Sky War God

Chapter 3638: Good luck fairy gold

[网] Ling Tian War God Chapter 3638 Good Fortune Immortal Gold

The terrifying aura that exudes between the spaces also completely suppressed all the surrounding forces. The terrifying aura has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine.

Perceiving such a power, the light in Ye Feng's eyes has also become extremely bright, and the original power in his body has even reached an extremely terrifying point.

That kind of terrifying breath spread wildly in the void, and the energy released was almost completely destroying the surrounding space.

Even the terrifying force that radiated in such a space was tyrannical to an unimaginable terrible level, and the aura of destruction would even be completely released in a very short period of time.

I saw an incomparably bright brilliance drooping down from the void, descending directly toward the location where Ye Feng was.

When feeling such a terrible power, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes was also blooming crazily, and the breath released would even completely destroy the entire space in the shortest possible time.

The original power in the body has become so powerful that ordinary people can't imagine it. That kind of terrifying energy spreads wildly in the void, as if to completely destroy the entire space.

The aura from the collision of the two forces in the void spreads wildly in a very short time.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock resounded in the void, such a breath, and even everything between the world and the earth should be completely destroyed.

The sword that Ye Feng killed was completely extinguished in a very short period of time, and even the destructive force in the space moved towards where it was at an extremely fast speed. Falling in azimuth.

That kind of terrifying energy is simply trying to tear the aura emanating from the entire space, even reaching a realm that ordinary people can't reach.

In every move, the breath released in the body is already terrifying beyond imagination, and even in the shortest time, everything between the world and the earth will be completely destroyed.

Countless destructive powers were released madly, and the powerful attribute fluctuations even completely suppressed the entire space in the shortest possible time.

At this moment, Ye Feng also felt an unprecedented destructive power, as if to say that his body would be completely destroyed in this short period of time.

Even the power of the source that runs to the extreme cannot resist the destructive power that falls from the space.

That is to say, at this moment, the original aura in his body began to run wildly with that kind of terrifying energy, even completely destroying the entire space.

Even with such a terrifying aura, it was unable to resist the destructive force in the space.

Countless bright golden lights bloomed in the void, and the breath released was all running at an extremely fast speed.

It was at this moment that Ye Feng directly released the most powerful force in his body, and the entire space was oscillating at a very fast speed, as if he was going to put the world between the earth and the world in a very short period of time. All of the power of the world is completely destroyed.

Feeling such a powerful force, the palm in the middle seemed to release an absolutely huge aura.

Countless destructive forces between heaven and earth gathered at this moment, forming an extremely sharp spear, which pierced directly towards Ye Feng.

The powerful aura released from a spear has reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people, and the terrifying energy gathered in every move seems to be completely annihilated in this space.

Countless destructive auras are running wildly at this moment with that powerful destructive power, even to completely destroy everything in this space.

Ye Feng didn't have any hesitation either, he directly exploded the original source power in his body, and an extremely bright sword light wrapped around his body, and at this moment he directly slashed towards that destructive edge.

In an instant, the power in his body was completely released, and the horrible aura exploded in a very short time.

It was at this moment that the law of good fortune controlled by Ye Feng had run to the extreme at this moment, and countless destructive powers were directly smoothed by this force of good fortune.

However, the aura of destruction released in the space in the next instant reached a more terrifying point.

The power entwined above that destroying edge is even more powerful than imagined, and it seems to be destroying everything between the world and the earth.

That sharp edge seemed to have passed through layers of space and landed at an extremely fast speed. When Ye Feng didn't react at all, it had already penetrated his body.

Even at this moment, Ye Feng couldn't resist such a terrible attack, but felt that his soul would be completely destroyed.

In the next moment, the extremely terrifying destructive power burst out in the void, and countless destructive powers would even completely destroy this space.

The intense pain even made Ye Feng's body tremble, unable to resist such a powerful force.

The origin in the body, the energy radiated by the crazy operation of the breath at this moment, is even going to break into a certain special realm.

At this moment, Ye Feng's body once again exudes an extremely huge aura, as if to completely destroy all the energy between the world and the earth.

In other words, two crystalline crystals, condensed from the void, exuding endless dragons and phoenixes.

The two forces condensed crazily in the void, and the resulting fluctuations even reached a point that ordinary people could not imagine.

Such a terrifying breath circulates rapidly in the space, and the energy emitted is even to completely destroy everything around it.

In this very short time, Ye Feng attracted all the attention of the other party, but completely exploded the original aura in his body.

The Dragon Warrior and the Phoenix Warrior took advantage of this opportunity to directly destroy the two peerless magic weapons.

He captured the legal power contained in the opponent's body and directly pushed his own breath to the extreme.

It was in this opportunity to directly condense the power of the most powerful law in the body, and release a terrifying force that ordinary people can't imagine.

Perceiving such a special fluctuation, Ye Feng's expression has also become a lot easier, and his own divine power has become extremely large.

At the same time, that extremely pure metallic force was also accommodated by Ye Feng, tempering his body.

The indestructible golden bones are shining in the body, rotating with a huge power beyond imagination, as if to completely refine everything between the world and the earth.

At this moment, an unprecedented bright light appeared in Ye Feng's eyes. Although the extremely terrifying destructive power still existed, it could not cause any harm to Ye Feng.

It was to see the top of Ye Feng's head, there were five crystals of shining and shining laws suspended, and the power contained in them was even more tyrannical to an extremely terrifying point.

The power of chaos swallows the power of origin between heaven and earth, refining all the surrounding metallic forces into Ye Feng's body.

The law of good fortune exudes an unprecedented breath of life at this moment, as if to completely refine all the power between the world and the earth.

The superposition of the power of the two laws makes everything in the surrounding space extremely pure, and it seems that it is to burst out its own tyrannical force in the shortest time.

At the same time, the power of the law of space also changed, directly covering the three laws around Ye Feng's body, and the crystals were superimposed at this moment, making the aura between the world and the earth extremely huge.

Even the destructive power released by the opponent can't penetrate Ye Feng's defense at this moment, completely destroying the power in it.

More importantly, Ye Feng's upper and lower divine powers are also constantly absorbing the power between heaven and earth at this time, truly condensing the bodies of the dragon and the phoenix.

Based on the battle spirit, it has incorporated the power of its own divine consciousness, combined with the aura of the law between heaven and earth, and combined with the powerful force released by Shang Ye Feng.

This kind of terrifying energy is directly released, and the condensed spirit of the two wars is even more powerful than ordinary people can imagine.

And as long as Ye Feng's own thoughts were not destroyed, the two war spirits could easily be resurrected from the void, and even the power would not be damaged in any way.

The superposition of the power of the five laws made Ye Feng's strength grow by leaps and bounds, and in a very short period of time, a terrifying force that ordinary people could not imagine has erupted.

When such a force burst out, the light in Ye Feng's eyes also became extremely bright, and the breath that radiated from every move was terrifying beyond imagination.

The Divine Sword of Good Fortune blended into his hand, making the aura in Ye Feng's body incredibly bright, even saying that this space was to be completely cut off and adjusted.

I only saw Ye Feng take a step forward, the power in his body, the energy emitted by spreading at an extremely fast speed, even to complete everything between the world and the earth in the shortest possible time. destroy.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock resounded in the void, and the pressure released by the collision of two extremely large forces at this moment even reached a point that ordinary people could not imagine.

The extremely terrifying aura of destruction, at this moment, it expanded crazily in all directions, and the sky battlefield seemed to be completely collapsed.

At this moment, the energy emitted by the original aura in the body began to run wildly, even to sink the entire space completely.

The original power released by the sky battlefield is also beyond imagination, and it seems to be the same as the root power that can pull the world.

Now that Ye Feng persisted in the sky battlefield to the end, even defeating a lot of strong men, the aura that radiated from his body became even stronger.

Especially a certain kind of power in one's own body has been in constant resonance with this space, as if to imprint its own mark in this world.

Suddenly, the law of the entire world was constantly rioting, and the energy radiated out even reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.

Even the strong man in the void can't change this situation at this moment, and the aura in the body has been suppressed like never before.

The power of the origin in one's own body is spreading at a very fast speed at this moment, and the energy emitted has even reached an extremely terrifying state, as if to completely complete everything between the world and the earth. Destroyed the same.

The rumbling sound of terrifying shock reverberated in the void, and an extremely terrifying force came directly at this moment, causing the original aura in the surrounding space to revolve at an extremely fast speed.

Feeling such a power, some peerless powerhouses in the world also possess extremely huge auras, and at this moment they have completely released the energy in their bodies.

When he felt such a breath, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright. The original power in his body was running at an extremely fast speed, as if to give everything between the world and the earth. Destroyed completely as it came.

After experiencing such a huge pressure, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter, and the breath in this space even helped him as never before.

An extremely powerful force directly drew Ye Feng's consciousness, moving towards another terrifying realm, and the aura that it radiated, even reaching a point beyond the reach of ordinary people.

That is, the power emanating from this momentary space has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, allowing Ye Feng to directly touch the original power of this world.

Once Ye Feng was in the White Jade Pagoda, he also felt the root of the law of that world, the legendary Haotian Sea.

The feeling this time was no different from before, and the breath exuded from the movement of the original power subsidy in the body was even more tyrannical to the point that ordinary people could not imagine.

The breath of such a terrifying energy circling wildly in the void even reached an extremely terrifying point. Countless destructive powers spread in the void, even swallowing the entire world.

However, Ye Feng's body is covered with a very special ability, it seems that the energy of the entire world is gathered on his body, so as to promote his cultivation level.

That is to say, at this moment, Ye Feng perceives the protection of this world to him, and the aura that has gathered in his body has reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people at this moment.

When he perceives such a power, Ye Feng fully exudes the aura in his body, and the original power used to forge the Divine Sword is also released accordingly.

The release of this force caused the surrounding space to be constantly turbulent, and the original force between heaven and earth converged towards Ye Feng's position at an extremely fast speed.

Those powerful original powers are the roots of this world, and Luo is on Ye Feng's body at this moment, and it is also a commendation for Ye Feng's performance.

The operation of the law of time possesses a very special will, especially the realm of dazzling gold, which has an unusual path.

Whenever the original power between heaven and earth accumulates to a certain level, the sky battlefield will be opened up, the aura between heaven and earth will be fully gathered, and their own powerful force will be released.

As long as you can get the best ranking in the sky battlefield, you will have the opportunity to enter the realm of the origin and absorb the origin power between the heaven and the earth to enhance your own strength.

Of course, these origin powers between heaven and earth are extremely precious, but for those who have reached the top of the world, they are not difficult.

As long as they are willing, they can continuously gather this powerful force from the void, and even promote the improvement of their own cultivation realm.

But in this link, there is a more important link that makes all people be moved by it.

That is to engrave one's own original power in this world, to completely diffuse the aura in the body, and even to completely suppress the entire space.

But knowing such a power, the light in Ye Feng's eyes has become extremely strong, and even the original power in his body is running fast at this moment.

When he perceives such a power, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes has also become extremely bright, and the original aura in his body is the energy emitted by running at an extremely fast speed, even reaching a level. The realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

The power of his own origin is constantly interacting with the roots of the world, and the breath that Ye Feng exudes is also in resonance with the whole world.

The mysterious metal condensed by virtue of its own chaotic power and the laws of good fortune possesses spirituality that ordinary people can't imagine, and can even give vitality to all life between heaven and earth.

It can rejuvenate the substance of porcelain, and restore the strong breath of the strong who have been severely injured or even on the verge of death. Such a force is simply so powerful that ordinary people can't imagine it.

Possessing such a characteristic, it is constantly inscribed in the origin between heaven and earth. Although Ye Feng can obtain a large amount of origin aura, the power radiated from the whole world has become more active.

Under such circumstances, the special metal that Ye Feng condensed was also given an extremely powerful meaning.

At the same time, Ye Feng finally got the recognition of this world, and that side of mysterious metal even had his own name.

Good luck fairy gold.

The extremely mysterious metal, with the same color as the sky, is unpredictable in the void, sometimes azure blue, sometimes azure.

Such a force continues to circulate in the void, and the breath it emits is even more powerful to a realm that ordinary people can't imagine. The energy released by such a terrible breath in the void even reaches the level of an ordinary person. Unable to reach the extreme point.

The birth of good fortune immortal gold made all the original power in the surrounding space start to run wildly, such a powerful breath, and even all the energies in this space must be integrated.

But when he knew this power, Ye Feng's body was also trembling involuntarily. The aura in his body, the energy emitted by moving at a very fast speed, even reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people.

That is, in a very short time, the breath in the body has begun to run wildly, constantly gathering good fortune and immortal gold, as if to break through a certain limit.

The good fortune immortal gold cultivated with the help of the power of the world far exceeds the power controlled by Ye Feng himself in quality, and the operation of such a breath also stabilizes Ye Feng's own cultivation in a very short period of time. for.

At the moment such a terrifying force was condensed, it was already under the guidance of Ye Feng, and it was directly combined with his own destiny magic weapon.

Such an extremely large force, constantly operating in the void, made the aura in the surrounding space extremely powerful, and even completely suppressed all the original forces between the world and the earth.

Perceiving such a change, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the artistic conception of the sword he controlled, as well as all the power of good fortune, merged on this long sword.

You must know that Ye Feng's talent is also powerful to a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, and the aura that can erupt during a sword move is quite terrifying.

Now that he has completely released his own power, the surrounding space has burst out of power that ordinary people can't imagine. Naturally, everything in the space is completely mastered.

Feeling such a force, the original aura in the void is also rotating at an extremely fast speed, and the energy emitted is even going to break through a certain limit in front of him.

The other party has already felt that kind of limit, but the price that needs to be paid to fully push him to a higher level is also extremely huge.

Even Ye Feng couldn't fully condense such a force at this moment, and the attribute power in his body was even suppressed to a certain extent.

But even at this point, Ye Feng wouldn't give up anymore. The original aura in his body was the energy emitted by running at an extremely fast speed, and it spread out wildly.

The forging of the divine sword of good fortune has reached its strongest point at this moment, and the breath released from every move is beyond imagination, it seems to suppress everything in the space in the shortest possible time. .

But knowing this change, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes has become more radiant, and the energy released in every move is moving towards a higher level.

Countless sword lights of good fortune completely melted together at this moment, and the aura that it radiated became extremely terrifying.

In an instant, Ye Feng's figure had already left the place of origin, and the aura radiating from his body completely merged with this world.

That kind of terrifying power radiates from the frantic operation of the space, even to completely suppress this space.

Perceiving such a powerful force, the light in Ye Feng's eyes has also become extremely bright. The original aura in his body is constantly running, and the powerful pressure released by it is even trying to bring the world between the earth and the earth. Everything is completely cut off.

The destructive edge that permeated the space, even at this moment, felt an extremely large force that was repelling him.

That powerful force must have reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people, and the breath released in every move, even destroying everything in the surrounding space.

At that moment, I saw Ye Feng directly swinging the divine sword of good fortune in his hand and slashed directly upwards. The countless destructive powers erupted crazily at this moment, that kind of tyrannical power, even trying to kill the world. Everything in between is destroyed.

Two kinds of terrifying attacks, the wave of destruction emanating from the collision at this moment, is even more tyrannical to a realm that ordinary people cannot imagine. The rumbling sound of terror and shock, in a very short period of time, resounded from the void. Open.

The waves of destruction continue to expand, and countless cracks have appeared in this space, which seems to be completely destroyed in a very short period of time.

Such a powerful breath, even at this moment, completely released its own power, as if it would completely collapse at any time.

In the next instant, his power has been fully expanded, causing the original aura in the surrounding space to run wildly.

Many powerhouses present were extremely shocked after seeing such a terrible battle, and immediately used the breath in their bodies to maintain the stability of this world.

However, the aura that radiated from the space became even more terrifying under this collision, and even the destructive sharpness radiated from this action was enough to destroy this space.

That is to say, at this moment, an inexplicable force of good fortune was released at this moment, as if to completely calm the world.

No matter how impacted by external forces, it will not be able to affect the nature of this world. Instead, it will be affected and changed by such an extremely pure aura to reach a higher level.

When he perceives such a force, Ye Feng's eyes also become extremely shocked. At this moment, the immortal gold of good fortune gathered in his body is combined with the entire world, and the power radiated is even more than that. Imagination is powerful.

I saw the power of heaven and earth superimposed on Ye Feng's body, and that powerful aura directly locked the destruction spear in the void.

Countless auras were superimposed at this moment and directly released toward the destruction spear. The terrifying power beyond imagination broke out in a frenzy at this moment, causing everything in the space to collapse at an extremely fast speed.

The rumbling sound of terrifying shock rang out, and countless forces were superimposed at this moment, directly suppressing the spear.

Such a force is simply fused with all the original aura between heaven and earth, and the energy it emits is even tyrannical to the point that ordinary people can't imagine.

If such a breath is allowed to be released, or even to completely suppress everything between heaven and earth, the energy emitted will even reach a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

Perceiving such a change, everyone present is also moving the original power in the body at an extremely fast speed, countless energies are rapidly moving in the void, and the aura that it emits becomes extremely pure.

"How is it possible? You must have used other means. Why did you get the approval of the power of heaven and earth so quickly?"

That kind of breath suddenly exploded in the void, and a pitch-black spear that penetrated the entire sky emerged directly.

When feeling such a force, Ye Feng's body has already begun to tremble constantly, and the original aura in his body is expanding at a very fast speed, as if to completely give Ye Feng's body Destroy the same.

Such a terrifying destructive force completely exploded in this short period of time, and the breath it released even reached a point that ordinary people could not imagine.

No matter how powerful Ye Feng's strength is, when faced with such a terrifying energy, he is still a little unable to resist, and even collapses completely.

However, at this moment, a larger aura exuded in the space, descending directly toward the opponent's location.

A huge mountain rose from the ground, directly covering the entire sky, suppressing everything in this space.

Endless golden brilliance bloomed in the void, as if to suppress everything between heaven and earth.

When he perceives such a force, Ye Feng's eyes also showed an expression of incomparable shock. He even said that his body was trembling unceasingly, and he couldn't bear it in the end, and he was integrated into the divine sword of good fortune. .

"Destruction, you are so bold, even my people dare to move."

An extremely vast voice resounded from the void.

The extremely terrifying breath was completely released at this moment, as if to completely destroy the power between the world and the earth.

When the powerful people present perceive such a force, their expressions are also extremely shocked, as if the power in their own body has been completely shocked by the opponent.

"Jushenfeng! Why did he make a move too?"

Watching the powerhouses in such a battle, UU Reading www.uukā is also extremely shocked at this moment, and I can't even imagine what kind of power can make such a peerless powerhouse take action.

The original aura between heaven and earth revolves at an extremely fast speed.

Even the spear of destruction that pierced the entire sky, at this moment, it was still turbulent.

As one of the world's top powerhouses, the Titan Peak possesses the most powerful power.

At least in the field of weight, no one can compete with the Giant God Peak, he is the world's greatest magic weapon.

Perceiving such a powerful oppressive force, the expressions of everyone present were extremely shocked, and even said that they could not have enough courage to resist the terrifying aura emanating from the outside world.

At this moment, an extremely large destructive force was released, as if to completely suppress everything to death.

"Give me an explanation, destruction."

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