[397] It’s not an opponent at all, what’s wrong!?

In fact, in the heart of the dark lord at this moment, he also has his own thoughts and ideas.

But now, when facing Su Chen, for a while, the dark lord actually didn’t know what he should do.

After all, what kind of strength Su Chen is, presumably there is no need to say anything more at this moment, everyone knows things very clearly in their hearts.

On the other hand, when more and more problems are placed in front of you.

What is the follow-up thing to do, in the end is how to do it.

These questions have naturally become something that I am very curious about in my heart.

Many problems are now unfolding before their eyes.

As for how to do it, as for how to deal with it.

All of these things are actually things that you need to consider in your heart.

Of course, one thing and problem that cannot be denied is that Su Chen is a – very formidable opponent.

Even in the case of tit-for-tat with him, he is definitely not his opponent.

Therefore, when these follow-up problems and situations have been placed in front of me.

In the next time, the dark lord did not have so many thoughts and thoughts.

Instead, it sharpened his expression directly.

At the same time, wearing a pair of very curious and very dignified eyes, the very serious eyes of the past gathered towards Su Chen.

In fact, the dark lord’s heart is also very clear.

If you really want to fight Su Chen, this is not a very easy thing.

Because, Su Chen’s strength is above himself, if he fights, it will not benefit him at all.

It’s like it’s the same now, even though it looks like I don’t have anything at all.

But in fact, these situations and problems in front of him have caused very serious and very fearful changes to him.

The atmosphere became a little tense and a little heavier at this moment.

As more and more things and problems are placed in front of them.

In the follow-up time, it can also be seen clearly and clearly.

…. ask for flowers…..

Now, there are already a lot of situations and ideas flooding this space.

First of all, everyone knows that Su Chen is powerful, but after such a fierce battle with the dark lord.

You may have also discovered a problem, that is, Su Chen did not win at all.

Not only did he not kill the dark lord, but on the contrary, he even made the dark lord soar directly.

Such a situation, for Su Chen, really made himself too embarrassed and complicated.

And, when these questions come to mind.

Everyone was nervous and nervous.

I don’t know what, the current situation has already added a very fearful feeling to everyone.

Of course, this feeling can’t be blamed on anyone, it can only be said that their strength is not strong enough.

When facing the dark lord, there are still many concerns in my heart.

Therefore, after thinking of this, the atmosphere began to become more and more tense.

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