
Shen Jian walked out of the presidential suite.

There was a somewhat satisfied smile on his face.

Sure enough, as he guessed, the two ghosts in the room were both moneyless ghosts, allowing him to make two more achievements in vain.

According to this trend, 50 moneyless ghosts does not seem to be an unachievable goal.

Boss, let me meet you. My name is Wang Lan. Thank you for your help. It turns out that you are also in this area, boss. If I had known earlier, we would have gone to meet you. In that case, we would not have been trapped by this precognitive ghost. Such a big gap.

Wang Lan stepped forward.

Greeted warmly.

And keen to show off their charm.

Shen Jian glanced at her.

He nodded and said: You have a good ability to analyze this precognitive ghost. It is a pity to be labeled as an entertainment city player. If it were a thriller game copy, with your level, the supernatural intensity would be even higher.

Although Wang Lan's performance in the precognition content can be called a pig teammate, without knowing the details of the precognition ghost, let alone knowing that the opponent can set traps or even induce players, it would not be possible for any player to come in. Maybe he can do better than Wang Lan.

However, Wang Lan was able to gain insight into the supernatural power of the precognitive ghost in a short period of time, and judged that this ghost had a high IQ and liked to play with people's hearts. His keen insight was better than that of most four-star players.

If he were not anchored in the entertainment city by world-weary ghosts and gods, and could only participate in movie copies, his strength might be even higher.

A proper ghost controller at the level of a city manager.

Hear this.

Wang Lan looked a little happy.

Shen Jian recognized her ability, which was a good thing.

For a top ghost master like Shen Jian, he naturally does not want the people around him to be a burden, but teammates who can fight alongside him. There is no doubt that he meets the conditions.

Conversation room.

The chat interface exploded.

[Liancheng: @Sister Lan, what’s going on over there? I heard from other players that the ghost was targeting you, but you survived. According to the content of the precognitive text, someone rescued you? 】

This question is also a question that many players want to know.

Especially those players who were in the same area as Wang Lan looked excited.

The player who had been sentenced to death inexplicably survived. This was obviously because something had changed and the predicted future did not come true.

They wanted to know what was going on.

If they could crack the death prediction of this precognitive ghost, they could stay here without any scruples and wait for the opportunity, instead of escaping from here at the risk of being a loser.

[Sister Lan: I was indeed rescued. It was King Yama who saved me, and he was also in that area. 】

As soon as these words came out.

All the players were shocked.

King Yama?

Is it the high-level player who caused their dungeon to become more difficult?

He was actually in this dangerous area and happened to save other people.

At this time.

They suddenly thought of Shen Jian's previous speech.

Somewhat dazed.

Dare Qing, you are not joking, you really dare to beat up a ghost.

Eat, sleep, and fight the devils.

Damn it.

You are too brave.

Are you really not afraid that you will be killed if you fail to save people?

Or is it that a level 58 player is enough to compete in a five-star movie dungeon?

How strong is he?

Comparable to the real ghost king?

Think of this.

Many players were moved.

In addition to the protagonist of the movie in this dungeon, it seems that among the players, there are also thighs that can be hugged.


Everyone complimented and flattered each other.

To this.

Shen Jian just glanced at it and didn't care at all.

He went downstairs.

Walk towards the location of the sensed dragon energy.

He suspected that the location of this prophetic ghost was where the dragon energy was.

Even if it isn't, it is still a ghost that has a significant relationship with dragon energy.

after all.

This is the protagonist's opportunity.

A ghost with precognitive powers is indeed a big gain.

Once you control it and have the ability to predict yourself, you can completely avoid most dangers.

Boss, what are you looking for?

Wang Lan, who was shamelessly following Shen to the gym, asked.

She keenly saw that Shen Jian was not moving blindly, but moving with purpose, as if he was looking for something.

She guessed that this was probably some kind of hidden mission.

No matter how bad it is, it has something to do with the plot character played by Shen Jian.

Shen Jian nodded slightly.

at this time.

Sudden changes occur.

Wang Lan suddenly discovered that the notebook in her hand was once again eroded by an inexplicable supernatural force.

The pulsating prophetic words reappeared.

My name is Shen Jian. When you read this sentence, I will be dead...

See this scene.

Wang Lan's expression changed drastically.

His eyes suddenly fell on Shen Jianjian.

She had just learned that this big boss' surname was Shen.


Wang Lan said with an ugly face: We are definitely being targeted. According to what I observed in the morning and afternoon, although this precognitive ghost will activate supernatural powers from time to time and predict the death of others, this frequency is not fast, and it may take most of the day. In the past, it also predicted a person’s death.”

Before that, there was no movement for several days. I suspect that our arrival triggered the supernatural power of the precognitive ghost. He discovered the fact that we are human beings and planned to destroy us through a series of guidance.

at this time.

Someone on the chat interface also asked who was having bad luck again.

[Sister Lan: It’s our side, it’s King Yama. Our identity as human beings has been exposed. This prophetic ghost intends to destroy us. Unless we stay away from this area, we will not be able to escape being locked. 】

Saw this message.

Everyone looked solemn.

In the movie dungeon, they play characters in the plot to clear the dungeon. If the local ghosts here detect the human identity, no one knows what will happen.

But they know there will definitely be bad consequences.

For a while.

Their faces were full of fear, and they had already thought of escaping from here.

Rather than being targeted by a vicious ghost who doesn't know the details and dying from the prediction of death, it is better to leave voluntarily, so that there is still a glimmer of hope.


A player asked: Where are you? Maybe we can meet up and leave here together.

[Sister Lan: We were wandering on the street. 】

[Players:? ? ? 】

Their faces were honey-colored.


You guys, do you think your life is too long?

Don’t you know that in the world of ghosts, night is the most dangerous?

How dare you go out?


It couldn't be that you chose to go out, which triggered the supernatural power of the precognitive ghost.

Otherwise, with your strength, if you stay in the building, even if there is danger, you don't need to worry about your life safety.

Thinking of this possibility, all the players looked confused.

If you don't do this, you won't die.

If you still dare to mess around in a copy of a five-star movie, then why don't you just skyrocket to 90,000 miles?

the other side.

Watching the chat interface fall into dead silence, Wang Lan also wanted to cry without tears.

She is a cautious player, and she really doesn't want to waste time.

But at this time, if she didn't follow Shen Jian, she was afraid that she would trigger the precognitive ghost again.

However, she never expected that although she did not trigger it, Shen Jian did.

She looked at the notebook.

There are more and more words on it.

It's like there is an invisible ghost narrating someone's death prediction.

I rescued Wang Lan, but instead of following her advice and staying in the presidential suite for one night, I chose to go downstairs.

I started looking for something.

For this reason, as I walked deeper and deeper, the location became more and more desolate, with fewer and fewer buildings. This place was very strange and deserted. The indigenous people had all moved away, as if they were escaping from something.

“I didn’t care about it and kept digging in to find what I needed.”

But what I didn't know was that while I was looking for other things, I was also stared at by something dirty. It was a weird man wearing a windbreaker. There were water stains on the weird man's body. It didn't look like water dripping. , and like blood, this weirdo seems to have just killed someone, and now he is targeting me again.

It is said that this is a murderer. Because his wife cheated on her at home, he took a watermelon knife and hacked the adulterer to death. Since then, he has hated all lovers. Now, he has set his sights on me, but I am not in line with his expectations. Killings are regular, so I’m okay for now.”

Wang Lan's scalp went numb after seeing this chilling text.

Are they being targeted? !

But she saw nothing.

In panic.

Her eyes glanced around, and soon she saw a shadow at a corner behind her.

The figure of the strange man was not exposed, but his shadow was clearly reflected, like an abyss swallowing everything, making people shudder.

Wang Lan withdrew his gaze.

I didn't dare to look at it again, for fear of triggering the evil spirit's killing pattern.

Immediately afterwards.

The text continues.

But I don't dare to be careless and grab Wang Lan and run together in an attempt to escape from this murderer.

I know that I am far from a match for this ghost, but I don't panic, because as long as I escape far enough without triggering the ghost's killing pattern, I can get rid of this lock.

Wang Lan subconsciously wanted to escape with Shen Jian.


Shen Jian turned around slowly.

Looking at the words that came to an abrupt end on the notebook.

Grinning: You just said, I escaped? Little brother, your prediction is not strong enough.


Shen Jian stretched out a finger.

A bright golden beam shot out from Shen Jian's hand and penetrated directly through the wall.


Under night.

A strange man in a trench coat stared in disbelief and slowly fell down.


Shen Jian looked at the notebook.

Now, how do you think you can predict it?



Met an old man.

In the notebook, the words are disappearing.

In its place is entirely new content.

My name is Shen Jian. I survived because I killed the monster in the trench coat with one finger. I think this precognitive ghost is a waste and doesn't even know what I'm looking for.

When the content reaches this point, there is another pause.


It's a unique piece of content.

Full of some strong emotional fluctuations.


How the hell did you program me like this?

You're done.

Three lines of text disappeared again.

My name is Shen Jian. I survived, but I was targeted by the supreme and great Lord Parchment. He said: I am about to die...

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