(396) Frightening Breath.

Just when the dark lord was so serious and Rayleigh’s eyes fell on him.

At this moment, I saw that the expressions on everyone’s faces had already undergone a huge change.

Especially after looking at being noticed by Su Chen.

At this moment, Su Chen has also sprouted his own ideas in his heart.

That is, even the dark lords are not quite ready for battle.

However, he has not left him any room and opportunity to think.

After all, to leave opportunities for the enemy is to leave murderous intentions for oneself.

So, no matter what you say, no matter what you think, everyone seems to be able to clearly know what 777 is.

Many problems have developed to the present, and it has almost reached a critical moment of life and death.

And, although Su Chen said that until now, there has been no movement or action.

But in fact, in everyone’s heart, they are very much looking forward to what Su Chen can do.

At least for now, Su Chen can use a very powerful way to launch a very violent attack with the dark lord.

Because this is the only way to make everyone feel at ease in their hearts.

However, Su Chen will never change his actions easily because of anyone’s (cged) thoughts.

It is like saying whether he is in conflict with the dark lord now. In fact, such a question for Su Chen is that only himself can judge big things.

After all, many follow-up issues will not develop as you think in your heart.

So far, Su Chen’s mind is very clear, and he is also very able to know what kind of way and what kind of effect the follow-up things will be done.

At this moment, the atmosphere has become a little dignified and a little serious.

A lot of things have already been placed in front of him.

It’s just that these problems now have made him feel a very serious and heavy feeling in his heart.

Especially at this juncture and point now.

In such a situation, what should be done. In the end is what kind of methods and measures should be taken.

This question has already become a very serious and clear thing in his heart at this moment.

The atmosphere has become quiet and solemn at this moment.

As more and more problems and situations have been placed in front of them.

In the next time, I saw Su Chen’s eyes, as if there was a black breath gushing out.

Only glanced at the body of the dark lord.

At this glance, the dark lord couldn’t help but hit a cold zen!

At this moment, the dark lord is really in love directly and completely.

It was something he never imagined.

Things have developed to the present, and such a situation will actually occur.

This scene is really beyond my imagination.

Because the energy released by Su Chen is an evil energy, which is completely different from his own situation!

With the thoughts in my heart at this point, a very complicated and dignified look appeared on the Dark Lord’s expression.

Moreover, facing Su Chen’s eyes, there is a little bit of fear in the eyes,

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