Sky War God

Chapter 2555: Crush the Devil

"Just after the advanced cultivation level, the Supreme Martial Emperor level, how can such cultivation level be the opponent of the magic dragon protector? I dare to confirm that the rumor is definitely false!"

After truly detecting Ye Feng's cultivation realm, a strong man immediately said so. There was a bit of disdain in the words.

His cultivation has reached the level of the Supreme Demon Emperor, and he has been silent in this realm for many years. It can be said that he is a powerful existence that has stepped into the realm of the Demon Emperor with one foot.

The strength of the whole person is naturally not comparable to those of ordinary Supreme Demon Sovereign level.

Therefore, he still has some status in the hearts of everyone present, and his words are relatively weighty.

After saying this sentence, many people immediately nodded involuntarily, thinking that what the other party said was reasonable.

Those who had really seen Ye Feng's powerful strength were shocked. Before that, Ye Feng was able to defeat the two brothers of the magic dragon guardian.

Now that his cultivation is advanced to the Supreme Martial Emperor level, his strength must have made a very big leap.

"I'm here to ask you, have you really defeated the Dragon Guardian? Or did you deliberately confuse the crowd and damage the reputation of the Dragon Guardian?"

The strong man who was the first to question Ye Feng questioned Ye Feng, he had a powerful eruption of magic power.

There is still a very long scar on half of the face, giving people a fierce dry feeling.

Ye Feng looked at him, but just glanced at her faintly, without speaking to the other party.

This scene caused the eyes of everyone present, especially this strong man with a scar on his face, his expression became a little cold, and he gritted his teeth and asked Ye Feng: "Did you not listen to what I said? Are you there? Can you be deaf?"

This sentence can be said to be unceremonious, he is very unbelieving about Ye Feng's strength, thinking that it is just fabricated by others.

The previous Ye Feng was only the cultivation base of the upper emperor's pinnacle realm. In front of the magic dragon guardian, he could not even count as the ant, let alone the opponent's opponent.

"I counted three and disappeared in front of me immediately. If not, I am at my own risk!"

Ye Feng had no chance with this person, but this person took the initiative to insult him, which made Ye Feng feel a bit cold in his heart, and his words became rude.

After he said his words, the expressions of all the people present were solidified, but he didn't expect this guy to be so arrogant.

"Hehe, I want to see what kind of consequences you can bring to me!"

Ye Feng’s words did not have any deterrent in the eyes of the strong scared man. He sneered, and his body did not retreat but moved forward. He directly landed in the courtyard where Ye Feng was, and step by step towards Ye. From where the peak is.


Ye Feng spit out a word, his voice was not loud, but everyone present could hear it clearly.

However, the sneer on Brother Daoqiang's face became more and more obvious, and he still didn't mean to stop.


Ye Feng uttered a word again, this voice seemed to be colder than before, causing the hearts of everyone present to tremble involuntarily.

I don't know why I feel this way, the young man in front of me is just a person of the Supreme Martial Emperor Realm, and at best it is equivalent to their cultivation realm.

"I want to see, what can you do to me!"

The strong scared person walked towards Ye Feng desperately. In his opinion, Ye Feng's move was nothing more than a bluff. His cultivation level was about to enter the realm of the Devil Emperor. Comparable.


Almost at the same time, Ye Feng spit out the last word after falling this time.

His footsteps suddenly stepped forward, and his body turned into a stream of stars and came down. Before everyone could react, Ye Feng's body had already reached the strong man.

An astonishing coldness was released from his body, making this strong scarred person feel a tremor in his mind.

But Ye Feng's icy eyes flashed with an extremely cold luster, which seemed to penetrate the space and descend.

At this moment, he submerged into the center of the eyebrows of the strong scar, causing the strong scar to look slightly stunned, and his body trembled like an electric shock.

In the next moment, his whole person's expression became blurred, as if everything was no longer listening to his commands.

The lustre released by Ye Feng contained a powerful phantom power, and the power of phantom dreams was released, causing the spirit of this strong scar.

At this moment, when he looked at Ye Feng, he felt that Ye Feng was a giant who reached the sky. Standing in front of him, with a random move, he could easily kill him to ashes.

This caused this strong scarred man to tremble involuntarily, and his gaze towards Ye Feng revealed a bit of humbleness.

"Kneel down!"

A cold voice was spit out from Ye Feng's mouth, and this voice fell in the ears of the strong Scars, as if it were a sacred decree.

Let this strong scarred man involuntarily give birth to a feeling of destiny, at this moment, his knees bend slightly.

Under the shocking gaze of everyone present, the other party actually knelt to the ground directly facing Ye Feng, and kept knocking his head.


Many people's faces appeared a little incomprehensible. How could this strong scarred man be so domineering before, so he was so obedient to Ye Feng in a short time.

Moreover, his behavior is really abnormal.

"The power of fantasy dreams, this young man has realized the power of fantasy dreams, how strong!"

Just when everyone present was puzzled, they heard such a voice coming from the prescription position not far away, and immediately made everyone present look stunned.

The power of dreams, they have naturally heard of this power. It is a powerful illusion with a psychedelic effect.

Once hit by this kind of illusion, the hit will involuntarily survive in the illusion and obey the person who casts the illusion.

However, not everyone can comprehend this kind of advanced illusion. It can be said that there may not be one among the thousands of martial artists.

Now, Ye Feng displayed the power of fantasy in front of everyone present, and successfully confuses the young man with the scar in front of him, which naturally shocked everyone present.

At the beginning of his practice, Ye Feng understood the power of fantasy. As his cultivation base gradually increased. The level of the power of dreams also deepened rapidly.

Although Ye Feng seldom uses this power, it does not mean that his dream power is not great.

Especially if he wants to play against opponents who are weaker than himself. Naturally, it is a matter of hand.

Next, the crowd saw Ye Feng waved his big hand, and there was a power emerging from his palm, which was a bit strange.

Nearly wrapped the body of the strong scared man, so that the other party woke up a little bit in the confusion of the power of fantasy.

This made this strong scarred look startled, and saw that he was kneeling in front of Ye Feng at this moment, and a strong resentment immediately appeared on his face.

Quickly stood up and looked at Ye Feng indifferently and asked: "Thief, what have you done to me?"

Ye Feng sneered at the other person and said: "All of this is your own work, if there is no relationship at all."

Everyone present involuntarily uttered a whistling sound, the dignified seven-foot man, kneeling and kowtow to other people in public, it was indeed a bit destructive.

"I'm going to kill you!"

This strong scarred man had a look of shame and anger, and his hatred for Ye Feng rose to the extreme in an instant.

As he spoke, the crowd saw an astonishing breath burst out of him, and the extremely terrifying magic power attributed to him hovered around him.

Desperately blasted a terrifying fist toward Ye Feng's body, and the power contained in this fist was beyond words.

With the resentment of this powerful scarred man, he blasted and killed him. In a short time, that amazing destructive force swallowed towards Ye Feng's body, trying to wrap Ye Feng's body.

However, almost at the same time, the crowd saw Ye Feng's hand raised, and also blasted a fist towards the other side.

This fist light seemed to have no power at all, as if it were an attack released by ordinary people, but they didn't know that Ye Feng's power in this circle had far surpassed this powerful scar.

Within a short period of time, this fist of Ye Feng collided with the other's fist, and an astonishing sound of destruction sounded.

The resentment on the face of this strong scarred man desperately instilled destructive power into his fists, trying to completely suppress Ye Feng.

However, at the moment when the two fists collided, the strong scar felt his body trembling wildly.

Under the action of this fist of Ye Feng, the body of the strong Scar was violently shaking, and his fist was shaken and destroyed in a short time.

The astonishing destructive power penetrated into his body, immediately causing him to make a screaming scream.

At this moment, the body was directly shaken by Ye Feng's fist. When the body was sliding in the void, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and his face was pale when he landed.

Many people saw this scene, their expressions were frozen there, their bodies were shocked, and the people here were dumbfounded.

Those who had seen Ye Feng's strength before just shook their heads and sighed slightly, they had already expected the outcome of this battle.

Even the Devil Dragon Guardian was not Ye Feng's opponent, and the strong scared man in front of him was not enough to see in Ye Feng's eyes.

But the other party didn't listen to what they said at all, insisting on taking action against Ye Feng, and now it ended up like this.

Blood was constantly gushing from the mouth of the strong scar, but Ye Feng didn't use his full strength, and he even recovered most of his power after the attack.

But even so, the cultivation level of this scarred youth was also abolished by Ye Feng. You must know that Ye Feng's current cultivation level has reached the Supreme Martial Sovereign level.

The strength is even more terrifying than it was at the beginning. Even if the fist is blasted out in that state, the power is not comparable to before.

"This young man has just released a punch that is so powerful, is it true that he has defeated the magic dragon protector before?"

When someone saw Ye Feng's random punch, he abolished the cultivation base of the strong scared man. While shocked in his heart, he couldn't help but speak like this.

The rest of them nodded involuntarily when they heard what this strong man said. The fist that Ye Feng released just now made them feel a strong sense of palpitation.

If the fist light was released against them, they should not be able to really resist it.

"It just defeated a supreme martial emperor. How powerful do you think he is? In my opinion, even if he has some strength, he can't compete with the magic dragon guardian!"

It didn't take long for the crowd to hear such a voice from the prescription position not far away, questioning Ye Feng's strength.

The person who spoke was surprisingly a strong man who had just advanced to the Devil Emperor Realm not long before, and his strength was naturally not comparable to that of the Supreme Martial Emperor.

Therefore, in his opinion, the matter about Ye Feng turned out to be nothing but illusory rumors.

While speaking, the crowd saw this man who had just advanced to the martial emperor realm stepping out, and he came to Ye Feng in a short time, and a wave of imperial might emerged from his body.

This makes this space extremely depressing, making everyone present feel palpitated.

"This person actually has the cultivation base of Emperor Martial Realm. He should be a powerful person in Emperor Martial Realm who has just stepped up. His strength should not be comparable to that of Ye Feng!"

Someone saw this demon emperor realm powerhouse stepping out first, and couldn't help but speak like this to everyone present.

Except for those who have seen Ye Feng's strength before, the others naturally nodded in agreement.

After all, the cultivation base of the Devil Emperor Realm is not comparable to that of the Supreme Martial Sovereign. The difference between the two is too large, and there will be no comparison at all.

"I don't care if you are really as powerful as the rumors with those people, I will fight with you. If you can defeat me, I will choose to believe that rumor."

This person who had just advanced to the Demon Emperor Realm said indifferently to Ye Feng, with a sense of strength in his words, as if everything he said, Ye Feng must follow.

"You are not my opponent, so take the initiative to return!"

However, when the words of the person who had just advanced to the Devil Emperor Realm just fell, the crowd heard a voice like Ye Feng.

Immediately let them look stunned, and they were a little shocked in their hearts, and then they looked at Ye Feng with a bit of irony.

Only one person sneered and said: "This young man is really inflated. He thinks that he has defeated a person of the Supreme Demon Emperor, so he can compete with the powerful Demon Emperor Realm. His thoughts are really naive, I want Let's see how he will end up facing a strong Demon Emperor Realm."

Those who have not seen Ye Feng's strength, most of them have similar ideas in their hearts, and they are talking about it.

"You are really arrogant enough, a supreme martial emperor, just talking nonsense in front of me, see how this seat teaches you!"

This person who had just entered the advanced Devil Emperor naturally would not listen to what Ye Feng said. In his opinion, Ye Feng was too arrogant.

Then he made Ye Feng pay an arrogant price.

While they were speaking, the crowd saw this powerful Demon Emperor stepping forward, the power of the body emerged, and the power of the terrifying Demon Dao attributes wrapped around the body.

A ray of Demon Dao light emerged in the void, and at the same time, this Demon Emperor Realm powerhouse frantically shot a Demon Dao palm print on Ye Feng's body. The strongest power contained in his body was integrated into this big palm print of the magic way.

An attack wanted to completely suppress Ye Feng's body, and the space where his palm prints went trembling fiercely, all being enveloped by that terrifying devil.

Many people trembled, and they were not shocked by the attacks released by this Demon Emperor Realm powerhouse.

However, even in the face of the attack of this powerful Demon Emperor Realm, Ye Feng's expression remained as usual, standing so calmly in place.

His eyes flickered indifferently, and a faint halo emerged from his body. When the palm print of the opponent was about to come, he was still the same as before.

Slowly raised an arm, and then blasted a punch, which still looked unpretentious, as if there was no power to speak of.

In the blink of an eye, it collided with the attack of this Demon Emperor Realm powerhouse, and an astonishing sound of concussion spread in all directions like lightning.

The sound waves enveloped a space, making the people in the space feel the strong tremor, and the eardrums seemed to be numb.

This Demon Emperor Realm powerhouse looked at Ye Feng with a bit of irony in his eyes. He always thought that his random attack could crush Ye Feng.

In fact, most people who fight Ye Feng have this idea, but when the attack really collides, they will regret it.

Just because Ye Feng's strength is completely wrong with his cultivation level, Ye Feng, who has completed 9 turns and achieved the position of Emperor Wu, has the ability to challenge the sky.

Although he only has the cultivation base of the Supreme Martial Emperor Realm, his strength is enough to crush the vast majority of Martial Emperors.

What's more, it wasn't long before this Demon Emperor Realm powerhouse had just advanced to his cultivation base, he was naturally far from Ye Feng's opponent.

Under this collision, the body of the Demon Emperor Realm powerhouse trembled like an electric shock, and the destructive force instantly shattered his fists and directly penetrated into his body.

He couldn't hold on to it at all, his body was shaken back tens of feet away before he would stabilize his figure, and the blood inside his body rolled over, trying to spit out blood.

Naturally, this scene completely fell into the eyes of everyone present, making their hearts tremble, and an unbelievable look appeared on their faces.

No one thought that Ye Feng could really easily retreat the strong of the Martial Emperor Realm with just the cultivation base of the Supreme Martial Emperor Realm.

While this shocked their hearts, they also began to realize that the previous rumors seemed really likely to be true.

After the body of the Demon Emperor Realm powerhouse was shaken back, he was extremely unwilling to look forward to the direction where Ye Feng was.

He gritted his teeth and said to Ye Feng: "I didn't expect you to be really capable, but you didn't show your full strength at work just now. Then is your death date!"

While speaking, this Demon Emperor Realm powerhouse roared, and his body rushed towards Ye Feng again frantically.

The attack it released seemed to carry a strong resentment, and the power it carried had exceeded the imagination of everyone present.

As if turned into a terrifying evil beast, it crazily swallowed towards Ye Feng's body.

Ye Feng frowned slightly, this person was so ignorant, then there was no need for him to be polite with him.

When the palm print released by the opponent was about to come, Ye Feng directly released a terror fist, and blasted towards the palm print of the opponent frantically.

The power contained in his punch seemed more terrifying than the original attack, and the space wherever he went trembled fiercely, as if it was about to explode.

In a very short period of time, everyone present heard the rumbling sound of terror and shock all over the world, and the power of destruction spread in the void.

This terror fist of Ye Feng collided with the palm print of the opponent. This time the collision, the strongest Demon Emperor Realm had released the strongest power in his body, trying to save this defeat.

But he still underestimated Ye Feng's strength. The release of Ye Feng's attack made him feel an indescribable pressure.

It made his whole body tremble constantly, and the power of destruction entered his body in a short time.

This time, this strong man could not hold on anymore, his body was directly shaken out at this moment, blood spewed out when he landed, and he passed out directly!

All this is complicated to say, but in fact it only happened in a short period of time, and even most people failed to react. The Demon Emperor Realm powerhouse has fallen on the ground unconscious!

"This, how is this possible!"

After a long time, a strong man made such a sound, and his face showed strong incredibility.

None of them thought that the punch that Ye Feng just released would possess such terrifying power.

Even though Ye Feng had shown good strength before, they never thought that Ye Feng's attack could easily shake the opponent's body out in this way.

This is enough to show that the two only saw a difference in strength, and that Demon Emperor Realm powerhouse was not Ye Feng's opponent at all.

Ye Feng looked at the Demon Emperor Realm powerhouse, and uttered an ironic voice: "I said before that you are not my opponent, but you are always reluctant, so you can't complain. Me."

After saying this, Ye Feng ignored the onlookers who had been stunned, and walked straight into his room.

No one dared to stop Ye Feng anymore after seeing Ye Feng blasting a strong Demon Emperor Realm into the air.

Demon Emperor Realm powerhouses are absolutely not Ye Feng's opponents, if they these people go forward to find fault, they will only take the initiative to find death!

After Ye Feng left, the resident in the factory reacted stiffly from shock, only one person said with a shocked look: "I really want to know where exactly does Ye Feng come from? Why is his strength? This is so powerful. I have never seen a person with such a fighting power."

After saying this sentence, many people present could not help but nod their heads, and they were truly shocked by Ye Feng's strength at this moment.

Emperor Wu defeated the Demon Emperor, in the entire Demon Realm, almost equivalent to the existence of legendary level, even if you occasionally hear this rumor, few people have really seen such a strong person.


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