Inside the tent.

The Holy See's ghost controllers and a group of senior Gallifrey personnel who were dispatched fell silent at this time.

In front of them, there were dozens of photos.

The photos were taken in different locations.

There are streets, buildings, basements, residences, jurisdictions...

The only thing these shooting locations have in common is a black mark in the photo.

That is the only mark left after a person is struck to death by lightning.

The Dragon Kingdom's belated revenge...

Someone muttered.

His face was as gloomy as water, and there was a bit of fear in his eyes.

According to investigators, these people who were hacked to death at the same time were all those who had participated in the persecution of the Longguo people, so the other party's actions seemed to be traceable.

This is not a simple venting of anger, but a belated revenge from the Dragon Kingdom.

No one who has participated in the persecution can escape.

Think of this.

Everyone became frightened.

Because the reason why such a phenomenon occurs in the town of Gallifrey is also closely related to these people.

Although they did not explicitly say that they wanted to kill all dissidents, they blocked the town, blocked all external communications, cut off all network signals, and did not allow people outside the Western world to get the benefits of the pyramid copy. All of this undoubtedly affected It is forcing the people of the Dragon Kingdom into a desperate situation.

They were afraid, afraid that a Nine Heavens Divine Thunder would strike from above their heads and make them disappear from this world.

Tyranny, this is absolutely tyranny.

A senior staff member was sweating profusely, staring at the photo and gritting his teeth.

A total of 481 people. Just because of his impulse, Gallifrey killed nearly 500 people at once. This can be regarded as a supernatural incident with very bad influence. Could it be that so many people... Have you ever attacked anyone from the Dragon Kingdom?

Why can he be so reckless about human life? If there are innocent people here, how is his behavior different from that of a vicious ghost?

Hear this.

Will was silent for a while.


With the power of someone else holding a pyramid with just one hand, walking high in the sky, and waving his hand, he can summon the divine thunder, killing more than 400 people in an instant.

Under such power, they have no say.

Even if you are angry, you can only hold it in.

Looking in humiliation.

And now.

He was waiting for a response from the Holy See headquarters.


A top secret order came.

Sir, the headquarters gives you the highest authority to act according to your own ideas. You have the right to use all weapons of war. The only goal is to kill this god.

Secondary order: Capture alive.

Secondary orders: Injure, collect God's blood, and the pyramid copy cannot be lost.

Code name - Prisoner God.

Hear the command.

Will's eyes sparkled.


He knew that there was no way he would give up this opportunity.

This may be the only opportunity for the Holy See to witness divine power, experience divine power, and even capture a god.

If they can kill gods, they may have the opportunity to analyze the many secrets of legends and myths.

Imprisoning gods, analyzing gods, experimenting with god bodies, cloning gods...

If successful, the Holy See will completely end the era of the resurgence of evil ghosts, allowing the West to enter the age of myth and the era of immortality.

At that time.

All the glory in the world comes from the Holy See.

Who can withstand such temptation?

The headquarters can't, and neither can he.


Will stood up and shouted: Use satellite equipment to see where this 'god' has gone now.

Not long after.

A video was transmitted.

in video.

Above the wide river, a slender body walked swaggering high in the sky.

With every step he took, auspicious clouds surged, golden light adorned him, and the momentum reached the extreme.

He didn't seem to worry about being caught at all.

Too high-profile.

At the same time, a rhombus-shaped 100-meter pyramid was being held in the palm of the opponent's hand, like a foolish old man moving a mountain.

Such a scene, no matter how many times you watch it, will bring you a new shock.

It makes people marvel at this unparalleled power.

Where is that place?

Across the sea, we arrived at Ferro City. Based on the opponent's movement trajectory, our technical staff speculated that this god seemed to intend to lift the pyramid across half of the continent and return to the Dragon Kingdom.

See this.

The shock in Will's eyes became more and more obvious.

This god is too arrogant.

He actually planned to return to the Dragon Kingdom in this way. He could almost imagine how much turmoil it would cause when an enemy god brought the pyramid artifacts of their Holy See back to their home country, and they were unable to stop it.

This will directly impact the status of the Holy See.

Let the minds of high-level officials in Western countries become active.

The final impact is immeasurable.

He must be stopped!

Think about it this way.

Will immediately recalled the armed forces of Ferro City.

Ferro City is one of the twelve main cities under the jurisdiction of the Holy See. It reserves a large number of war weapons and has technological power that can be regarded as the latest batch.

It can be said.

The armed forces of this main city are completely top-notch in the world.

Notify the senior personnel of Ferro City to dispatch armed helicopters and fighter jets, loaded with the latest batch of technological weapons, and all special weapons from other main cities to support Ferro City.

Will gave the order.

In this case, it will be considered as an intention to launch a war, and such large-scale armed preparations may not be hidden from the sight of Western countries and the attention of the Dragon Kingdom.

Will interrupted: This is war.

The first war between man and god!

the other side.

Rivers and seas.

The broad river is rolling, winding and endless, like a huge python crawling on the wilderness.

And at this time.

Above the river, Shen Jian lifted the pyramid and arrived here.

Nie Yun's voice came next: We should be reaching Feihe here. According to the satellite map, if we want to return to Dragon Kingdom, we have to cross at least half of the continent.

His tone was full of novelty.

So does everyone else.

They have taken planes, subways, and ships, but they never thought that one day they would be able to take the pyramid home.

Saying this is a piece of news that dominates the rankings.

At this time.

Chu Qian said in a hesitant tone: I did some background work before traveling here. After crossing the Fei River, it seems that I have arrived at Ferro City. That is the main city, which is equivalent to a super first-tier city in our Dragon Kingdom. The Holy See is really Will anyone be allowed to carry their pyramid artifacts back?

Nie Yun:......


They were silent for a while.

In fact, they didn't know why Shen Jian was carrying the pyramid cultural relics of another country back. It was inedible, and the copy seemed to have been destroyed, making it impossible to play the next round of the game.

It can be said.

Completely useless.

There is no benefit at all except taking up space.

On the contrary, there are countless disadvantages.

The most important thing is to be eye-catching.

Who would hold a hundred-meter-high pyramid and walk high in the sky without attracting attention?

Consider yourself a fool.

They could already imagine what kind of panic and horror Shen Jian would cause when he passed by Ferro City.

It will plunge Western countries into such deep self-doubt that they will be unable to extricate themselves.

no doubt.

This is a miraculous manifestation.

It is telling the world that there are gods in this world.

After today.

The world will undergo tremendous changes.

This is the only thing they have never doubted.

Although Shen Jian heard these things, he didn't care at all.

There was even a bit of a weird smile in his eyes.

If others don't know his purpose, how can he himself not know it?

Carrying the pyramid and attracting the attention of the Holy See was one of his purposes.

Today's underworld does not have a big enough appetite to swallow up the Western world.

Because of this, he must let the Western countries know that there are gods in the East. If he dares to start a war, he must carefully consider whether he can withstand the wrath of a god.

And now.

He is making such preparations.

It doesn't matter if the Holy See is scared. He will pass by a city and write xxx is here for a visit sign on the city's highest authority.

at the same time.

Philo City.

Jingle bell bell bell bell—!

Sirens sounded throughout the city.

The piercing airdrop alarm bell sounded in all directions.

this moment.

The whole city was boiling.

Everyone looked in disbelief and felt shocked.

What age is it, yet the airdrop alarm bell is still ringing?

This makes them dream back to the 1980s and 1990s.

Back to the time when I was walking on the road for no reason and was blown to pieces by a bomb falling from the sky.

what happened!?

We are already in modern society, how can anyone still dare to risk such taboos and launch terrorist attacks?

Hell, what are radar satellites for? Didn't they intercept them in advance?

Crazy, crazy, is this going to trigger a war?

Countless people raised their heads.

There was a lot of discussion.

In an instant.

One of the huge major cities in the West was like boiling water. Both ordinary people and armed personnel immediately made preparations and entered a state of emergency, either looking for the nearest air raid shelter or subway station to take refuge, or hurriedly following orders from their superiors. Rush to the urban area where the alarm is sounded.

For a while.

Dark clouds enveloped the entire city.

It made everyone feel depressed, wondering what happened, which actually caused the officials of Ferro City to issue such an alarm.

They can only speculate and stay in a safe place uneasily, waiting quietly and paying attention to everything...

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