Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 566 The Saint who coexists with holiness and immorality


A group of white players were tied up, and many believers around them looked at them with disgust.

The grimaces revealed angry and distorted looks.


In the eyes of these believers, the behavior of white players has violated taboos, openly slandering Shen Jian and slandering a priest in a sacred church.

If Shen Jian is corroded by resentment, how can he resonate with the glorious ghosts and gods?

Doesn't this underlying meaning mean that the glorious ghosts and gods don't understand people well and made a big mistake?


How could the God they believed in make mistakes? The ones who made the mistake must be these framers.

the other side.

The players who were tied up by Wu Hua Da also turned pale and lowered their heads, but the fear on their faces could not be concealed.

They're out of luck.

No one could have imagined that Shen Jian just arrived at the church four or five days ahead of them and had the entire church's believers and the archbishop siding with him.

Even if they present evidence, others don't believe it.

This can be explained by more than just one fuck.

It was just bad luck.

They discovered that since the addition of Shen Jian, an oriental-faced ghost master, the changes in the copy exceeded their expectations time and time again.

First, the four-star difficulty Blood Monastery dungeon was changed to a five-star dungeon.

Then there were new changes within the monastery, which revealed their dark side. As a result, a group of four-star players who dominated the outside world were like a lost dog in the dungeon, and could only rely on hide-and-seek to avoid danger.

The first pass of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness was extremely difficult, and it took me four full days of swimming before I could barely get out.


Coming to the church was equally difficult for them.

Except for Mike becoming a trainee priest, they can only become servants lower than believers.

In this case, let alone improving his reputation and becoming a priest of the temple within five years, whether he can be promoted to a priest is still a question.

It is foreseeable that in the next ten or fifteen years, they may have to stay in Olympus for the rest of their lives.


The premise is that they can survive here for more than ten years.

It can be said that this is basically equivalent to sentencing them to death.

In this case, they need an outlet and an opportunity to break the situation.

Unfortunately, Shen Jian's performance in the sea of ​​suffering can be used to break the situation and enhance their status in the church.


They didn't expect that they would be targeted.

If this was not a church, their group of players would have lost at least half of it.

Don't panic, we still have a chance.

The player with the ID [Mike] pretended to be calm, but cold sweat broke out from the back of his spine and flowed down his spine.

He is the player with the highest level in this dungeon. He has experienced countless dangerous and supernatural dungeons, but he persisted until the end and successfully cleared the dungeon. This time will be no exception.

Mike, are you sure that the so-called saint can save our current situation? If it fails this time, we will really be dead.

A white player said in fear, his voice trembling.

So what about four-star players? In five-star dungeons, they are no different from newcomers to horror games.

Anyway, if you make a mistake, you will die.

Okay. Mike nodded and said in a low voice: I have learned about the location of this five-star dungeon. This is a city called Holy City. The Elim Temple, the pinnacle of divine power and a supernatural place, is located here. The status of the saint among them is so high that even the emperor has no power to deal with her.

And I've heard that Saint Leia is very kind. Because of this, I rushed out desperately and begged the other party to make the decision. Otherwise, why do you think we are still talking here?

As long as we can prove that the Eastern Ghost Controller was corrupted by resentment, we will not only be innocent, but we may also be able to fall into the eyes of this saint. From then on, we will skyrocket and clear the dungeon within five years.

As soon as these words came out.

All the white players seemed to have been beaten to death.

It took them five years to clear the five-star difficulty dungeon, but it was still starting from hell. If they could clear it, their experience would be recorded in the history of the Holy See.

With this experience, they might also be able to be trained to become five-star players.

Think of this.

They were suddenly looking forward to it.

By the way, where did that yellow guy go? He hasn't seen anyone for two days. He won't wait until the saint is gone before he comes back.

A white player said worriedly.

You can't escape. This is the Holy City. As long as the saint wants to investigate, no matter where the other party escapes, it will be useless. What's more, do you think the other party is willing to give up his current identity?

Mike was incredibly confident.

at this time.

A voice sounded.

She is a female knight wearing armor.

Holy Lady, that priest is back.

Hear this.

All the white players looked happy.

That damn yellow guy is finally back.

If it weren't for him, how could they have suffered such humiliation.

They wanted to see how Shen Jian would argue in front of the saint in the temple.

after all.

It is a fact that Shen Jian took away the dark side.

If not eroded by resentment, how could a human player do such a thankless job?

This is the only thing they are extremely sure of.


Shen Jian, wearing a gilt priest's robe, strode into the church.

at this time.

The atmosphere in the church was solemn.

At the bottom, a group of believers stood together, headed by the Archbishop.

Seeing Shen Jian, they all showed pious expressions.

In the center, rows of white players were kneeling on the ground, their hands bound.

When they saw Shen Jian, their faces were gloomy and hatred flashed in their eyes.

To this.

Shen Jian chose to ignore it.

His eyes fell on a row of strangers sitting on the church pews to his left.

Five female knights, and a blond girl sitting on a bench with her head lowered and her hands clasped together as if praying.

The girl turned her back to him.

Wearing a solemn white saint costume.

Her skin is fair, almost translucent, and her long golden hair hangs down to her buttocks.

Looking down, an astonishing arc held up the loose white robe. Just by visual inspection, Shen Jian could tell that it was at least 36, and it was D, with a waist-to-hip ratio of 0.71.

This kind of figure is not considered the golden ratio, but it is a standard hot figure.

It's the kind that makes men and women excited when they see it and want to catch it.

Further down, it was completely covered by the skirt.

Such a hot figure, appearing on a holy girl with a holy and solemn standard, is enough to make people have unlimited reveries.

on the one hand.

They knew that this was a respected saint and they should not have any sinful thoughts.

on the other hand.

But he couldn't help but want to use this solemn saint's dress to destroy this saint.

This contradictory immorality is the greatest temptation of this saint.

It makes people want to hate him...


Shen Jian was shocked.


It was the nun ghost he met in the Underworld Ward dungeon.

Who else can achieve this coexistence of sanctity and sensuality, as well as a hot body that cannot be grasped by big hands, except Sister Leia?

He had only seen such contradictory beauty in Sister Leah.

While Shen Jian was observing.

Saint Leah, who was praying, also stopped and turned around to look.

This glance.

It is destined to be impossible to move away.

Saint Leia turned around and met a pair of familiar faces.

Her pupils shrank.

My mind was in a huge shock.


The words fell.

Sister Leah was pleasantly surprised and planned to run over.


Her pupils turned scarlet.

The steps stopped abruptly.

At the same time, a voice of resentment sounded in the mind of Saint Leia: Stupid sister, have you forgotten where this place is? Go and get to know that pervert now, and others will believe you will be fair later. Will you deal with this?

Doctors are not bad people. Also, sister, you have a deep misunderstanding of doctors. Doctors are not perverts.


Not a pervert?

Wouldn't it be that the pervert would lure her, this stupid sister, into lowering her bottom line step by step?

From sleeping in the same bed to helping each other take a bite.


When her stupid sister didn't know, the pervert touched her again and kissed her.

Although she and Leah share the same body, the other person is a scumbag, playing with both of their sisters at the same time, and having an affair with a patient in the ward. This is irrefutable proof.

Only her stupid sister believed that this man had no bad intentions towards her.

Lila curled her lips and glared at Shen Jian without leaving any trace.

Anyway, hold on tight now, don't let people here know that you two are related, otherwise that bitch Carlisle will take advantage of it.


Lila gave up control of her body.

Leah also reacted at this time.

His expression returned to calm.

He said in a calm but dignified tone: Are you the pastor here?

Did Lila come out just now... Shen Jian had an idea and nodded.

Just now, he clearly noticed that Saint Leia wanted to run over, but when she raised her foot, she put it down again. At the same time, a shallow supernatural wave disappeared in an instant.

At least the top ghost king.

There was some emotion in Shen Jian's eyes.

When he first met the two sisters Lia Lila, they were still top red-clad ghosts.

Unexpectedly, after not seeing him for more than half a year, he has already reached the top ghost king.

He didn't believe that this speed increase had nothing to do with the glorious ghosts and gods.

These people say you are corrupted by resentment. What do you want to say?

Saint Leia looked at the white players and asked.

The frame-up of a clown.

Shen Jian just glanced at it and said casually.

Hear this.

A lot of white players were anxious.

They glared angrily and roared: Stop pretending, we all saw the scene when you walked out of the monastery with your dark side.

Damn yellow guy, you have the guts to do it, but you don't have the guts to admit it, right?

Lady Saint, don't believe him. He has definitely been eroded by resentment. You only need to check to see through his disguise.

That's right. We also need to prevent him from jumping over the wall and escaping. It's best to seal this place off.

Players, you say something to me.

The scene suddenly became noisy.

Saint Leia frowned, opened her lips, and was about to make a sound.

Lila's angry voice sounded again: What do you want to do?

The doctors have said this is a false accusation. What are these people still arguing about? How can people like doctors, who save lives and help the wounded, be eroded by resentment? These people are really annoying.

Lila: Sister, these people are clearly trying to frame this pervert. If you say this, not only will they not wake up, they will start to criticize you, saying that you are bending the law for personal gain and protecting others.

After the exchange of consciousness.

Saint Leia said calmly: Then what do you think we should do?

Testing him, I know that the Holy Lady is one of the few beings in the temple who can listen to the oracle. Any resentment incarnated in front of you has nowhere to hide. We hope that the Holy Lady will give us justice.

The player whose ID is [Mike] said solemnly.

See this.

Saint Leia looked at Shen Jian.


Then let's take a test. It's my honor to be able to bathe in the glory of the Saint.

Shen Jian smiled.

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