The Inoaden family.

Duke's Palace.

The news that the head of the Hillis family, one of the four great dukes in the empire, personally brought back a man has spread a lot.

It caused quite a stir.

Unlike the Qing Kingdom where the monarchs centralized power and power was attributed to one person, the Eli Empire of Olympus was a traditional European empire. Although the royal family was the master of the empire, there were forces within the empire to check and balance it.

Those are the four holy families.

Among them, Hillis is the contemporary head of the Inoaden family. While the world was still speculating that the duchess would marry the heirs of the other three duke houses or royal children, the other party was actually in full view of the public. , brought back a man.

And in a supporting position.

The gestures and movements are very intimate.

To know.

As the head of one of the four holy families, one of the four great dukes in the empire, and the only duchess, I don’t know how many young talents in the empire are fascinated by him. However, until now, no one has heard of this. Which duchess has had close contact with the young master of a certain family?

Shen Jian was the first.

When Shen Jian knew all this, it was already two days later.

In order to implement his injured character, he stayed in the Duke's Mansion for two days, but he also learned a lot of secrets.

For example, the Duke's servants said that the iron tree of Xilis was blooming.

Another example……

There are things related to ghosts and gods behind the four holy families.

The four holy families symbolize the power of the four seasons. Among them, the Inoaden family has the power of spring, which can make all things bloom, absorb nutrients from the corpse, and bloom.

The remaining three major families master the supernatural powers of summer, autumn, and winter respectively. Each of the supernatural powers has different manifestations, but they are all based on one thing, and that is blood.

Except for the members of the four holy families, no one can master the power of the seasons, and only one person in each generation of successors can master this supernatural power.

The person who inherited this supernatural power is the current head of the family.


The heir of this generation of the Inoaden family is Siris.

Shen Jian was very interested.

The unique inheritance of this form reminded him of those who belong to ghosts and gods.

In his opinion, the so-called inheritance of supernatural powers is actually that the ghosts and gods behind him take a fancy to one of them and make him a dependent of the ghosts and gods. In the resonance with the ghosts and gods, they gradually master the supernatural powers belonging to the ghosts and gods.

To master the supernatural powers of the four seasons, in a place like Olympus, I can only think of Demeter, the goddess of fertility, one of the twelve main gods.

Shen Jian was thoughtful.

This is the first time he has a clue that this deep ghost realm is related to Mount Olympus and the twelve main gods.

In other words, twelve ghosts and gods.

He didn't know whether they were the genuine twelve main gods of Greece, but he knew that these ghosts and gods who occupied this deep ghost realm were not much stronger.

Otherwise, there is no need to take one of Luo Feng's six heavens in the underworld as his own and change its name.

at this time.

It's already night time.

Shen Jian looked at this land from a distance, his eyes twinkling.

In the past two days, the members of the Redemption Society headed by Andrei have transformed into another evil ghost, waiting for him to increase his reputation.

The process of unlocking the hell realm is very smooth.

But he has never met the host of dragon energy.

This was one of the main reasons why he came to Olympus.

If he can't even wait for the host of dragon energy with four dragon energy and maximum luck, then it will be even harder to find a needle in a haystack.

And there are a total of four dragon auras scattered in Luo Feng's six heavens. Except for Olympus, there are three without a trace.

It's difficult to get it all together.

Think of this.

Shen Jian frowned slightly.

Zhou Jue Yin Tian Palace is the only Luo Fengtian who he has collected half of the authority so far, but if it is really hard to find, he doesn't mind changing his target.


A gentle breeze came.

The rich fragrance of roses hits your nostrils.

Shen Jian looked up.

On the balcony of the castle on the second floor, Ghost Duke Hillis was wearing a red silk dress with suspenders. The skirt generously only covered her thighs.

Two long white and tender legs were displayed in front of him through the railing, shaking people's hearts clearly.

Under night.

The breeze blows.

The fragrance of roses hit her face, and her long wavy hair as red as blood was blown up.

This is a very beautiful picture.

It's heartwarming.

Little priest?

Ghost Duke Hillis also noticed Shen Jian standing outside. He slightly pulled his long hair behind him and leaned down.

Want to come up and chat?

Hear this.

Shen Jian's eyes were strange.

There is a sense of déjà vu, Uncle, come up and play.

No hesitation.

Shen Jian walked up to the second floor.

open the door.

I saw the Ghost Duke sitting on the balcony, drinking red wine.

Two long milky white legs crossed, reflecting an alluring light under the soft moonlight.

Want some?

The Ghost Duke's tone was a little calm.

He poured Shen Jian a drink while he was minding his own business.

Shen Jian didn't look outside and took a sip.

In the past few days, I have thought carefully about the arrest operation two days ago, and found that I was too careless. I thought that this redemption group was just a new group of kidnappers. But when I think about it carefully, the other party dared to kidnap me directly. How can the people in the Duke's Palace be so simple?

If you hadn't saved me twice, I probably wouldn't have had a chance to come back alive. Do you think I'm useless?

The Ghost Duke said and drank the remaining red wine in one gulp.

Under the hazy night, the girl put on women's clothes and looked extremely sexy, with a trace of rosy color appearing on her delicate face.

Shen Jian:......

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

No, you really are overthinking this matter.

It was simply because he was too arrogant about his brother. Although he did not break the law, he caused public outrage, which led to Andre's kidnapping, that's all.

Your Majesty the Duke...

Call me Hill. This is my nickname. It sounds friendly to me.

Shen Jian looked slightly startled.

There is an imperceptible smile in his eyes.

Shen Jian knows best what it means when a woman is willing to tell you her nickname and ask you to call her more affectionately.

It seems that the impact of the two heroic rescues has not been used up yet.


If he doesn't recover for a day, the Ghost Duke will feel more guilty towards him.

Think about it.

Shen Jian said: You are in charge of the affairs of the clan at a young age, you are a Duke, and you have countless suitors in the Yi Lai Empire. If you are useless, aren't you saying that the Yi Lai Empire is mediocre?

The pursuers are all greedy people who are greedy for the power of my family. They pursue me because they want to rely on the reputation of the Inoaden family to achieve their own goals. I despise such people the most.

Ghost Duke Hillis said coldly.

Shen Jian understood.

She is still an innocent girl who wants to enjoy pure love.

Do you really think I'm excellent?

She seemed unsure and asked again.

Of course, the first time I saw you, Hill, I knew that you were the most dazzling in the entire Eli Empire.

Shen Jian's face was not red, his heart was not beating, and his eyes were deep.


He leaned forward to let the other party see his seriousness.

Wha, what, little pastor, what are you talking about?

Hearing these ambiguous words, Ghost Duke Hillis's cheeks turned even redder.

I can no longer tell whether I am drunk or drunk.

She raised her delicate eyebrows: Young pastor, by speaking like this, have you deceived the hearts of many ignorant women?

Everything I say is true.

Shen Jian did not respond, but said seriously.

See this.

Ghost Duke Hillis appeared with evasive eyes.

Maybe she felt that the current atmosphere was too ambiguous, so she stood up suddenly. But she didn't know if it was due to the influence of alcohol. As soon as she stood up, she staggered a few times and almost fell down.

Shen Jian supported her and held her delicate body in his arms.

Hill, your nerves are too tense. You should take a good rest.

He could feel the duchess's tense body.


She was very unaccustomed to being hugged by other men.

If it were any other man, his head would be bursting with blood right now.

That is to say, he had the influence bonus of two heroic rescues of beauty, so the duchess did not choose to push away.

To this.

Shen Jian naturally planned to strike while the iron was hot.

When a woman is at her most vulnerable, it is also a good opportunity to take advantage of it.

Let me help you calm down your nerves and relax your body.

Ghost Duke Hillis looked at Shen Jian with confused eyes, not saying anything, just staring.

Shen Jian said seriously: I am a priest.

Potential meaning: I have noble virtues and am different from other men with evil intentions.

a long time.

She sat unsteadily on the bed, How should I cooperate with you?

Just lie down, I will take care of it myself.

The Ghost Duke did not doubt it. Perhaps it was because of her favorable impression during the ambiguous stage, or perhaps because she thought that he was a priest and would not take advantage of others. She followed Shen Jian's words and lay on the bed, with her slightly drunken face pillowed between her. Only crossed hands.

From Shen Jian's perspective, it's so beautiful.

Different from other Chinese-style, realistic female ghosts he had seen, the Ghost Duke Hillis in front of him was a typical medieval European-style female ghost. Delicacy and gorgeousness were synonymous with them.

Coupled with a face that resembles a cartoon-like goddess, there is a sense of déjà vu as if the cartoon has been brought into reality.


Shen Jian put his hands on his waist.


Caught off guard, the duchess let out a scream.

This voice is three parts soulful, three parts nervous, and four parts painful.

Does it hurt?

No, it's okay... I was distracted just now, please continue.

She was embarrassed to say that she had just been too neurotic.


Shen Jian gently pressed her slender waist.

The Duchess's waist is really thin.

Judging from the collapsed silhouette of the suspender silk dress, it really looks slim.

Although he had exercised great restraint, perhaps due to the influence of alcohol, the duchess still kept making embarrassing um anthracene sounds from her mouth and nose.

Neither of them spoke.

It's just that the atmosphere in the room is getting hotter.

Shen Jian's movements also became more irregular.

His palms pressed on the silky dress, pushing forward from her tailbone to the back of her neck without encountering any obstacles along the way.

Shen Jian's expression froze.

No obstacles...

The strangeness in his eyes was a little deeper.

Vacuum... packaging?

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