Jingle bell bell bell bell—!

at this time.

One of the noisy main urban areas in the west, Ferro City, officially entered a state of emergency.

Countless people were fearful, restless, and waiting anxiously.

Within the urban area.

People who have not yet evacuated in time can see many official personnel with cold temperaments running towards the direction of the sirens. These people have strange shapes, including a young man with a corpse-spotted ghost hand exposed, and a middle-aged man exuding a rotten atmosphere. There are young people, and there is also a strange old man with a stooped back and a vaguely human face behind him.

These people came out of nowhere.

People from all directions rushed to the northern defense line.

A word popped into the minds of some knowledgeable wealthy businessmen: ghost master.

Is it possible that the alarm in Ferro City this time is because there is a wave of ghosts coming?

Otherwise, how could we mobilize all the strength of a main city?

This is a huge supernatural event.

The wealthy businessman was thinking so.

Boom boom boom...

At the same time, the roar of aircraft wings and jets also resounded in the sky. OnePlus plus armed helicopters and jet fighter jets flew across the sky above the city, forming a fierce battle formation and flying straight towards the north city.

And above the defense line of Beicheng District.

A large number of armed personnel quickly gathered as if they were facing a powerful enemy. Armored tanks, rocket launchers, anti-aircraft guns, heavy machine guns and other heavy firepower were ready.

Not long after.

The huge city of Ferro completed a perfect defense line operation.

At this time.

A middle-aged man came to the scene and said.

Hey man, what the hell happened?

His face was deathly pale, as if he had the skin of a ghost, and he was a typical Nordic.

And his identity is the number one ghost controller in Ferro City.

Like Daxia Longque in the Dragon Kingdom, the Holy See also adopts the management method of one ghost and one person.

Yigui refers to the ghost controller, who is responsible for supervising all supernatural events in a city and supervising all ghost controllers in that place.

Lucas is the person in charge of Ferro City.

In the thriller game, a level 59 player is only one level away from being able to cross the boundary of a four-star player and become a rare five-star player.

His strength cannot be underestimated.

But at this moment.

Lucas looked confused.

What kind of outrageous intelligence did Philo City get that actually made the top commander issue an order for the entire city to be on alert and everyone to be prepared?

Even if the Ghost King comes, there is no need to make such a fuss.

He looked at an elderly gentleman on the city wall who looked to be in his fifties or sixties.

That was Antony, the supreme commander of the city of Ferro.

The part that manages people.

He has the highest jurisdiction in a city, and he and Lucas rule Ferro City together.

Lucas, we're in trouble.

Anthony handed over a piece of secret code.

a long time.

Lucas turned pale and looked shocked: Hell, how is this possible? This is not a joke. A god holding a pyramid is about to walk through this place?

Will, are you sure you didn't drink any fake wine and go crazy? How can there be gods in this world? Ghosts and gods are just the same.

I also hope it's false, but looking at it now, it's all true. Anthony grabbed the telescope and looked into the distance.

Then what is our mission?

Attack this god, strike him down, wound him, imprison him.


Lucas cursed.

From the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to believe that the remote Dragon Country had an immortal god. This so-called god was most likely a ghost or god.

But even ghosts and gods cannot be solved by humans at this stage.

As a level 59 player, he has a very thorough understanding of his own supernatural powers, and he can better understand the difference between the ghost king and the ghosts and gods.

He can confront an ordinary ghost king head-on and escape safely, but once this terrifying level rises to the abyss level, unless he has the ability to escape, he will die.

An abyss level ghost king is like this, not to mention the unsolvable level above the abyss level, which is the top ghost king.

A ghost of this level is already at the top of the pyramid in the horror world, and one ghost can wipe out an entire province.

And ghosts and gods are especially above the top ghost kings.

It is a legendary existence.

It was hard for him to imagine that human power could really pose a threat to a ghost and god?

Man, you are thinking too much. It is indeed not a ghost, but a human being, or a higher-level god than a human being. But even so, gods are still flesh and blood. Weapons are ineffective against ghosts, but they are effective against gods. Wonderful effect.”

Anthony said confidently.

Let the other person not be anxious.

For this operation, we dispatched the latest armed helicopters and fighter jets, and also carried the orbital electromagnetic gun newly developed by the laboratory. One shot is as powerful as an intercontinental missile. I don't believe that a man with flesh and blood God, can withstand fire powerful enough to plow the surface of the earth several times.”

Hear this.

Lucas was lost in thought.

If they were made of flesh and blood and could ignore the damage caused by technological weapons like ghosts, then they might actually be able to inflict fatal injuries on an immortal god.

do not forget.

Ferro City is one of the twelve main cities of the Holy See, with a large amount of ammunition and arms stored underground.

Coupled with the help from the headquarters and surrounding cities, the firepower it possesses cannot be exhausted even if it lasts three days and three nights.

Although God is God, he is not omniscient and omnipotent.

Under continuous firepower, even gods will make mistakes.

Not to mention that their group of ghost masters are blessed with various supernatural abilities. If they can have even a little impact on the gods, it is enough to affect the outcome of a war.

Can't say...

They can really capture a god alive.

Think of this.

Lucas's pupils shrank and his breathing began to become rapid.

If successful, they will go down in history.

Just thinking about it.

The person in charge of the radar detection shouted urgently in the communicator: Here we come, the radar has detected a Yin Qi fluctuation that exceeds the standard. It is extremely huge, and it is coming at a very fast speed.

Send fighter jets to intercept him. He can only move one hand, and his movements are not very flexible. Keep at a safe distance, fire directly, and empty the ammunition.

Anthony stood on the city wall, looked into the distance, and yelled.

The words fell.

Far in the sky.

A pyramid stood up out of thin air, lifted up by a tiny figure, and stood firmly on the palm of his hand.


The figure stepped forward with one step, and the distance of a thousand meters suddenly shrank to one meter.

Like teleporting, from a very far distance, he suddenly floated to a place within a thousand meters of Ferro City.

Shrink to an inch! ?

this moment.

Lucas and Anthony's eyes widened at the same time.

There is no trace of using the ghost realm, and one step is taken to span a thousand meters. This is undoubtedly what the Dragon Kingdom calls shrinking the ground into an inch.

It was this one-kilometer span that made the god holding the pyramid suddenly appear in public view.

Fire, fire quickly!

Anthony growled.

at this time.

The pilots in the armed helicopters and fighter jets finally reacted. Seeing Shen Jian who had entered the range, they tilted their firepower without hesitation.

From the helicopters carrying orbital electromagnetic guns, blue beams of light suddenly shot out, hitting Shen Jian directly.

Just for a moment.

The tilted ammunition reaches several centimeters.

The expensive orbital electromagnetic gun is tilted as if it costs nothing. Every time it fires, it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. If it fires three rounds in a short period of time, the electromagnetic gun will be scrapped directly.

The loss was in the millions of dollars.

It can be said that in just one attack, Ferro City killed tens of millions.

And the effect is equally astonishing.

Astonishing big explosions continued to roar high in the sky, echoing throughout the city.

The billowing smoke dyed half of the sky.

But the attack still didn't stop.

The fighter's ammunition and missiles were still tilting, like a fiery snake.

A large number of shell casings fell down like a rain of bullets.

Rather than fighting a war, this is clearly a fight for money.

Is it effective?

Below the city.

All kinds of heavy firepower have been aimed at him, and as soon as Shen Jian falls down, there will be another wave of fierce firepower coverage.

Watch this scene.

Anthony clenched his fists and looked nervous.


Lucas's face didn't look very good.

He couldn't see Shen Jian's current situation within the attack range, but he could see the pyramid that was completely covered by thick smoke, but a corner of it was still exposed. The pyramid showed no signs of shaking or tilting at all.

This shows that the god is probably fine.

That's what I thought.

In thick smoke.

A brilliant golden thunder tore through all obstacles.

Like a spider web, it spreads in all directions.

Where the golden thunder swept across, all the armed helicopters and fighter jets along the way exploded violently.

Falling one after another.

The smoke cleared.

Shen Jian's figure slowly emerged.

He still maintained the same movements as before being attacked, holding up the pyramid with one hand and watching everything with an indifferent expression.

The other hand was slightly raised, with its fingers spread out.

Brilliant golden thunder wrapped around his palm and lingered around him.

this moment.

City direction.

Everyone was confused.

None...invalid? !


This answer surprised everyone.

They felt that a god would not be easily captured, but they did not think that a god could remain unscathed under such a large firepower coverage.

But in fact, God is fine.

Even with one hand holding the pyramid, it still showed unimaginable power.

Just by raising his hand, he destroyed more than a dozen armed helicopters and fighter jets in an instant.

This is unbelievable.

The next second.

Shen Jian glanced at the defense line below.

The color of his eyes is as usual.

The voice of Jiuyou echoed:

Destroy it...

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