Sky War God

Chapter 3616: Rebellion of the will of the abyss

Chapter 3616 Rebellion of the Will of the Abyss

Chapter 3616 The Rebellion Of The Abyss Will

For Ye Feng, the space in this square is beyond imagination.

What's more, for him at this moment, the cultivation method that can guide him is the most important.

The breath in the body is constantly running, and the power that it radiates is also causing the surrounding space to constantly change, so that a powerful breath spreads wildly in the space.

Feeling the power radiated by Ye Feng, the great will in the space is also constantly trembling, and the aura radiating from it has become stronger and stronger.

I have to say that Ye Feng's strength is too strong, and the aura radiating from every move is enough to change the surrounding space.

The power contained in such a force has reached a realm that could not be imagined among the ancient giants.

It's even saying that part of the power belongs to the power of the gods.

Moreover, Ye Feng only broke through the energy at this moment, and he wanted to use his strength to the extreme with this skyrocketing pass. He still had a huge improvement.

"Although you are quite strong, I have to remind you to be cautious.

Although the Will of the Abyss only controls our world, reaching the peak of the gods at most, the strength it possesses is definitely not as simple as you think.

Moreover, the will of the abyss can continuously draw more powerful lives from his abyss master world, and the strength they possess is not something you can bear. "

Hearing this, Ye Feng's eyes were also shining with strange brilliance, and the power in his body was moving at an extremely fast speed.

Now that Ye Feng has broken through the energy barrier, the power of chaos in his body has been pure to a terrifying point, and the things that need to be cultivated next become more.

However, the power of own chaos is constantly running, can supplement the consumption of the power of blood in the body, and every move will make the power of own blood become stronger.

As long as he continues to fight and uses those terrible impacts to temper his own blood, Ye Feng will be able to continuously condense the blood of the Heavenly Demon.

As long as the energy of the whole body is replaced, his body has already cultivated to a state of consummation.

When the time comes, the heart of the demon will completely condense all the blood, directly breaking through the qi and blood barrier.

Now, under such constant battles, the power of Qi and blood in Ye Feng's body has been transformed by 20%.

And under this kind of foundation, if Ye Feng wants to improve his own strength, the speed will become faster and faster, and the energy in his body will even reach a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

Under this circumstance, his combat effectiveness will also increase, and every move will exude unimaginable power.

In the next moment, the original aura in the body began to circulate continuously, and the power contained in it was moving at an extremely fast speed.

The original aura in the body was mobilized in this very short period of time, constantly condensing the power of one's own blood, trying to attack that terrible realm.

Feeling the constant power emanating from Ye Feng's body, that great will is also extremely shocking, and the aura in Ye Feng's body is indeed terrifyingly powerful.

Such a pure attribute power, even if he didn't grasp the aura that he possessed, it operated in a very short time.

The little original power possessed in the whole world was affected by the aura emanating from Ye Feng, and it seemed that it might explode at any time.

Such a powerful source of power even made this great will begin to shock.

"It seems that this kid is indeed a bit unusual, and being able to possess such power is definitely not something ordinary forces can cultivate.

There is definitely an extremely powerful inheritance in him, even that there are some extremely terrifying people behind him. "

Observing Ye Feng carefully, the will of the world was also extremely shocked, and the aura in this space was moving at an extremely fast speed.

The only remaining elemental power was continuously condensed, directly covering the bodies of Ye Feng and the two of them.

A little bit of their own breath is condensed, which also allows them to continuously absorb the original power in the void.

Although his world has been completely occupied by the power of the abyss, she is not without resistance.

Attaching this source of power to Ye Feng, the two also gave them a certain degree of resistance to the abyssal power in the space.

At the same time, Ye Feng also felt the effect of such a force on him.

While the original aura in the body is constantly running, it can continuously draw power from the depths of the void.

This also made his own breath reach an extremely powerful point, and the original power in his body was constantly running at this moment.

At the same time, Ye Feng can feel the depths of the void, and there is also a constant surging force, releasing his own pressure, rolling down towards Ye Feng's body.

Under the action of this pressure, the speed of the power of Qi and blood in Ye Feng's body also increased.

Under such circumstances, the energy that Ye Feng can mobilize becomes more powerful and pure.

The power of countless attributes continues to spread in the void, and that terrifying energy flows quickly between heaven and earth.

It even said that even Ye Feng's body was covered with a layer of gold, that extremely powerful source of power, as if to raise his strength to a terrifying realm.

"With such power, you can also contend with those abyssal creatures.

The next thing you have to do is to enter the core of that abyssal world and completely tear the will of the abyssal world to pieces.

Only by completely cutting off the connection between my world and the abyss, can it be possible to purify my world.

Of course, if you think this method is too difficult, you can also use other methods. "

The World Will said very calmly, but the attribute power radiating from his body has also become extremely weak.

It's like saying that his body may collapse at any time.

Feeling such a breath, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes also became a little bright, and the power he possessed was condensed at an extremely fast speed.

The breath released by this world is indeed quite unstable, and the power contained in it is changing at an extremely fast speed.

This feeling is like saying that his body may wither at any time, and he can no longer withstand such a terrible impact.

The aura contained between the heavens and the earth, under the influence of the power of the abyss, has reached a limit state. If it is eroded in this way and cannot be repaired, the entire world will be washed and shattered.

Even to say, the great will possessed by this world will continue to wither under the influence of such a breath and eventually be destroyed.

Perceiving such a change, the light in Ye Feng's eyes was constantly flickering, and the power in his body was moving at an extremely fast speed.

To save this world, the price Ye Feng needs to pay is also extremely high. The attribute power emitted by the continuous rotation of the original aura in his body is even stronger to a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

"Say everything you can tell us, and then we will solve the problem ourselves."

Ye Feng didn't hesitate, he said directly to the great being in the void.

The breath in the body is still running continuously, and the power of his own qi and blood is also the power of the rapid tossing, and it is growing at an extremely fast rate.

Feeling the power in Ye Feng's body, what emerged from that terrifying life body was actually changing along with it.

Then Ye Feng felt that a spatial coordinate appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness.

The other party directly transmitted to the place where the abyss aura burst into Ye Feng's perception, that aura also released its own power in a very short time.

"Only by going to this place, completely defeating the will of the abyss here, and completely cutting off the connection between the abyss world and me, can it be possible to completely purify this space."

After hearing the news, Ye Feng also nodded, and then turned his head to Meteor.

"The next situation may be quite dangerous, what are you going to do?"

Meteor smiled faintly and said: "Although my strength is not strong, it can help you a little bit anyway.

What's more, it's useless to stay here, it's better to improve your own strength in the abyss world.

Those guys from the outside have terrible fighting power, but their own training is also very important. "

Listening to Meteor talking like this, Ye Feng already understood his attitude and patted him gently on the shoulder.

"I understand.

Then leave the rest to me. "

When speaking, Ye Feng also released his own chaotic origin aura onto Meteor's body, condensing a chaotic mark in his body.

The chaotic aura contained in this mark was extremely condensed, capable of erupting Ye Feng's full blow.

The power contained in it is also terrifying beyond imagination, capable of completely shredding all the breath between heaven and earth.

Feeling such a terrible breath, even the great will in the void was severely shocked.

Before, he was also paying attention to the battle between Ye Feng and Shengyuan Will, but he didn't find Ye Feng's hidden power, and it was so terrifying.

It seems that with the passage of time, the aura in Ye Feng is also growing at an extremely fast speed, and the power radiated has reached an extremely terrifying point.

Under this circumstance, Ye Feng's strength improvement will also explode to the extreme in a very short period of time, and the power radiated will even break through the limit that ordinary people can imagine.

With such a terrifying increase in power, Ye Feng's strength will also increase at an extremely fast speed, even reaching a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

Then Ye Feng waved his hand casually, releasing the space power under his control.

The incomparably powerful space power directly penetrates the connection between this world and the abyss world, and puts out its own power.

"Let's go, this time we will go back to the will of the abyss."

Ye Feng said very calmly.

At the same time, the will of the world is also quite shocked, it seems that Ye Feng still controls such terrible spatial means.

In order to maintain one's own will, the existence of the world's will, fully converges one's own power.

The power that can be mobilized at this moment has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, especially the surrounding space defense has become extremely terrifying.

With such a powerful space, even the Abyss World could not easily break through the defense, but Ye Feng was able to release space power at will to tear the passage between the two worlds.

If Ye Feng really wanted to destroy him, as long as he attracted the power of the abyss world, it would be enough to completely destroy his body.

This little remaining little world will disappear in the blink of an eye, and there is no resistance at all.

Seeing the figures of Ye Feng and the two gradually moving away, the heart of World Will was also extremely shocked, as if they were thinking about something.

Returning to the world polluted by the abyss again, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became more and more bright.

"Is there any problem?"

Perceiving the abnormal aura on Ye Feng's body, Meteor also asked with some doubts.

Ye Feng shook his head, and didn't say much, just turned the aura in his body, and then the Hell unfolded.

As the chaotic life he evolved continuously became more and more, the power radiated had reached an extremely powerful state, and the energy possessed in every move was beyond imagination.

What's more, Ye Feng also concealed part of the means in his own ten thousand spirits tactics in their bodies.

A certain degree of spiritual power will emanate from these spirits that mingled with life, and these spiritual powers will completely merge into Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

Absorbing these spiritual powers, the power of the soul controlled by Ye Feng will also grow in a very short period of time.

With the passage of time, his mental power will reach an extremely powerful state, and the aura that he exudes can even break through some terrifying boundary.

Only by relying on such means can Ye Feng be able to improve his own cultivation level.

Let the power of his divine mind hit the terrifying realm of the soul heaven.

At the same time, an extremely terrifying aura erupted directly from the depths of the void, and countless abyssal beings began to rush towards the direction where Ye Feng was.

Feeling these powerful forces, the expressions of the meteors have become extremely cautious, and the breath in the body is moving at an extremely fast speed, and the power radiated is even tyrannical to a realm that ordinary people can't imagine. .

Feeling such a breath, Ye Feng's expression also changed.

With a move, the giant chaos beasts rushed again, and the power radiated from the body was even more tyrannical to an extremely terrifying realm.

Feeling such a terrifying aura, the energy in Ye Feng's body is moving at an extremely fast speed, and the waves of destruction emanating from every move are even strong to a terrifying state.

The power of Ye Feng's divine thoughts also played an extremely powerful role, especially good fortune and soul. These two divine thoughts were directly thrown into the endless **** and continuously operated.

That extremely terrifying breath attracted countless ghosts to entangle, and with the help of such a breath, it transformed itself.

The ghost who has gone through countless trials and finally completely extracted its own breath already possesses an extremely pure soul.

There is an extremely powerful breath of life in the body.

Only this kind of soul, under the initiation of Ye Feng's Chaos Power, can generate an extremely terrifying Chaos Behemoth, and every move emits terrifying power that is unimaginable by ordinary people.

At the same time, countless behemoths of chaos continued to rush in the space, directly colliding towards those abyssal beings.

Ye Feng has accumulated thousands of monsters in this period of time, and the aura they possess has reached the level of ancient giants.

What's more, the power of chaos they possess, but the original aura equal to Ye Feng, the power that can burst out is terrifying beyond imagination.

Even in the face of abyssal creatures tens of times hundreds of times, they did not have any fear, but did their best to mobilize the power in their bodies to collide with each other.

At the same time, in Ye Feng's eyes, there was also an extremely bright brilliance.

The extremely terrifying magic path attribute, the power radiated from the body, directly elevating one's own breath to the extreme.

This breath caused Ye Feng's body to expand several times, and the magical weapon of the holy magic spear was condensed in his hand.

The extremely terrifying magic power was madly released in the space, and even formed an extremely strong impact, as if it was about to completely tear away the monster beasts.

Now when Ye Feng is improving his own Qi and Blood cultivation base, he also has to constantly control his own destiny, so that the power it possesses can reach a more terrifying state.

Because Ye Feng's own cultivation is extremely profound, when breaking through the realm, he directly refined the Heavenly Mixing Spirit Orb, Holy Demon Spear and Good Fortune Sword into his own destiny.

In order to break through the realm, Ye Feng's natal soldiers also grew.

These three magic weapons must be upgraded to an extremely powerful state to be able to fully integrate with the aura that Ye Feng possesses.

At this moment, the power in the body is constantly running, and the breath that comes out is even more powerful to a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

Ye Feng directly released the holy magic spear to completely imprint his own breath on the magic weapon.

Originally, this artifact was the weapon of the ancestor of ten thousand demons, and its quality was simply beyond imagination.

If Ye Feng wants to improve his quality again, the price he needs to pay is absolutely enormous.

However, the quality of this weapon had reached a certain peak state, and even Ye Feng couldn't change anything.

Even Ye Feng didn't need to improve his strength, as long as he branded his own aura completely on it, it was enough to completely arouse the powerful power contained in it.

Feeling such a change in power, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely pure.

The power of his own chaos constantly rushed out of this magic weapon, and even created an extremely terrifying situation.

The power condensed in every move is already beyond imagination, and it seems that it is about to completely destroy the entire space.

The incomparably terrifying edge power bursts directly from the holy magic spear, and the power radiated can even completely tear the surrounding space.

For such a force, the entire space is somewhat unbearable, as if it will completely collapse at any time.

The terrifying power of the abyss felt the dangerous aura emanating from Ye Feng, and quickly suppressed it toward his position. Such a force even reached an extremely terrifying realm.

It was at this moment that the abyss beings who were constantly charging at this moment also noticed a certain powerful will, and quickly gathered the aura they possessed.

Extremely terrifying attribute forces are swarming and gathering at this moment, you must know that these abyssal beings all have a certain degree of celestial characteristics.

The power they gathered was not much different from the original power controlled by the gods.

At this moment, under their exhausting burst of power, the power they radiated was even more terrifying, as if to completely destroy everything in the world.

Countless lights of destruction have directly crossed the layers of space, descending towards the direction where Ye Feng is located, as if to completely tear his body in the shortest possible time.

Feeling such a powerful attack, Ye Feng's expression is also extremely indifferent, and the original aura in his body is also running at the fastest speed.

I only saw Ye Feng take a step forward, and the breath in his body suddenly exploded, and the power radiated out even reached a terrifying point.

Countless terrifying auras erupted, such a powerful force, even to completely shatter the entire world.

The holy magic spear in his hand released one after another powerful edge force, which penetrated toward those destruction attacks.

The two powerful forces collided in the void like this, and the power emitted would even completely destroy the entire space.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock resounded in the void, and the terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

Such a terrifying aura seemed to completely destroy the entire world, and the power contained in it even reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people.

The power of destruction was released in a swarm, spreading all around.

Numerous waves of destruction were also crushed towards Ye Feng's position, as if to completely destroy his body.

Perceiving such a breath, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes was also blooming crazily, and the power of blood in his body continued to churn, causing his body to expand even more.

It was at this moment that the breath in the body began to continuously expand the power of its own blood, running at an extremely fast speed, bearing the strong pressure released by the outside world.

The heart of the Heavenly Demon in the body beats quickly, condensing his own blood again and again, and the power of the qi and blood radiated becomes more powerful.

The extremely powerful attribute power was completely released at this moment, and that kind of terrifying aura had reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

Ye Feng could feel the power of qi and blood in his body, quickly compressed under the terrible pressure of the outside world, and drop after drop of the blood of the demon was condensed out.

Every time the power of Qi and blood expands and compresses, one's body will undergo a strong transformation at this moment.

The powerful force radiated, even to completely suppress the entire space, the energy contained in this terrifying breath is beyond imagination.

But the same Ye Feng could also feel that the power of chaos in his body was being consumed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The breath in the body is almost like a flood that opened the gate, quickly losing, constantly nourishing Ye Feng's energy and blood, and restoring his consumption at the moment.

The energy needed to condense the power of qi and blood is also extremely terrifying, and the breath that radiates from every move becomes extremely terrifying.

At this moment, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes also became extremely bright, and the power in his body was tumbling at an extremely fast speed.

In the next instant, a powerful force broke out again in Ye Feng's body.

The world contained in the depths of the Huntian Spirit Orb once again circulated an extremely powerful Chaos Origin Power, which was directly integrated into Ye Feng's heart.

In an instant, Ye Feng felt the power contained in his body and had reached an extremely strong state.

Every time the heart of the heavenly devil beats, the energy of the blood that bursts out becomes so powerful, filling his body quickly.

That kind of power is like trying to temper his qi and blood to the strongest state.

A large amount of the blood of the demon is constantly running from the heart, seeming to cause the entire body to undergo a strong transformation.

Feeling such a change in breath, Ye Feng's expression became more and more savage, and the energy in his body was exploding at an extremely fast speed.

Countless terrifying forces were released at this moment, and the aura of destruction formed was simply tyrannical to the point that an ordinary person could not imagine.

In a very short period of time, that extremely terrifying power has already expanded crazily toward the outside world.

The strong aura contained in it was even madly released at this moment, and the radiated power occupies the entire space in a very short period of time.

At this moment, Ye Feng directly mobilized his own energy and blood, merged into the holy magic spear in his hand, and pierced forward fiercely.

In an instant, an extremely terrifying scarlet spear light was directly released, and that force would even completely destroy the entire world.

Holy magic spear method, magic blood slaughter the sky!

The power of this trick, under Ye Feng's all-out urging, the aura that it exudes also reached an extremely terrifying state.

The scarlet spear light that penetrated the entire sky was like trying to completely tear this world apart, that extremely terrifying aura spread madly outwards at the fastest speed.

Feeling such a power, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely cruel.

Constantly pushing the breath in the body, and releasing it madly towards the outside world.

That kind of feeling is like Ye Feng has completely fallen into the law of the magic way, and the aura contained in it even completely destroys this world.

However, what shocked Meteor was that the power emanating from Ye Feng at this moment, although extremely violent, was also quite useful.

The power of the abyss around it seems to have been completely suppressed by Ye Feng's violent aura.

That extremely terrifying and deceptively powerful force has completely calmed down at this moment, and can no longer exert its power.

Facts have proved that if you are stronger than the abyss, the abyss cannot seduce you.

At this moment, Ye Feng's magical thoughts were a bit stronger than the abyss, and directly suppressed the power of the surrounding abyss.

An extremely terrifying aura spread wildly in the space, and the power radiated out was almost completely swallowing the power of the surrounding abyss.

In this very short period of time, the aura in the body began to explode frantically, and one after another horrible force released its own powerful power at this moment.

With the wave of his hand, countless auras of destruction can be released again, that terrifying force has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

The power of destruction completely exploded, and such a force also completely tore the surrounding space at this moment.

Those terrifying destructive powers at this moment also have power that ordinary people can't imagine, and they have completely suppressed the surrounding aura in the first time.

The surrounding abyssal aura had begun a frantic riot, and the energy radiated out was simply tyrannical to an extremely terrifying realm.

Facing such a powerful force, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became more and more terrifying, and the energy emitted would even completely destroy everything in this ~ In the face of such a powerful aura of destruction, the power of the surrounding abyss, no matter how powerful it is, can no longer stop it.

What's more, the strength of those abyss beings is simply not enough to compete with Ye Feng at this moment.

The moment the terrifying scarlet spear light crushed the past, countless lives in the abyss fell directly, and their bodies exploded.

Perceiving the powerful aura released by Ye Feng, the will of the abyss was also restless, and the power in the body quickly condensed, and the aura radiated out even pressed Ye Feng in a very short period of time.

However, it was impossible to resist Ye Feng under this situation. The strong aura contained between the heavens and the earth would even wither in a very short period of time.

At this moment, the power in Ye Feng's body began to revolve at an extremely fast speed.

Such a powerful force of energy and blood, even to dye all the surrounding space red, put this world under his own control.

Countless powers of the abyss gathered crazily at this moment, and the dead abyss life also completely exploded all the breath.

In the end, the extremely terrifying abyssal power and the endless aura of destruction combined, and began to form a horrible vortex, as if it were to gather the most terrifying life between heaven and earth.

Feeling such a powerful breath, Ye Feng's expression also became extremely solemn, and then a life very similar to Ye Feng appeared in front of him.

Feeling the power contained in the opponent's body, Ye Feng's eyes also became extremely cold.

The terrible anger aura erupted directly from Ye Feng's body.

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