Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 609 New copy: The school beauty’s personal bodyguard

Entertainment City·In the No. 3 Screening Room.

The eyes of all players are focused on Shen Jianjian.

Especially when they saw the opponent's game level of 58, their pupils shrank suddenly.

Died young.

This time the copy actually paid off.

Here comes a golden legend level veteran player.

This means that the difficulty of this copy will exceed their expectations.

Probably four stars or more.

Think of this

Many people had expressions of horror on their faces.

They began to form separate groups, looking for allies, and there was a lot of discussion.

the other side.

Shen Jian also observed Mr. Qi in front of him.

The other party is a rich man in the real world, with assets of over 100 million, otherwise there would be no way to help him build a City God Temple.

The game level is as high as level 32.

This surprised Shen Jian.

He thought about it.

From the time the copy of the Supernatural Cinema appeared in the real world to now, more than half a year has passed. According to the rule that if you clear the horror game once, you can take a 10-day break, and if you clear it three times, you can apply for a six-month extension. Even if Mr. Qi doesn't Even at level 10, he can understand.

However, the reality is that the opponent has reached the limit of Samsung players.

It's just that if you don't control the ghost puzzle, you are not a ghost controller.

To reach this level, unless the other party is like him, after clearing the copy once, the countdown will be eliminated in a short period of time and continue to enter the game copy.

However, he didn't think any human would dare to do this.

Because this is courting death.

No matter how powerful the supernatural props are, they cannot afford such squandering.

He looked slightly surprised and asked directly.

Hear this.

Qi Shan seemed to have remembered some sad experience and was about to cry without tears.

Master, I don't want to be like this, but I understand that the opening time of my thriller game is different from that of normal players. The thriller game reminds us that we are users of Entertainment City, and Entertainment City has the authority to open it at any time. Copy, let’s get into it.”

Three days, every three days, we will be forced to enter a movie, replacing various movie characters, completing our due plot tasks. Often, shortly after the last movie is completed, we will receive Notice about the next movie.”

Master, we have been going through this for more than half a year. Do you know how I have lived for more than half a year? To sum up, it is: miserable.

Qi Shan cried.

He accused this city of entertainment of being impersonal and knowing how to exploit and exploit its employees even better than when he was the boss.

A complete black factory.

Hear this.

Shen Jian clicked his tongue slightly.

It's dark enough.

No thriller game would dare to squeeze players like this.

Compared with the horror game mode, the replica version of Entertainment City does have the meaning of a black intermediary.


The world-weary ghost and god can actually steal people from the horror game and completely divide the players into the entertainment city's lineup. This makes him even more convinced that the world-weary ghost and god probably controls the complete authority of Luo Fengtian.

Think of this.

The smile on Shen Jian's face became even stronger.

“How many movies have you been in?”

There are about 21 games. Qi Shan explained: In the beginning, the opening time of the dungeon was not that frequent, but as we entered more and more movie worlds, the opening speed became faster and faster. Now, It has become once every three days, and before I can take a breath, I am sent in again.”

Shen Jian was very interested.

He didn't think Mr. Qi had the strength to survive 21 dungeons safely. After all, the other party had nothing but an ordinary supernatural prop.

With such a foundation, I am afraid that it is not even as good as some two-star players.

If you enter the Samsung copy, there is basically no possibility of survival.

Think about it.

Shen Jian asked: Tell me about this copy of the movie.

Master, have you never participated? Qi Shan was stunned.

No. Shen Jian shook his head.

Hear this.

The surrounding players cast surprised glances and a hint of schadenfreude.

It was as if he felt that it was his first time to participate in a movie dungeon, and it didn't matter how high his level was.

Qi Shan hurriedly said: Master, I don't know something. The dungeon of this entertainment city is different from the ordinary thriller game dungeon. No matter how many stars it is, the movie is in the role-playing streaming mode.

In other words, once we enter the movie world, our identity is fixed. Players need to act out this role and complete their own fixed plot to meet the clearance standards.

However, there is a lag in such clearance. Once the movie is released and the guests watching feel that your performance is too bad, they can vote to eliminate the player with the worst acting skills and the one who least fits the character. The eliminated player will be directly eliminated. die.

In other words, every time a copy is opened, it means that a player will die.

Speaking of which.

Qi Shan's face also showed a bit more solemnity.

He knew that Shen Jian was very extraordinary.

When he was trapped in the supernatural cinema, Shijiacun, he demonstrated his ability to crush red-clad ghosts. This strength was worthy of a level 58 player.

But when entering the movie copy, strength is no longer the most important thing.

If you can't live up to your role, let alone level 58, even a level 60 five-star player will die.

Once upon a time, a level 56 player entered the Entertainment City, but because he did not understand the rules of the movie copy, he did things that violated the plot and character settings, and because the derivative plot he created was not exciting enough, he was criticized by customers. The supporting character was scolded for extending the duration of the movie and was directly thrown to death.

Not even the slightest ability to resist.

After listening.

Shen Jian was thoughtful.

What Qi Shan said was basically what he guessed.

This so-called copy of the movie is indeed The Truman Show.

Supporting characters can choose to actively create derivative plots to reasonably improve their strength, but if the plot fails to meet expectations, they will become the weakest and be directly thrown to death by customers.

on the contrary.

They only need to play their roles well in the movie and they can pass the level without any injuries.

No wonder Qi Shan is already level 32, but his background is not even as good as a two-star player.

This is how the level of the Dare to Love game is improved.

Not creating a derivative plot means that there is not much risk, but what is created is just a high-level monster with no corresponding supernatural power.

The secret is revealed at the first touch.

If things go on like this, as the movie's star rating gets higher and higher, the probability of death becomes greater, and there is no room for resistance.

Shen Jian quickly understood the drawbacks.

Shaked his head.

Everything in these copies of the movie is fake?


Shen Jian asked the key question.

Qi Shan pondered: Below three-star, everything is basically fake. The people in the movie also know that they are just actors, but above three-star, everything is real. What kind of movie can be created depends on how the players who enter the movie change. , of course, the safest thing is to do nothing and let the movie develop on its own.

During the conversation.

A row of scarlet panels emerged.

[It is detected that all players have arrived and the copy is about to enter. 】

[An invasion by a high-level player was detected and the copy was changed. 】

[The movie begins to be re-selected...]

[Selected: Sequence 1 movie scene. 】

[Movie title: The School Beauty’s Personal Bodyguard. 】

[Countdown: 360 seconds. 】

See this.

Players in the entire screening room exploded.

My scalp felt numb.

I'll show you, uncle, sequence one, a five-star movie.

It's over, it's over. I knew that there was a high-level player among us, and the difficulty of the dungeon would definitely increase. But you increased it so unreasonably, why is it only five stars!?

Don't panic, don't panic. I've seen the introduction to this movie. The protagonist here is at the level of Long Aotian and will definitely become a ghost. We just need to join the protagonist's lineup and win.

Your uncle is said to be the protagonist. If you don't have any special skills, the protagonist will let you join? I'm afraid I won't kill you on the spot.

Hey, hey, hey, don't forget, five-star movies all have villains. If the special ones become the villain lineup, it will be over.

All the players, you say something to me.

His expression became frightened.

Shen Jian saw it.

The interest in his eyes became even stronger.

He looked at Qi Shan and asked with interest: Is there anything wrong with this copy?

The problem is huge. These five-star dungeons are all self-derived plots. Except for the final ending where the protagonist defeats the evil villain and achieves the achievement of ghosts and gods, everything else can be changed. Players have great autonomy. But correspondingly, the risk has also become greater.”

Master, listen to me. After entering the movie copy, join the protagonist's force. As long as you are attracted by the protagonist and join the protagonist's lineup, we can win all the way.

Because according to the trailer of the movie, the protagonist is the one who wins in the end, and is promoted to a ghost and god, and breaks away from the original world. This is a thick thigh. If you hug it, even if you get a copy, you will have a ghost and god as your backer.

Qi Shan explained hurriedly.

Master, after entering the movie copy, all of us will be separated. Remember to contact us when the time comes.

Shen Jian's eyes moved slightly as he listened.

He heard from Ferry Ghost and God that the protagonists of large-scale movies are all characters who must become ghosts and gods. After being promoted to ghosts and gods, the movie world will be realized, and they will successfully come to the entertainment city and become a new large-scale supernatural place.

The protagonist of this movie copy seems to be like this.

In other words, the opponent most likely has dragon energy in him.

Think of this.

Shen Jian became more and more excited.

at this time.

Countdown reaches zero.

The scarlet panel reappeared.

[Countdown: 00:00. 】

[The movie sequence has been forced selected for the player. 】

[This copy cannot be canceled. 】



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