this moment.

Wang Lan's whole body collapsed.

She felt like her breathing was stuck, leaving her breathless.

She was lied to, miserably.

This ghost, the source of their deaths, controlled their deaths through precognition. It used the contents of the prophetic intelligence to induce their thinking and make them move step by step towards the contents of the precognition.

Dongyang was like that that time, and she is like that now.

If the prophetic text in the notebook hadn't deliberately mentioned the issue of lighting, even if she knew it was a sign of the appearance of a certain ghost, she would never have thought of turning on the light of her phone for illumination.

Instead, prepare to discredit and go downstairs.

This is her normal way of thinking about supernatural events.

However, the contents of the notebook misled her, and the analysis was completely consistent with her personality, so that she subconsciously thought in this direction.


He was caught off guard and fell into the trap of the prophetic ghost.

Triggered Li Gui's killing pattern.

This precognitive ghost is too cunning.

It's terrible to have players like them toyed with while applauding.

Although she is a veteran player of Entertainment City Quick, her intuition for supernatural events is not weak, otherwise she would not have the chance to control the three ghost puzzles and become a top ghost master.

However, the reality is that she did lose.

Being crushed in terms of IQ and about to die.

Think of this.

Wang Lan was full of despair.

Her strength can only match the most common red-clad ghosts, and she cannot use supernatural powers for a long time. In this case, unless she can instantly suppress the ghost in the corridor, she will definitely lose in the supernatural confrontation.


She glanced at the last remaining male player behind her.

He smiled bitterly and said: You should have seen all the characteristics of this ghost. Let me give you one last piece of advice: Don't believe anything this prophetic ghost says, otherwise it will drag you into the abyss sooner or later.

Let's go. The ghost will come out soon. You have also seen the content of the prediction. Don't turn on the light. At least you can avoid this one in the corridor.

She also thought about joining forces with another male player to suppress the ghost and then take the opportunity to escape, but the other player was only a level 23 player, not even a ghost master. Not to mention helping her suppress the ghost, whether he was willing to help or not was a matter of time. thing.


She basically gave up any hope.

Thoughts are spinning.

The words on the notebook continue to emerge.

When I knew that I had triggered Li Gui's killing pattern, I knew that I was dead.

Although I have controlled Jigsaw, the three fierce ghosts, my supernatural strength can barely reach the red level. The ghost in the corridor is at least the top red level, or even higher. I am not sure at all.

Soon, the ghost showed up.

I saw a female ghost without eye sockets walking out from the end of the corridor. The ghost's face was dripping with blood, flowing from the eye sockets. I could clearly see that this female ghost was longing for my eyes. She longed to see the light of day again.

As for this frameless female ghost, she didn't exceed my expectations. She really reached the top red-coat level. I was relieved, because no matter whether I resisted or not, I couldn't escape from this level of ghost.

I started to accept death.

Soon, the ghost came and clawed at my eyes.

I die……

Looking at the countdown to his own death, Wang Lan didn't know what expression to make.

Because this precognitive ghost took her as the first point of view and completely analyzed her psychology.

Such a supernatural thing is too unreasonable.

It was almost like she was describing her feelings before death.


Just when the words I'm dead were about to appear.

The writing on the notebook is stuck.

It seems like something happened.

The next second.

The words are fading.

It disappears starting from the second to last row.

Immediately afterwards.

Brand new prophetic content begins to emerge.

Watch this scene.

Wang Lan's heart was shaken, and a bit of hope bloomed in his eyes.

Her ending has changed?

Or did the ghost change the way he killed her?


She got it.

Because the content on the notebook continues to be updated.

I began to accept death and watched the frameless female ghost approaching step by step, but suddenly, I seemed to have discovered something.

I found that there was a figure following behind the Frameless Female Ghost. This figure was slender with a perverted smile on its face. It was getting closer to the Frameless Female Ghost until...

Get closer to the ear of the frameless female ghost.

Wang Lan:? ? ?

She was completely dumbfounded.

A random figure entering the scene?

Is it a human? Or a ghost?


What are you doing getting close to a ghost's ear?

What kind of god expansion is this?


Wang Lan looked subconsciously.

In the dark corridor, a female ghost with a stiff body and no eyes, leaving only a black eye socket, was walking towards her. A blue-grey ghost hand had already stretched out to take away her eyes.

But just as the notebook narrated, behind the frameless female ghost, a slender figure suddenly appeared. Judging from the figure, it should be a man.

She squinted her eyes, trying to see more clearly.

But in the pure black environment, she could only see a vague outline, and she could vaguely see something like a rope hanging from the figure's wrist.


This figure came close to the frameless female ghost's ear and breathed hotly: Do you want to change your eyes? I have been professionally changing eyes for thirty years, plug and play.

this moment.

The atmosphere on the field suddenly solidified.

Frameless female ghost:! ! !

Her expression suddenly stiffened.

Feeling the hot air blowing by his ears, the whole ghost was frightened, his hair stood on end, and his eyes widened.


A piercing scream came from the mouth of the frameless female ghost.

Damn it, damn it!

There is dirt behind her.

No, it’s because of the perversion of riding a horse.

While screaming, the frameless female ghost ran away directly, and the whole ghost was stuck to the wall of the corridor, in shock.

Which pervert is this pervert following her?

I was followed by a crazy man when I was a human, but I didn't expect that I could still be followed when I turned into a ghost.

Lower your head, too low.

at this time.

Only when the frameless female ghost had time did she see a black shadow walking towards her.

There was a weird smile on his face: Do you want to try it? I have very good medical skills and am a professional barefoot doctor. I have been practicing for thirty years and have never had a successful case. You are not the last one, but Definitely one of the top 100 lucky ones.”

Frameless female ghost:? ? ?

She was confused.

Damn it, did you ever think twice about what you said?

Or did I hear it wrong?

This lack of success cases actually means that there are no failure cases?

But I heard Shen Jian's last words.

She was sure.

This is truly a patient killer.

In his hands, there was not a single living case, and before him, nearly a hundred people of his kind had been murdered.

Think of this.

The frameless female ghost's legs and feet were a little weak, and she said with a fierce expression: What do you want to do? Let me tell you, there are witnesses here, and your behavior is a crime.

Wang Lan:......

Could this witness be referring to her?


You are a murderer, do you have the right to accuse others of committing crimes?

When you said this sentence, didn't you feel there was anything inconsistent?

She groaned inwardly.

The ghost who wanted to kill her was cornered by a mysterious man, who asked him not to hurt her as a victim.

This scene.

It refreshed her outlook on life.

In her eyes, the top red-clad ghost who represented invincibility was now like a weak and helpless lamb, begging a perverted murderer to let her go.

She couldn't imagine this scenario.


Wang Lan grabbed the notebook and looked at it with the help of the light of his mobile phone.

The content of the precognitive text seems to have disappeared after the arrival of the mysterious man.

In the end there was only one sentence left.

My name is Wang Lan. I am very lucky. I survived...

See this.

Wang Lan was shocked.

Did she survive? !

In other words, this mysterious man has no ill intentions towards her?

Isn't he a ghost?

Could it be a player! ?

Think of this possibility.

Her pupils shrank violently, with an expression even more frightening than seeing a frameless female ghost begging for mercy.

If this mysterious figure was a ghost, then she had no doubts about the result.

But if you are a player, the relationship is huge.


She seemed to remember something.

While his mouth opened slightly, all the lights in the corridor were restored.

Wang Lan narrowed his eyes and looked into the distance.

That mysterious figure was none other than Shen Jian.

She guessed correctly.

Among the players in the team, Shen Jian is the only one with such strength.


Shen Jian has packed up the frameless female ghost and taken her away.

This is also a moneyless ghost.

Shen Jian discovered that the more persecution a ghost has suffered and the more secluded the place where the body is hidden, the more likely it is that the ghost will not have a source of good fortune.

after all.

How many blessings can a ghost who can't even move out of the confines of this building have?

This kind of environment is the best place for the birth of a moneyless ghost.

Got this.

Shen Jian's expression gradually became excited.

If that's the case, there are probably two more moneyless ghosts in the presidential suite where two players died just now.


Shen Jian strode towards Wang Lan's direction.

See this.

Wang Lan's face was filled with joy.

She looked at Shen Jian's face with distinct features, unusual handsomeness, and was even better than a debut star, and then thought of Shen Jian's terrifying strength. If she could hook up with such a handsome guy, she would have a smooth life for the rest of her life.

She adjusted her hair and smiled sweetly.

In the real world, she is considered young and promising, but in her thirties, she has taken the position of manager of a large company. Although she is not as tall as a celebrity, she has many suitors in the company who are lickers.

She still has some confidence in her own charm.


Just thinking about it.

Shen Jian just nodded slightly towards her, then passed her and walked back to the presidential suite.


In the presidential suite.

There were bursts of wild and strange laughter, as well as the frightened screams of the ghosts.

Wang Lan:......

She blinked.

The facial muscles twitched slightly.


Ghost controllers, especially ghost controllers like Shen Jian who are almost at the top of horror game players, have some quirks, which is normal.

Sometimes she likes to dig a hole and hide in it to sleep.

Wang Lan comforted herself like this.

She thinks that with her charm and constant stalking, Shen Jian will always have a good impression of her.

A man chases a woman, separated by a mountain.

When a woman pursues a man, there is a veil between them.

The copy of the five-star movie took a long time, and she planned to make a huge improvement in the relationship between the two before the copy was over.

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