Sky War God

Chapter 3615: Deal with great will

Chapter 3615 The Deal With The Great Will

Chapter 3615 the deal with the great will

Such a terrifying force continued to spread in the space, and the breath it radiated was even more tyrannical than ordinary people could imagine.

The extremely terrifying destructive power was madly released in the space, as if to completely penetrate this space.

The Abyss Will, which has gathered countless abyssal powers, is also doing its best to release its own breath at this moment, and an extremely terrifying force burst out in the space.

At this moment, Ye Feng felt extremely terrifying, and the power of the abyss between heaven and earth seemed to come alive, swarming toward his location.

The two forces collided together, and a huge change took place immediately.

The extremely terrifying power of destruction spread crazily in the void, and the aura that it exudes also reached an extremely terrifying state.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock resounded crazily at this moment, and that breath had reached a terrifying state.

Such a force is simply terrifying to an unimaginable realm, and the energy in the body is tumbling at an extremely fast speed.

In a very short period of time, the energy in the body had already begun to reverse, and Ye Feng's injuries were also extremely serious.

The power in the body is moving fast at this moment, and the original power in the body has reached an extremely strong state.

His own power began to run wildly, and every move radiated unimaginable power.

Faced with such a breath, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became purer, the energy in his body continued to circulate, and he wanted to completely suppress the destructive power in his body.

However, the damage caused by the exhaustion of the power of the abyss is simply beyond imagination, making Ye Feng unable to stabilize the power in his body.

At this moment, the aura in Ye Feng's body began to explode frantically, and that terrifying force of destruction had reached a terrifying state.

Countless auras of destruction spread, and the energy emitted is even more terrifying than imagined, as if to completely suppress the entire world.

Perceiving such a fluctuating change, Abyss Will is also extremely angry.

In his opinion, a lowly creature like Ye Feng has already entered his domain, and he must maintain sufficient respect for him, and even surrender directly under his feet.

However, Ye Feng did not do such a thing, instead, he was constantly fighting the will of the abyss.

Even at this time, the aura in Ye Feng's body is still continuously releasing.

Countless powers of the abyss exploded quickly, rushing to the direction where Ye Feng was located.

Such a terrifying force was released in a very short time, and the breath it radiated reached a point that ordinary people could not imagine.

The power of destruction spread wildly, as if to completely destroy Ye Feng.

Even in this situation, the more Ye Feng had no fear, the aura in his body continued to circulate.

The power of the attributes in the body is running fast at this moment, such a pure attribute, the power is also constantly releasing its own energy at this moment.

The breath in the body moves quickly, and that terrifying power continues to spread in the space, and the power that radiates is extremely pure.

The aura in his body was completely mobilized, directly fusing into the holy magic spear in his hand.

That terrifying spear light bloomed again at this moment, relying on the power released by Ye Feng, rushed forward fiercely.

At this moment, the incomparably bright red light seemed to occupy the entire sky, and the aura that it radiated became extremely terrifying, even suppressing the entire space.

At this moment, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the power in his body quickly moved out.

Those powerful destructive powers also directly released their most powerful power at this moment, as if to completely destroy the entire space.

In this very short period of time, the aura in Ye Feng's body has soared to an extreme, seeming to have reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

Feeling such a force, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely accurate, and the aura of destruction in his body even reached a terrifying state.

Such a terrifying aura of destruction crazily descended towards the direction of the will of the abyss, and the destructive power radiated from it reached a point that ordinary people could not imagine.

Abyss Will also couldn't help but frowned, the breath in the body was completely released, and the power it possessed reached a terrifying state.

Countless powers of the abyss crazily used the radiated energy at this moment, and even reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people.

Every move has a terrifying power beyond imagination, as if to completely destroy everything in this world.

Feeling such a breath, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely powerful, and the power in his body was quickly released.

The release of such a force is as if to completely destroy the entire world.

The terrifying aura of destruction exploded in a very short period of time, and the energy radiated out even reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.

Such a terrifying energy exploded in a very short time with all the aura contained in it, as if it was going to completely destroy this world.

The two attacks finally collided together, and the rumbling sound of terror and shock resounded instantly.

The extremely powerful destructive power, the aura that it possessed crazily spreading in all directions, it was raging crazily in a very short period of time, as if to completely destroy the entire world.

Feeling such a huge pressure, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely pure.

The power in the body quickly turned around, trying its best to release his own breath, trying to completely suppress the power between the world and the earth.

Feeling the change of this power, the Will of Abyss also made a quick response, wanting to completely suppress this energy.

However, Ye Feng reacted more quickly, and the original aura in his body exploded quickly.

Such a terrifying force was released in a very short time, and the breath it possessed would even completely destroy all the power in this space.

Feeling the explosion of this breath, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became purer, and the original power in his body would even be completely released.

In an instant, the power of destruction had already descended on his body, as if to completely destroy it.

Feeling such a breath, the power in Ye Feng's body is also moving at an extremely fast speed, constantly resisting such a terrifying power.

In the next instant, countless powerful auras spread like this, and the tyrannical fluctuations exuded even reached a terrible state.

The aura of destruction in his body is simply terrifying.

It even said that countless abyssal powers directly covered Ye Feng's body, trying to completely destroy him.

However, in Ye Feng's eyes, there was also an extremely pure brilliance, countless healing powers were released at this moment, and the aura that radiated became extremely pure.

Fully release the breath in the body, Ye Feng also stimulated the power of the Huntian Spirit Orb, and the power that erupted at this moment became the most terrifying.

The chaotic aura was released crazily at this moment, and the swallowing power exuded was as if to completely swallow this piece of heaven and earth.

Countless terrorist forces were released in a very short period of time, and the resulting wave of destruction would even completely destroy this space.

Feeling this extremely terrifying power, the energy in Ye Feng's body, with the devouring and refining power exuded by the Sky Spirit Orb, also became extremely violent.

Now that Ye Feng's strength has increased drastically, the speed of refining is getting faster and faster for the power of Chaos Origin.

Every time the power that the Huntian Spirit Orb swallows willfully, after being refined into the power of the Chaos Origin, a part of it will be collected by Ye Feng and used to cultivate himself.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Feng's strength at the moment can reach such a terrifying point.

Those powers of the abyss could not cause substantial damage to Ye Feng, but instead provided Ye Feng with a steady stream of energy, making the light in his eyes become more and more ferocious.

Then an extremely violent force completely spread out, such a terrifying breath, it was almost completely destroying the entire world.

Feeling such a strong pressure, the breath of the will of the abyss finally couldn't hold on.

Although it is extremely powerful, it can even suppress all lives in the abyss.

However, Ye Feng's strength is beyond imagination, and the power of the abyss alone can no longer cause any influence on Ye Feng, instead, it will become Ye Feng's nourishment.

The real **** descended at this moment, and the power radiated could not completely suppress Ye Feng, instead he would be defeated by Ye Feng and swallow the power of the world origin contained in his body.

The explosion of such a breath caused everything in the surrounding space to become extremely distorted, and the power contained in it was released crazily at this moment.

It even said that even the Will of Abyss could not bear the terrifying aura released from Ye Feng's body at this moment.

That kind of power is simply beyond imagination, and there is no kind of energy that can stop Ye Feng.

In a very short period of time, such a powerful force has been completely released, and the aura of destruction that it exudes, even to completely suppress this piece of heaven and earth.

The wind blades of destruction were continuously released, and the energy emitted was simply tyrannical to a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

Those terrifying wind blades of destruction in every move is like cutting off the entire world.

The Will of the Abyss was also under tremendous pressure at this moment, the aura in the body was constantly circling, and the energy it radiated became extremely terrifying.

However, no matter how angry he was, he couldn't change the current situation. The energy that didn't radiate from his body was being constantly torn apart by Ye Feng, and finally completely shattered.

Feeling such a terrible breath, the power in his body is constantly releasing, but his strength can't change the surrounding situation at all.

The destruction attack released by Ye Feng was like completely destroying his body. This kind of terrifying aura was continuously released, and the energy possessed became extremely terrifying.

Finally, Ye Feng's body completely burst out of its own power, as if to completely destroy this space.

The body of the will of the abyss, at this moment, is finally unable to withstand the rapid collapse of the breath in the body, as if it is about to be completely destroyed.

In this extremely short period of time, extremely terrifying energy was released, as if to completely destroy this space.

It was at this moment that a terrifying thought broke out again between heaven and earth, directly crushing the will of the abyss.

The power emanating from such a terrifying breath is also terrifying beyond imagination. The extremely terrifying will of the abyss simply cannot withstand such a powerful breath, and it collapsed in the first place.

Feeling such a force of will, Ye Feng's expression has also become extremely dignified, and the power in his body is moving at an extremely fast speed.

Although he used his own power to suppress the will of the abyss, he was even able to completely tear the opponent apart with his own breath.

But it doesn't mean that Ye Feng can contend with all the great wills.

Moreover, the will of the world that suddenly burst out seemed to possess an extremely tyrannical aura, as if to completely destroy all these creatures.

Such a terrifying force was something Ye Feng couldn't imagine.

Moving the aura in his body, Ye Feng was also extremely solemn, and he didn't dare to show any carelessness at all.

However, at the moment when the will of the abyss dissipated, the terrifying aura that had just appeared disappeared from his terrifying appearance and became peaceful.

Perceiving such a change, Ye Feng's expression is also quite wonderful.

Although Ye Feng didn't know much about this kind of world-level willpower, the breath exuding at this moment was quite surprising.

The energy emitted by such a powerful force of will is simply beyond imagination and terrifying, enough to suppress all the lives in this world.

Even so, Ye Feng could clearly feel that the breath emanating from the opponent's body was so peaceful.

Being able to possess such strength is definitely not something that the will of the abyss can possess.

Perhaps there are other special forces in this world.

Thinking of this, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely brilliant, and the aura in his body was moving at an extremely fast speed.

"Warriors from another world, please come with me."

That is to say, at this moment, the great will in the void has a certain degree of connection with Ye Feng.

When he felt this power, Ye Fengye was quite surprised.

Such a powerful force and strength of will, seemingly terrifying, but when he really comes into contact, Ye Feng can perceive the aura contained in it, and he is extremely weak.

This feeling is like a time when a person has worked for three days and three nights and then has no rest.

Although possessing immense power, the opponent's strength is also quite weak at this moment.

It seems that it may completely collapse at any time.

Perceiving such power, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes has also become very strange.

Without saying much, he walked forward directly following the guiding force released by the other party.

Seeing such a scene, Meteor was also quite surprised. It was impossible to imagine what happened.

The aura radiating from the space has also reached a terrifying point, making the meteors extremely shocking.

The energy emanating from such a change of breath and the constant conflict of the power of the world has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

Feeling such power, the meteor was also quite shocked, and the original power in the body was trembling unceasingly.

"Ye Feng, what is going on?"

Even at this moment, his heart is extremely at a loss, and he can't believe that such a change will happen.

Feeling the operation of such a force, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely pure.

The power radiated by the rapid movement of the power in the body has become extremely strong in a very short time.

Finally, I saw Ye Feng and said in a very plain tone.

"It's nothing, it's just an invitation from the will of the world."

Hearing such words, Meteor's heart was extremely shocked, and it was impossible to imagine that such a thing would happen.

"World Will? What did you do?"

Ye Feng smiled softly and said, "I'll know what I have done and go and see with me."

Hearing Ye Feng's words, Meteor also nodded blankly.

Although he didn't know what happened, he didn't plan to be separated from Ye Feng at this moment.

The breath in the body continued to revolve, and the energy emitted became stronger and stronger, and the breath in the body was released in a very short time.

The power in the body, the power radiated by the rapid rotation, has penetrated the layers of space in a very short time, and according to the guidance in the void, has entered another layer of space.

At the moment when he arrived here, Ye Feng suddenly felt that his body seemed to have become a lot lighter, and the breath that permeated the space was not terrifyingly oppressive.

This also caused Ye Feng's body to relax, and the power in his body moved quickly, making his own breath become extremely powerful.

Looking around, although this space is empty, it does not contain any breath of life.

But the power contained between the heavens and the earth is also quite pure, such an incomparably powerful law of origin power also shocked Ye Feng's heart incomparably.

"You came."

Feeling the movement of Ye Feng, the strong will in the void also said weakly.

Ye Feng frowned slightly, then asked.

"Dare to ask you who is?"

Perceiving the aura emanating from this space, Ye Feng was also quite surprised, as if he could not imagine the terrifying power of the other party.

That breath has already reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine. If this force can really burst out, even he can't bear it.

The power in the body is moving at an extremely fast speed, and its own power is in a stable state, and it may completely explode at any time.

Feeling the power in Ye Feng's body, an extremely pure aura was exuded from the opponent's body.

"Hello, I don't have any bad intentions."

The great will in the void paused for a while, and finally explained.

"I am a **** of the pinnacle realm. I have already pushed my strength to the extreme, breaking through to the next realm.

However, at the moment when I was about to succeed, the world I opened up was eroded by the power of the abyss.

At that time, I was also doing my best to resist, wanting to release the breath in my body completely.

However, the power contained in the abyss world is too terrifying, even if I try my best, I can't bring him any impact.

On the contrary, I myself was completely defeated by the power of the abyss world, and even my body and my own natal weapons were completely destroyed.

In the end, my world was completely covered by the power of the abyss, and it became what you saw just now. Even my own power was hit extremely strongly.

If it were not for the souls of the realm above the heavenly gods, they would have extremely special changes and could resist those terrifying shadows from outside.

Even under the power of the abyss, I can persist for a while, and I am afraid that my soul will also die out. "

When he heard this explanation, Ye Feng couldn't help but frowned. The power in his body circulated quickly, and the aura that came out became extremely powerful.

The original power in his body is constantly running at this moment. With his own control of the power of chaos, Ye Feng is also constantly perceiving the characteristics of this world.

What's more, he still has the world of White Jade God Pagoda opened up by the God of Good Fortune in his hands, and the power in it is also an extremely clear guide for Ye Feng.

Feeling the power in his body, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes also became extremely pure.

Comparing the aura of this broken world with the complete world of the White Jade Tower, Ye Feng also felt the difference.

The original power in the two worlds is simply not the same, the breath that Ye Feng can feel at this moment is already tyrannical to the point that ordinary people can't imagine.

However, in that broken world, the source of its own has become extremely withered. Even to say, it seems that it will be completely swallowed by the power of the abyss at any time, and the aura in it may completely collapse at any time and anywhere.

Feeling such a change, Ye Feng also confirmed what the other party said.

"Then what is your purpose for inviting us to this place?"

Ye Feng also asked with some doubts.

"I can feel that your power is indeed beyond imagination, and it can even compete with the power of the abyss.

The important thing is that you have enough means in your hands to purify the abyssal world around you.

I would like to ask you to help me purify the power of the abyss outside so as to restore my freedom. "

Hearing this, Ye Feng was also quite surprised.

It's just that he didn't show it, but asked in a very calm tone.

"Helping you, is it good for me?"

"You can get the friendship of a strong person above the gods, and you can get a lot of benefits.

The knowledge and various treasures that I control are so many that you can't even imagine.

If you are willing to help me, then everything I have can be given to you.

It even means that even the world that I have evolved can be delivered to you. "

When hearing the last condition, Ye Feng's heart trembled fiercely.

Ye Feng knew exactly how powerful the world he evolved from a realm above the gods.

Think of the world of the White Jade God Tower in his hands. The order and rules contained in it are completely beyond his imagination.

If it weren't for personal experience, I'm afraid he couldn't believe that there was such a place at this time.

If you can get more of this world, even if you don't have that kind of consummation, it will be extremely helpful to Ye Feng.

Even with this temptation, Ye Feng didn't completely lose his mind, instead he was carefully observing the other party.

The aura contained in this space has become extremely weak, as if it may completely collapse at any time, but Ye Feng also felt an extremely pure aura from it.

That is a true source of the world's power, although it is weak, it is still running.

"The abyssal power of the outside world has reached such a terrible level. How do you think I can contend with the abyssal power of the outside world, and even save you?"

Hearing Ye Feng's words, the great will in the void smiled slightly.

"Although I don't know what technique you can use to purify the power of the abyss between heaven and earth.

But I can perceive everything you do in this world, and I can even feel the mighty power in your body.

This kind of breath is beyond my imagination.

Countless sacred powers surround your body, which can continuously wipe away the evil forces between the heavens and the earth, and awaken those contaminated souls.

These powers are also part of the source of the power of the abyss, if you can purify all the aura of the abyss contained in this space.

The strength I possess will also increase, and the energy that I radiate will become extremely powerful. "

The constant explanation of the great will also made Ye Feng understand what terrifying realm his strength had reached.

The Hell of Infinite Hell unfolded, and the death war spirits sat in it, releasing their own breath, ruling all the resentful spirits.

It was also at this moment that Ye Feng directly ran the Hell Heart Sutra in his body.

The continuous movement of such a breath caused the power in the surrounding space to begin to move wildly, and the energy radiated even reached a point that ordinary people could not imagine.

The incomparably powerful power of hell, at this moment, is also completely expanded and the energy radiated has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine.

The tyrannical aura that radiated from every move seemed to completely suppress the entire world.

Perceiving the power emanating from Ye Feng's body, the great will in the void is also extremely excited.

"Yes, it is such a force. If he can completely purify this space, I can definitely restore my strength."

The Great Will also said very happily at this moment, and the breath radiating from the body became extremely pure.

Feeling such a change in power, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes also returned to calm.

"Everything you said is very tempting, but it is not that important to me."

Ye Feng said very plainly, the aura in his body was also moving at an extremely fast speed.

It seems that Ye Feng's inner pride has already been sensed, and those things can't touch Ye Feng at all.

But he didn't dare to give up Ye Feng directly, because the only person who could resolve the influence of the power of the abyss was Ye Feng.

Moreover, his soul has reached its limit, and he can no longer withstand such a powerful abyssal force, eroding step by step.

If he does not seize the opportunity, his body will be completely wiped out by the power of the abyss, and he will eventually become a part of the abyss world.

Perceiving such a change, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became stronger and stronger.

"It seems that such a price will not satisfy you. I have one last condition."

After a long sigh, Great Will also said helplessly.

"My soul can no longer support for too long, the original aura in the body of UU Reading has reached a terrifying state.

Before long, my soul will completely disintegrate and arrive. At that time, my world will emerge in the entire void because of losing control.

Although this space has completely withered, in any case, it is a complete space world.

The value contained in it is simply immeasurable.

If you want, I can give you this world as your reward. "

When he heard this sentence, Ye Feng's heart was also quite shocked, and the aura in his body became extremely pure, and the power radiated had reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people.

The incomparably powerful attribute power spread crazily in the space. Even Ye Feng, his heart was beating crazily at this moment, and the energy emitted by the continuous operation of the power in the body became extremely powerful.

Such a breath quickly condensed in the void, and the power released also made Ye Feng extremely heart-beat.

"You mean your natal world?"

The great will in the void explained Ye Feng's words.

"I can't hold on for long, if I can't leave here quickly, I'm afraid my soul will wither completely.

If you can help me get rid of the constraints of the power of the abyss, what can I do if I give you this space? "

Hearing the great will in the void, Ye Feng finally didn't have any hesitation when speaking to this point.

Then he went forward and patted it lightly.

"Okay, I promised you."

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