the other side.

The Duke's Palace of Inoaden welcomed other guests.

A group of guards who originally followed the Ghost Duke stopped a guest who broke into the Duke's mansion.

This person has long ice-blue hair, a tall figure, and his entire body looks like it is made of ice, exuding a cold air.

Duke Cali, please don't embarrass us. The Duke has already rested. If you plan to visit, you can send a formal letter of visit the next day, and the Duke will accept it.

The guards were miserable.

The man in front of him is the head of the Cali family, one of the four holy families alongside the Inoaden family, and is also one of the four great dukes.


He is also the suitor of Duke Hilli.

He had expressed his love and thought of marriage a long time ago. For this reason, this person regarded Duke Silis as his forbidden love.

Everyone in the entire empire knew about this matter.


Hearing that another man had moved into the Duke's Mansion, and that Duke Hillis personally helped him back, it was no wonder that this man rushed over like crazy.


Duke Cali spat out coldly.

The ghostly coldness emanating from his whole body seemed to condense even in the air.

Terrifying supernatural beings that are infinitely close to ghosts and gods are scattered everywhere.

His figure flashed.

When he reappeared, he had arrived at the castle where Hillis lived.

The guards tried hard to intercept him, but they couldn't stop him at all.

at this time.

A noise sounded out of nowhere.

Everyone was stunned.

This ecstatic sound... seemed to be coming from Duke Hillis.

There was a bit of charm and a bit of hum in the tone.

Don't touch there, it's itchy...

Take it easy...

My hands are a little numb, let me turn around...

Hearing this charming voice, everyone present was stunned.

All the guards were dumbfounded on the spot.

I wish I could deafen my ears right now.

Oh my God, what did they hear?

It seems that the Duke lives alone here, right?


The pastor also moved in.

According to the Duke, Shen Jian was injured because of her, and she must take care of him personally, otherwise she would feel uneasy.

So, Lord Duke, did you take care of him, take care of him, take care of him to your bedroom?

This sounds so damn wrong, why does it feel wrong?

Could it be that you, the Duke, seduced him yourself?

Think of this.

The guards were even more frightened.

Died young.

Do they still have a chance to get out of this castle?

The guards looked at Duke Cali aside, with a hint of sympathy in their eyes.

The goddess I was pursuing was making such a sound in a private place like the bedroom with another man in the middle of the night...

No matter how you think about it, it's impossible to play Ludo.

More importantly, it was the Duke of Cali who broke in and heard it in person. This critical attack was no less than a husband who worked hard to buy a gift and went home to surprise his wife, only to find that his wife had already put it on him. a big surprise.

Pure love for the God of War must break apart.

the other side.

Shen Jian, who helped Ghost Duke Hillis relax his nerves, walked out of the bedroom.

He let out a deep breath.

He hammered the wall lightly.

This duchess is really relieved about him.

A lonely man and a widower, he invited him over for a drink in the middle of the night and lay on the bed unprotected. It was still a vacuum. If the progress was not too fast, it would easily make the other party wary and think that he had evil intentions. He really wanted to know the other party at that time. What does it mean that Zhao Zilong saves Adou, seven in and seven out.


After this night's rules, Ghost Duke Hillis seemed to have decided that he was not that kind of person, and her favorable impression of him had soared to 79.

It's only 1 point away from the intimacy stage.

next time.

I guess I can taste this dangerous rose-like duchess.


Shen Jian was stunned for a moment.

I saw a group of unrelated people on the first floor with big eyes and small eyes.

Shen Jian frowned and waved his hand: Sil has gone to bed. Don't disturb her now. If you have anything to do, we'll talk about it tomorrow.

A group of guards:! ! !

Duke of Cali:? ! !

Everyone was stunned.

Eyes widened.

Especially Duke Cali’s eyes were red.

A man came out of Hillis's bedroom, leaning on the wall. He still smelled of alcohol. Now he said the word already asleep and called Duke Hillis's nickname. This clue was already obvious. .

Everyone's hearts were filled with turmoil.

Is the Duke's Palace of Inoaden about to welcome a male host?

So do we want to have a good relationship now?

Think of this.

All the guards turned to look at Duke Cali and lowered their voices: Duke Cali, you heard it too. The Duke has gone to bed. If you have anything to do, you can submit a letter of visit tomorrow. Besides, you broke into the Duke's Mansion tonight. We will truthfully report our behavior to the Duke, and hope that His Excellency the Duke of Cali will not cause misunderstandings between the two families.

Hear this.

Duke Cali took a deep look at Shen Jian.

His eyes were so cold that it was unbelievable.

As if he wanted to remember Shen Jian's appearance.


Turn around and leave.

Watch it all.

Shen Jian raised his eyebrows.

Duke of Cali?

One of the four holy families, the Cali family that masters the supernatural powers of winter?

He felt it.

The opponent's terror is also at the level of a top ghost king, similar to that of Ghost Duke Siris.

And he also has the aura of being a descendant of ghosts and gods.


Shen Jian put it behind him.

The goddess you care about may have just let someone play with her whole body.

He never cared much about dog licking.

The next day.

Chat interface.

[Andre: Brother, there is something you should know. The group of players walked out of the monastery and are now in the church. 】

See this.

Shen Jian's eyes moved slightly.

Calculate the time.

It’s really time for those white players who are trapped in a sea of ​​misery to come out.

Think about it.

Shen Jian found the ghost Duke Xilis.

After experiencing last night's ambiguity, the duchess's attitude towards Shen Jian seemed to have become somewhat different.

In addition to admiration and curiosity, there was also a bit of shame in his eyes.


After sobering up, she already knew that what happened last night was beyond the limits of her savior.

Under the circumstances at that time, Shen Jian was a bit dishonest, so she might just go along with the situation and have an intimate relationship with Shen Jian inexplicably, but Shen Jian did not do this.

Did nothing but help her relax.

If it were any man, he would have been unable to control it long ago.

Because of this, she was even more satisfied with Shen Jian.

Hill, I'm going back to church.

Ghost Duke Hillis was shocked all over and her cheeks turned red because she also said this title herself.

At this time, when she was awake, Shen Jian said this name, which made her a little confused.

Your injury hasn't healed yet. Wouldn't it be better to stay here for a few more days?

I am a pastor, the church still needs me, and I also hope to put those two evil spirits on the right path as soon as possible and help you find the base of the Redemption Society.

This, this is it.

The corners of Ghost Duke Hillis's lips raised slightly.

It turned out that the young pastor wanted to help him.

In this case, it's not easy to stop her.


In her heart, she disliked this redemption meeting even more.

Especially the leader of the Redemption Church, who always carries out terrorist attacks. When he is caught, he must kneel down and sing Conquer.

Then next time I go to church to see you, you won't welcome me, right?

Always waiting.

Shen Jian smiled.

A few pleasantries were exchanged.

Turn around and leave.

Not long after.


As soon as Shen Jian came back, he saw a group of white players cleaning the house, as well as a player wearing a trainee priest's robe with the ID Mike.

See Shen Jian.

All the white players present had ugly expressions in their eyes.

Especially when they saw the formal priest's robe worn by Shen Jian, their expressions became even more distorted.

In the home court of white people, an Eastern face was actually far ahead.

And they are only qualified to clean the church.

Even if Shen Jian did nothing, it would still be an insult to them.

See this.

Shen Jian just glanced flatly.

Walk straight through.

This scene.

Make white players so angry that their back molars will break.

If Shen Jian had ridiculed them, they would have felt better psychologically, but others simply ignored them, as if they didn't take them seriously.

This made all the players feel pain in their faces.

Not insulting them would be more uncomfortable than directly insulting them.

Damn it, what does he mean? Does he think we are clowns!

Hell, he's so arrogant. Does he think he's great just because he became a priest?

Mike, what are we going to do? Are we going to let this yellow guy have his way in front of us?

All the players were angry and gnashing their teeth.

They all looked at Mike, who had the highest level in the audience.

Mike also had a gloomy look on his face, but when he thought of Shen Jian walking on the ground with more than a dozen dark sides in the sea of ​​suffering, he couldn't help but feel a chill.

It was obvious that they alone could not deal with Shen Jian.

But the secret of Olympus must not be brought back by an Eastern player.

Otherwise, the Western world's dominance will not be maintained.

This is what any Holy See ghost controller doesn't want to see.

He has a secret, and we alone can't deal with him at all. But we can make a big fuss about the fact that he was suspected of being taken over by the dark side in the monastery, and led the dark side out of the sea of ​​suffering. We can let the church deal with him.

Mike spoke.

Wonderful, the church will never allow someone with a dark side to become a priest and damage the image. At the inevitable moment, we can pull down the glorious ghosts and gods as shields. These believers seem to believe this.


I have no opinion.

Kill him.

the other side.

Shen Jian ignored the plans of Mike and his team.

He strode to the interior of the church.

His eyes seemed to be searching for something.


On the bench at the front, he saw a thin, groggy civilian ghost dressed as a civilian.

The other person prayed in front of the church.

There are words in his mouth.


Shen Jian's eyes sparkled.

When he just stepped into the church courtyard, he noticed a weak dragon energy reaction.

As he stepped into the church, the response to the dragon energy he sensed became even stronger.


He was finally stable.

The civilian ghost sitting in front of the church praying is the host of dragon energy.

His luck finally took effect for once.

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