Sky War God

Chapter 2329: I will offer at any time

The nine-finger sound saint kept avoiding Ye Feng’s bounced sonic attacks. At the same time, his eyes couldn’t help but look towards Ye Feng. There was cold light in his pupils, and he asked Ye Feng, “Tell me. I, do you have a magic weapon against the sky? Why can you bounce my sonic attack?"

As soon as these words came out, all the talents on the scene reacted for the first time. The cultivation base of the Supreme Martial King Realm of Ye Feng should indeed not be able to rebound the attack of the Nine Fingers Yinsheng.

You know, Jiuzhiyinsheng is the current helm of Xuanyin Palace, the powerhouse of the upper emperor's cultivation realm, and the sonic attack it releases is naturally not comparable to ordinary people.

It should be possible to easily crush a person like Ye Feng like the Supreme Martial King.

But now, the sonic attack of Nine Fingers Yinsheng has been easily bounced back by Ye Feng and Ye Feng, and the power of the sonic attack after the rebound seems to be more powerful than before, which is simply unreasonable.

"Magic weapon?"

Hearing what the other party said, Ye Feng couldn't help but sneered. He looked at him sarcastically and said, "The blame can only be blamed on your insufficiency in attack, and I am embarrassed to find various reasons. Unexpectedly, your face is worse than I thought. It's much bigger."

Ye Feng's words made Jiuzhiyinsheng's face suddenly become cold, and his body was trembling, and his expression revealed a shocking light.

Immediately, he saw a burst of tactics released on his finger paper, and it landed on his harp, causing the harp to buzz continuously, and the power released on it seemed to become stronger than before. .

Immediately, the crowd saw the nine-finger sound sacred fingers fluctuate again on the harp, this time the sound of the sound wave from the harp completely changed.

Moreover, the power released from the sound wave was stronger than it was at the beginning, wherever it went, the entire space shook wildly, as if it were about to be shaken and destroyed.

This time, Ye Feng did not continue to sit and wait to finish, and a horrible aura was immediately released on his body. He even blasted a horror fist directly at Jiuzhi Yinsheng. This horror fist was not only powerful and terrifying, but also fast. It's also quite fast.

Nine Fingers Yinsheng said earlier that Ye Feng relied on a certain magic weapon to bounce its sonic attack.

Then Ye Feng no longer bounced his sonic attack, and directly used a terrorist fist to collide with the opponent's sonic attack.

The next moment, everyone present only listened to the terrible rumbling sound, and the continuous voice wave attacks of terror fists collided together.

An astonishing might of destruction spread wildly in all directions, causing many people present to tremble.

The sonic attacks were constantly being collapsed and destroyed by Ye Feng's fist, but Ye Feng's fist was undiminished, penetrating everything crazy and blasted towards the body of Jiuzhi Yinsheng.

This scene fell in the eyes of everyone present, and immediately shocked their expressions. The cultivation base of the Nine Fingers Yinsheng reached the realm of the upper emperor.

And the young man in front of him is obviously only the Supreme Martial King Realm. Why is his attack so powerful? The supreme sonic wave of the Nine Fingers Yinsheng is collapsing and destroyed. It really shocked everyone present.

Even the Bat Monster King who was watching not far away, the two powerhouses of Li Guihuang couldn't help but condensed slightly.

I also didn't expect that this arrogant young figure would be so strong.

"Don't tell me that the punch I blasted also used what you called a magic weapon."

Ye Feng said sarcastically to the nine-finger Yinsheng gaze. When he spoke, his eyes were still shining with ironic luster.

Jiuzhiyinsheng's expression was extremely cold, and his eyes looked at Ye Feng with incredible disbelief. He gritted his teeth and said, "No matter what kind of magic weapon you used, you can only be considered unlucky when you meet me today."

While speaking, Nine Finger Yinsheng's hands flashed again, and an ancient bell appeared. This ancient bell didn't look big, but it released an amazing luster.

The coercion enveloped it, giving people a very profound feeling.

"go with!"

Jiuzhiyinsheng spit out a voice, and then saw his arm rise, quickly ran the ancient bell towards the void.

The ancient clock slowly rose into the sky under the shroud of a burst of light, and the light became even brighter, lighting up the night sky.

Many people's pupils were stung by this burst of bright light, and they couldn't help blocking the burst of light with their own hands.

Immediately, a golden hammer appeared in the palm of Jiuzhiyinsheng, and the hammer was shining with astonishing brilliance. Then I saw Jiuzhiyinsheng's arm swinging, and the hammer directly hit the ancients. Above the clock.


The astonishing sound of concussion rang through, and the valley made a loud sound, which quickly turned into a supreme sound wave, drifting in the space, carrying an astonishing power of destruction, and madly committed suicide towards Ye Feng’s body. .

At the same time, Jiuzhiyin Sheng stepped out, and his astonishing destructive power was released, fusing in his palm.

Immediately, a horrible big palm print was shot, and he quickly patted Ye Feng's body, and descended with the power of destruction that merged on the ancient bell.

The two destructive forces continuously evolve in the void, turning into the strongest destructive offensive, to completely suppress Ye Feng's body.

But Ye Feng didn't care at all. There was a terrifying aura on his body, and the extremely terrifying palm prints were released at this moment.

On the palm print, there is a gleam of the majesty of the five elements, and the destructive power of the five elements is extremely strong, and in a very short time, it is convenient for the opponent's attacks to collide together.

The crowd only listened to the rumbling sound of terror and shock, and two forces criss-crossed in the void.

And the power of destruction integrated on Ye Feng's palm print seemed to be much stronger than the attack of the Nine Fingers Yinsheng.

The entire space trembled crazily, and the attack of Nine-Finger Yinsheng was bit by bit eaten away by Ye Feng's palm print.

Even the endless sound waves released from the middle, after encountering Ye Feng's palm print, they are still constantly suppressed.

For a while, the entire space was occupied by that destructive force, and it felt like the sky had collapsed.

Many people present tremble involuntarily, and the attacking power released by these two people is stunned.

Since the power of Ye Feng's palmprint was too strong, after swallowing the two attacks of Nine-Finger Yinsheng, he also impacted on the body of Nine-Finger Yinsheng at this moment.

Jiuzhiyinsheng's face was ugly, and once again he released an attack and resistance, and there was an astonishing sound of destruction.

Under this collision, Nine Fingers Yinsheng's body was trembling unexpectedly, his steps retreated at this moment, and his body's breath fluctuated even more.

"Who is this young man? How could he have such a strong offensive power? It can be so embarrassed by the Jiuzhiyin Shengji, I really can't believe that he only has the cultivation of the Supreme Martial King!"

A strong man in the crowd immediately said, his face was unbelievable.


However, Ye Feng didn't care what other people said, his steps were straight forward.

The body descended in front of Jiuzhiyinsheng at this moment, and a terrifying palm print was shot at this moment, and the power of destruction integrated on the palm print seemed to be a bit stronger than it was at the beginning.

The eyes of Jiuzhiyinsheng trembled for a while, and after the two collisions just now, he already had a deep understanding of Ye Feng's strength.

This young man didn't know why there was such a powerful attack power, which made the nine-finger Yinsheng unable to imagine the level of the magic weapon on Ye Feng.

Faced with such a terrorist attack like Ye Feng, Jiuzhiyinsheng did not dare to contend with it anymore, evading to one side at his fastest speed.

However, Ye Feng's palm print covers a very wide area. Even if the speed of the nine-finger Yinsheng is extremely fast, you will be affected by the remaining prestige contained in Ye Feng's palm print.

His body was involuntarily shaken back, and his breath floated, looking slightly embarrassed.

Many people's hearts trembled involuntarily. They didn't expect that as powerful as the nine-finger sound saint, they were now forced to this level by a junior in the Supreme Martial King realm.

"Come again!"

Ye Feng once again released a terrorist attack, and this attack covered a very wide area, and in a hurry, the space in front of the Jiuzhiyin Saint Body was completely enveloped.

The body of Jiuzhi Yinsheng suddenly felt an extremely strong pressure, this time he could no longer dodge.

The ancient bell in the void hummed endlessly, releasing a supreme sonic attack. The Nine-Finger Yinsheng also blasted a fist at this moment, and the two attacks were released together to ensure that there was nothing wrong.

However, although his attacking power is strong, he still can't compete with Ye Feng's attack. Under Ye Feng's terrifying palmprint, Jiuzhiyinsheng's body was suddenly shaken back crazily, and he even spit out at this moment. The blood turned pale for a while.

The crowd was completely stunned there, staring blankly at what was happening in front of them, only feeling like they were dreaming.

They never thought that one day they would encounter such a scene, as powerful as the nine-finger sound saint, a powerful person in the realm of the upper emperor.

It’s really unbelievable to be so suppressed by a junior of the Supreme Martial King But everything is completely in the sight of everyone, even if they don’t believe it, the truth Just before my eyes.

"Such strength, so embarrassed to be arrogant in front of me? I really admire your courage!"

Ye Feng's eyes fell on Jiuzhi Yinsheng, and he said with a sarcasm.

Jiuzhiyinsheng looked ugly, and said to Ye Feng indifferently, "If you don't use that kind of magic weapon, how can you have this strength? I will write down what happened today!

When Nine Finger Yinsheng spoke, his body retreated a little bit. Ye Feng knew that this person was about to leave, but he did not step forward to stop him.

"If you want revenge, I will accompany you at any time at the Elite Meeting!"

Ye Feng looked at Jiuzhi Yinsheng satirically and said, as if he was issuing a war book to the opponent. (https://) "Ling Tian War God" only represents the author Wan Mu Zhengrong's views. If it is found that its content violates national laws and conflicts, please delete it. The position of https:// is only dedicated to providing health Green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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