Sky War God

Chapter 2293: A powerful enemy

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Just as Ye Feng said, the two forces that are coming to Zhongchen Peak today are the Ancient Demon Palace, one of the nine divine palaces belonging to Lingtian Sacred Palace, and the two powerful forces in Kun Palace.

When Ye Feng was in the Troll Sect, the two forces of the Sky Demon Valley killed the ancient demon palace, and the two forces of Kun Palace were strong. The people of these two forces learned the news for the first time.

And directly sent the strong to defeat Ye Feng.

Looking around, there are as many as 10 people on the side of the Ancient Demon Sect, and the same is true for Kun Palace. Dozens of Kunpeng monsters have come here, but they are now in human form in front of Ye Feng and the others.

Seeing the arrival of so many powerful people from these two forces, the faces of the people on the Zhongchen Peak side showed a little nervousness.

They can see that the cultivation realm of the two powerful forces is very strong, and most of them have reached the realm of the upper emperor.

This is definitely a very huge test for Zhongchenfeng.

After the arrival of these two powerful forces, many powerful people who came here to watch immediately gathered in the area around Zhongchen Peak.

They were also shocked by the powerful lineup sent by the forces of the Ancient Demon Palace and Kun Palace.

I don't know, how should Ye Feng and Zhongchenfeng turn the danger into a breeze this time?

"Who is Ye Feng? Come out and die!"

At this moment, a pair of terrifying magic pupils of an ancient magic figure in the ancient magic palace flashed with magic lights, looking towards the direction of Zhongchen Peak, and speaking indifferently.


Ye Feng's eyes flashed, without hesitation, he stepped directly out of the position of Zhongchen Peak, suspended in the opposite place between the two forces.

The look is still so calm and unhurried, without the slightest fear: "I am Ye Feng. If you want to kill me, you will call the palace masters of your two forces. You are not qualified to talk to me!"

Ye Feng's words were full of domineering intentions, and his voice shook the world, making the expressions of everyone present could not help but freeze.

"This Ye Feng is really arrogant enough. When hundreds of strong people from the other side come, he still has no fear, and he claims to let the other side's palace master level figure come, and he is a little brazen!"

Seeing Ye Feng's performance, many people at the scene couldn't help but secretly thought, although they had seen Ye Feng's strength before, it was only aimed at a few people on the other side.

Nowadays, hundreds of powerful people from the opposing forces have come, most of them have the cultivation level of the upper emperor. Even if Ye Feng had three heads and six arms, he might not be able to escape this disaster!

The faces of Zhonghuang and others were not very good-looking, this time Ye Feng's affairs seemed to be a little bit upset.

"The tone is not small, our Lord Palace Master can actually say that you have seen you? You should pay the price for what you did before!"

The cultivation base of that ancient demon character has reached the realm of the upper demon emperor, and his strength is overwhelming. When he speaks, his voice is like thunder, making this space tremble constantly.

The next moment, this ancient demon figure tried to attack Ye Feng.

"Your Excellency, stop!"

At this moment, there was such a voice from the position of Zhongchenfeng, which immediately caused the ancient demon character to stop, and his eyes couldn't help but forget the prescription position.

He saw Emperor Zhong flying flying out of the Zhongchen Peak, and he couldn’t help but bow his hands to the people of these two forces, and then said: “This matter is the old man’s fault. The old man didn’t teach a good disciple. If you want to If you want to inquire, then just take the old man down, don't anger him."

After Zhonghuanghuang's words were spoken, the faces of the powerhouses in Zhongchenfeng were a little ugly.

If it was true that the first Ye Fengding of Emperor Zhonghuang was guilty, then Zhong Chenfeng would have finished eating.

"What are you? How much money is your life worth? I am embarrassed to come out to commit the crime. In the eyes of our ancient magic palace, people like you are hardly even ants. Get out of here as soon as possible. After I wait for Jiang Cizi to kill you, don’t even try to run away!"

The words of this ancient demon palace powerhouse were very overbearing. After the voice of the emperor loyalty came out, he did not give the emperor loyal face at all and said directly indifferently.

This sentence made the powerful in Zhongchenfeng extremely angry. The Emperor Zhong is their master, and now being humiliated by this kind of humiliation is more uncomfortable than directly hitting them in the face.

Zhonghuang's face was anxious, if she couldn't keep Ye Feng in this way, he couldn't imagine how the next thing would develop.

It wasn't that the Emperor Zhong didn't believe in Ye Feng. With his cultivation level, he could naturally feel the cultivation level of these powerful men who came at this moment.

Most of them have the cultivation base of the upper emperor, and the two forces are combined, and there are as many as 10 upper emperors.

Such a lineup can be described as a metamorphosis. Even if Ye Feng has the strength to defeat the upper emperor, but with so many opponents coming together, how can Ye Feng deal with it?

However, he saw Ye Feng wave his hand at the Emperor Zhong, and then blocked the opponent's body behind him, his eyes fell on the ancient demon powerhouse, and said coldly: "You, insult my master!"

"Ha ha!"

The ancient demon expert sneered and said proudly: "What about the master who insults you, just a dying person, dare you to be arrogant in front of this seat?"


However, just as the ancient demon character's words fell, the crowd heard a sound.

Immediately, Ye Feng's body stepped out at this moment, and his footsteps stepped out of his body, with bursts of star light shining through the space attribute power, covering the body at this moment.

In a very short period of time, he arrived in front of the ancient demon expert, and the ancient demon expert's eyes narrowed slightly.

I saw that Ye Feng's big horrible palm print had been slapped towards his body. The strong power was integrated into this palm print, and the space wherever he went trembled fiercely as if to be shaken and destroyed.

Ye Feng's palm print is extremely powerful, and it can be said that it came in an instant, making the ancient demon attacking the ancient demon character a little by surprise.

However, he didn't care about anything. After all, he was a powerhouse in the upper Demon Emperor's cultivation realm, and Ye Feng was just a junior in front of him.

Therefore, facing Ye Feng's palm print, the ancient demon powerhouse directly released the terrifying magic power from his body.

At the same time, a fist burst out to resist, and a terrible rumbling sound came out. The two attacks collided at this moment, and the power of destruction spread in the void.

Under this collision, the face of that ancient demon expert instantly became a little ugly, when the two attacks collided.

He suddenly felt an extremely strong tremor in his arm, causing his whole body to tremble constantly.

That shocking force made his footsteps shake back at this moment, and his breath was very floating.

Many people were slightly surprised when they saw this scene, and they didn't seem to expect Ye Feng to be so arrogant.

If he didn't agree with each other, he shot this ancient magic power directly.

"Don't let me down, kill this son!"

A group of ancient demon experts spoke to their companions, and their ancient demon palace was one of the nine divine palaces under the seat of Lingtian Saint Palace.

This extremely resounding name exists in the entire Lingtian Continent, and for a junior like Fu Ye Feng, naturally, no one else needs to take action. This ancient demon person can easily crush Ye Feng.

The ancient demon expert nodded, but before he could react, he felt another astonishing destruction attack in front of Ye Feng crazily suppressing his body.

Wherever he went, everything in the space was occupied by the might of destruction, making this ancient demon powerhouse look a little bit startled again.

He once again released the attack resistance, and even released the strongest magic power in his body, but when the two attacks collided, this ancient magic power still felt his body tremble constantly.

There was an indescribable rhythmic and shocking force that passed into his body along his arm, causing him to suffer extremely severe blows to his meridians, bones, and major organs.

When the body retreated, a trace of blood could not help overflowing from the corner of his mouth!

"With your strength, dare to be arrogant in front of my master?"

Ye Feng sneered at this ancient demon His footsteps stepped out again, and several five-element big palm prints were shot at this moment.

The power of each big five-element palm print is extremely powerful, covering the space in front of this ancient demon powerhouse completely.

The other party suddenly felt an indescribable pressure, and the ancient demon strong resisted frantically.

When Ye Feng first attacked, he was passive. Sometimes, the advantage of the whole battle was very difficult to establish.

Once an advantage is established, it is difficult to turn around for convenience.

Therefore, under the big five-element palmprints released by Ye Feng, the body of the ancient demon strong was shocked to retreat again.

The turbulent power of the whole body continued to spread, making his body more and more powerful.

A mouthful of blood was spit out, and his face was extremely pale!

"Go away!"

Facing the aggressive Ye Feng, this ancient demon expert spit out a cold sound, trying to use an attack to shake Ye Feng back.

However, the big palm print released by Ye Feng at this moment was a bit stronger than before, and it came directly.

In a very short period of time, he swallowed the attack of the ancient demon realm powerhouse, and the endless destruction of palm prints swept across the sky, wrapping the body of the ancient demon powerhouse.

The look of the ancient demon expert was shocked. Under Ye Feng's palm print, he didn't know how to resist, and the palm print came directly.

The crowd only listened to the terrifying sound of rumbling, and the ancient demon expert screamed, and was shot and flew directly under Ye Feng’s palm print, and hit the cliff not far away. On the wall, vomit blood!

The author Wan Mu Zhengrong said: You can add more flowers if you are short of 20 flowers. Come on, brothers. Come at me with flowers

This book comes from

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