Sky War God

Chapter 3646: Changes in the Huntian Spirit Orb

[网] Lingtian War God Chapter 3646 The Change of Huntian Spirit Orb

Feeling the change of such a terrible breath, the light in Ye Feng's eyes also became extremely bright, and the original power in his body had even reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

That kind of terrifying power, with a very fast speed, spreads towards the location where Ye Feng is located, and the wave formed, even completely destroying everything in the surrounding space.

Perceiving such a little power, the original power in Ye Feng's body is also moving at an extremely fast speed, and a bright red spear grows directly from Ye Feng's body.

The terrifying aura covered by the holy magic spear, at this moment, the fluctuations formed by the complete operation, even tyrannical to the point that ordinary people can't imagine.

But the Chaos Giant Elephant also issued an extremely fierce roar at this moment, and the aura that gathered in the body was simply tyrannical to the point that ordinary people could not imagine.

Uncle Wu's destructive power pierced towards Ye Feng's position at a very fast speed and formed a wave that even reached an extremely terrifying realm.

Those devastating shocks and the **** spear light released by Ye Feng collided together, and two absolutely terrifying powers were intertwined at this moment.

The extremely terrifying attribute, the wave of destruction formed by the complete eruption of power at this moment, is almost completely destroying the surrounding void.

However, the power stored in this boundless sea of ​​void is absolutely terrifying beyond imagination, capable of completely suppressing everything between heaven and earth in the shortest possible time.

Even with such a terrifying destructive power, nothing can be changed at this moment, only those breaths can continue to spread out.

Perceiving such a change, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the original aura in his body revolved at an extremely fast speed.

It was at this moment that Ye Feng mobilized the power of chaos in his body and crushed it directly forward.

Although the strength of that chaotic giant elephant was terrifying, there was still a certain gap compared with Ye Feng.

As Ye Feng's control of the power of Chaos became more profound, the power that radiated even reached an extremely terrifying realm, and within a little operation, it could burst out destructive power that ordinary people could not imagine.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock resounded in the void, such a terrible breath, even to completely tear all of this apart.

The blood-colored spear light pierced toward the opponent's location at an extremely fast speed, and landed directly on the body of the chaotic giant elephant.

Such a terrifying power, even Ye Feng can't guarantee whether he can get it, and the pressure that the Chaos Elephant bears is extremely huge.

In a very short period of time, a terrifying aura erupted, and the resulting wave of destruction was simply to completely destroy and suppress everything between the world and the earth.

Countless destructive forces are spreading crazily at this moment, forming fluctuations, and even destroying everything between the world and the earth.

The light in Ye Feng's eyes fully bloomed at this moment, and he constantly mobilized the Holy Magic Spear in his hand, and continued to suppress it forward.

Such a breath has reached a point that ordinary people can't imagine.

The Chaos Giant Elephant can also mobilize the surrounding forces, but compared with Ye Feng, the gap between them is really beyond words.

That is to say, in a very short time, the body of that chaotic giant elephant has been transmitted through Ye Feng's holy magic spear, as if it could deprive him of all the power in his body in the shortest time.

In an instant, the power that Ye Feng radiated was completely crushed forward, as if to completely suppress our chaotic giant elephant.

But at this critical moment, an extremely terrifying impact broke out in the void, and another chaotic giant elephant rushed over, and the power it radiated was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Perceiving such a force, Ye Feng's expression also became a little dignified and the aura that he had gathered spread out again.

At this moment, the powerful attribute power gathered in the body completely broke out at this moment, and the fluctuations formed even completely destroyed everything between the world.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock collided with such a terrifying aura. Two absolutely powerful forces seemed to completely destroy all of this.

At this moment, Ye Feng also felt the pressure he was under. There was an extremely powerful attribute in the void, and the force was suppressing his body.

The strength of the two chaotic giant elephants is simply beyond imagination, and they can destroy all the lives between this world and the earth in the shortest possible time.

Perceive such a terrible breath. Ye Feng didn't have any hesitation either. He directly mobilized the original power in his body. That huge force spread out completely at this moment, and the resulting fluctuations even exceeded the limit of ordinary people's imagination.

In an instant, a blood-colored spear light pierced out of Ye Feng's hand and smashed directly toward the two chaotic giant elephants.

An extremely terrifying aura burst out, as if to destroy everything between the world and the earth, countless destructive powers surged crazily at this moment.

More rumbling sounds of destruction and shock rang out, and the waves formed were enough to completely destroy everything around it.

At this moment, the power that permeated the void had reached an extremely terrifying state, and that unimaginable terrifying power had directly burst into the most terrifying impact at this moment.

In the face of such a terrifying power, even Ye Feng could not bear the original power in his own body, and moved at an extremely fast speed.

That kind of terrifying power circulated quickly in the void, so Zhong passed through layers of space and directly landed on Ye Feng's body.

No matter how fast Ye Feng's reaction speed is, he can't completely resist such a force at this moment. The original force in his body seems to be completely collapsed in a short period of time.

Even if Ye Feng hadn't imagined the impact of this kind of power, it was so terrifying that the aura in his body was running at an extremely fast speed, but he still couldn't resist such a terrifying energy.

A mouthful of blood that was simply unbearable was vomited out directly, and the original power in the body, the fluctuations formed by the rapid movement, even exceeded the limit of the general situation.

The power of chaos in the body is constantly running, and I do my best to completely calm all these powers.

However, the power displayed by all this is not as simple as Ye Feng imagined.

The waves of destruction are constantly released, and the breath that blooms in the void is also constantly being displayed at this moment.

Countless destructive forces gathered in madness at this moment, and even the other party could not resist such a powerful energy, directly drifting with the flow in this wave of destruction.

"Unexpectedly, the combination of these two chaotic giant elephants would be so terrifying in strength."

While stabilizing his figure, Ye Feng also sighed at this moment that the power in his body was running fast, and the aura that he radiated became more and more terrifying.

The energy entwined on the holy magic spear also became stronger at this moment, as if to completely gather all the aura of destruction between the world and the earth.

At the same time, in Ye Feng's eyes, a dark golden brilliance also appeared, and the golden body of the Heavenly Demon that he had cultivated was fully bloomed at this moment, showing all his power.

An extremely powerful breath, the fluctuations formed by spreading in the void, even reached a point that ordinary people could not reach.

When they perceive such a powerful force, the hearts of the two chaotic elephants are also extremely shocked. They can't imagine why the human being in front of them has such terrible energy, and even the world inside them feels trembling. .

The terrible aura permeating the void was completely mobilized by Ye Feng at this moment, and the countless power of destruction quickly entangled on the spear in Ye Feng's hand, and every move would bloom with terrible things that ordinary people could not imagine. power.

That is to say, at this moment, Ye Feng's footsteps lightly stepped for an instant, and he had already passed through the entire space and appeared on one of the chaotic giant elephants.

The holy magic spear in his hand absorbs all the destructive power between the heaven and the earth, and integrates the power of the magic path attribute of the night sky itself, and integrates all the destructive aura between the heaven and the earth into his body.

In an instant, all the aura radiating from the Holy Demon Spear converged on one point in the forefront, and the energy gathered in it was simply as powerful as an ordinary person could not.

In the next moment, Ye Feng directly pushed out the Holy Magic Spear in his hand, and that extremely terrifying aura of destruction directly penetrated the Chaos Image.

With a long moan, the giant chaotic elephant fell directly into the void.

No matter how strong the opponent's strength is, the moment he was hit by Ye Feng's attack, the Qi in his body had already begun to crazily collapse, and he could no longer maintain it.

If it weren't for the powerful aura of life in the inner world, Ye Feng would definitely suppress this chaotic giant elephant in the first place, and even be able to kill it directly.

Perceiving a heavy blow to his companion, another giant chaotic elephant has also fallen into the original source of his mad body, and its power has begun to run wildly.

The extremely terrifying impact of destruction, on the crazily condensed object at this moment, exudes a terrible power that ordinary people can't bear.

It's like a pair of terrifying scimitars, gathering the most terrifying edge between the world and the earth, a very terrifying brilliance, directly slashing towards the direction where Ye Feng is, as if to completely destroy Ye Feng's body Come the same.

When he perceives such an attack, Ye Feng's reaction is also extremely fast, and the steps under his feet move quickly.

That kind of power caused the surrounding space to surge, and the whole person seemed to be traveling freely in the space.

With the power of the space under his control, President Ye also wanted to avoid this attack completely.

The strength of the edge is too terrifying, even Ye Feng's powerful cultivation base is somewhat unbearable, and will be completely beheaded in the next instant.

However, the strength of the opponent is also terrifying beyond imagination, and that destroying Daoguang directly blocked all changes in the surrounding space.

It was almost as if everything between the world and the earth should be completely sealed and suppressed. The terrifying aura permeating the void made Ye Feng unable to cause any impact on the space.

It even said that once the power in the space was mobilized, Ye Feng would directly hit the pair of blade lights.

Without any hesitation, the origin in his body, the aura that is fully operating at this moment, the powerful force pervading time and space, at this moment, it is also completely diffused.

In an instant, the aura in the entire space had reached a point that ordinary people could not imagine, and that source of strength had reached its extreme under Ye Feng's operation.

Since he couldn't avoid the opponent's attack, Ye Feng wouldn't hesitate anymore, he had already exploded the most massive aura in his body in a very short time.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock, at this moment, fully demonstrated its own powerful power. The wave of destruction formed by the innumerable power of destruction crazily condensed in the void, even reaching a point that ordinary people can't imagine.

That is, at this moment, the source of Ye Feng’s body, the powerful aura in Ye Feng’s body circulated at an extremely fast speed, and it broke out completely in a very short time, it seemed to be about everything between heaven and earth. Go on like this completely.

Countless scholarly powers madly collide with those terrifying auras at this moment, and it has reached an extremely terrifying point.

Allowing these forces to collide in the space, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter, and the fluctuations formed by the continuous operation of the forces in his body broke out completely in a very short period of time.

The two powerful auras collided crazily at this moment, and the rumbling sound of destruction resounded in the void. It seemed that a conclusion was to be reached in the shortest possible time.

Ye Feng once again mobilized the power in his body, superimposing the absolutely powerful aura on the holy magic spear.

The extremely terrifying power of destruction burst out all of its own power in this very short period of time, the terrifying energy permeated in the void, and even burst out completely at this moment, bringing everything between heaven and earth. Can be completely destroyed.

When he realized the terrifying aura contained in this attack, the chaotic giant elephant had no way to retreat.

That extremely terrifying energy completely erupted at this moment, and the resulting wave of destruction was enough to completely destroy everything around it, and even this sea of ​​chaos produced subtle ripples.

At that moment, Ye Feng suddenly raised his palm, and countless attribute auras gathered crazily at this moment.

That is, at this moment, Ye Feng directly condensed all his powers, and displayed the power of the magic formula one after another, as if to completely suppress everything between the world and the earth.

In a very short period of time, Ye Feng had already released the divine pattern formation disc that had fallen silent in the sea of ​​consciousness.

In an instant, an extremely huge formation was released, and the power gathered in it was the power of all the gods that Ye Feng deduced during this period of time.

Such a terrifying energy was enough to suppress all the creatures between the world and the earth, and in a very short time, Ye Fengzhi released such a breath again.

The strength of the Chaos Giant Elephant is indeed extremely terrifying, even Ye Feng may not be able to completely suppress them.

But Ye Feng's formation is really weird, it directly connects all the forces between the heaven and the earth, and gathers the extremely terrifying power of the heaven and the earth.

Even if it is such a powerful creature as the ancient giant elephant, when it perceives such a force, it will cause its body to tremble constantly, and the aura in its body will collapse at an extremely fast speed.

Feeling such a change, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the original power in his body was moving at an extremely fast speed.

Countless attribute powers are superimposed at this moment, directly suppressing the Chaos Giant Elephant from then on, Ye Feng did not hesitate at this moment, and once again released the aura in his body.

With the power of chaos as the core, Ye Feng mobilized the aura between heaven and earth, even this boundless virtual sea was affected to a certain extent under Ye Feng's control.

The aura continuously released in the void, the fluctuations formed by the rapid rotation at this moment, even reached a powerful realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

Under Ye Feng's control, this world combined with the power of the surrounding space, and the seal formed became even more terrifying.

After that, with a wave of the holy magic spear in Ye Feng's hand, it also directly pierced into the body of the chaotic giant elephant, directly releasing the power of destruction in the body.

The rumbling sound of horrible shocks echoed continuously in the body of the giant elephant, and the world in it was also searched by Ye Feng in a very short time.

In the next instant, countless devastating breaths rushed wildly, seeming to completely destroy everything between this world and earth. Feeling that terrifying energy, all the lives present were also severely shocked.

Originally, when Ye Feng was fighting with the two chaotic giant elephants, there were already many chaotic creatures surrounding them, and the aura in their bodies was constantly running, as if they wanted to get a certain degree of help from such a battle.

However, when they felt the terrifying strength of the two people present, these chaotic creatures also had unprecedented fear, and madly left the battlefield.

In the next instant, Ye Feng had completely transported his own power into the inner world of that chaotic giant elephant, and the aura in the body was circling quickly at this moment.

The power of the chaotic origin circulated out, directly releasing the chaos power in the body, swallowing the origin aura in the broken world of that side.

Different from the previous actions, although the original power in the Jialuo Bird's body is strong, there is a certain degree of lack in quantity.

Ye Feng tried his best to collect the power of those origins, and the world he could open up was not that huge.

However, the Chaos Colossus has different strengths. Its body is extremely large, and the breath that can be emitted from its every move is also beyond imagination. It seems to be in the shortest time to completely transform this space into chaos.

Under such an environment, Ye Feng continuously released his own chaotic power, refining the world in the chaotic giant elephant, and wanted to calm all this down completely.

Under the control of Ye Feng, the world that had been continuously collapsing had also entered a stable state, and the aura of the entire world was converging towards the location where Ye Feng was at an extremely fast speed.

After the constant change and transformation of the power of the chaotic origin, the power of the chaos surrounding Ye Feng's body has also become stronger.

Such a terrifying breath even caused the energy in Ye Feng's body to react at an extremely fast speed. Even with such a powerful cultivation base, he could not bear it at this moment.

However, at this moment, Ye Feng directly released the aura in his body, and washed his body with the help of the incomparably strong chaotic origin power around him.

Although he had already broken through the spirit, blood and energy, the triple heaven pass and even the natal soldiers had been completely cast, only the transformation of the heavenly spirit orb.

But with the help of such a strong chaotic power, to constantly wash his body, and even to reach a higher level, is also an unprecedented help for Ye Feng.

In a very short period of time, these terrifying energies have been completely calmed down by Ye Feng, and the aura radiated from them has even reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

In an instant, the terrifying aura that permeated the void was completely suppressed by Ye Feng, and the energy contained in it reached an extremely powerful level.

The energy in the body is circling quickly at this moment, and the breath that comes out has completely demonstrated its full power in this extremely short period of time.

At that moment, the original power in Ye Feng's body had already begun to operate frantically, and the terrifying energy had even reached a realm beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The power of the Primal Chaos tumbling in the void, Ye Feng also quickly swallowed that side of the world into the Primal Chaos.

In this chaos, Ye Feng also felt the rhythm of this moment, the aura in his body began to continuously revolve, and the power radiated reached a point that ordinary people could not imagine.

In the next moment, the powerful force permeating the void completely broke out at this moment, and the true energy in Ye Feng's body was running at the fastest speed, as if to completely complete everything between the world and the earth. The suppression continues.

The God of Good Fortune Sword in Ye Feng's hand grew slowly, and the power of good fortune contained in it became extremely pure.

Slowly swinging the divine sword of good fortune, the extremely brilliant sword light spread out in the void, as if to completely cut away from this chaos.

Perceiving such a terrifying aura, the original power in his body is also the powerful energy permeating the space at an extremely fast speed, which is released crazily at this moment.

The scene of opening up the world was once again shown in front of Ye Feng, and the energy radiated from it even reached a terrifying realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

When he perceives such a tyrannical aura, the original power in Ye Feng's body is also running at an extremely fast speed, and the resulting fluctuations even burst out in a very short period of time.

The rumbling sound of terrifying shocks released the formed fluctuations in a very short period of time, and even wanted to fully release its own power at this moment.

That huge chaotic world was also crushed towards Ye Feng's side, as if to completely destroy the aura in his body.

The more powerful the Chaos Embryo, if you want to open up space in it, you need to take greater risks.

Now Ye Feng's strength has been improved, but the price that needs to be paid to create the world again in this chaotic world is also extremely huge.

At that moment, the pressure Ye Feng felt was as if his soul was about to be completely torn away. This space was constantly absorbing the power that belonged to Ye Feng, and wanted him to fully integrate into this new world.

However, even with countless pressures and difficulties, Ye Feng's eyes were extremely firm, and the aura in his body was even stronger than an ordinary person could match.

When he perceives such a force, the light in Ye Feng's eyes also becomes more dazzling. The original power in his body expands at an extremely fast speed. Everything in the space was completely destroyed.

The rumbling sound of terrifying shocks, at this moment, completely released the formed fluctuations, and even wanted to completely suppress everything between the world and the earth.

Even with the backlash of the power of chaos, no matter how powerful it is, it still can't help Ye Feng.

I only saw countless sword lights of good fortune slashed out from the chaos, tearing those breaths continuously, and finally opening up an illusory but real world.

As for the comprehension of the power of his own laws, Ye Feng has also reached an extremely pure point at this time. The power that is constantly running seems to be to completely suppress everything between the world and the earth in the shortest possible time.

The rumbling sound of terrifying shocks constantly echoed in the void, and the breath that Ye Feng exudes was to completely suppress everything between the world and the earth.

The development of this chaotic world has been completely stabilized, and Ye Feng calmed down and took a step forward.

That kind of terrifying power showed its own power in a very short period of time, and the aura permeating the void even reached a realm beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Countless destructive powers permeated the void, causing the aura in Ye Feng's own body to be strong to an extremely pure level.

At the same time, the power of good fortune emanating from Ye Feng's body also became stronger with it. The superposition of the two auras, on the contrary, made the power in Ye Feng's body extremely calm.

Such power also made the aura in Ye Feng's body extremely special, as if to say that everything between the world and the earth had returned to the ordinary.

When I saw Ye Feng's third year, another giant chaotic elephant was also frantically struggling to break through Ye Feng's formation.

However, such a force has been united with the entire sea of ​​void, and the aura radiated from it is even under the control of Ye Feng, connected to his body, as long as his own power is not completely consumed, then A giant chaotic elephant cannot break free at all.

As for the power in Ye Feng's body, Ye Feng had already been grafted onto the Heavenly Chaos Spirit Orb. The power of the chaotic origin in it had not been completely consumed, nor would the power in Ye Feng's body have been completely consumed.

That is to say, Ye Feng directly suppressed this chaotic giant elephant with the Huntian Lingzhu.

After that, Ye Feng did not hesitate, and once again burst out his own power, penetrating the defense of the Chaos Giant Elephant at an extremely fast speed.

The world in his body was also suppressed by the power in Ye Feng's body in this very short period of time, and the terrifying power that radiated out even completely suppressed everything between the world.

The world on that side was a little stronger than the world of the previous set of Chaos Giant Elephants, but at this moment it couldn't resist Ye Feng's destruction.

The powerful destructive power contained in the holy magic spear showed its greatest strength at this moment, enough to completely suppress everything between the world and the earth.

Countless auras of destruction erupted crazily, it is simply to completely destroy the entire world in the shortest time, perceiving the powerful power contained in the body, the aura that Ye Feng exudes has become even more terrifying.

In the next instant, the aura in the void had completely collapsed, and the destructive power emanating from Ye Feng would even break through to a higher level.

That is to say, the aura pervading the control in this extremely short period of time has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine. The countless expansion of the power of destruction is enough to completely suppress this world.

The rumbling sound of terrifying shocks resounded in the void, and the aura that it radiated even reached a level beyond the reach of ordinary people. The destructive power of martial arts was completely released at this moment, once again. The world on this side was shattered.

Destroying the world and reshaping now are familiar to Ye Feng.

As the power in his body was constantly running, the breath that Ye Feng exudes became more and more terrifying, directly destroying and reshaping this world.

Moreover, in the process of constantly opening up the world, Ye Feng also noticed the aura in his body, which had become more and more mellow, as if he was brewing his own avenue.

Perceiving such power, Ye Feng also burst out his own energy in a very short period of time, madly impacting higher realms, as if he wanted to use such an opportunity to condense his own avenue.

Before his aura was completely calmed down, Ye Feng suddenly felt the Huntian Spirit Orb in his body and shook slightly, and the aura from it seemed to have an unusual change.

The power of the divine mind falls into the Sky Mixing Spirit Orb, and the energy in it has also become extremely special. In a very short period of time, part of the surrounding chaotic power has been absorbed and refined.

Vaguely, Ye Feng discovered that three small spots of light appeared at the core of countless Chaos Power.

Divine Sense was thrown into it, and he discovered that the core of the Sky Mixing Spirit Orb had also opened up a part of the world.

Moreover, under Ye Feng's perception, the aura contained in this world is also extremely special, which seems to make Ye Feng feel an unprecedented familiarity.

In an instant, Ye Feng woke up suddenly.

"Aren't these the three worlds I opened up before?"

In these three worlds, there is Ye Feng's unique power of law. At this moment, under Ye Feng's induction, they have demonstrated their own characteristics.

Although these three worlds were just born and the power in them was not particularly powerful, at this moment Ye Feng could also feel the powerful aura contained in them.

With the help of the Huntian Spirit Mount Everest, the three worlds in the Void Sea can be sensed in real time. Even with the passage of time, these worlds will become stronger, and the power fed back to the Huntian Spirit Orb will follow. The growth.

At that moment, Ye Feng finally understood why he could sense that with the help of the power of opening up the world, he could further refine the Heavenly Mixing Spirit Orb.

In other words, as long as all the power of the Primal Chaos in the Chaos Sky Spirit Orb is consumed to open up the world, Ye Feng will be able to bring the Sky Chaos Spirit Orb into his own control.

Perhaps it can also show the more powerful force contained in this peerless magic weapon.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng's heart was also extremely excited, he had already released the breath in his body for the first time, intertwined with the three worlds in the Huntian Spirit Orb.

The power of the chaotic world, UU reading www. is also constantly growing at this moment, and the aura radiating from it also shocked Ye Feng's heart incomparably.

Some of the power emanating from it has even reached a level beyond the reach of ordinary people. The wave of countless attribute powers spreading in the void has even reached an extremely strong state.

"It seems that the next part of the journey really needs to be more serious, and continue to gather the power between heaven and earth to open up the world."

Even Ye Feng thought of other ways to open up the world, and the world opened up would be different due to different environmental changes.

More importantly, the world born through different methods will contain the power of completely different laws, and it will also show the most special changes to Ye Feng's power to push himself to advance to a higher level.

However, Ye Feng didn't know that when he was studying the method of promotion in this world, he was already targeted by another group of people.

An extremely huge danger was constantly approaching where Ye Feng was.

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