a question that all of them are thinking about.

at this time.

Something happened.

More and more ghost kings were eaten clean, and their respective organs that had not been seen before were constantly emerging at this moment.

Immediately afterwards.

A large amount of flesh and blood began to wrap around the heart, growing continuously, forming a complete left chest at a speed visible to the naked eye, followed by half of the body, half of the hands, half of the feet, and half of the head.

This scene.

This gave everyone a frightening thought.

This ghost and god has revived!

Just one ghost heart has the power to destroy them all. They can't imagine how terrifying it would be if this ghost god completely revived and spliced ​​his body together completely.

I was afraid that everyone present would die.


This ghost god is constantly improving.

The bright red half of the body has taken shape.

In less than a moment, a broken body had been formed.

And the body on the right side is also squirming and growing rapidly.

Damn it, we can't let him continue.

If you want to be resuscitated, you must first ask if we agree.

Gan, you are a remnant of the old era. There is no ship that can carry you in the new era.

The top ghost kings did not dare to hesitate.

The unreserved burst of strength, the terrifying supernatural interweaving, spread rapidly.

Trying to prevent this ghost from continuing to revive.



The supernatural attacks of more than a dozen top ghost kings will disappear directly as soon as they approach this blood corpse ghost.

The other party didn't even raise his eyes, he was still perfecting himself, expressing the word look down upon vividly.

One round...two rounds...three rounds...

The ghosts were desperate.

No matter how they broke out, they had no effect on this ghost and god.

Their supernatural attacks are like being exiled from an invisible ghost realm to a deeper ghost realm. As long as the upper limit of the attack cannot break the limit of the ghost realm, they will never be able to hurt the opponent.

This is a kind of ghostland that makes people feel powerless.

The previous supernatural attacks that could not be seen or felt seemed to be used in this way.

This blood corpse ghost god has mastered a higher level of ghost realm skills.

It was a dimensionality reduction blow to them.

And now.

The only one who still has a chance to pose a threat to this ghost and god is Shen Jian.

If Shen Jian joins forces with them, he will have a chance to break the restrictions of the ghost realm and really hurt this ghost and god.


A group of top ghost kings began to search for Shen Jian's location.


They found it.

I saw old Shen Jian standing there with dignity.

He ignored the resurrection of the blood corpse ghosts and gods.

He was holding a rope in his hand, and there were many strange things tied to the other end of the rope.

There are three finger bones, an intestine, half an eye, and half a kidney...

Shen Jian strung these things together and tied them together. He watched as these organs seemed to come alive and walked towards the location of the blood corpse ghosts and gods. However, every time they walked a certain distance, they would be pulled back and move around again.

What goes around comes around.

Like walking a dog on a leash.

It's just that the walking stuff is a little weird.

Ghosts:? ? ?

They couldn't stand it any longer.

Damn it!

You are making such a fuss.

We are fighting life and death outside, ready to prevent this ghost god from resurrecting at any time and save the lives of all of us. He is very meowing. Is he walking on his organ?

Is this a new type of dog walking?

If you really have nothing to do, you can give us some tips.

They were disheveled in the wind.

To this.

Shen Jian didn't care.

Whoever beats you, leave me alone.

Shen Jian waved his hand and greeted.

Group of ghosts:......

Fuck you uncle.

God, leave me alone.

You think this is playing.

Look clearly, this ghost and god is almost revived. If you wait a little longer, we will all have a feast.

at the same time.

At the last moment of recovery, the bloody corpse ghost opened only half of his eyes, looked at the palm of his right arm with only two fingers, and then felt the missing half of his kidney and the large and small unrestored organ parts in his body. .

His eyes immediately fell on Shen Jianjian.

I also saw body parts that were being run around like dogs.

Blood Corpse Ghost God:...

What the hell are you, bitch!

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