Sky War God

Chapter 3345: Goodbye Beiluo 0 Shadow

Chapter 3345-Goodbye Beiluo Qianying

Following the familiar breath, Ye Feng also moved forward quickly, but with the speed at which he controlled the chain of Tianhe, he had searched for a long time before finally finding the source of that breath.

"That's right, the breath of Swallowing Heaven City came from here, but there is clearly nothing here!"

Feeling the surrounding environment, Ye Feng also transferred the power of good fortune into his eyes, detecting the surrounding situation.

Even with Ye Feng's mighty power of divine consciousness, he still couldn't detect any abnormalities. The surroundings were still turbulent Tianjing Lake, and there was also a shining stone lake bottom.

"No, it's wrong!"

Suddenly, Ye Feng frowned and said, this time, he directly released the spatial attribute will and explored the spatial fluctuations around him.

Finally, after several searches, Ye Feng finally found a very special spatial fluctuation in a certain space.

"Give me... Open!"

The will of the sword and the power of good fortune are intertwined, and the crystal long sword slowly grows out, and then carries a strong will of space attributes, completely tearing the space at the bottom of the lake.

The spatial will release was just a flash, and Ye Feng appeared in a broken city.

"Small Swallow Sky City? How come it's run down like this?"

Seeing the surroundings, Ye Feng couldn't help frowning.

The familiar breath he just felt was released from the small swallowing sky city.

However, at this moment, Xiaotun Tiancheng is not as magnificent as before, and the power of stars is constantly falling from the sky, bombarding Xiaotun Tiancheng.

In an instant, Ye Feng's power of divine consciousness was released, and in a blink of an eye the entire Little Swallow Sky City was included in his own eyes.

"It turned out to be them?"

Seeing those few figures, Ye Feng no longer kept his hands, and hurried towards the center of the battle.

"Ouyang Yanshuang, today is your death date. In this Heaven Swallowing Devil Cave, all news can't be passed on, so you can die with peace of mind!"

On the battlefield, Beiluo Qianying was surrounded by the power of psychedelic stars, staring high at Ouyang Yanshuang, and there was a light of delight in his eyes.

Ouyang Yan's face was cold, and she tried her best to urge the large array of gods in Xiaotuntian City, forming a thin barrier in front of her.

"Beiluo Qianying, I really did not misunderstand you. You were with my elder brother for the same purpose, right?"

Ouyang Yanshuang has a solemn face, and the aura on her body keeps condensing, it seems that she might strike back at any time.

"Don't give up your mind. In order to win you this time, I brought the Four Demon Generals from home specially. Even if you have great abilities, you can't stand up.

It's better to hand over what I want now, it will be good for you. "

"Bah, just a **** like you, is also worthy of our strongest technique for Swallowing Heaven? Don't dream!"

At this moment, blood came from the corners of Ouyang Yan's mouth, but she still stared at Beiluo Qianying angrily.

Beiluo Qianying's eyes were cold, and then she said, "Kill her!"


The four people surrounding Beiluo Qianying also immediately agreed in a deep voice.

In an instant, an extremely powerful aura erupted from the four of them, and they rushed towards Ouyang Yanshuang.

The barrier gathered around Ouyang Yanshuang couldn't function at all at this moment, but it was completely torn apart in the blink of an eye.

The terrifying power of destruction, thought to be overwhelming, rushed towards Ouyang Yanshuang.

These four were specially trained demon generals in North Luo City. Their strength was extraordinary, and they had mastered the extremely powerful Divine Rune formation technique, which could bring their strength together.

When the power of these four demon generals gathered after everything, the terror attack formed was unimaginable.

Even this small swallowing sky city began to tremble constantly.

The beam of destruction formed by the power of the four attributes smashed down towards Ouyang Yanshuang, making her eyes full of hopeless light.

At this critical moment, a spatial fluctuation burst out, and then a figure appeared in front of Ouyang Yanshuang.

"I want to see what you can do to kill the people I want to protect!"

At the moment Ye Feng appeared, everyone's eyes widened in shock.

"Who am I? It turns out to be the dog leg of Swallowing Sky City."

Beiluo Qianying sneered, and then said: "I didn't expect your kid to be able to find here, and that was the one delivered.

Four Demon Generals, kill him for me! "

At this moment, the Four Demon Generals did not take Ye Feng to heart, but they just replied, and then they shot one after another.

In an instant, the four attribute powers of water, fire, wind and thunder burst out, smashing towards Ye Feng fiercely.

The strength of the four demon generals is not trivial, and the cooperation between the four is a bit of ancient giants.

The power that can burst out at this moment has aroused the power of stars between heaven and earth.

It was like four stars descending from the sky, sweeping towards Ye Feng.

The power of terror caused the surrounding space to tremble, and this trick was unimaginably powerful.

Facing the attack of the Four Demon Generals, Ye Feng just smiled indifferently, and waved the Divine Sword of Good Fortune casually, smashing the terrifying wave of destruction to pieces.

Now Ye Feng's strength is getting more and more terrifying, this kind of move cannot cause effective damage to him at all.

The stars transformed by the power of the four attributes were shattered at this moment, and the attribute energy in them was surging in all directions like a tide.

"Four Demon Generals in North Luo City?"

Ye Feng said disdainfully: "Do you only have this strength?"

The Four Demon Generals glanced at each other, and their expressions were not very good. As the defenders of Beiluo City, they were even unable to deal with such a small person as Ye Feng. They were really hitting Beiluo City in the face.

"Thief, don't be so presumptuous, do we really want you?"

Among the four demon generals, the water demon is the leader, and he is roaring at Ye Feng at this moment.

Ye Feng didn't care about it, just looked at him calmly.

But the more Ye Feng had this attitude, the more he could stimulate the Four Demon Generals.

"You are looking for death!"

The Four Demon Generals were very angry, and then launched a more violent attack.

The four attributes of water, fire, wind and thunder exploded, as if to completely destroy the entire space, attacking towards Ye Feng.

Afterwards, the ink and wash bombarded another terrifying destruction palmprint and went straight to Ye Feng.

The palm print became bigger and bigger in the air, it seemed that it had absorbed the surrounding attribute power, and specifically enveloped Ye Feng and Ouyang Yan.

The power of this trick is so terrible that it can't be resisted.

Even after Ouyang Yanshuang saw this blow, her face showed a light of despair.

But at this moment, Ye Feng looked calm, attaching the attribute will to the divine sword of good fortune.

In an instant, the azure blue sword light spread all over the void, and then Ye Feng gently waved the Divine Sword of Good Fortune, slashing towards the huge palm print.

Destroying the palm print and the golden light of good fortune touched, immediately rumbling sound of terror shock.

Then I saw the sword light, penetrated the destruction palmprint, and went straight to the water monster.

The water demon's expression changed, and then another trident appeared in his hand, piercing towards the blue sword light.

When the sword light collided with the trident, a terrifying shock rhythm was immediately released.

The water demon would not be able to defend enough, so he was shocked by this force.

The shocking force of horror flowed back and forth in the body on the water, as if to completely destroy his body.

In just the blink of an eye, the internal organs of the Water Demon General suffered a major blow, and even the body of the gods was on the verge of collapse.

At this moment, the water demon fell pale on one side, and his body was trembling constantly.

"Bold, you thief dare to hurt my water monster in North Los Angeles?"

Seeing that the water monster would be seriously injured by Ye Feng, Beiluo Qianying also screamed.

Seeing Beiluo Qianying like this, Ye Feng couldn't help laughing.

"Hehe, I'm saying this now. When you besieged Ouyang Yanshuang, why didn't you think that she was the eldest lady of Swallowing Heaven City."

Ye Feng said calmly, not caring about Beiluo Qianying's ugly face at all.

"With her, is he worthy?"

Beiluo Qianying was very disdainful of Ouyang Yanshuang, glanced at it casually, and then said to Ye Feng: "Now I give you a chance, as long as I give Ouyang Yanshuang to me, I can let you go, or even give You are better treated."

"No need, I am sick."

Ye Feng didn't even think about it, so he refused. In his eyes, Beiluo Qianying was really not clean.

Even if it is not a pair of jade-armed pillows with a thousand people, and a little bit of red lips, it is almost the same.

But it was Ye Feng's attitude that hurt Beiluo Qianying's heart even more.

Silently closing her eyes, Beiluo Qianying's aura became more dignified, and then she solemnly said: "Don't let him die, I will torture him personally, let him know the cost of offending me."


The other three of the Four Demon Generals replied immediately.

The next moment, a more terrifying attack hit Ye Feng.

The fire demon general also had a long spear in his hand, exuding a terrifying heat, forming a flame spear light, slashing towards Ye Feng.

The power contained in these spear lights was extremely terrifying, and even the space was burnt and distorted.

Moreover, the speed of this spear light is also terrifying, and it has reached Ye Feng in the blink of an eye.

"Just you are equipped with a gun!"

Ye Feng was very disdainful of the fire wand's attack, raising his fist and directly hit the flame spear.

Ye Feng's fist was flat, there was not even a hint of fist on it, and it didn't seem to have any power, how could it be able to withstand such a terrifying flame spear?

However, at the moment when Ye Feng's fist touched the flame spear light, the extremely terrifying destructive power was suddenly released, directly smashing the flame spear light in front of Ye Feng.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, Ye Feng's plain fist pierced the void, and instead hit the fire demon general.

"What a courage!"

The fire demon roared, and again waved the flame spear in his hand, piercing the fist that Ye Feng released.

This time the Fire Demon General used almost all his strength, and after more than 30 shots, he finally broke Ye Feng's fist.

It was also at this time that the wind demon would take advantage of the situation and took out the pair of long knives in his hand like a violent storm, sweeping around Ye Feng.

A wave of sword aura swept through the void, tearing the void with terrifying destructive power, flooding the space around Ye Feng.

Each of these sword auras is so powerful and terrifying that people have to pay attention to it. When these sword auras are superimposed on Ye Feng's side, they even divide the space where Ye Feng is in two.

Facing such a terrifying attack, Ye Feng once again raised the sword of good fortune.

With just a single tap, it fell on the weak point of Feng Demon General's sword technique.

The sword technique that was originally swift and lightning-like came to an abrupt end at this moment.

Then the force of the horrible concussion and rhythm was transmitted into her body along the two swords of the wind demon general.

There was almost no resistance, the Wind Demon General also flew out directly and fell beside the Water Demon General.

Even Wind Demon General's injury was heavier than Water Demon General, and both of his arms had been abolished.

In the blink of an eye, two of the Four Demon Generals were seriously injured by Ye Feng, making Beiluo Qianying's face even more unbearable.

At this moment, the fire demon general also smashed Ye Feng's fist completely, waved the flame spear, and continued to attack Ye Feng.

Ye Feng seemed to be a little impatient, waving the magic sword at will, and the power of the blue waves gathered on the sword.

In a moment, the water attribute will explode, and a monstrous wave swept over, as if to completely submerge the entire Little Swallowing Heaven City.

Faced with such a terrifying power, the Fire Demon General was even a little stunned. He never expected that Ye Feng could release such a terrifying water attribute power.

In just an instant, the attacks released by the fire demon were already swallowed by the huge waves.

And he himself was seriously injured under this terrifying attack, unable to move.

What Ye Feng is more powerful is that the water it mobilizes is actually the water of Tianhe contained in the chain of Tianhe.

This is equivalent to the original power of the ancient giant, even a single drop can turn into a vast ocean.

The fire demon will suffer such a terrifying impact, even if it can save his life, his strength has been completely wiped out.

After that, Ye Feng waved the arm that entangled the chain of Tianhe, and those turbulent waves disappeared without a trace in the next moment.

Now the only people who can stand in front of Ye Feng are Beiluo Qianying and the Thunder Demon General.

Compared with the other three demon generals, the thunder demon general was more calm, but seeing Ye Feng possessing such terrifying strength, his face also changed slightly.

"It deserves to be Ouyang Yanshuang's personal guard, this strength is really terrifying.

In my opinion, even the Great Lord Swallowing Sky City didn't have this fighting power when he was young. "

Ye Feng didn't pay any attention to what the Thunder Demon General said. He just raised the sword of good fortune and pointed at him far away.

At this moment, the terrifying murderous intent was released by Ye Feng, and there was a vaguely invisible binding force entwined with the Thunder Demon General.

The Thunder Demon trembled, and instinctively sensed that the danger was coming, and quickly waved the giant axe in his hand.

At this moment, the invisible Thunder Light Sword Qi shot out from the Divine Fortune Sword, directly straddling the distance of the space, and descending around the Thor General.

This thunder attribute power was only understood by Ye Feng after he obtained the Seven Profound Devouring Divine Flower, but now he can release such a terrifying lightning sword light.

The Thunder Demon didn't think much about it in the future, and quickly released all his own power. The terrifying destructive power was wrapped around the thunder axe in his hand, and he fiercely struck down the thunder sword.

The sword light collided with the Thunder Great Axe, and immediately uttered an extremely terrifying sound of destruction.

The aftermath of destruction swept across the entire Little Swallow Sky City in an instant, making the originally dilapidated city even more dilapidated.

However, the Thunder Demon General still stood firmly on the spot, and the position of the giant axe in his hand had not changed at all.

"Very well, General Thunder, continue to me, take him down for me!"

Standing behind the Thunder Demon General, Beiluo Qianying continued to command loudly.

However, when Beiluo Qianying's words just ended, the Thunder Demon General's body collapsed suddenly and fell to the ground fiercely.

"This, what's going on?"

Bei Luo Qianying's face was horrified, and she didn't believe what she saw at all.

If someone approaches the Thunder Demon to observe carefully, you will find that his body has been penetrated by the power of thunder, and the whole person has become a pile of coke.

The Four Demon Generals were the elite troops in North Luo City, and he didn't expect to be defeated by Ye Feng so easily.

Just when Beiluo Qianying couldn't believe this scene, Ye Feng had slowly walked towards her.

"No, I'm the daughter of North Los Angeles, you, you can't kill me."

Feeling the terrifying murderous aura released from Ye Feng, Beiluo Qianying finally panicked.

At this moment, Beiluo City’s four demons will die and be destroyed, and Beiluo Qianying is not a person who is good at fighting. Facing such a terrifying breath of Ye Feng, he certainly has no power to resist.

Just when Beiluo Qianying was about to beg for mercy, Ye Feng's magic sword was already on her neck.

"Do you think I care about a daughter in North Los Angeles? The arrogance of the major forces, do I kill few?"

Ye Feng's voice was cold and full of killing intent, which made Beiluo Qianying feel more and more terrifying.

"Brother, Brother Ye Feng."

At this moment, Beiluo Qianying suddenly became tender, and said to Ye Feng in a soft voice.

"I know you can get rid of those wastes, but I have admired you for a long time. I can do anything if you want."

Not yet, after Ye Feng responded, Ouyang Yanshuang, who was standing behind Ye Feng, changed his face.


Ouyang Yanshuang stepped forward and slapped Beiluo Qianying's face with a slap, and directly flew her out.

"You mean woman, you still want to seduce other men at this time.

I really don't know why you are such a young lady out of North Luo City, it is really embarrassing to many forces. "

After being doubled by Ouyang Yan, Beiluo Qianying was not angry, but quietly curled up beside Ye Feng.

"Look, brother, how can this woman be so fierce?

I am different, I am very obedient, as long as my brother you say anything I will do. "

When talking, Beiluo Qianying's eyes were also shining, making people want to be immersed in it involuntarily.

"Ye Feng be careful, this is Beiluo Qianying's charm technique."

Seeing such a situation, Ouyang Yanshuang immediately reminded loudly.

However, it seemed that it was already too late, and the brilliance in Beiluo Qianying's eyes was reflected in Ye Feng's eyes, making Ye Feng involuntarily addicted.

Seeing that Ye Feng had been completely affected by Beiluo Qianying's illusion, Ouyang Yanshuang's expression was also very ugly, and she quickly cast a spell to awaken Ye Feng.

But Ouyang Yanshuang was still a step slower.

Beiluo Qianying directly hugged Ye Feng's arm and said in a soft tone. : "Brother, stay with me all the time, OK?"

At this moment, Ye Feng's gaze stayed on Beiluo Qianying's body, as if she was the most beautiful person in this world, and no one could replace her.

Then Beiluo Qianying walked towards Ouyang Yanshuang.

"Little girl, aren't you very troublesome? Now you call someone to save you."

Beiluo Qianying said with disdain: "In this Heaven Swallowing Devil Cave, there are only a few people who can save you. Now that you are hiding in the turbulent flow of the void, I see who else can suddenly appear."

Ouyang Yan's face was solemn, and in the next moment he made a sharp shot.

The terrifying destructive power gathered around Ouyang Yanshuang, and then Ouyang Yanshuang slapped it out.

The terrifying palm print of destruction fell directly towards Beiluo Qianying, as if to crush it completely.

Regardless of whether Ouyang Yanshuang's strength is not very strong, but as the eldest lady of one big power, her own strength is not too bad.

This palm is also an unimaginable shot by Ouyang Yan with hatred.

Bei Luo Qianying couldn't dodge, and was directly hit in the chest by this palm.

But the scene of her being seriously injured did not appear, but was blocked by a layer of shining stars.

Take a closer look at Beiluo Qianying's neck with a small pendant, in which the star river turns, which is extremely delicate.

"Guardian of the Star, you can even bring this thing out?"

Seeing Beiluo Qianying's pendant, Ouyang Yanshuang was also very surprised.

The Guardian of the Stars is very powerful, second only to the natal soldiers of the ancient giants.

And this magic weapon can store energy spontaneously, and release the energy in it when the owner suffers damage.

Sometimes this thing is a life-saving artifact, and it is also considered a treasure among the treasures in North Luo City.

Unexpectedly, this time when going to the Devouring Demon Cavern, the city lord of Beiluo would be able to give this thing to Beiluo Qianying.

Looking at the light contained in the guardian of the stars, Ouyang Yanshuang also knew that no matter how long she spent, she could not exhaust all the energy in it.

"Little girl, don't waste your efforts, do you know how long I have been waiting for this day?"

At this moment, Beiluo Qianying looked savage, and suddenly grabbed Ouyang Yanshuang by the collar.

"At the beginning, it was you who bad my good deeds, not only prevented me from gaining my beloved one, but even the magical powers that I got in my hands flew away.

Today you finally fell into my hands. I don't want to clean up you, how can I be worthy of the depression in my heart all these years. "

With that, Beiluo Qianying raised his palm, and slammed it towards Ouyang Yanshuang's face.

Just as the slap was about to fall on Ouyang Yan's faces, even when the wind blew her cheeks, a familiar voice rang in their ears.

"The power of stars?"

When hearing this voice, both women were completely stunned.

"No, why? How could you break free from my illusion so quickly?"

Perceiving Ye Feng's voice, Beiluo Qianying's face was horrified and quickly walked towards Ye Feng.

But Ouyang Yanshuang was full of joy, trying his best to keep Beiluo Qianying.

If Ye Feng were to be charmed by Beiluo Qianying again, then she would really have no good end.

"You don't need to work so hard. I was charmed by her just now, and I just want to see the power of stars she uses."

Ye Feng spoke out and explained to Ouyang Yanshuang.

The charm technique used by Beiluo Qianying before was indeed somewhat unique.

Especially the use of the power of stars in it has opened up Ye Feng's vision.

Ye Feng had also learned to use the power of stars before, but that power was too high and profound, and when Ye Feng's strength increased, he could no longer find a suitable technique.

Now he realized that the power used by Beiluo Qianying was also the power of stars, which made him even more interested.

Seeing Ye Feng fully recovered, Ouyang Yanshuang sighed.

Then Ouyang Yanshuang continued: "The power of stars is indeed the exclusive power of North Luocheng. If you want to study, I can find some relevant knowledge from the family library for you."

Facing Ye Feng's calm gaze, Bei Luo Qianying's expression was also very ugly.

This was the first time she met a man who couldn't even cope with the charm.

"You can break free even with my star charm, are you still a man?"

Beiluo Qianying knew the horror of this charming technique, and once the charming technique was transferred, there were hundreds of beautiful women seduce him naked.

But Ye Feng could break free in such a fast time, how did he do it?

When Beiluo Qianying was puzzled, Ye Feng had already walked to her side.

"Brother, I..."

Before Beiluo Qianying could finish a sentence, Ye Feng suddenly raised the Divine Sword of Good Fortune, which penetrated her heart directly.

"If you have anything, let's talk about it after you die."

Ye Feng said coldly.

For a woman like Beiluo Qianying, Ye Feng really didn't have any interest in contacting, so it's better to solve it early.

But this sword pierced Ye Feng, but once again frowned.

Beiluo Qianying's body was illusory, as if it didn't exist at all, Ye Feng's sword just stabbed in the void.

"You want to kill me, you actually want to kill me?"

In the next instant, Beiluo Qianying's voice came in the void.

Afterwards, a beautiful and indispensable thing carried a strong sense of sacredness, like a fairy coming down from the sky, ordinary people slowly walked out of the void.

Looking at Beiluo Qianying at the moment, Ye Feng's face was also a little ugly.

With his powerful divine consciousness, Ye Feng had already concluded that the power of this Northern Luo Qianying was extremely terrifying, and it seemed to be almost the same as the ancient god.

"It's not good, she actually merged with the guardian of the star."

The Guardian of the Stars, as a treasure second only to ancient giant weapons, naturally bred extremely powerful power.

Under normal circumstances, it can use external energy to form a protective cover to protect the owner.

But when the crisis comes, all the power in the guardian of the stars will be blessed on the master, allowing them to have the power of the ancient giant for a short time.

At this moment, Beiluo Qianying is in such a state.

"Since the two of you don't know good or bad, then both of you die."

At this moment, Beiluo Qianying seemed to be completely frantic, raising his hands was the power of two groups of extremely huge stars, and fell fiercely towards Ye Feng.

In the middle of the road, the two stars changed again, turning into one sword and one sword, carrying a terrifying sharp light, piercing the two people's chests.

The power contained in these two attacks was extremely powerful, and the surrounding space was completely solidified.

The invisible force of imprisonment carried on it was wrapped around Ye Feng's body, making them feel extremely difficult to move.

What is even more frightening is that these two attacks are almost a full blow from the ancient giant, and the power of them is unimaginable.

"So, do you only have this degree?"

Facing such a terrifying attack, Ye Feng said calmly.

But it was this attitude that completely angered Beiluo Qianying. She waved her hand again, and the brilliance of countless stars firmly locked Ye Feng.

"Asshole, asshole, die for me, die!"

At this moment, countless terrifying forces were released, as if to completely destroy the entire Little Swallow Sky City.

Once the entire Little Swallowing Heaven City is destroyed, this place will also be swallowed by the Void Turbulence, no matter how strong Ye Feng is, he cannot escape from the Void Turbulence alive.

"Then there is no way."

Ye Feng's expression was indifferent, and the power of various attributes in his body began to gather crazily.

Before the horrible Wings of Stars landed, the Divine Fortune Sword in Ye Feng's hand had already released a mysterious and brilliant chaos light.

At the moment when the Chaos Sword Light appeared, the various blockades around Ye Feng were destroyed in an instant.

The destructive power that almost suffocated Ye Feng was split by this chaotic sword light in an instant.

The power of those stars exploded in the air, like a grand firework.

The bright brilliance mixed with the sound of one after another, it was really like Ye Feng set off a firework.

"No, how did you do it?"

Seeing those attacks that he released, Ye Feng resisted them all before they could be effective, which put a lot of pressure on Beiluo Qianying.

Of course, Ye Feng wouldn't explain to her anymore, he just raised his hand gently, this time the chaotic sword light directly penetrated Beiluo Qianying's chest.

Not only did it penetrate Beiluo Qianying's body, but even the Guardian of the Star hanging on Beiluo Qianying's neck was also cut down by Ye Feng.

Without the defense of the Guardian of the Stars, Beiluo Qianying's strength plummeted, unable to withstand Ye Feng's chaotic sword light.

Before Beiluo Qianying screamed, her body was directly wiped out by the chaotic sword light, and there was no residue left.

The precious treasures on her body were also destroyed one by one by the light of chaos, and only the guardian of the star fell into Ye Feng's hands.

But this is enough, the guardian of the star alone is worth countless treasures.

After killing Beiluo Qianying, Ye Feng finally turned to look at Ouyang Yanshuang.

"Okay, the matter is resolved, now you don't have to worry anymore, right?"

Ouyang Yan nodded, and then said: "But you killed the eldest lady in North Luocheng. Is this really no problem?"

Ye Feng said indifferently and calmly: "This is in your Xiaotuntian City. Could the news be delivered?"

Facing Ye Feng's doubts, Ouyang Yanshuang just shook his head, and did not continue to say anything.

"By the way, I still don't know how you lurked into this Tianjing Lake?"

He didn't take Beiluo Qianying to Ye Feng then said to Ouyang Yanshuang.

Ouyang Yan chuckled slightly and explained: "There is nothing worth saying, it's just that I have passed the test of the elves in the lake and come down to collect the map."

But in the conversation between the two, Ye Feng finally noticed something wrong.

"You mean, the pressure you are under is not that scary?"

Hearing these words from Ouyang Yanshuang, Ye Feng's expression was not so pretty.

"By the way, I have collected most of my maps. I don't know what your map looks like now?"

Ye Feng was about to explain something when he suddenly felt Xiaotun Tiancheng violently shake.

"Be careful, there is an enemy attack!"

Ouyang Yanshuang suggested from the side.

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