Sky War God

Chapter 3645: Build the world

[网] Ling Tian War God Chapter 3645 Creating the World

When he raised his hand, the aura radiating from Ye Feng's hand had become extremely powerful, and the power permeating the void had become terrifying beyond imagination.

At that moment, Ye Feng seemed to have completely radiated the power of chaos in the body, that kind of extremely terrifying aura, and at this moment released a powerful force that ordinary people could not imagine.

The aura permeating in the instant space has completely changed, and Ye Feng's chaotic power directly occupies the root of this world.

The strength of Jialuo Niao is also considered to be the top among the gods. The world he has built with all his best is also quite strong in the foundation, enough to suppress everything between the heavens and the earth.

At this moment, he perceives the aura radiating from this body, and releases his own chaotic power continuously.

The breath of countless attribute forces spreading in the void has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

An extremely terrifying force spread out in the void, and the aura contained in it was simply to completely change this world.

The light in Ye Feng's eyes also exudes extremely powerful brilliance at this moment, and the constant changes in the palm of his hand are controlled by the power of chaos released by him.

Originally under the impact of Ye Feng, the power of chaos in the surrounding space had become extremely cruel, and the power radiated had even reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

However, the power gathered in the void at this moment became calm and stable under Ye Feng's control.

That kind of special attribute power, stabilizing its own structure in this very short period of time, seems to be trying to reshape this side into the collapsed world.

However, when he really tried, Ye Feng discovered that shaping a world is not as simple as imagined, and the difficulties in it are beyond words.

Between the casual wave of hands, the breath exuding from the body has become extremely terrifying.

Especially in this world that is about to be destroyed, the brewing of such a force is simply to completely destroy everything between this world and the earth.

Even if Ye Feng wanted to stabilize the power in the surrounding space in the shortest possible time, he would not be able to fully display his abilities.

Even the power of Chaos burst out, as if to completely destroy everything in this space, no energy can suppress the aura fluctuations in it.

Ye Feng also had an extremely deep understanding of his own chaotic power, the power of which should have been a fusion of destruction and creation.

However, at this moment, Ye Feng was unable to exert the power of good fortune in it at all, but instead allowed the aura of destruction in it to reach an extremely powerful point.

Such a change also shocked Ye Feng's heart, as if to say that he could not use the power of chaos to stabilize this world, but would make this world go to ultimate destruction at an extremely fast speed.

After perceiving such a change, the energy in Ye Feng's body was also running rapidly, and the aura in his body was constantly running.

The chaotic power he radiated was even more at an extremely fast speed returning to the original power of the entire world, as if to completely destroy everything between the world and the earth.

Feeling such a change, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the original aura in his body became extremely calm.

Regarding the control of the power of chaos, Ye Feng may not be able to let it fully display the aura of creating all things, so let it develop on its own and show the real chaotic scene.

The power of the origin of the entire world, driven by such a force to explore quickly, seems to be to integrate everything between this world and the earth into that chaotic air current.

At the same time, Ye Feng was also sensing the changes in the chaotic airflow, allowing the power in it to be released on his body little by little.

Such strong fluctuations have also caused a certain degree of change in the surrounding space, and the aura that has gathered in the void has reached a realm that ordinary people cannot imagine at this moment.

Perceiving such a force, Ye Feng seemed to have entered a very warm environment, as if he had returned to his mother.

The power of the surrounding chaos is no longer violent, and the aura that it exudes releases its own power in this extreme world.

With the continuous operation of the power of Chaos, Ye Feng can also feel the aura radiating from his body, which has become extremely large.

That kind of terrifying power bred in this chaotic space, it seemed that it was going to exert its most powerful energy.

Seeing this situation, Ye Feng didn't make any changes either, still letting the chaotic air flow run on its own, as if to completely accommodate the origin of this world.

I don't know how long it took. When Ye Feng opened his eyes again, he found that the power of the chaos around him had become extremely strong, and he didn't know how many times the aura he released.

Perceiving such a power, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the aura in his body became extremely pure.

The chaotic power in the body continuously blended with the chaotic aura of the outside world, and the energy emitted at this moment also reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

The energy contained in it has reached a higher level at this moment.

Among other things, the good fortune aura contained in this chaotic power alone has become extremely pure, making Ye Feng feel unprecedented shock.

Originally, the power of Chaos in Ye Feng's body was extremely sharp, and the energy that raging could radiate could completely destroy everything between the world and the earth in a very short time.

However, at this moment, the power controlled by Ye Feng has reached an extreme point, and the energy contained in it has fully demonstrated its own power at this moment.

It was like saying that everything between the world and the earth had completely calmed down under such influence, and the power of chaos that had gathered in it had reached a level of neutrality and peace.

Perceiving such power, Ye Feng's heart also became more peaceful, and the original aura in his body continued to circulate, as if he wanted to completely calm this space.

Realizing that the aura radiating from his body was different from the past, Ye Feng also slowly pushed his palm to accommodate those chaotic powers in his palm.

Perceiving the changes in the power of Chaos, Ye Feng's heart has also become extremely relieved, as if the life force of this world has been accommodated under his control.

"It's time to start."

Ye Feng sighed softly.

Before speaking, the breath in the body was completely released, and that extremely pure power spread in the void, and the energy it radiated was simply as powerful as an ordinary person could not imagine.

The chaotic aura in his hand combined with the life force between heaven and earth, completely condensed at this moment, and at the same time, Ye Fengye drew a weapon from his body.

The divine sword of good fortune shining brightly at this moment is also exuding extremely pure strength of good fortune, as if to completely revive everything between the world and the earth.

Slowly swinging the Divine Sword of Good Fortune in his hand, a wave of powerful sharp powers bloomed at this moment, but more of it was the breath of life mobilized by Ye Feng.

It was such a plain sword that directly tore apart the surrounding chaotic space, and the various attribute forces between heaven and earth began to evolve at this moment.

The sky is clear and the earth is cloudy, the five elements of Yin and Yang, the wind, thunder, rain and snow...

These forces continue to interweave and change, and the aura that they exude has reached an extremely pure point at this moment, slowly expanding in this chaotic world.

Perceiving the power of chaos surrounding such a breath, it seems that it has also been affected, becoming extremely violent, as if to completely destroy the embryonic form of the world that has just been conceived.

When he perceives such a force, Ye Feng's reaction is also extremely rapid, and the chaotic power in his body has been expanded in the first time.

The two forces of birth and death in the chaos are naturally in a state of balance. When Ye Feng shows the good fortune attributes of the power of chaos, naturally the world's destructive power will be released.

In order to operate, one of these forces has to contend with all other chaotic forces before it can exert some of its energy.

When he realized this, the aura in Ye Feng's body was also running at an extremely fast speed, constantly resisting the terrible pressure emitted by the power of the external chaos.

And he himself was also at this moment, fully releasing the aura in the space, and constantly displayed his own divine sword of good fortune to chop the terrible chaos.

The power of chaos is decomposed at this moment and under the control of Ye Feng, constantly showing its own power, as if to say that all the power of chaos between the world and the earth is to be refined and transformed into this world. The origin is the same.

At this moment, the aura that permeated the void had reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine. Those terrifying chaotic powers madly impacted Ye Feng's body, which also caused the power in his body to start to be consumed continuously.

Even so, Ye Feng didn't have any hesitation. He directly ran the energy in his body, as if he wanted to completely suppress the aura in this space in the shortest possible time.

Perceiving that huge breath in his body, Ye Feng also tried his best to operate all his own power, as if he wanted to completely suppress the power of the attributes in this space in the shortest possible time.

Countless attribute powers are fully operating at this moment, and the illusory world of that side has merged those heaven and earth spiritual powers and original auras together at this moment.

After perceiving such a change, the light in Ye Feng's eyes also became more radiant. The original aura in his body at this moment completely exudes the powerful power in the body, as if it is going to be in the shortest time. Promoting changes in the entire world.

The power of the chaos in the void has also become more brutal at this moment, and the aura radiating from the body at this time blooms with power that ordinary people can't imagine.

The two states of birth and death are constantly colliding with the fragile world. Under Ye Feng's guidance, he kept breaking up the power of chaos in the world to increase his size.

Such a change naturally made Ye Feng feel an unprecedented shock in his heart, and the original aura in his body was moving at an extremely fast speed, as if to completely suppress everything between the world and the earth. .

Perceiving such a terrifying aura, the light in Ye Feng's eyes has also become extremely bright, and the original power in his body is fully blooming with his own energy at this moment.

It was like saying that the origin in his body, the aura was completely mobilized at this moment, enough to affect this chaotic world.

The continuous impact of the chaotic air current seems to be to completely destroy the space created by Ye Feng.

At this moment, the power permeating the void has reached a point that ordinary people can't imagine. The energy gathered in it will even destroy the entire space in the shortest time.

Ye Feng watched all this calmly, that is, the process of opening up the world with the divine sword of good fortune in his hand also became more rapid.

On this side, the proportion of the forces of creation and destruction in the chaotic world is constantly changing.

The power of the chaotic world is constantly converging, but the life aura contained in the void has become extremely rich at this moment.

The power in the space is undergoing subtle changes at this moment, and the aura contained in that side of the world has also become more pure.

When he perceives such a change, the energy in Ye Feng's body is also constantly released at this moment, and his own strength is declining at an extremely fast rate.

If you want to fully mobilize the original power in the world, the price that needs to be paid is naturally extremely huge, even Ye Feng can't completely change the original power of a world in this short period of time.

However, at this moment, the powerful force permeating the void caused the entire space to begin to undergo tremendous changes.

Countless attribute auras permeate the space, and the energy radiated is simply so powerful that an ordinary person cannot. The terrible energy permeating the space has even reached a realm that an ordinary person can't imagine. .

The illusory world of that side showed his own purest power at this moment, as if to say that the power of good fortune of this side of the world was to be fully released.

Perceiving this degree of change, Ye Feng's heart trembled even more, and the original power gathered in his body even reached a point that ordinary people could not imagine.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock echoed in the void, and the breath it radiated was even more powerful to a realm beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Looking at the ever-growing world of life, Ye Feng's heart was also extremely happy, and the power in his body seemed to be shifting to another level.

When he perceives such a breath, the light in Ye Feng's eyes also becomes extremely bright, and the breath in his body rotates at a very fast speed, as if he wants to completely stabilize this side in the shortest time. The world is the same.

However, at this moment, Ye Feng felt the weakness of the power in the body, as if the power in the body could no longer be used.

When he perceives such a force, Ye Feng's spirit is also a little slack, as if he can no longer support the movement of the breath in his body, and may even collapse completely at any time.

"It turns out that this is the death of exhaustion that must be experienced after the creation of the world?"

Perceiving the continuous movement of power in this body, the light in Ye Feng's eyes has also become more dazzling, and the original power in the body is running at its own fast speed.

It is necessary to know that the power that Ye Feng possesses is not so simple. Under the continuous operation of the aura in the body, the power radiated has become extremely pure.

The breath that Ye Feng condensed in the void also completely stabilized the energy he possessed in this extremely short period of time.

The power of good fortune in his body was completely radiated at this moment, and the fluctuations formed even reached a point that ordinary people could not reach.

When he sensed such a force, the power of various attributes in Ye Feng's body was running at an extremely fast speed, and the breath released even reached an extremely strong state.

At this moment, the power of Divine Sense, the power of Chaos and the Qi and blood in the body of Ye Feng were intertwined, and they were constantly entwined on the Divine Sword of Good Fortune.

The destiny soldier that opened up a world, the energy contained in it is naturally strong to a realm that ordinary people can't imagine. If the power in it continues to develop, the energy in Ye Feng's body will reach the level that an ordinary person cannot. The point of imagination.

As the magic weapon that opened up the world, the laws of good fortune contained in it are rapidly growing at this moment, even to suppress this space.

On the other side, the Heavenly Mixing Spirit Orb in Ye Feng's body was also trembling slightly, it seemed that some subtle changes had occurred during this development process.

Feeling such a force, Ye Feng is also constantly running the original aura in his body, as if to completely suppress the power in his body in the shortest possible time.

The constant resonance of the two divine weapons also allowed the power in Ye Feng's body to continue to run, and the breath in his body to move quickly, and even the Holy Magic Spear was revived.

If the power possessed by these two magic weapons can open up the world, then the holy magic spear is a true supreme magic weapon that destroys the world.

As long as the power in it is released, this world can be easily destroyed, and everything between the world and the earth can be destroyed, so that they can return to the chaotic environment.

In this way, the three divine weapons controlled by Ye Feng also resonated to a certain degree at this moment, and the chaotic aura that permeated the void was even more turbulent at this moment.

With the help of the body of Jialuo Bird, Ye Feng opened up this chaotic world, and the power contained in it has become so powerful that ordinary people can't imagine it.

Countless attribute powers are constantly operating at this moment, and the original power contained in them has reached an extremely strong point, as if to completely suppress this entire space in the shortest time.

Perceiving such a change, Ye Feng quickly released a strong breath in his body, as if to completely suppress the entire world in the shortest possible time.

That is to say, at this moment, the power in Ye Feng's body is constantly running, and the three powers of good fortune, destruction and chaos merge together to continuously help Ye Feng refining the Heavenly Hybrid Spirit Orb.

However, although this kind of power is powerful, it can't fully exert its own power at this moment, and even the aura radiating from it has already been affected to a certain extent.

When he perceives such a power, Ye Feng's heart is also very clear, the price he needs to pay if he wants to stabilize such a state, improve his own strength, and even completely refine his own Sky Hybrid Spirit Orb. It's not that simple.

After carefully sensing the aura changes in his body, Ye Feng can also conclude that he wants to completely paint the Sky Spirit Orb, at least if he wants to destroy and open up more than a dozen chaotic spaces like now.

It is already quite difficult to know that this world can be opened up and the power of destruction and good fortune can be operated. At that moment, if the attribute power in Ye Feng's body is not strong enough, it will be because he cannot resist the destruction of the world. The impact of coming and was completely destroyed.

If such a force is allowed to continuously improve his aura, Ye Feng will one day be completely swallowed up by everything in the surrounding space, or even transformed into a part of the power in this world.

How terrifying was the energy consumed by those gods when they opened up their own world, and even that many people were completely Taoist because of this.

For them, they can only use part of the power in the Divine Comedy to stabilize a special space and spread this space a little bit, and never dare to try to open up the world directly from the chaos.

What Ye Feng has done now is indeed beyond everyone's imagination. That kind of extremely huge power seems to reshape everything between the world and the earth in the shortest possible time.

Regarding the person who did such a thing, he would definitely walk an extremely long distance on the path of the gods, and at this moment, Ye Feng wanted to release his breath completely at this moment, and even shape countless worlds. It is simply extremely dangerous. .

This is almost equivalent to betting on your own life.

Perceiving this, the light in Ye Feng's eyes is also constantly flickering. If he wants to break through the realm of the ancient giant **** and refining the Heavenly Spirit Orb into his own destiny, he must take such a path.

However, the degree of danger of such a road is beyond imagination, and a little carelessness will lead to death.

Even if you are careless, you will be completely crushed to death by this chaotic world. Moreover, the world created by Ye Feng will release all of its own power to swallow it in this extremely short time. It belongs to Ye Feng's power.

This kind of feeling is simply heartbreaking. The original aura in his body can't resist such a terrible impact, and will eventually be destroyed under the constant pressure of two forces.

Perceiving the powerful energy emitted by such a terrifying energy in space has also entered a point that ordinary people cannot imagine.

The aura that permeated the void made Ye Feng feel a tremendous amount of pressure, as if the world was holding his own malice against Ye Feng.

At this moment, the light in Ye Feng's eyes was still flickering, it seemed that the threat of opening up the world had already made him fear.

That is to say, in the next moment, Ye Feng suddenly laughed loudly, and the aura in his body spread to the outside world at a very fast speed.

"Okay, this is the test I should accept. If you want to refine the Sky Mixing Spirit Orb, you need to open up ten chaotic worlds and let the power in them evolve on their own.

Okay, that's great. "

It was at this moment that the aura in the body began to circulate continuously, and the energy emitted was even so strong that an ordinary person could not reach it, and countless attribute powers rushed freely in the void.

Ye Feng stepped out, straddling the layers of space directly, and reappeared outside the body of the Jialuo Bird.

When the original power of that side of the world was completely submerged, the life of the Jialuo bird had already withered, and could no longer recover.

At this moment, the aura permeating the void has been completely suppressed at this moment, and the body of the Jialuo Bird is constantly melting under the influence of the power of Chaos.

Now the space that Ye Feng opened up has been completely stabilized, and the aura contained in it is even more powerful than ordinary people can imagine.

As time goes by, the power of chaos in it will be a little bit melted and refined, and finally fully invested in that side of the world. At that time, that side of the world will grow into a complete world.

The power contained in it is absolutely beyond imagination, and can even be used to stabilize the power gathered by other strong people.

Constantly absorbing the powerful aura permeating the void, Ye Feng could also take advantage of this opportunity to grow the chaotic world a little bit.

For Ye Feng, being able to get such an opportunity is also an unprecedented huge help, and it will even allow him to control a kind of chaotic power that belongs to him in a very short period of time.

After a simple deduction, after the evolution speed of that chaotic world, Ye Feng also walked directly toward the depths of the boundless void without fear.

Although he had made up his mind and wanted to completely refine like the Huntian Spirit Orb, then Ye Feng would not be cowardly because of this.

And if you want to open up layers of chaotic space, you can only find chaotic creatures like Gallo birds and use their bodies as their own materials.

At this moment, Ye Feng had already embarked on such a journey, and the turbulence in the void had become extremely intense.

On the way, Ye Feng's constant parade also sensed the powerful power contained in his body. If he wanted to exert these chaotic powers, he was able to possess an unprecedented terrifying aura.

Of course, there was also a time when the blind beast wanted to challenge Ye Feng again, but was easily suppressed by Ye Feng.

For Ye Feng, he wouldn't care too much about monsters who couldn't create a sense of challenge for him.

In an instant, the power of chaos in the body was mobilized, and the monsters were directly suppressed and refined, without even leaving a trace.

The power of these chaos that they have gathered is not enough to push Ye Feng's realm toward a higher level, but it will cause Ye Feng to waste a certain amount of time.

Without any hesitation, the aura in the body was completely radiated, and those enemies who did not open their eyes were directly obliterated by Ye Feng with the power of chaos.

In this way, after swimming in the boundless sea of ​​void for a while, the power in Ye Feng's body also reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.

The aura contained in the void, at this moment, is even more bursting with a force that ordinary people cannot imagine, and the aura contained in it has reached an extremely terrifying point.

Finally, under Ye Feng's constant search, he finally encountered a terrifying monster in the realm of Celestial God again.

It is an extremely majestic chaotic giant elephant, a pair of snow-white ivory, exuding a terrible cold light, and it can emit a destructive edge that cuts through the space after a little rotation.

At the same time, his body exudes a terrifying force that ordinary people can't imagine. It seems that he is going to completely destroy everything between this world and earth in the shortest possible time.

Knowing such a terrifying force, Ye Feng not only did not have any fear, but walked forward without hesitation.

The aura radiating from his body has also become extremely terrifying, as if provoking that chaotic beast.


After sensing Ye Feng's breath, the giant chaotic elephant also roared at him, and the power in the body began to rush to gather.

At this moment, the aura in Ye Feng's body has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine. uukanshu. Com's countless attribute powers run wildly, directly offsetting this terrible impact.

"Yes, with such a talent, your body must be extremely powerful, and the chaotic world that you can open up can definitely meet my needs."

While speaking, Ye Feng took a step forward again, directly blasting his own breath forward.

That is to say, at this moment, this sea of ​​void had a very strong shock, and the aura emanating from the void even reached a point beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The rumbling sound of terror and concussion echoed in the void, and the tyrannical force radiated was simply to completely destroy this world.

That is to say, the aura in the body between this Ye Feng and the power radiated by the opponent fiercely collided with the power of two completely different attributes, showing a terrible power that ordinary people can't reach at this moment.

Numerous waves of destruction erupted directly at this moment.

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