
The fonts on the scarlet panel kept emerging.

[Copy designated. 】

[It is detected that the player is wearing the title of Dungeon Collapser, and the game becomes more difficult. 】

[If a player is detected wearing the title Ghost Seeing Sorrow, the copy will have a certain chance of mutating. 】

[It is detected that the player is the Nanjiang District Manager, and the copy will open certain permissions to the player. 】

[The copy is loading...]

[You have completed the match. 】

[Copy: The school beauty’s personal bodyguard. 】

[Content: Every movie is a journey of winning in life. Only by managing each role carefully can you go further on the road of ghost life. Try playing other roles and explore more possibilities. 】

[Number of players: 50. 】

[Main mission: Complete the plot mission of the role played until one side wins. 】

[Side mission:? ? ? 】

[Task tip: Be careful, there are eyes peeking at everything. 】

[Difficulty: five stars. 】

[Warning: This copy is a movie world and cannot be left. 】

As the scarlet panel flashed by.

The scene in front of him has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Shen Jian opened his eyes.

I found myself in a quiet alley, with no one around.

Shen Jian frowned slightly.

He looked down at his appearance.

The clothes were stained with blood, the trouser legs were covered with dust, and the clothes looked torn and messy.

Is he...being hunted? !

At this time.

The scarlet panel flashed.

[It has been detected that the player has entered the movie world and the player's current identity has been activated. 】

[Player: King Yama. 】

[Identity: A nobody from the Temple of Heaven. 】

[Terror level: Red level. 】

[Current status: Cursed toxin in the body, Yin Qi is dissipating all the time, strength is reduced to ten percent, there is no cure, right arm is broken, left leg is broken. 】

Shen Jian:?

He was slightly startled.


Are you playing with me?

How can there be an injured start?

With this injury, I'm afraid he may not be alive soon.

Is this Thriller's revenge on him?

He has been playing the game for so long, but he has never seen a dungeon with its own difficult start.

Not to mention fractures or anything like that.

A cursed toxin has caused incurable supernatural effects. You can imagine how terrifying this supernatural toxin is.

That's him, so it's okay.

Otherwise, if it were any other player, he would have to start here.

It would be hard for him to believe that this was not the revenge of Thriller Game.

Shen Jian narrowed his eyes slightly.

It seems that the supernatural events in Longwen Mountain and Cleopatra have offended this small-minded horror game too much.

Not only did they blatantly target him in the Pyramid Dungeon, but now they even intensified their efforts, causing him to start the game injured.

The meaning of targeting is already obvious.

See this.

The corners of Shen Jian's mouth raised slightly.

He just liked the annoyed look of the horror game trying to kill him but not being able to do so.

This means that the horror game is at its wits end.

At least within the dungeon, it would be difficult for the opponent to target him through other means.

The only choice was to let him play a role that was about to end.

Add trouble to him.

at this time.

Another line of scarlet words appeared.

[It is detected that the player is the Nanjiang District Manager and certain permissions will be opened for the player. 】

[Players can browse the movie cast list and the general plot summary. 】

[Check it or not. 】


[Movie title: The School Beauty’s Personal Bodyguard. 】

[Content summary: The protagonist Lin Yan was taken up the mountain by his master since he was a child. Eighteen years later, on the day when he was promoted to the top ghost king, he was ordered to go down the mountain to protect his ill-fated school beauty fiancée. On the way, he established the Temple of Heaven, but discovered an evil organization— - Yin Cao, after a battle, the protagonist is promoted to ghost and god, defeats the master of Yin Cao Palace, and transcends the world. 】

[Personnel list: Protagonist Lin Yan. 】


[Note: This movie is for reference only, the specific plot has not been established yet. 】

Finished reading.

Shen Jian couldn't help complaining about how old-fashioned the King of Soldiers routine was from ten years ago.

Could this world-weary ghost find inspiration from this type of novel?

There is also the evil organization Cao Cao...

He, the Lord of the Underworld, felt a little offended.

Shen Jian's mouth twitched slightly.

Skip these summaries.

I read the relevant introduction about myself.

[Player: King Yama (Ghost Slayer)]

[Identity: A nobody from the Temple of Heaven. 】

[Strength: Red level (drops white level)]

[Plot summary: While performing a mission to assassinate Judge Yin Cao from the Heavenly Temple, he was unfortunately infected with a supernatural toxin. His Yin Qi was severely lost, and he was about to die. He turned to the Heavenly Temple for help, but was told that his strength was low and he was not worthy of being rescued by the master of the Heavenly Temple. In the end, Die in the streets and alleys. 】

[Evaluation: A nobody with only one name. 】

Shen Jian:......

There's not even a plot, and it's really the first time that I start with this identity.

Understand the current situation.

Shen Jian couldn't help but frown.

The supernatural toxin has no effect on him, and there are no fractures or anything like that, but the problem now is that he has no plot.

In other words.

He only needs to wait until the outcome is decided between the Temple of Heaven and Yincao where the protagonist is, and he can successfully clear the dungeon.


This is not his style.

His purpose here is very obvious.

One: Recover dragon energy.

Second: Reclaim Luo Fengtian's authority.

Third: If you are lucky, you can also harvest some moneyless ghosts needed to unlock the Hungry Ghost Path.

These three points, in no particular order, all need to be completed.

Just thinking about it.

A gentle voice came from the next alleyway.

Go away. I have already informed the law enforcement officers. If you don't want to spend the rest of your life in a ghost prison, just get out of the way.

The voice was soft in tone, but now it increased in intensity and seemed a little anxious.

Shen Jian was startled.

Walk over and take a look.

In the alley next door.

There were three fierce ghosts in red with ferocious faces surrounding the two female ghosts.

The young female ghost was wearing a miniskirt and looked a bit younger. She should still be a female college student.

Shen Jian took a look.

not interested.


The other one is a female ghost who looks a bit older.

She has excellent appearance. She looks to be in her thirties. She is wearing a white coat. Her skin is as fat as jade and her eyes are like stars. Three thousand black hairs are draped behind her head like a waterfall. There is only a simple wooden hairpin on her head. Pull lightly.

Inside the open white coat, you can see a similarly plain white corset that fully exposes her graceful figure. It is paired with the unique temperament of a holy hand and a healing heart and the mature style that should be expected at this age.

It seems that the youth is unrivaled and the charm is still there.

Shen Jian's eyes moved slightly.

[Ghost Doctor Su Zhi]

[Level: Red level. 】

[Introduction: The protagonist Lin Yan’s mother runs a small medical clinic. She is a well-known ghost doctor. She has the reputation of holy hands and healing heart. She has been turned into a living Bodhisattva by many evil ghosts. She cannot improve her own medical skills and cannot cure more evil ghosts. I feel distressed, miss my son, and feel overflowing with maternal love. 】

[Current status: Angry, anxious, determined. 】

[Favorability: 0 (unfamiliar)]

Shen Jian was shocked.

The protagonist's... mother? !

He remembered.

According to the plot of his character.

The reason why he came here was to find this ghost doctor for treatment, but he died on the way here.

Little did he know that this ghost doctor was the mother of the master of their Heavenly Temple.

Think of this.

Shen Jian couldn't help but click his tongue.

Looking at the scene in front of me, I seemed to have thought of something.

A smile appeared on his face.


Walked over.

The situation is now clear.

Three ghost gangsters robbed the young female ghost, either for money, sex, or both.

As for the protagonist's mother, as a doctor, she naturally couldn't leave her alone, so she stopped in front of the girl and was surrounded by three red-clad ghosts.

Although he was not helpless, he could not withstand the attack of three ghosts in red.

Think of this.

The expression on Shen Jian's face became increasingly weird.

He has no plot tasks now and can create derivative scripts at will. In his opinion, conquering the protagonist's mother seems to be an excellent choice.

Just right.

He still needs a place to live.

As soon as this thought came out, it was out of control.


Shen Jian strode forward.

There is no rush to remove the supernatural poison.

Instead, he scolded: Let that girl go.

at the same time.

Because Shen Jian's scolding attracted the attention of the five ghosts in the audience.

The three ghost robbers turned around.

One body was bloated, like fat, supporting his body, which was two meters high.

One is so white that it is so transparent that under sunlight, one can faintly see its internal organs through its grimace.

The last one seemed to be the boss, his face was bleeding, and his terror level was the highest in the audience, reaching the level of a top red-coat.

Saw Shen Jian coming.

The three ghosts were instinctively startled.

Anyone who dares to meddle in other people's business here is usually a tough guy.


The moment I met Shen Jian.

The three ghosts were silent.

The man who made the sound had blood-stained clothes and tattered clothes everywhere, as if he had suffered some fatal danger. He also exuded the aura of supernatural toxins and looked like he was about to die soon.

Three Ghosts:? ? ?

They looked confused.

No, man.

Do you dare to imitate others and act like heroes to save beauties?

What's going on?

Don't even look at the sickly state you are in now. Who will save whom later?

If you were walking on the road, we would all suspect that you were a cheater.

The bleeding ghost stared at Shen Jian with evil intentions and said in a sinister tone: Brother, even if a hero saves a beauty, you have to look at your own situation. You look like you are so sick. I will kill you later, no? He will pass the curse on to us.

Hear this.

The other two ghosts also laughed sinisterly.

Step forward.

It seemed that he wanted to stop Shen Jian and play tricks on this sick man.

Good Samaritan, thank you for your kindness, but you should leave here and call the police. I have notified the law enforcement officers. You run now and find the law enforcement officers to give them directions and let them come over.

See this.

The ghost doctor Su Zhi on the other side also said anxiously.

She is a ghost doctor, and her medical skills are only one step away from those of famous doctors.

In terms of disease insight, he has reached the level of a famous doctor.

She could tell at a glance that Shen Jian was infected with a very rare curse toxin. As time went by, the Yin Qi would dissipate faster and faster until he completely died.

It won't be of any use to the situation here.

It is better to let the other party leave and go find rescue.

Hey, leave, have you asked us?

The three ghosts spoke at the same time.

The supernatural force belonging to the red-clothed level ghost swept the whole place.

He showed a ferocious and twisted grimace, staring straight at Shen Jian.

As if to say: Everyone present today cannot leave.

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