Sky War God

Chapter 2556: Take him for surgery!

"No matter who he is, with such strength, it's no wonder that Miss Mengqi would like him."

Some strong people immediately spoke like this. If they thought that Miss Mengqi had chosen a personal guard who was worthless, then at least everyone present had eliminated such thoughts.

Ye Feng ignored these people and went straight back to his room, although the two opponents just experienced were not very strong.

But he still realized his own strength in these two battles.

After the cultivation base advanced to the Supreme Martial Sovereign Realm, Ye Feng's combat effectiveness has indeed increased a lot, so that he accidentally injured the strong scar in the first battle.

In fact, Ye Feng just wanted to teach the other party a lesson, he had missed the opponent's cultivation base.

This is a manifestation of a change in strength. Ye Feng used his previous cultivation as a realm to measure his current offensive power, and this kind of mistake also occurred.

With the passage of time, Ye Feng's name has become more and more loud in the Emperor's Mansion, and many others are familiar with it.

However, most people questioned Ye Feng's strength, believing that most of the rumor was blown out.

Thinking about it carefully, this is also normal. After all, few people can easily defeat the Emperor Wu in the Martial Emperor Realm.

What Ye Feng defeated was the powerful magic dragon protector. This news sounds a bit mysterious.

On the second day, Ye Feng was summoned by Miss Meng Qi, and he was ready to rush to the bedroom where Miss Meng Qi was.

However, when he had just walked out of his courtyard, a group of strong figures stepped forward not far from the prescription position and intercepted Ye Feng's body.

Ye Feng looked at him for a moment, looked towards the direction where these people were, and found that this line of strong people turned out to be the existence of the Devil Emperor.

The aura of the first two is even more tyrannical, and the whole person is surrounded by a wave of magic power, and they seem to be extremely violent.

Especially a middle-aged strong man standing on the right side is faintly exposed to a magical pressure, standing there randomly makes this space become depressed.

And the strong man standing next to him, Ye Feng still knew, was the magic dragon guardian he defeated some time ago.

"Are you Ye Feng?"

A cold light flashed in the pupil of that middle-aged Demon Emperor Realm powerhouse, and he couldn't help but ask Ye Feng.

Ye Feng glanced at the Devil Dragon Protector and this middle-aged Demon Emperor Realm powerhouse, and nodded lightly: "Exactly."

After hearing what Ye Feng said, the middle-aged Demon Emperor Realm expert couldn’t help but look at Ye Feng. After discovering Ye Feng’s cultivation realm, his mouth could not help but show a scornful smile. The guardian of the magic dragon said: "You are talking about this person, and defeated you?"

The Demon Dragon Guardian nodded, the injury previously hit by Ye Feng still hadn't fully recovered, and his face was still a bit sick.

"It was him who severely injured me, and kept insulting you, Master Law Protector!"

The magic dragon guardian gritted his teeth and said, looking at Ye Feng with strong resentment.

From his words, Ye Feng knew the identity of the middle-aged Demon Emperor Realm powerhouse in front of him.

It should be the immediate boss of the magic dragon guardian, the sixth "Devil Kun guardian" among the six guardians of the Emperor's Mansion.

Although Mokun's guardian ranks last among the six great guardians, his strength is still extremely powerful, and he is a powerful and powerful person in the entire emperor's residence.

After hearing the complaint of the Demon Dragon Guardian, the Demon Kun guardian who had just walked out of the retreat came to the residence where Ye Feng is now.

Unexpectedly, I happened to encounter Ye Feng walking out of it.

Hearing the words of the magic dragon protector, an extremely cold luster flashed in the copper bell-like eyes of the magic dragon protector, and then he was indifferent to Ye Feng: "Junior like you, this protector is really unwilling. What to care about with you, but you are ruining my majesty, you say, what should I do with you!"

"Why, if you only listen to him, do you want to come from me?"

Hearing the conversation between the guardian of Mokun and guardian of the dragon, Ye Feng immediately showed a sneer on his face. Then questioned the other party.

Mokun's guardian expression became cold, and a stronger coldness was released on his body, and then he opened his mouth to Ye Feng: "Is this guardian can't even see the truth? It's the turn of someone like you to question? Now, immediately kneel down and apologize to this protector, and this protector can spare you a death!"

The movement here naturally attracted the attention of many powerful emperors in the surrounding area. Their eyes flickered, and then they involuntarily gathered towards this side.

Seeing the two great law-protecting figures of Demon Venerable Law Protector, Demon Dragon Law Protector, gathered here and intercepted Ye Feng's body.

A somewhat interesting look appeared on these people's faces involuntarily, and they were expecting slightly in their hearts.

After so many days of fermentation, Ye Feng's victory over the magic dragon protector had already been passed on in Bijun's mansion.

Therefore, after seeing the magic kun and magic dragons leading a group of powerful people to come here, they have guessed the meaning of these two great protectors.

"It seems that Ye Feng's defeat of the Magic Dragon Guardian before is true. The Demon Lord's Guardian Guards the Magic Dragon Guardian for revenge!"

Someone whispered to himself.

The rest of them couldn't help but nodded, their eyes all focused on the bodies of the three bodyguards of the magic dragon guardian of Yefeng Devil Palace.

"The Magic Guardian of Mokun has extraordinary strength. This time he came personally. Ye Feng will definitely not end well. In my opinion, he should take the initiative to kneel and apologize to the Guardian of Mokun. Only in this way can he avoid death. !"

Not far from the prescription, a voice rang, which immediately attracted the attention of many people present.

Mokun Law Protector, but one of the six great Law Protectors in the Emperor's Mansion, is nowhere comparable to that of Ye Feng.

As the strong man said before. If Ye Feng wanted to save his life, he really had to kneel and apologize to the other party.

"I said that I was not at fault. It is impossible to kneel and apologize."

However, just when everyone at the scene thought that Ye Summit had chosen to kneel down and apologize like Mo Kun's protector, they heard such a voice from Ye Feng's mouth.

Immediately let all the people present look stunned, and then, one by one, the eyes that looked at Ye Feng showed a somewhat ironic look.

There was a sneer secretly in his heart: "This guy really does not live or die, Mo Kun's protector has given him a chance. It seems that next he can only bear the fate of being killed by Mo Kun's protector. "

"Master Law Protector, this son has always been very arrogant. I yelled at Master Law Protector before. It is impossible for him to kneel and apologize. It is better for Master Law Protector to kill him!"

The Devil Dragon Protector said with added oil and jealousy.

His hatred for Ye Feng had long since reached the point where it could not be added, and he wished to see the scene where the Mokun Guardian shot Ye Feng to death.

Regarding the words of the Demon Dragon Protector, Demon Kun Protector is convinced. The two of them have served together for many years, and it can be said that the relationship is very good.

Therefore, the guardian of the magic palace at this moment can be said to be quite angry, looking at Ye Feng with extreme indifference, can not help but say coldly: "If this is the case, then you can only bear my anger!"

While they were speaking, the crowd saw a strong magical power emerge from Mokun's protector, and a terrifying magical energy lingered around his body.

He even tried to attack Ye Feng at this moment.

"and many more."

The Mokun Protector just wanted to release the attack, but heard a voice like Ye Feng.

Mo Kun’s guardian looked at him for a moment, and then he involuntarily sketched out a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said faintly: “Why, are you regretting it? If you regret it now is too late, just kneel down and apologize to this seat, and you can forgive you when you sit down. Your life!"

Everyone present couldn't help but cast a contemptuous look at Ye Feng. Before the magic palace guardian gave him a chance, he didn't know how to cherish it, and now he is embarrassed to regret it.

"You think too much!"

However, when many people had such thoughts in their hearts, Ye Feng actually said so.

This made many people, including the Mokun Protector, once again stared, only listening to the Mokun Protector gritted his teeth and asked Ye Feng: "Then why are you calling this seat?"

"You want to fight with me, it's not impossible, but I need a relatively fair arena. On top of the arena, life or death is not a matter of life, you dare to agree?"

Ye Feng looked at Mo Kun's guardian, and spoke plainly.

This was a request for a life-and-death battle from Mokun's protector, and if such words were placed in Ye Feng's mouth, they were so commonplace, as if they were talking about an ordinary thing.

However, it was just such an ordinary voice that all the expressions of all the people present were frozen in there, and they only felt that they had heard the most incredible things.

"What is this guy talking about? He is going to fight with Mo Kun protector in the ring, life or death?"

"Yes, I heard him say that too, but I don't know if you and I have hallucinations!"

Not far from the prescription, the two walked out of shock and could not help whispering.

The rest of the people also felt that they had heard it wrong. How could Ye Feng and He Dehe, dare to take the initiative to ask Mo Kun protector for life and death?

If that were the case, he would be desperate!


Mo Kun's guardian let out a frantic laughter, and the look at Ye Feng revealed a strong irony.

After a long time, Mokun's guardian walked out of the laughter, forced to look at Ye Feng again, and asked with the most ironic: "You said you want to fight with me in the ring, right?"

"Yes. Don't you dare?"

Ye Feng nodded faintly to Enchant Kun's guardian, his expression still calm and composed.

When he first came to the Emperor's Mansion, he suffered unprovoked provocations by many people, which made Ye Feng very disgusted.

He thinks that it is time for him to take prestige.

Since this Mokun Protector came to the door on his own initiative, Ye Feng took the lead with him!

However, the words Ye Feng said were still very arrogant and arrogant in the eyes of everyone present.

It was too arrogant to dare to question Mo Kun's protector on the spot.

Mokun Protector looked at Ye Feng, his expression was slightly taken aback, he spent endless years in the Emperor's Mansion, and no one had dared to yell at him so much.

"I really don't know, where is the courage of a junior in the Martial Emperor Realm like you, if you take the initiative to seek death, then how can I fail you?"

Mokun Protector said coldly to Ye Feng, with a strong contempt in his words.

Immediately, he spoke again: "There is a ring in the Emperor's Mansion. Why don't you and I go there?"


Ye Feng agreed without hesitation, he was going to be in the real arena, only then could he mention better results.

The eyes of everyone present flickered, and no one thought that this battle would really turn into such a momentum.

The Magic Dragon Guardian was watching all this, and a little gloating flashed in his eyes involuntarily.

He was once defeated by Ye Feng, and he was completely lost. Now, it is very good to be able to see Ye Feng be killed by Demon Kun's Protector in this way.

Next, the body of the Mokun Protector directly jumped into the air, leaping towards the direction of the ring of the Emperor's Mansion.

The Demon Dragon Guardian and others followed behind. The alien demon emperor realm was mighty and mighty, flying forward at will, and terrible magic power erupted from his body, and the air current in the square area was tumbling.

Below, many powerful men couldn't help but look up at the sky, and saw Mo Kun and others passing through the void, and they couldn't help but feel a little unexpected in their hearts.

You know, under normal circumstances, it is impossible for so many Demon Emperor Realm powerhouses to fly together in the Emperor's Mansion at one time, unless there is some major event.

In the rear, a crowd of onlookers followed, which made the powerhouses along the way even more curious.

"The people above, why should they follow Mo Kun and others?"

Just listen to a strong man curiously asking the person he is following.

"The Magic Guardian is about to fight Ye Feng on the ring!"

A strong man in the void spoke with excitement to the people below.

As soon as this remark came out, the eyes of the strong people who followed below flashed, and their hearts were shocked.

Some people even think that they have misheard, what kind of person is the guardian of Mo Kun, one of the six generals in the Emperor's Mansion.

Although the ranking is at the bottom, the status of the emperor's mansion is not comparable to other people. The strength of the magic kun protector is naturally extremely terrible. Where can Ye Feng be compared?

"Who is Ye Feng? How dare to fight Mo Kun's guardian?"

Someone immediately raised questions, and it was obvious that Ye Feng's name was not well known in the emperor's mansion.

"You don't know this? Ye Feng became a prisoner, and now she is favored by Miss Mengqi, and he is called a personal guard, but what about the celebrity beside Miss Mengqi!"

Someone immediately explained to the strong man who raised the question.

After his words were spoken, the eyes of those who had never heard of Ye Feng's name immediately solidified.

Prisoner, Miss Mengqi's personal guard?

Many people couldn't connect these two words together in a short time, and they reacted after combing for a while.

A prisoner was swollen when he was canonized as a personal guard, and he dared to fight Mo Kun's protector, and simply didn't want to live.

"Let's go and see first. I really want to know who the so-called prisoner's personal guard is? Where does he come from the courage to fight against Mo Kun protector."

Someone immediately spoke with a little disdain, and while speaking, only saw this person's body vacant, and followed the large force flying by.

When the rest of the people saw this scene, their hearts suddenly became somewhat interested, and they also rose into the air.

In this way, even though the people who watched the excitement got together more and more, the whole sky was densely packed, all of them were strong men who went to the ring to watch the excitement.

It didn't take long for the body of Mo Kun's guardian to descend on the ring. This ring is tens of feet high and about hundreds of feet away.

It was built from a one-meter square stone, which looked extremely heavy and grand. The surface of the ring was carved with dragons and phoenixes for 4 weeks, giving people a sense of majesty.

Many strong people under the ring are gathered there, ready to witness this battle, and some of the extraordinary status have already preempted the huge stands built by the ring for 4 weeks.

Here, you can see the battle scene on the ring more intuitively.

The magic kun protector descended on the arena, and bursts of demon energy were released from his body, making the entire space extremely depressing.


Next, the crowd heard a strange voice, and a figure of a white-clothed young man descended in front of Mo Kun's guardian.

The figure of this young man in white clothes is slim and dusty, and his whole person looks unrestrained. Even in the face of the powerful Mokun Protector, his face is still calm and unwavering.

The breath released from the whole person gives people a sense of detachment.

"Is this young man the long-rumored Ye Feng? Only the cultivation base of the Supreme Martial Sovereign Realm dare to challenge the majesty of Demon Kun's Law Protector. In my opinion, he will definitely die miserably!"

Below, a strong man said so, obviously he didn't know Ye Feng. Seeing that Ye Feng's cultivation was only in the Supreme Martial Emperor Realm, he decided that Ye Feng would not be the opponent of Mokun Protector.

Not just him, most people present thought so, even those who had seen Ye Feng's powerful strength were shaken at this moment.

Just because, at this moment, what Ye Feng is about to face is the Mokun Protector, one of the six guardians of the Emperor's Mansion.

The strength of Mokun Law Protector is not comparable to that of the Magic Dragon Law Protector. It can be said that the two are not on the same level at all.

Some people who are familiar with the magic kun guardian know that the cultivation base of the demon kun guardian has reached the realm of the middle demon emperor.

"Go ahead, I want to see, what qualifications do you have to fight this game!"

Above the arena, Mo Kun's guardian looked towards Ye Feng ironically, and said with contempt.

Although Ye Feng defeated the Demon Dragon Guardian before, Demon Kun guard did not think that Ye Feng was qualified to compete with him.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Ye Feng's mouth. He didn't speak, and stepped forward, his body was wrapped in the light of stars.

The power of the stars shined in the world, the meteor butterfly step stepped out at this moment, there were afterimages emerging, and Ye Feng's body fell in front of the Mo Kun protector in a short time.

This made Mo Kun's guardian's eyes condensed slightly, and it seemed that Ye Feng's only cultivation base of the Supreme Martial Emperor Realm would have such a stature speed.

However, this was just the beginning, and then Mo Kun's protector felt an astonishing destructive power oncoming in front of him.

Ye Feng directly shot a horrible big palm print on his body. Not only was this chapter extremely powerful, it was also incredibly fast.

This made Mo Kun's guardian involuntarily release his attack resistance, and a satirical voice was heard: "A supreme martial emperor dare to be arrogant in front of this seat, and see how powerful this seat is!"

As soon as his voice fell, the two roosters collided together, listening to the thunderous sound of horrible concussion.

The power of destruction spread in the void in an instant, and an astonishing destruction only spread in all directions.

Many people cast a contemptuous look at Ye Feng, thinking that Ye Feng's initiative to launch an attack on Mokun Protector was looking for death.

However, after the two attacked and collided, the expression of Mo Kun's guardian was slightly solidified, and he only felt that his body was attacked by a rhythmic shock.

His entire body's arms were numb for a while, and under that force, his body was rushed back two steps involuntarily, and his breath floated.

Looking at Ye Feng, he still stood in place as if Taishan, as if he hadn't been affected by his attack at all.

This scene shocked the hearts of all the people present, and their expressions revealed a bit of surprise. Mo Kun's Protector was actually shocked. What strength he was.

The powerhouse in the middle Demon Sovereign Realm can actually be compared to someone like Ye Feng?

However, at this moment, when the two attacked and collided, the body of Elder Mo Kun was shocked, which really made everyone present unimaginable.

"This guy's unexpected moves are well mastered. The demon's guardian is negligent and will be calculated by the other party."

A strong person said so, his face appeared a bit involuntarily cast a bit of contempt towards Ye Feng.

It is believed that Ye Feng used the sneak attack to gain the upper hand.

The look of Mo Kun's protector was not so good, he knew better than everyone present, what he had just experienced.

The rhythmic and turbulent power contained in Ye Feng's attack really surprised him. Prior to this, Mo Kun guardian had never come into contact with this power.

Now, Ye Feng's attack contains this special power, which makes his whole body very uncomfortable.

"The six great guardians of the law ~ are nothing but that!"

Ye Feng looked at Mo Kun's guardian with a sarcasm. This person took the initiative to provoke him. Naturally, he would not be polite with the opponent.

This made Elder Mo Kun's look even more ugly, his anger was released, and the whole person became extremely violent.

Almost at the same time, he stepped forward, as if he was not ready to sit still, and a stronger magical might exploded out of him.

The terrifying big palm print descended from the void, and the power of the magic path fused on the palm print was so powerful that it was appalling. The power of thunder tribulation descended in the void and merged with the palm print.

Trying to suppress Ye Feng's body completely.

It has to be said that as the Mokun Protector of the Middle Demon Emperor, his strength is indeed good, such a palm print change made Ye Feng feel an indescribable pressure.

Therefore, Ye Feng was not prepared to carry the opponent hard for the time being, the space attribute power was released, and his body quickly dodged toward one side.


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