Sky War God

Chapter 3637: Dragon and Phoenix Heming

At that moment, the power around Ye Feng's body had reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine, and countless terrifying auras were completely released at this moment.


   When he felt such a force, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely terrifying, and the original power in his body was running at an extremely fast speed.


   That incomparably powerful power of the law of space, in this rapid cohesion, the aura of destruction exuded is even tyrannical to the point that ordinary people can't reach it.


   The extremely terrifying power of destruction, even in this extremely short period of time, completely suppressed all the power between the heavens and the earth.


   The strength of the green gold shepherd cloud wheel is indeed powerful to a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, but the power he controls can no longer change the current state.


   The source of power in the heavens and the earth began to release that terrifying aura toward the direction where Ye Feng was at an extremely fast speed, even reaching a realm beyond the reach of ordinary people.


   "How dare you? How dare you do such a thing?"


   Seeing Ye Feng, he directly suppressed the two extremely powerful cultivators, and even swallowed the original power of their bodies completely. The two people present were also shocked and speechless.


   These two peerless gods are also doing their utmost to run the original power in the body at this moment, seeming to completely suppress Ye Feng in the shortest time.


   The original aura in the space spreads at an extremely fast speed, as if to completely destroy all of this.


   The two people at this moment have also realized that if they don't get rid of Ye Feng's suppression of them as soon as possible, their lives will be the same as the two of them before, and they will not be able to resist Ye Feng at all.


   Ye Feng's breath erupting from his body at this moment has also reached a realm beyond the reach of ordinary people. That kind of power spread in a very short period of time, and even brought unimaginable pressure.


   Without any hesitation, he had already released all the power in his body in the first place to give out that kind of terrifying aura, as if it was a mountain, and directly suppressed the opponent's two peerless gods.


Feeling such a power, Ye Feng did not hesitate. He spread all the breath in his body in the first time, and countless destructive powers permeated the space, and the resulting impact was even more serious. It has reached a point beyond the reach of ordinary people.


At this moment, the energy emitted in the space has become more and more terrifying. The aura emitted by itself will even completely destroy everything around it. Even the battlefield in the sky is violently happening at this moment. shock.


   Feeling such a terrifying power, even Ye Feng was a little shocked. He did not expect that the operation of the law of space would reach such a terrifying point.


   It seems that as long as the power of one's own divine mind trembles slightly, it can completely destroy the entire world, and countless auras of destruction are swarming out at this moment, enough to destroy everything between this world.


   Phoenix-winged Zijin Boring and Golden Feather Dragon Emperor Whip, two peerless divine weapons, also looked at each other at this moment, and the aura in the body was completely released at this moment.


  The breath of dragon and phoenix power intertwined in the void is simply tyrannical to the point where an ordinary person can't reach it. This terrible destructive power is even madly released in the surrounding space.


   is as if to completely suppress everything in the space, such a terrifying force of destruction, in a very short period of time, the frantic expansion and the destruction of Ye Feng's aura collided.


   Feeling such a terrifying power, Ye Feng didn't hesitate, just constantly running the power of space divine consciousness, releasing his own powerful aura.


   The entire space has been completely shaken at this moment, the terrible pressure, even reaching a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, and every move releases extremely terrible power.


   The rumbling sound of terrifying concussion resounded in the void, such a breath, even reached an extremely terrifying state.


   An extremely terrifying land of destruction, even a force that would completely destroy the entire world, and even swallow everything in this world.


   Ye Feng was also able to feel the aura released by the other party, and at this moment the energy emitted by the complete combination, even to completely destroy everything in the world.


   However, when those breaths arrived at his side, they were blocked by another powerful force, that kind of terrifying energy, and even wanted to completely destroy all of them.


   The golden brilliance bloomed, and the terrifying energy was completely increased. Even Ye Feng was shocked when he sensed such a power.


   The indestructible golden bone cultivated by the golden body of the demon.


   The powerful force emanating from the skeleton seems to be to completely suppress all the auras between the heavens and the earth, and even to completely destroy all of them.


   Feeling such a terrifying breath, Ye Feng's expression became extremely relaxed, and the energy radiating from his body completely diffused at this moment.


   Suddenly, the breath released by that terrible destructive force, spreading wildly in the void, has reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people, and even completely destroyed the entire world.


   Xiyuan attacked Ye Feng with such terrible destruction, once again completely released the power in his body, and released those terrible destructive powers directly toward the other two.


   "Is there anything I dare not, since you have done something to me, then even if it is killed by me, it is reasonable.


   And with your little strength, it is not enough to compete with me, what else can I struggle with? "


   While speaking, the aura that radiated from Ye Feng's body was also extremely powerful, and the terrifying power gathered in every move, even reached an extremely terrifying point.


   The energy released by the frenzied explosion of the power of destruction even completely destroys all the attributes between the world and the earth, and the terrifying energy emitted is even going to break through a certain limit.


   Ye Feng's control of his own power has also reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine. At this moment, the breath in his body is diffused, and it is in a state that ordinary people can't imagine.


   That extremely terrifying wave of destruction, in a very short period of time, completely released countless destructive powers towards the other two peerless gods, and even completely destroyed everything in the world in the shortest time.


   Feeling this power, the expressions of the two peerless gods also became extremely frightened, and at the first time they burned all the original power in the body.


   Such a power, at this moment, is also madly releasing its own instincts, as if to say that everything in this world is to be completely destroyed.


   However, even if he tried his best, the original power in the body could no longer break through, and it would even collapse in a very short time.


The coercive force displayed by Ye Feng is too terrifying, as if to destroy everything in this world and the terrifying oppressive force, directly distorting the surrounding space completely, firmly locking this Two peerless soldiers.


   At this moment, these two peerless divine weapons are also extremely shocking, and the power displayed by Ye Feng is really terrifying.


   "It seems that there is only one way."


   Phoenix Wings and Zijin Boring kept shaking, and the aura in his body became extremely terrifying, as if a loud Fengming was released from his body.


   That extremely huge breath, at this moment, releases its own coercive force, as if to completely suppress all the attribute forces between the world and the earth.


  With such a powerful method, Phoenix Wing Zijin Boring's reaction speed is also quite fast, and the power in the body has been completely diffused in the first time, and even the surrounding space is completely destroyed.


   The Golden Feather Dragon Emperor Whip also reflects the lost power at this moment, and it rushes towards the phoenix wings and purple gold boring crazily, such a powerful aura, even reaching a realm that ordinary people cannot imagine.


   The superposition of the power of the two sides made the power in the surrounding space become more and more terrifying. The aura radiated from every move is so strong, and even all the power between the world and the earth is completely destroyed.


   Feeling such a breath, the light in Ye Feng's eyes has become more and more bright, and the power that he has gathered is even reaching a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.


   The extremely terrifying aura, the energy radiated by the crazy spread in the void, even the complete expansion in a very short time, so that everything in the surrounding space is completely suppressed.


   Such a tyrannical force crazily released the terrible fluctuations formed between the two at this moment, and even in the blink of an eye, they have merged together.


  Even Ye Feng did not expect that the other party would have such a means to fully integrate the power in this body, and even exert energy that Ye Feng could not imagine.


In the    space, the breath released by the dragon, the phoenix and the ming, has reached a level beyond the reach of ordinary people, and the destructive power radiated from it even has to be completely released in the entire space.


   Feeling such a change, Ye Feng didn't hesitate. He had completely diffused the original power in his body in the first time, and countless destructive auras quickly condensed in the void.


   is not only the power of the origin of the space, but even the indestructible golden bones condensed by itself at this moment also exudes extremely terrifying destructive power.


  The expansion of such a force is like destroying everything in the surrounding space completely. The countless destructive powers are released madly, colliding together in a very short time.


   The rumbling sound of terrifying concussion resounded in the void, and that kind of breath reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.


At this time, Ye Feng can clearly feel the original power in his body, has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, and the power of countless attributes spread wildly in the void, making the surrounding space become a piece of space. chaos.


   The sky battlefield had already gathered all the metallic forces between the sky and the earth, and the aura exuded was even more tyrannical to a realm unimaginable by ordinary people.


   Such terrible energy is running in the void, and it even drives the change of the law of this world.


   This kind of power is also extremely beneficial for cultivating newcomers. After experiencing the tempering of the sky battlefield, they can not only make their own power stronger.


   even let the power of its own origin be imprinted at the root of this world, forming their own legal power.


  Using such an opportunity, they can control their own source power in a very short time, and resonate with the laws of the whole world. This is also a shortcut for them to break through to the realm of the gods.


   If you lose this opportunity, and then want to break through to a higher level, the time and price you need to pay will be immense, even a little unbearable.


   But the posture that Ye Feng displayed at this time not only completely cut off their opportunities, but even made them unable to guarantee their own lives.


   The source of power in the body is running at an extremely fast speed, it seems that Ye Feng will be completely killed in the shortest time.


   An aura like that continues to combine in the void, and the power of dragon and phoenix crazily superimposed, and the energy released has even reached a point that ordinary people can't reach.


Facing such a breath, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the original power in his body was running at the fastest speed, as if to destroy everything between the world and the earth. Falling the same.


   Facing such a terrifying aura, the two parties present did not hesitate at all, and immediately released the original power in the body.


   The strength of this breath has also reached a point that ordinary people can't imagine, the power of destruction spreads in the void, and even all of this is to be completely destroyed.


   Ye Feng also felt this kind of power. The original aura in his body was running the energy gathered by himself at a very fast speed, even reaching a realm unimaginable by ordinary people.


   The aura released by the frenzied spread of energy in the void even destroys everything between the world and the earth.


   At the same time, the energy gathered in Ye Feng's body also collided with the entire space at an extremely fast speed. The terrifying energy even suppressed everything completely.


   At this moment, the power of the dragon and the phoenix and the sound of the ming have been exerted to the extreme at this time, and two extremely bright brilliance descended directly toward the direction of one side.


   "Asshole, don't think that you can change everything if you have a little power. Your little ability is simply not enough to affect us."

   "Yes, if the battle between us is just to fight for your own way, and you want to kill everything, then don't blame us for being rude."


   The two peerless divine soldiers on the opposite side roared frantically. The original aura in the body is also moving at an extremely fast speed, and the terrifying coercive force it emits has reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people.


   Faced with such a terrible pressure, Ye Feng did not have any fear, even a little delighted, and wanted to draw those forces completely.


   Countless destructive powers condensed crazily in the void, and the breath radiated out even reached a point that ordinary people could not reach.


   Feeling such a power, Ye Feng is also constantly running the original power in his body, and the aura that radiates from every move becomes more and more terrifying, even to completely suppress everything between the world.


   When feeling such a force, the three people present were also extremely shocked. In the body, their original power was crazily condensed, and they wanted to resist the terrible impact.


   Among them, Ye Feng's expression was the most indifferent, as if he didn't care about such power at all.


   The aura in his body circulates crazily in a very short time, and the aura released has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.


   In the face of the terrible pressures in the outside world, Ye Feng did not have any fear at this moment, and even wanted to fully mobilize the aura in his body.


   Countless auras of destruction crazily condensed in the void, such a force, even reaching a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, the extremely terrifying power of destruction, running crazily in the void.


   Feeling such a terrifying power, the original power in Ye Feng's body is also the energy emitted by moving at a very fast speed, and it is expanding toward the depths of space at a very fast speed.


   Feeling such a powerful fluctuation of power, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes has become more radiant, and the aura that radiates from every move has reached a point that ordinary people can't imagine.


   In a sudden, I saw Ye Feng stepping out of his body and the breath spreading wildly. In a very short period of time, it had already descended around the opponent's two peerless magical soldiers.


The energy released by this terrible force spreading wildly in the space has even reached a realm that ordinary people can’t imagine. Once the terrifying power of the attribute erupts, it will even completely destroy the entire space. .


   The two peerless gods did not expect Ye Feng's methods to be so cruel at the moment, and the breath that erupted from every move has reached a point that ordinary people can't reach.


If such a terrifying attack is allowed to fall on them, no matter how strong their cultivation is, they cannot resist such a terrible attack. There is no hesitation at all, and all the aura in the surrounding space will be turned into operation. .


   The final power broke out completely at this moment, and the power of the dragon and the phoenix and the Ming power even broke through to a certain terrifying realm.


   The aura of destruction, the power released by madly condensing in the void, even reached a point that ordinary people can't reach, and countless powers of destruction are showing their power madly at this moment.


   However, Ye Feng's expression was even more indifferent, as if he didn't put the other person in his eyes at all, and the aura in his body became extremely terrifying, as if he wanted to completely suppress the entire world.


   When he perceives such a force, Ye Feng's expression is also extremely indifferent, but he slowly waved the divine sword of good fortune in his hand to continuously cut in the space.


  The power emitted by the sword light even reached an extremely terrifying point. In every move, the extremely terrifying sharp aura was enough to suppress the entire space.


   The strength of the two peerless gods is indeed terrifying beyond imagination. The powerful force radiated from every move can even completely destroy everything in the surrounding space.


   However, the power that Ye Feng controls at this moment is also terrifying beyond imagination, and the energy emitted is even going to break into a certain special realm.


   Even in the face of the power of dragons and phoenixes, Ye Feng did not have any fear, and even wanted to release his most powerful force in his body to completely suppress the entire space.


   Suddenly, the power of the dragon, the phoenix and the ming is completely shattered, and the energy emanating from the void is completely calmed down at this moment, and will not be affected by the power emanating from the outside world.


   At this moment, Ye Feng's body exudes two other forces, and at this moment, he fully demonstrated his own energy.


  The dragon war spirits and the phoenix war spirits flew out of Ye Feng's body, and the breath released by that terrible energy spreading in the void reached an extremely terrifying point.


   When he sensed the aura from these two great war spirits, those two peerless gods were also extremely shocked.


   Although both of them are the top power in a certain world, there are too many similarities, but when they feel the breath in each other's body, they become extremely shocked.


   Especially the two great spirits that Ye Feng just released, are like natural enemies, staring at the aura in their bodies, moving at an extremely fast speed, seeming to completely swallow all these lives.


   Perceiving such a terrible pressure, the two peerless soldiers present were also a little crazy.


   Before Ye Feng relied on his own space attribute power to get trapped in the other two peerless magic weapons, the aura displayed by the two of them did not reach the current state.


That kind of feeling is just to feel that there is no unending situation between the two sides, even if Ye Feng killed those two peerless gods and robbed them of their original power, but they left the two peerless gods. The soldiers also felt indifferent.


   But at this moment, Ye Feng unexpectedly showed extremely powerful dragon and phoenix power, and even formed an unprecedented suppression of them, which made the expressions of these people quite ugly.


   The original power in the body is moving at an extremely fast speed, and that kind of terrifying energy is constantly released in the space, and the resulting wave of destruction is simply reaching a point that ordinary people can't reach.


   Countless auras of destruction, the energy emitted by the crazy operation, and even the complete destruction of everything in the surrounding space, even the crazy operation of its own power cannot change anything.


   In an instant, the original power in the body began to move quickly, such a terrifying coercive force, radiating its own energy in the space, as if to completely swallow the entire space.


  The dragon war spirit took the lead in the trouble, and the devouring power it radiated directly spread out, firmly implicating the Golden Feather Dragon Emperor Whip.


   The power of the dragon possessed by this peerless magic weapon is also beyond imagination, and it seems to be able to transform the life in the entire space into the power of a dragon.


   When he felt the breath radiating from Ye Feng, he did not hesitate, and immediately ran out the most powerful force in the body, as if to completely destroy everything in the space.


  , such an extremely powerful power of the dragon, the energy radiated by the crazy operation in the void, even to completely suppress and refine this space.


   At this moment, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became more dazzling, and the breath that radiated from every move was not that terrifying.


  The dragon war spirit hovered in the void, and such a terrifying swallowing force was completely released at this moment, directly seizing the legal power of the Golden Feather Dragon Emperor Whip.


   The perception of the Golden Feather Dragon Emperor Whip is also very keen, and he realized for the first time that the aura in the body has begun to wither crazily, and every move will make the aura in the body extremely weak.


   Perceiving such a change, the energy in the body is also completely released at this moment. The energy released by such a breath of madness in the void has even reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.


   Suddenly, the extremely terrifying destructive power has completely erupted. The extremely terrifying aura of destruction, the power released by the crazy neighbor in the void, has even reached a point that ordinary people can't reach.


   At this moment, Ye Feng tried his best to operate the origin in his body. The power seemed to be in the shortest possible time to completely suppress all the power of the attributes between the world and the earth.


However, the devouring power exuded by the dragon and the war spirit at this time is even more terrifying, enough to completely swallow all the breath between the world and the earth, the extremely terrible destructive power, and even destroy all the energy between the world and the earth. Falling the same.


   Even the Golden Feather Dragon Emperor Whip could not withstand such a powerful oppressive force, and the original aura that it had gathered would even collapse completely in a very short period of time.


   Even if he releases the strongest force radiating from his body, he cannot change this situation.


   At this moment, the original power in Ye Feng's body is running fast, that kind of terrifying energy, even breaking through all the power that the current realm possesses.


   The extremely terrifying power of devouring, the extremely terrifying aura spreading crazily in the void, even going to completely destroy this world.


   When the two sides were in a stalemate, the other side of the battlefield was also extremely terrifying.


   Part of the power possessed by the phoenix war spirit is combined with the power of the laws of good fortune.


At this moment, the phoenix war spirits can mobilize the power of the laws of good fortune and bring all the metallic forces between heaven and earth into their own control, such a powerful fluctuation, even to completely complete everything in this space. Suppress refining.


Countless auras of destruction filled the void crazily, and the energy released even reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine. When feeling such a breath, Ye Feng's eyes also showed this extreme. Bright brilliance.


   was aware of the phoenix war spirit absorbing the metallic power between the heaven and the earth, and directly turned into a mass of good fortune aura attached to his body.


   Or it is the Phoenix Warrior who directly created a peerless magic weapon, and attached its own power to it.


   Although the quality of this peerless divine soldier is extremely weak, it is not enough to compete with such a powerful substance as Phoenix Wing Zijin Boring, but the power radiated from his body has reached an extremely terrifying point.


  The spread of such a breath has caused the power in the surrounding space to be tyrannical to a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, and the breath released by every move is quite terrifying.


Just like a flying needle shuttles back and forth in the void, the clinking sounds resounded one after another, that kind of terrifying aura, at this moment, completely releases its own power, and the wave of destruction is even more intense. Spread in all directions.


   However, Phoenix Wing Zijin Boring was unable to parry such a terrifying aura at all, and even said that the power in his body seemed to collapse in a very short period of time, and he was losing ground at this moment.


The phoenix that    the phoenix war spirits gathered, really possesses terrifying strength that ordinary people can't imagine. It seems that it is necessary to completely suppress and refine the entire space in the shortest possible time.


   Ye Feng's expression was extremely indifferent to such a terrible breath, and even quite satisfied.


   The power of good fortune released by the undead war spirits seems to be completely integrated into this world at this moment.


   The power contained in it has reached a point that ordinary people can't reach. The horrible atmosphere of UU Reading has even caused a certain degree of distortion in the surrounding space.


   When such a force was running, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the original power in his body was moving at an extremely fast speed.


   Relying on the power released by the two great war spirits, constantly fighting the two peerless gods, Ye Feng can also perceive the original power in his body, and they are undergoing extremely violent transformations.


   The power of his own divine consciousness is also expanding crazily at this moment, and the breath it releases is simply reaching a level that ordinary people can't imagine.


   If such a force is allowed to continue to operate, one's own Wanling Divine Art will break through the realm in a very short time, and even reach a higher level state.


   However, an extremely powerful vibrating force burst out in the void, which was released directly toward the direction where Ye Feng was.


   When feeling such a strong pressure, Ye Feng also noticed that the original power in his body was trembling wildly, as if he felt fear.


   At this moment, the most powerful force in the body burst out again and completely, and the aura released by such a breath of madness in the void has reached a point that ordinary people can't imagine.


   All of a sudden, the world changed color.

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