Sky War God

Chapter 2292: Flow space

   The entire Qingyou became a tremor, and the five martial emperor-level forces that ruled Qingyou City for endless years have become history from this moment, and Zhongchen Peak will become the only king of the entire Qingyou City.

   All the eight realms of tranquility are surrendered!

   And the name of Ye Feng was once again passed through the entire area of ​​Qingyou City, especially those strong men who had witnessed Ye Feng's participation in these few battles were shocked.

   At the same time, the specific processes of those battles are often discussed by the strong in the Qingyou City area.

   Ye Feng returned to Zhongchen Peak, Yundangtian, Huayuewu, Ouyang Qing'er, Han Tiankui and others naturally came to greet them immediately.

   They have also heard about what happened in Qingyou City. Now that the five Wuhuang-level forces have surrendered, Zhongchenfeng has finally embarked on his path to the top.

   "Junior Brother Ye, great!"

   Yun Dangtian gave Ye Feng a thumbs up. When Ye Feng proposed to unify the entire Qingyou City, he still had doubts.

   Now, after hearing the news that Ye Feng had crushed several foreign powerhouses and included the five martial emperors in one fell swoop, Yun Dangtian knew that he still underestimated this junior.

   "I know that Junior Brother Ye has this ability. It's all that Senior Sister I took care of, hehe!"

   Hua Yuewu smiled mischievously and said. Looking at Ye Feng's eyes, there was a little ambiguous meaning.

   Ye Feng couldn't help but shiver. If his senior sister really molested him, he really couldn't hold it.

   "Yes, you took good care of you, Senior Sister, I did not deny this."

   Ye Feng nodded hurriedly, his body involuntarily took a step back.


   Seeing Ye Feng as if afraid of her, Huayuewu's eyes condensed and said: "What? Brother Ye is afraid that my senior sister might eat you?"

"No no."

   Ye Feng couldn't help but waved his hand with a black line, facing Huayuewu's deliberate molestation, he really couldn't hold it.

   "The moon dance girl stopped messing around."

   At this moment, a steamy sound came from the prescription station not far away, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Ye Feng also looked towards that side, and saw a middle-aged strong man in a Chinese dress stepping towards this side. This middle-aged man was kind-eyed and had a vague aura, giving people a sense of depth. .

   is his master, the loyal emperor!

   Ye Feng was overjoyed when he saw Emperor Zhong going out. He hurried forward and bowed to the Emperor Zhong and said: "Master!"

  Zhonghuang raised Ye Feng's body, looked at Ye Feng with admiration, and said with a smile: "I haven't seen you in many years. Your growth really surprised Master, and at the same time I am happy for you!"

   Zhong Huang has been out of the customs for a day. Recently, he has also listened to Yundang Tianhua Yuewu and others about what happened in Qingyou City.

   At the same time that Emperor Zhong was shocked by Ye Feng's performance, he was also extremely pleased. His address was able to achieve such an achievement, and he was really happy for the other party.

   "All of this is taught by the respected master, and disciples can achieve this."

   Ye Feng bowed and saluted Zhonghuang, even if he is now His Majesty of the Four Gods, he can easily kill the upper emperor.

   But in the face of his teacher respecting the loyal emperor, he still shows the respect he deserves, as the saying goes, one day as a teacher and a lifelong father.

   Regardless of Ye Feng's future achievements, Emperor Zhong is his master, and this matter will not change.

   The loyal emperor was also extremely moved. Although his cultivation level had broken through to the realm of the middle emperor, he learned from Yun Dangtian and others.

   Today's Ye Feng used his own power to kill the dark tree demon in the upper emperor's cultivation realm, which made the loyal emperor feel ashamed.

In other words, his master now has been completely surpassed by his own disciples, but even so, Ye Feng didn't have any sense of arrogance. He still respected him as much as before, and he was naturally very loyal to the emperor. Comforting.

   "Congratulations to Master for breaking through the realm of the middle emperor!"

   Ye Feng's divine consciousness was released, and he immediately felt the realm of Zhong Huang's current cultivation level, and a happy smile suddenly appeared on his face.

   Loyalty emperor, the emperor has only been in the martial emperor realm for a hundred years, and now his cultivation can reach the middle emperor’s realm. Such a speed of cultivation can be described as terrifying.

   "It's just a fluke, I'm ashamed to say, now my two most proud disciples are better than my master."

   Zhong Huang smiled carelessly, and glanced at the two Ye Feng Yun Dangtian.

   Ye Fengyun glanced at each other, then bowed to the Emperor Zhong and said, "Without the teachings of the master, the two of me would not have achieved the same level as today."

   Zhong Huang hurriedly helped the two disciples up, and said with a happily smile: "I am really happy to see you grow up as a teacher."

"By the way, Ye Feng, I think your cultivation level has reached the apex of the Supreme Martial King realm. Turning around to reshape the flesh should also pass smoothly. The emperor has a cultivation chamber, which has a great chance of turning around and reshaping the flesh. Promote, are you interested in seeing it with your teacher?"

   The loyal emperor's eyes fell on Ye Feng and said, seeing Ye Feng's aura full of energy, he meant to advance to the Martial Emperor Realm, so he spoke with ease.

   Hearing the words of Emperor Zhong, Ye Feng couldn't help flashing a surprise in his eyes. He has now completed his third turn to reshape his body.

   There are still 6 times to turn around to reshape the body before becoming the real martial emperor. Every time you turn around to reshape the body, you have to have a certain chance.

   In recent times, through practice, Ye Feng has indeed felt that he is not far from the fourth rebirth and reshaping his body, but the opportunity he wants has not come.

   "That disciple would be more respectful than fate."

   Ye Feng arched his hands towards Emperor Zhong, and then left here with Emperor Zhong.

   Everyone looked at the backs of Ye Feng and the two of them leaving, and couldn't help but secretly feel happy for Ye Feng in their hearts.

   Ye Feng can defeat the upper emperor with only the cultivation base of the supreme king realm. Once his cultivation realm breaks through to the martial emperor realm, what level of his strength will reach, everyone is very much looking forward to it.

   Coming to the world of sea of ​​clouds, here seems to be isolated from the hustle and bustle of Qingyou City area, rare and quiet, Ye Feng walks with the Chinese.

   In a hidden location in this sea of ​​clouds, there is an extremely high cliff, and the top of this cliff seems to lead directly to the sky.

  The cliff wall is very steep, and there is a waterfall running down from above. From a distance, it looks like a white ribbon falling from nine heavens, majestic.

   Ye Feng can feel a trace of extremely mysterious power from this waterfall position. This power floats in the space, but he cannot feel the true source of this power.

"right here."

   Coming to the bottom of the waterfall, Emperor Zhong smiled to Ye Feng and opened his mouth. Immediately, Emperor Zhong saw his palm waving, and strange powers rose in his palm.

   Rune light continued to emerge, bursts of light surging in his palm, constantly spinning away.

   Immediately, I saw the tactics in the palm of Emperor Zhong Huang continuously punching out, penetrating the space, and quickly descending to the center of the waterfall.

  In an instant, I saw the flowing water above the waterfall evolve as quickly as possible, no longer falling downwards, but rapidly rotating in the center of the magic trick.

   There was a burst of strange power released from it, which made Ye Feng's eyes slightly solidified, and his face appeared a little unbelievable.

   Along with the continuous evolution of the waterfall, a space is formed in the center of the waterfall.

   The area of ​​this space is not very large, it can even be said to be a little small, but it is just enough for one person to meditate in it.

   Ye Feng faintly understood the meaning of loyal emperor, although his fighting power may have surpassed his master loyal emperor.

   But if they compare their understanding of martial arts and their cultivation experience, Ye Feng still lacks a lot.

Emperor Zhong smiled at Ye Feng and said: "Water has no fixed form, it can take many forms. This space of flowing water can allow martial artists to perceive the power of many different forms, if they can truly see the truth. If you come out, you will definitely be able to do something. As a teacher, I will give you this space of flowing water, and I hope you can get your own insights in it."

   Ye Feng's eyes were sharp, he could naturally feel the mystery of this space of flowing water, and then he bowed and thanked the loyal emperor.


   However, at this moment, there was a very strong trembling sound from a prescription in the Cloud Sea World, causing the ground where Ye Feng was to tremble.

   This involuntarily caused Ye Feng Zhonghuang's eyes to freeze slightly, and then a cold light flashed in their pupils.

   "There seems to be something wrong outside, Master, let us go out and take a look.

   Ye Feng said to Emperor Zhong, and Emperor Zhong nodded, and then the two returned on the same path, and their pace became much faster than when they arrived.

   When the two of them were walking, there was another shocking sound transmitted, and the degree of each shocking sound became stronger than before.

   Ye Feng knew that someone might have come to Zhongchen Peak to ask for trouble.

   Soon, Ye Feng walked out of the sea of ​​clouds with Emperor Zhong, and saw the anxious expression of Yundang Tianhua Yuewu and others.

   There are densely packed positions not far from Zhongchen Peak. Many strong people are suspended in the air. These strong people are divided into two camps.

  The powerhouses in the camp are all demon-powered, and the aura in the area is enveloped by that terrible demon-power, giving people a very strong sense of oppression.

  The strong men in the other direction are tall and burly, with scales growing on their bodies, and there are bursts of monsters around their bodies. At a glance, they are members of the monster family.

   "It is the ancient magic palace, and the strong from the two forces of Kun Palace are here!"

   Ye Feng's eyes flashed with an edge, and said coldly.

   Seeing so many powerful men descend on Zhongchen Peak, the expression of the Emperor Zhong couldn't help but become a little gloomy. After all, they Zhongchenfeng still seemed a little lonely in the face of these powerful foreign powers.

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