Sky War God

Chapter 3344: Ancient Titan Warrior

Chapter 3344 Ancient Giant God Weapon

The power of divine consciousness entered the chain of Tianhe, and Ye Feng immediately felt the terrifying aura contained in it.

The water attribute will power is constantly surging, as if it is about to build a complete world, and above the mighty Tianhe, Ye Feng can still feel a stronger will.

"Naughty animal, you really dare to kill my son and enter the chain of Tianhe!"

The terrifying will above the Tianhe uttered an extremely powerful rhythm and shock at this moment, almost shattering Ye Feng's power of divine consciousness.

Ye Feng was also terrified. Although he had fought many ancient giants, they were all trash fish among the ancient giants.

An ancient giant like the City Lord of the Northern Territory Ice City, he couldn't resist at all.

What's more, he was just a piece of divine consciousness, how could he contend against the will of the ancient giant?

At this moment, Ye Feng's weak consciousness, like a leaf, swayed in the sky.

No matter how Ye Feng stabilized his spiritual consciousness, he couldn't break free from the control of the Northern Region Ice City City Lord.

Just when Ye Feng was almost desperate and wanted to give up this divine sense, an extremely yin attribute will, following the power of Ye Feng's divine sense, entered the chain of Tianhe.

The force of the extreme cold surged, and in an instant the surrounding Tianhe water was frozen, and a figure was suspended behind Ye Feng.

"Young man, how can you cause trouble so much? How long has it been before you provoke such a powerful ancient giant?"

Hearing the clear voice, Ye Feng felt a little settled.

"Palace Master Lunar?"

Perceiving this extremely overcast will, the City Lord of the Northern Region Ice City above the Tianhe also let out a surprise.

"Do you even recognize me? I don't know which old friend was that year?"

The Palace Lord of the Lunar Palace was not surprised, but was constantly sensing the aura of the City Lord of the Northern Region Ice City.

However, the Lord of the Taiyin Palace has fallen for too long, and many things have been forgotten, so there is no gain.

"Unexpectedly, your old witch is still alive. Back then, your Taiyin Demon Palace dominated the Northern Territory. Now, isn't it still turned into a frozen ground?"

At this moment, the City Lord of the Northern Region Ice City was very happy, wishing to release all his grievances and depression.

"No need to say more, now you are in my hands, just wait to die!"

It was just between the thoughts of the City Lord of the Northern Territory Ice City, that the entire Tianhe surging violently, as if to crush Ye Feng and the Palace Lord of the Taiyin.

The terrifying waves surged and immediately uttered an extremely terrifying sound of destruction.

The terrifying waves in the Tianhe River contained extremely terrifying energy, and the turbulent waves were even more powerful than ever.

Photographed by the huge waves, it was as if the world collapsed.

Seeing such a terrifying attack, Ye Feng's eyes also condensed, and he was about to give up this divine sense on the spot.

But as soon as this thought came into being, he suddenly realized that all of his power had been imprisoned, and he could no longer move.

Even the ability to destroy this divine sense and leave the chain of Tianhe is lost.

"Don't waste your efforts, this Tianhe Chain should be this little guy's destiny soldier, and the power contained in it is unimaginable. You can't escape with the power of your divine consciousness."

The Taiyin Palace Master explained to Ye Feng, and at the same time he was controlling the extremely Yin attribute will to freeze all the surrounding Tianhe waters.

The extremely yin attribute power contains an extremely powerful freezing attribute, as long as it is near the palace master of the yin, it will be completely frozen.

Ye Feng couldn't break free, he could only watch the palace lord of the Taiyin and the lord of the Northern Ice City fight.

"Natural warrior, what is that?"

Ye Feng asked with some doubts.

The palace lord of the Taiyin also did not rush, while running the power of the extremely Yin attribute to freeze the Tianhe, freely explaining to Ye Feng.

"At the level of the ancient giant, there are too many things to do.

Refining the true body of the ancient giant, evolving its own fundamental path, and even refining the natal gods are all part of it. "

After a short pause, the Palace Master of the Taiyin used the extremely cold ice crystals to condense a body, still speaking slowly.

"Just say that the ancient giants' natal soldiers, which contains their avenues, can almost become their second body, and at critical moments, they can display their own strength."

Hearing this explanation from the Palace Lord of the Moon, Ye Feng also reacted.

"You mean, this chain of Tianhe is the destiny of the city lord of the Northern Region Ice City?"

Ye Feng looked surprised. The chain of Tianhe looked wonderful and powerful. Didn't expect to have such a heavy identity?


Just when Ye Feng was surprised, the monstrous waves hit again, scouring fiercely on the ice hockey condensed by the Lord of the Lunar Palace.

The rumbling sound of destruction continued to oscillate, causing Ye Feng's power of divine consciousness to shatter.

The Palace Lord of the Taiyin frowned, raising his hand was a cold air that fell on Ye Feng's body.

"Be careful, the ancient giant god's natal soldiers are isolated from the inside and outside, forming a realm of their own. If your spirit is killed here, the outside body will also die."

Afterwards, the palace lord of the Taiyin once again released his own extremely Yin attribute power, covering the surroundings.

"Palace Master Taiyin, you are already from the last era. Since you have fallen, don't reappear.

Today, I will send you one last journey, and even give me the last inheritance of your Taiyin Devil Palace! "

The city lord of the Northern Region Ice City screamed, and the power of the Tianhe Chain was also completely aroused.

The palace lord of the Taiyin had a solemn expression, and the frost-condensed body waved his hands constantly, releasing the power of countless magic arts.

The extremely terrifying power of the extremely Yin attribute surged crazily, turning into ice crystals and swept away towards the endless Tianhe water.

The power of Tianhe and the power of extremely Yin are very similar in attributes, and the two are also restrained from each other, and can't distinguish between high and low for a time.

Ye Feng stood beside the Palace Master of the Taiyin, carefully observing the surroundings, while also trying to break the game.

The various powers in the body were suppressed, and Ye Feng was just a divine sense at the moment, hardly playing any role.

Seeing the huge waves and the terrifying ice, Ye Feng was also faintly touched.

"Perhaps, I really have a way."

With such thoughts, Ye Feng silently closed his eyes, carefully comprehending the energy contained in this divine consciousness.

After a while, Ye Feng opened his eyes abruptly, and when his hands were far away in the void, something was caught by him.

The power of will condensed little by little, and a colorless and transparent spear slowly appeared in Ye Feng's hand.

In the next instant, the terrifying edge power was released from Ye Feng, and there were more sharp rays of light surrounding him, continuously releasing powerful destructive power.

"The gun of will?"

Seeing Ye Feng's movements, the other two ancient gods also turned their attention, and then made a sound in surprise.

They never thought that Ye Feng, a small god, could actually materialize his will.

This level of attribute will is almost unique to the ancient giants.

Even among the powerhouses at the level of ancient giants, few people can do this.

At this moment, a gun in Ye Feng's hand continued to bloom, and the terrifying force of destruction stirred the surrounding Tianhe water.

The two different forces collided with each other, and there was a terrifying sound of destruction and shock spreading around, which caused a lot of influence on the owner of the Northern Region Ice City.

On the contrary, it was the palace lord of the Taiyin, after seeing this scene, his expression was a little relaxed.

Afterwards, an extremely Yin attribute will attached to the spear in Ye Feng's hand.

In an instant, the transparent and colorless spear of the will completely materialized at this moment, forming an ice blue spear.

Except for the different colors, there is no difference between this long spear and the holy magic spear used by Ye Feng.

During the wave, not only the power of extremely Yin attribute exploded, but also the power of swallowing faintly, absorbing the water of the surrounding Tianhe.

"What kind of gun is this? It's so weird!"

The lord of the Northern Region Ice City was a little surprised.

He didn't put Ye Feng in his eyes at all, but at this moment Ye Feng already had a fighting power equal to the level of the ancient giant.

Of course, Ye Feng would not respond to the words of the City Lord of the Northern Territory Ice City. He just waved the ice crystal spear in his hand and unfolded it in accordance with the moves of the holy magic spear method.

A series of ice-colored spear lights were released from the spear, blooming like a lotus.

Ye Huo Honglian's trick has repeatedly made contributions in Ye Feng's hands, and now it is also playing a huge role.

As the ice lotus rotates, it constantly freezes the surrounding Tianhe water, and even expands far away.

"Good boy, I really didn't see you wrong!"

Ye Feng's performance gave the Lord of the Palace more surprises. If the entire Tianhe is really frozen, then this chain of Tianhe will also change ownership.

Originally, the Palace Lord of the Taiyin used the will of the extremely Yin attribute to compete with the Lord of the Northern Ice City for the control of the surrounding vitality, and wanted to transform the water of the Tianhe into the power of the extremely Yin attribute.

But after all, this is the home of the Northern Territory Ice City Lord. Even if the Taiyin Palace Lord is strong, she cannot defeat the Northern Ice City Lord, not to mention that she is still the body of the remnant soul and has not been fully resurrected.

Under the stalemate between the two sides, the Palace Lord of the Taiyin will only be wiped out by the Lord of the Ice City in the Northern Territory, and eventually swallowed completely.

But now with the help of Ye Feng, she can do her best to use her strength to completely suppress the City Lord of the Northern Region Ice City.

Even with this opportunity, she can take away all the chains of the Tianhe River, and the powerful power contained in it is the best material for her to refine her own destiny.

Countless years ago, the Palace Lord of the Taiyin was chased and killed by many powerful men, and her own destiny had already been broken. If the chain of Tianhe could be refined, her strength would be restored more quickly.

The City Lord of the Northern Region Ice City was not a fool either, and immediately focused all his attention on Ye Feng.

Endless huge waves rushed towards Ye Feng frantically.

Feeling this power, Ye Feng was fearless at all, and the ice crystal spear in his hand swung more quickly.

The swallowing power faintly emerged between the long spears, forming a terrifying vortex around Ye Feng.

In the next moment, the terrifying power of devouring was released, and Ye Feng began to continuously absorb the water of the Tianhe around him, strengthening his own spiritual consciousness.

"Good boy, really bold enough."

Seeing Ye Feng constantly devouring the power of the Tianhe Chain, the City Lord of the Northern Region Ice City also said angrily.

Although the water of the Tianhe River that Ye Feng swallowed was only a small part of the chain of Tianhe, it was also barely hitting him in the face.

The master of the Northern Region Ice City, of course, could not let Ye Feng continue like this.

The lord of the Northern Region Ice City gently waved his hand, and the more terrifying Tianhe wave had already rushed towards Ye Feng.

This wave contains extremely terrifying destructive power, but during the surging, there is the sound of rumbling destruction and shock spreading towards the surroundings.

This kind of horror wave, no **** can resist, the power is unimaginable.

At this moment, Ye Feng's expression was indifferent, and he didn't pay attention to this wave at all.

The ice crystal spear continued to swing, and there was still an extremely powerful swallowing power released.

There is also an ice lotus blooming layer by layer, freezing the surrounding Tianhe water.

Ye Feng's own spear will, coupled with the power of the extremely yin attribute of the Taiyin Palace Master, played an extremely powerful effect in cooperation between the two.

In fact, the water of Tianhe had been restrained by the power of the extremely yin attribute. If the lord of the Taiyin Palace was in full bloom, the lord of the Northern Ice City would not dare to meet the lord of the Taiyin Palace.

I am afraid that the lord of the northern ice city will be completely suppressed by the palace lord of the Taiyin in an instant, and even his strength will be frozen into ice.

Now it is only with the help of one's own cultivation base to be higher, and with the home field advantage like the chain of Tianhe, can they compete with the Palace Lord of the Moon.

And Ye Feng got the full support of the Palace Master of the Taiyin, and even a powerful magic weapon like the Holy Magic Spear.

Even if the body of this gun is not here, the terrifying edge that Ye Feng can release, as well as the shocking devouring power, can form a strong restraint on the water of Tianhe.

What's more, the extremely yin attribute power attached by the Palace Lord of the Taiyin makes Ye Feng handle these Tianhe waters handily.

Seeing that Ye Feng could compete with the city lord of Bei and Bingcheng, the face of the palace lord of Taiyin also showed a trace of relief.

Then she released the power of the magic formula more quickly, wanting this Tianhe to be completely frozen.

The City Lord of the Northern Region Ice City was extremely angry, and tried his best to suppress Ye Feng, but the holy magic spear was magical, and most of its power was swallowed by Ye Feng.

Even if Ye Feng is just a body of divine consciousness, unable to turn these powers into his own use, but the karma red lotus power displayed by these powers is even greater, and the swallowing power produced is getting stronger and stronger.

Even though the power of Tianhe displayed by the city lord of the Arctic City is a genuine ancient titan level, but Ye Feng's use of the holy magic spear method is not much weaker than the power of other ancient titans.

What's more, there is the Taiyin Palace Master assisting, and the Northern Region Ice City City Master cannot gain the upper hand at all.

Of course, it would be another matter if the power of the Chain of the Heavenly River could be displayed in the hands of the City Lord of the Northern Region Ice City himself.

But at this moment, the chain of Tianhe is far away from the Devouring Demon Cave, and it is suppressed by the water of Tianjing Lake. The power in it has been suppressed by most, and even if it is strong, it can only play a tenth of it.

It was also by this opportunity that Ye Feng could cooperate with the Palace Lord of the Taiyin to suppress the power in the chain of Tianhe.

"If you want to occupy my power, you are too overwhelmed!"

Seeing that a large area of ​​the river had been frozen by ice, the lord of the northern ice city also changed his face.

The illusory figure suddenly raised his finger, and countless terrifying magic arts power was released.

Under the influence of the Master Magic Technique of the Northern Region Ice City, the surrounding Tianhe water has undergone unusual changes.

The terrifying water of the Tianhe River began to surge, condensing into powerful creatures, surrounding Ye Feng and the two.

Some of these creatures are humans, and some are extremely hideous monsters. Each of them is very powerful and possesses an ancient god-level combat power.

These creatures were all killed by the lord of the northern ice city. After their death, their power was recast and refined by the honorary soldiers, and they were swallowed into the chain of Tianhe.

Now they are released, although they don't have the power of their lives, they have been perfectly integrated with the power of Tianhe.

Unlike the pure water of Tianhe before, the power of Tianhe turned into a creature at this moment has more powerful lethality and cohesion.

This time, Ye Feng could no longer simply freeze the surrounding river water with the trick of Karma Fire Red Lotus.

"One of you two is still stinking, and the other is just a remnant of history. You still want to **** my natal gods. Today, let you see the true strength of the ancient giants."

The City Lord of the Northern Region Ice City screamed: "Kill me."

This time they couldn't rely on the mutual suppression of the attribute power to swallow the water of the Tianhe around refining, and the two Ye Feng were greatly affected.

Ye Feng is okay, between the waves of the holy magic spear, there is an extremely terrifying power.

The sharp light above the spear light drives an extremely powerful force of destruction, making the creatures transformed by the water of the Tianhe River unable to get close at all.

The Lord of the Taiyin Palace was chased and intercepted by these creatures transformed by the water of the Tianhe River, and the situation was very critical.

At this moment, the Palace Lord of the Taiyin was just a remnant soul, and in front of the serious and powerful ancient god, there was no resistance at all.

Seeing the palace lord of the lunar yin, he was so embarrassed by those creatures that Ye Feng could not help but frowned.

With one step, Ye Feng's aura became stronger, and he swung the holy magic spear to force a **** path.

The creatures that were pierced by Ye Feng with the holy magic spear did not lose their bodies, but the location of the wound was frozen into ice.

Even though Ye Feng could not suppress the water of the Tianhe River with attribute power, the extremely Yin attribute will contained in the Holy Magic Spear was still extremely powerful.

Constantly waving the Holy Demon Spear, Ye Feng also walked forward step by step. With every step he took, the aura on his body would become stronger.

Perceiving Ye Feng's movement, the Northern Territory Ice City City Lord frowned, and then waved his big hand, and more Tianhe water creatures surrounded Ye Feng.

Ye Feng didn't know about such a siege, but instead constantly used it to hone his marksmanship.

Ye Feng's own marksmanship had already reached its peak, but he couldn't fully understand the essence of the holy magic marksmanship.

This time, Ye Feng used the Holy Demon Spear Technique to constantly fight against the water creatures of the Tianhe River, which made his comprehension of the Holy Demon Spear Technique even higher.

What followed was that Ye Feng's understanding of the will of the gun became more and more profound.

The two influence each other, allowing Ye Feng's combat effectiveness to continuously improve.

In the end, Ye Feng just gently waved the holy magic spear in his hand, and there was a terrifying sharp light blooming, carrying an extremely powerful destructive power, and beheading a water creature of Tianhe.

Seeing the spear lights blooming continuously in the field, the City Lord of the Northern Region Ice City was extremely angry, but there was no substantive way.

At this moment, he only has one projection of will, and if it really talks about combat effectiveness, it is not much stronger than Ye Feng.

What's more, the holy magic spear in Ye Feng's hand made him extremely jealous. Although it was only the cohesion of the spear's will, the horrible devouring power contained in it made the city owner of the Northern Region Ice City a little frightened.

Even if it is just a projection, the powerful devouring power contained in the holy magic spear can still damage the spiritual will of the ancient giant.

For Ye Feng, the City Lord of the Northern Ice City could only continuously control the water creatures of the Tianhe River, improve their combat effectiveness, and constantly surround Ye Feng.

But this was in vain in the end, and Ye Feng arrived at the side of the Palace Lord of the Great Yin.

"Good boy, my palace still didn't misunderstand you!" Palace Master Taiyin said in surprise.

She originally thought that under such a siege, she could only struggle, but she didn't expect Ye Feng to rush to her and rescue her.

After the two met, Palace Master Taiyin released a stronger will of extremely Yin attribute on Ye Feng.

The extremely yin attribute will of the ancient titan level, combined with the spear of will formed by Shang Ye Feng, can exert even more terrifying power.

Even if the city lord of the Northern Ice City summoned more water creatures of the Tianhe River, he still couldn't stop Ye Feng.

"Asshole, asshole!"

The Bingcheng City Lord roared, but there was more fear in his heart.

If Ye Feng and the two kill his consciousness in the chain of Tianhe, then the last line of defense of the chain of Tianhe will also be breached.

When the time comes, the zombies he has worked so hard to sacrifice will be easily taken away.

"This is all you forced me."

The City Lord of the Northern Region Ice City roared, and then the aura on his body began to release madly.

The chain of Tianhe began to vibrate wildly, as if it was about to shatter, and the power in it began to continuously collapse.

"Damn, this guy actually wants to destroy this magic weapon."

The palace lord of the Lunar Palace looked gloomy, staring at the figure of the lord of the northern ice city.

You must know that this is the natal **** soldier of the ancient giant, and the energy contained in it is terrifying and unimaginable.

Once this magic weapon self-destructs, the power generated when it explodes will spread to the entire Sky-Swallowing Devil's Cave.

This is equivalent to the self-destruction of an ancient giant. Once it erupts, almost no one will survive in the entire Sky-Swallowing Devil's Cave.

"Ye Feng, do everything possible to stop him, and don't let him succeed."

Lunar Palace Master sternly warned.

Ye Feng's eyes also flickered, but he was just a divine thought, unable to use other attribute powers at all.

"Then only use this trick."

Ye Feng's eyes condensed, and then all the extremely Yin attribute power in his body was poured into the Holy Magic Spear in his hand.

Subsequently, the outside atmosphere was continuously swallowed by the Holy Magic Spear, accumulating the power of this trick.

As the Spear of Will continues to condense, a breath is also projected in the underworld, making the Holy Magic Spear in Ye Feng's hand more real, just like a real Holy Magic Spear is coming.

Vaguely, Ye Feng seemed to notice that the Spear Demon had also come down.

This made Ye Feng even more surprised. Perhaps this holy magic spear was also the natal magic weapon of the ancestor of ten thousand demons.

But at this moment he has no time to think too much, all his mind has been poured into the holy magic spear.

Suddenly, as if breaking through a certain limit, the aura on the holy magic spear exploded fiercely, and the terrifying swallowing might stirred the entire Tianhe.

Tianhe, which was originally turbulent, became more chaotic at this moment, and began to break away from the control of the City Lord of the Northern Region Ice City.

"This, what is this?"

Feeling that the chain of Tianhe was out of his control, the face of the city lord of the Northern Region Ice City also became difficult to look.

Before he could react, he felt a terrifying force coming from the outside world, even carrying the water of Tianjing Lake to further squeeze his power.

In the next instant, the holy magic spear in Ye Feng's hand changed from illusion to reality, and the power of the dark magical magic, the power of terrifying **** and so on, all burst out.

"Holy Magic Spear!"

Ye Feng exclaimed, he did not expect that when his spear's will was turned to the extreme, he would be able to summon the holy magic spear from the outside world.

However, it is not the time to be surprised, the power on the holy magic spear has begun to explode, forming a chaotic spear light.

This is the move Ye Feng had been preparing just now, and only with a very yin attribute will condense the chaotic spear light.

Originally, this chaotic spear light needed the cooperation of various attributes and will, coupled with Ye Feng's centering and coordination, in order to condense.

But at this moment, Ye Feng compressed a kind of power to the extreme, and he also exerted the same effect.

Although it is lacking in power, it is also unimaginable.

This spear light penetrated through the void, and arrived at the side of the City Lord of the Northern Region Ice City at an incredible speed.

In an instant, the chaotic spear light exploded, and countless sharp rays of light spread to the surroundings, accompanied by terrifying destructive power.

At this moment, the space was cut off by the sharp light released by the spear light, and in the northern region, the City Lord of Ice City suffered an unparalleled blow.

Before he could do anything to react, the City Lord of the Northern Region Ice City could only do his best to use his own power to mobilize the water of the Tianhe to his side.

However, these moves were no longer useful. The terrifying force of destruction directly destroyed the entire space, and even the will of the Northern Region Ice City City Lord was completely wiped out.

"Palace Master Taiyin, and that **** kid, I won't let you go."

Before dissipating, the will of the City Lord of the Northern Ice City roared frantically.

That terrifying sound of shock penetrated the blockade of the Tianhe Chain and continued to spread outward.

However, the water of Tianjing Lake was turbulent, which directly engulfed the sound of the shock, and there was no more splash.

"it is finally over."

The Lord of the Taiyin Palace sighed, wiped the non-existent sweat, and sighed.

Seeing the attitude of the Palace Master of the Taiyin, Ye Feng couldn't help but ask in confusion: "Aren't you very strong, senior? Why are you so embarrassed now?"

The Lunar Palace Master was a little embarrassed, and then said: "Just your kid talks a lot, and doesn't look at what kind of enemy we are facing?

If this palace is resurrected, even if there are three to five hundred such little guys, they will be easily killed by me.

But now, am I still just a remnant soul? "

After finishing speaking, the palace lord of the Taiyin set his eyes on the chain of Tianhe again.

"Boy, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and refine this ancient giant's natal soldier."

But as soon as his thoughts turned, Ye Feng's divine consciousness had already left the chain of Tianhe.

Looking at the crystal chains wrapped around his hands, Ye Feng was a little dazed.

Although he also had many mysterious magic weapons, he still didn't know how to refine such chains.

The Palace Master of Taiyin also noticed Ye Feng's abnormality, and quickly imparted a technique to Ye Feng.

"Don't delay, just use this technique.

The method of refining magic weapons used by this little guy is somewhat similar to the method of inheriting my Taiyin magic arts.

However, compared with our Taiyin Demon Palace's Taiyin Refining Technique, there is still a big gap. You can directly refine it with this technique. "

He just hesitated for a moment, and Ye Feng released it according to the tactics in the sea of ​​knowledge.

The light condensed by the power of good fortune was entwined little by little on the chain of Tianhe.

In an instant, the power of good fortune penetrated into the chain of Tianhe, putting this divine soldier on his mark.

In any case, the Chain of the Tianhe River is also the destiny of the City Lord of the Northern Region Ice City, and it cannot be refined so easily.

However, it has already begun at this moment, and what is left is to keep refining and accumulating.

Of course, just simply mastering the Tianhe Chain, Ye Feng can still use it to do some things.

For example, explore the situation in the Tianjing Lake, search for the location of those underwater creatures, and restrain them.

The previous moves Bei Hanlin used were too low-end, using the chain of Tianhe to transform into a fish, attracting enemies to attack, and finally plundering the map on them. What a slow method.

Change to Ye Feng can directly release the chain of Tianhe, search for those swimming fish, and quickly kill them after imprisoning them.

After getting the chain of Tianhe, the Palace Lord of the Taiyin also separated a spirit that was entangled in the chain of Tianhe, constantly drawing the pure power released from it.

As Taiyin Palace Master said, she is still just a remnant soul, and her strength is not very strong. After refining the power in the chain of Tianhe, she can also transform the power of a stronger ancient god.

And the stronger the power that Palace Master Taiyin can use, the more it can help Ye Feng in the following environment.

In the next few days, Ye Feng lurked in Tianjing Lake, constantly searching for those underwater creatures, hunting them, and obtaining map fragments.

During the period, Ye Feng also encountered some Tianjiao who swallowed the Demon Realm, but he had the chain of Tianhe in his body, and his control of his own aura was extremely powerful, and he was not discovered by anyone.

Finally, ten days later Lieutenant Ye Feng collected most of the atlas, only the most central fragment, which could not be searched anyway.

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng finally made a decision.

Even if he doesn't have a complete map, he can already pinpoint the approximate location. Now, as long as he travels to that area, he will definitely find a clue to the Heaven Swallowing Devil's Cave.

At this point, Ye Feng didn't plan to delay any more time, driving the chain of Tianhe, and hurried to that area.

On the way to that area, Ye Feng suddenly noticed a very familiar aura.

"This is... Swallowing Sky City?"

After feeling the power carefully, Ye Feng cried out in surprise.

"Could it be that Ouyang Yanshuang had an accident?"

Ye Feng's eyes condensed, and he quickly went to the place where the breath came.

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