Sky War God

Chapter 2330: New and old hatred!

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Hearing Ye Feng's words, many of the people present couldn't help but trembled. Unexpectedly, this young man also came to participate in the group hero meeting.

Moreover, the other party was really courageous, and he even made an agreement directly with Jiuzhiyinsheng in front of his face.

Ordinary people who dare to crotch such Haikou? You know, that is the Nine Fingers Yinsheng. Although the opponent was defeated in his hands, he is such a high-profile person of the Supreme Martial King realm.

Above the group of heroes, but to gather the entire Lingtian Continent, there will be people who will suppress him in a powerful way.

Even the Bat Monster King and Li Ghost King, the two top powerhouses, couldn't help but freeze for a while after hearing Ye Feng's words.

"let's go."

The Nine Fingers Yinsheng spoke to the Bat Monster King and Li Guihuang, and the Bat Monster King and Li Guihuang nodded to them, and then disappeared into the night sky together.

Everyone saw the departure of the three powerhouses, and their hearts were still shocked. Before this, they had never thought that one day they would see such a shocking battle.

People of the Supreme Martial King realm leapfrogged to challenge the superior emperor. If this incident were passed on in the Lingtian Continent, it would have shocked many powerful people in the Lingtian Continent.

After all, such a leapfrog challenge record has never happened in the entire history of Lingtian Continent.

Therefore, many people present at this moment are speculating about Ye Feng's identity, and it seems that such a top talent has never appeared in their cognition.

"Om, hum, hum..."

Just as everyone present was shocked, a certain prescription in the void actually had a sound of breaking through the air, and a breath of terror swept through it, and immediately attracted the eyes of many people present.

They saw a certain prescription in the dark night, and there were silhouettes flying over here, and the auras of these silhouettes were extremely terrifying, and they all had cultivation levels above the Martial Sovereign realm.

After the arrival of these figures, they immediately surrounded Ye Feng's body in the center, each with extremely sharp eyes. The two powerhouses headed by them had reached the realm of the upper emperor in their cultivation, which was absolutely terrifying!

Ye Feng glanced at these people, and he could tell from the attire of the other people that these people came from Chen Tangzong.

"It's really not easy to find you. If you hadn't just fought with someone, we would really not be able to find your breath!"

A senior emperor of Chen Tangzong headed by Chen Tangzong looked at Ye Feng with cold eyes and said, when he spoke, a sneer appeared involuntarily at the corner of his mouth.

This person was named "Chen Jiantian", and he was the brother of the Sect Master Chen Tang. Chen Ming and Chen Xing, who had previously clashed with Ye Feng, were his two sons, who had all been abolished by Ye Feng.

This time, Chen Jiantian personally set out to try to avenge his two sons. The upper emperor powerhouse beside Chen Jiantian was his younger brother "Chen Jianhong", and both of them had reached the upper emperor's level. It can be described as powerful.

And the many Chen Tangzong powers they brought at this moment, the lowest cultivation level also have the rank of the first emperor, and there are even a few strong emperors among them.

Such a lineup can be described as horrible, even in a top city like Lingtian Holy City, one can sweep all existence.

It can also be seen from this point that Chen Tangzong has developed extremely well in recent years, and the upper emperor like Chen Jiantian, Chen Jianhong, the master of Chentang, was only in the realm of the emperor.

The three brothers broke through the cultivation base one after another, which also greatly increased the overall strength of the entire Chen Tangzong, and has become the top sect power in the entire Lingtian Holy City.

"With the cultivation skills of my two sons, I will smash you into pieces today!"

Chen Jiantian spoke to Ye Feng with an indifferent expression. At this moment, he wanted to devour Ye Feng alive.

As he spoke, a terrifying aura was released from his body, and an extremely terrifying coercion descended from the sky, causing this space to become extremely violent.

Many people's eyes flickered, and their expressions were full of amazement. No one thought that they had just sent away the Jiuzhiyinsheng and others, and ushered in the strong Chen Tangzong.

How many enemies exist in this young man in front of him? It's hard to imagine everyone!

After Chen Jiantian’s words fell, Chen Jianhong’s eyes were also extremely sharp. Chen Ming and Chen Xing were his nephews, the hope of the entire Chen Tangzong, so they were abolished by Ye Feng. Ye Feng's hatred naturally did not need to be said.

The figures flickered and moved, and they wanted to release terrifying offensive and defensive power against Ye Feng.


And at this moment, there was such a clear voice from the direction of the inn, and the voice was a little sweet.

At the first moment, many people's eyes were attracted, and a girl in a blue dress appeared in the eyes of everyone. It was Lin Rou!

Lin Rou naturally noticed such a huge movement outside. When she saw that the person coming was from Chen Tangzong, her heart was extremely complicated.

The strength of Chen Jiantian and Chen Jianhong's brothers, Lin Rou naturally understood very well, and they may not be able to resist Ye Feng, who have now advanced to the realm of upper emperor cultivation.

In addition to Lin Rou, Yan Donglai, Yan Mingxuan, Yan Mingyue and his son also walked out of the inn, their eyes shining sharply.

Shitu fights side by side with Ye Feng!

"Lin Rou, it turned out to be you. You are embarrassed to show up in Lingtian Holy City. Are you planning to go to Chentangzong to confess?"

Seeing Lin Rou appearing, Chen Tangzong powerhouse's eyes immediately flashed with an icy cold light, and their expressions were extremely sharp.

"As a former disciple of Chen Tangzong, I would like to ask everyone to stay calm. Everything is my fault. If Chen Tangzong wants to punish, I can bear all the consequences instead of Ye Feng. I hope the two elders can Let him go."

Lin Rou's beautiful eyes flickered, and she said with a begging face. She didn't notice the previous battle between Ye Feng and Jiuzhi Yinsheng. Therefore, in Lin Rou's cognition, Ye Feng could not compete with the upper emperor. Contending.

In order to protect Ye Feng's safety, Lin Rou recognized that she had endured the suffering.

"Ye Feng! You turned out to be Ye Feng!"

Hearing Lin Rou's words, the many Chen Tangzong experts present were shocked. They had not connected the young man in front of him with Ye Feng before.

Now I heard that this person turned out to be Ye Feng who killed Chen Xiao, the young master of Chentang Sect a few years ago!

At that time, Chen Tangzong sent many powerful men to chase and kill Ye Feng. Without Lin Rou's protection, Ye Feng might have already died.

Now, the Ye Feng who killed the young master of Chentang Sect has appeared again in Lingtian Holy City, and also abolished Chen Jiantian's two sons.

This caused the Chen Tangzong’s hatred for Ye Feng to a level that could not be added. He only heard Chen Jiantian say: “How can a **** like you be qualified to die for him? He not only killed Chen Xiao, but also abolished it. Having lost the cultivation bases of my two sons, today, the old hatred and the new hatred are counted together, and I must break his corpse into pieces!"

Ye Feng's eyes flashed with sharp edges, and a faint sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. It seemed that today's battle was inevitable.

Yan Donglai and his son were eager to try and wanted to fight side by side with Ye Feng, but they saw Ye Feng say to Yan Donglai and the other three: "City Lord Yan stays safe, don’t bother you to deal with these people, Jiang Rouer Just take care of it."

After saying this, there was a cold flash in Ye Feng's pupils, and an amazing five-element palm print was photographed at this moment.

The power of the five elements surged in the space, turning into the strongest killing force, and it was aimed at the several people in front of the Emperor Chen Tangzong.

The cultivation of these people is generally in the realm of the first emperor, and their strength is relatively weak. Ye Feng's palm print penetrates everything and descends, covering all the space in front of these people.

Feeling the power contained in Ye Feng's palm, these Chen Tangzong powerhouses couldn't help showing a bit of amazement in their expressions, and they released attacks and resistance.

After that, people heard the terrible rumbling sound continuously, and the power of destruction spread in the void.

However, their attack seemed so vulnerable under Ye Feng's big invisible palm print, and was destroyed by the shock under Ye Feng's palm print.

The power of Ye Feng's palm prints did not diminish in the slightest, madly covering the bodies of several people, making these Chen Tangzong powerhouses look desperate.

In a very short period of time, it was swallowed up by Ye Feng’s palm print, and the sound of screams continued to be The power of Ye Feng’s palm print was so terrifying that it immediately made these Chen Tang Zongqiang strong. The body of the person was shaken and collapsed and destroyed, turning into residues and pieces of meat and quickly decomposing in the space!


Seeing this scene, many people on the scene couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. They didn't seem to expect that Ye Feng would be so decisive, and the attack power he released was also appallingly powerful.

When the rest of Chen Tangzong saw this scene, their bodies couldn't help but fought a cold war. Chen Jiantian and Chen Jianhong's two brothers gritted their teeth for a while, and their bodies exploded.

The power of the upper emperor was blooming at this moment, and the two positions were divided into two places to wrap Ye Feng's body, two amazing destruction attacks came, really this space buzzed endlessly.

But Ye Feng still stood calmly on the spot. When the attack of the two was about to come, his body was wrapped in a burst of space attribute power at this moment, and the power of the stars was released from his random step.

The Meteor Butterfly stepped on a specific trajectory, and within a short period of time, it landed in a different position. A terrifying fist came through everything, aimed at the other Chen Tangzong powerhouses present.

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