This so-called test has touched the hearts of many people.

The believers in the church did not believe what Mike and others said, and believed that this test was an insult to the pastor of their church. However, in the presence of the Holy Lady, they had no way to stop it.

As for the white players, when they heard that the Saint was willing to help, they all showed excitement.

In their eyes, Shen Jian must have been corrupted by resentment.

It's just that he was disguised, or that he adapted to his human identity quickly enough, so that he didn't reveal any flaws.

But this disguise has no place to hide in front of the Saint of Elim Temple.

They're going to break.

Under such gaze.

Shen Jian stretched out his hand and let Saint Leia grab it.

A special supernatural wave spread out.

A bright star shines in their hands.

The doctor's hands are more beautiful than the goddess's.

Saint Leia murmured in her heart.

It was really inappropriate to use the word beautiful to describe a man's hands, but other than this word, she couldn't think of other words.

It is completely natural, like divine jade, like the most perfect masterpiece in the world.

This is her most intuitive feeling.


This was a level above beauty. Staring at Shen Jian's hand, she seemed to see a whole world kneeling down, wanting to surrender to the owner of this hand.

This is the perfect body that only a god can possess.

In the eyes of the world, God should be so perfect.

The more powerful a god is, the closer his body is to the unsullied divine body in people's minds.


She couldn't help but hold her forehead.

do not do that.

I know that you resonate very closely with that goddess of radiance, and there is no evil in what you say.

But when it comes to saying that, she really looks like a female pervert.

In the words of that color embryo, this is manual control.

the other side.

Shen Jian is also a little weird.

He looked around.

I saw Saint Leia staring straight at his hand, as if she was admiring some supreme masterpiece. This nun, does she have such a hobby?

Shen Jian's eyes moved.

【Saint Leia】

[Level: Top Ghost King. 】

[Introduction: A devout believer in the radiant ghosts and gods, whose faith cannot be shaken. His holy and flawless soul attracted the attention of the ghosts and gods, and he became a saint in the Elim Temple. However, she was often warned by the radiant ghosts and gods to advise her to stay away from scumbags. None of them are good. 】

[Current status: Happy, curious, exploring, worried. 】

[Favorability: 83 (confused)]

Shen Jian's eyes were surprised.

83 points of favor?

He remembered that when he left the dungeon of the Underworld Ward, Sister Leah's favorability was only at over 70 points.

Now that they haven't seen each other for more than half a year, he was already prepared for his favorability to drop below 60 points, but unexpectedly it increased instead.

Entered 80 points of favorability.



Shen Jian was thoughtful.

80 points of favorability is the intimacy stage. This stage is equivalent to the level of a newlywed couple. If you are properly prepared, there will be no problem even if you take the last step.

However, Saint Leia was confused.

Are you still unsure of your thoughts? Or... dare not admit it?


The test is over.

Everyone looked on extremely nervously.

The Saint is indeed a Saint. Such a responsible attitude simply brings tears to the eyes of the players. They are most afraid that the Saint will act hastily. They did not expect that the other party would be so careful to observe whether Shen Jian is eroded by resentment.

Now, that yellow guy is dead.

Under such a respectful gaze.

Saint Leia said: He has not been eroded by resentment.

As soon as these words came out.

All the white players were confused.

Not eroded by resentment?

How can this be.

How could a human player think of bringing the dark side out of the monastery if he hadn't been corrupted?

Isn't he afraid of being backlashed by the dark side and eventually reaping the consequences?

This is unreasonable.

The player with the ID [Mike] panicked.

His face turned pale.

He stared at Shen Jian with disbelief in his eyes.

This Eastern ghost master is actually still a human being, not a ghost player whose body has been taken over by the dark side.

He guessed wrong.

The consequences of guessing wrong is death.

He was falsely accusing a priest who received devout worship from churchgoers.

In the religious empire of the Middle Ages, this kind of behavior would have been punishable by hanging and being burned alive.

this moment.

He was afraid.


He glanced out of the corner of his eye and caught a glimpse of Shen Jian blinking at Saint Leia, and the Saint's eyes also lit up.

Mike:? ? ?

He was slightly startled.

Then his pupils shrank and he thought of a possibility.

Damn it.

Could it be that the Eastern Ghost Controller knew the Saint?

I'm crazy.

Is there such a coincidence?

Under the threat of life and death, Mike remembered a detail.

When she first saw Shen Jian, the saint was indeed a little excited and seemed to be planning to shout something, but she stopped in the end.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that these two people knew each other.

It's not that Shen Jian was not eroded by resentment, but that the saint protected him.

What the hell, what a bitch.

He was about to speak, but unexpectedly Shen Jian had already walked over.

He leaned over and whispered: My goal has been achieved, you are... worthless to me.

The words fell.

All the white players in the field fell to the ground.

Shen Jian stood up.

His eyes were full of indifference.

He kept these people in order to keep the dark side alive, use the immortality of ghosts to build the reputation of the Redemption Society, and then cooperate with him to harvest reputation and collect evil ghosts.

But for the trip to Chel's territory, he had already completed the conditions for unlocking the hell realm.

These white players are completely useless.

It's really a hindrance to let these people continue to play around.

Lock them all up, I need to find out why these people are trying to frame me.

Shen Jian issued the order.

The believers obeyed.

The huge church became quiet again.

Not long after.

Saint Leia said: Priest, I have heard rumors about you. It is said that you can resonate with the glorious ghosts and gods. Can we talk alone?

Go to the prayer room.

Prayer room.

When Shen Jian closed the door.

Saint Leah, who originally looked solemn and solemn, and whose every move was filled with a divine temperament, suddenly changed her expression. She grabbed Shen Jian's hand and said happily: Doctor, I didn't expect that we can meet here. .”

Shen Jian smiled.

Naturally, he put his hand on the round head of the saint and touched it.

He still remembers that the other party likes him like this.

as expected.

Saint Leia narrowed her eyes, moved her head closer, and cupped Shen Jian's palm, enjoying the other's movements like stroking a kitten.


This pervert touched her sister, and she felt the same way.

But this feeling is not bad.


She also made a sound of um hum with some satisfaction.

a long time.

Shen Jian just let go.

Saint Leia stood aside with some trepidation.

Covering his face.

She seemed to feel that someone as big as herself and a saint could act like a little girl, which made her feel very shy.

It was as if someone had seen something bad.

See this.

Shen Jian changed the subject and said, Lia, this is a deep ghost realm. How did you get here?

Hear this.

Saint Leia adjusted her mood and explained: It was the goddess who gave me the oracle and asked me to come here.


That's Lord Glorious Demon.

Shen Jian paused for a moment.

This news is really shocking.

There are tens of millions of believers in the Eli Empire, and the representative of the divine power who coexists with the imperial power is actually a female ghost.

Apart from the Queen of Evernight, this was the first time he heard about the existence of other female ghosts and gods.

And compared with the Queen of Eternal Night, this glorious ghost and god is not something that ordinary ghosts and gods can touch, no matter the years of existence or the level of terror.

World-destroying ghosts and gods?

Doctor, how come you are here? And you have become a priest. What's the matter?

Saint Leia asked curiously.

Think about it.

Shen Jian said: I'm here to take back the authority here. I guess the control of this deep ghost realm should be in the hands of the emperor here.

Permissions? Saint Leia was stunned, Does it mean the scepter enshrined in the temple?

I heard the goddess mentioned that the scepter enshrined in the temple has the authority to modify the rules. I asked where the rules were to be modified, and the goddess said it was the entire empire.

Shen Jian was shocked.

The Eli Empire radiates throughout Olympus.

Modifying the rules of the empire is rewriting Luo Fengtian's laws.

That’s right.

This is the authority of Luo Fengtian he is looking for.

Is there any way to get it?

Doctor, do you want this? This is a bit difficult, because only the saint finally selected by the temple can hold the scepter, but the time I have been here is too short, and it is difficult to have a chance to surpass another saint.

Hear this.

Shen Jian narrowed his eyes.

He has understood that there can only be one saint in Elim Temple. In other words, if he wants Leah to become a true saint and take charge of the temple, Saint Carlisle must be eliminated.


He has evidence in his hand that ruins the other party's reputation.

Think of this.

Shen Jian secretly became excited.

If you want to have the opportunity to get the scepter and reclaim the authority of Olympus, then the most critical human path among the six paths of reincarnation can be unlocked.

This is also his most important purpose.

I have evidence in my hands.

Without hiding anything, Shen Jian told the story about Chel's territory.

After listening.

Saint Leia's eyes widened.

at this time.

Lila appeared, her scarlet eyes flashing: If this is the case, then Carlisle, this bitch, is dead. If you dare to bully my sister, I will twist her head off.

Se embryo, you are still of some use. Once we collect the evidence, we will bring her down completely.

Talked for a quarter of an hour.

Saint Leia left in a hurry.

Temple of Elim.

Saint Leia knelt in front of the pure white temple.

Moods rise and fall.

What? Still think that bitch Carlisle can't do such a thing?

Lila was about to persuade.

But Leah said coldly: Sister, I feel so strange. It was obviously because of Sister Hillis's words I may have found the one I love that I ran to the church to meet the pastor, but now, I feel a little uncomfortable. .”

Sister Hillis has never been so interested in a man before. I just wanted to check it out, but I didn't expect this man to be a doctor.

Sister Hillis, has she fallen in love with the doctor?

Sister, I'm a little confused.

Lila pouted.

No words were spoken.

Let Leah's thoughts run wild.

Night falls.

In the dead of night.

A figure quietly left the temple.

The scarlet eyes symbolize that she is now Lila.

Stupid sister, in this kind of thing, of course whoever takes the lead first,

She snorted coldly.

This pervert took advantage of their sisters and now dares to hook up with others. Fortunately, she accidentally hooked up with her stupid sister's only good friend here.

Mixed emotions for sure.

But her stupid sister wouldn't give in, but she wouldn't.

Think of this.

She quietly left the temple, her destination - the cathedral.

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