(314] Great opportunity to attack

In fact, Su Chen at this moment doesn’t care what everyone thinks of himself.

Because you can never live in someone else’s mouth.

How other people see themselves is how they evaluate themselves.

In fact, all of this is something that I don’t care about at all.

Therefore, in the next time, I saw that Liang Chen did not have so many thoughts and considerations.

Instead, he straightened his expression sharply and dignified, and at the same time, with a very serious look, he stared at the figure of the dark lord.

No matter what time of day, Su Chen knows one thing very clearly in his heart.

The Dark Lord is his biggest competitor.

Moreover, Su Chen also knew one thing very clearly in his heart.

No matter how the next thing develops, his first task is to defeat the dark lord.

This is something that Su Chen has always paid great attention to and looked forward to very much in his heart.

So, in the next time, I saw that Su Chen didn’t have so many thoughts and considerations.

Instead, his expression became heavier and sharper.

In the next time, wearing a very strong and dignified look, he stared at the figure of the dark lord.

Moreover, when facing the crowd, Su Chen’s face was always relaxed and indifferent.

It seems as if it is sending a signal to everyone.

That is, no matter what you say, it will not have any influence or any result on me.

If you are really good at it, try it with the dark lord, otherwise, don’t compare it with more.

Facing the look and gaze that Su Chen looked at everyone.

When it was noticed in the eyes of everyone.

In the next time, I saw that everyone’s expressions and expressions were all at this moment, and suddenly a very huge change occurred.

Because everyone in Su Chen has seen a very serious and very serious attitude.

And, no matter how the next thing happens and how it develops.

One thing that has always been very clear in the hearts of all people is that.

Su Chen is still the most powerful person in this secret realm.

His existence can guarantee everyone’s life and death to a great extent.

Because of this situation at this stage, many questions no longer need to go through too much consideration and thinking.

Moreover, now there are too many problems are placed in front of their own.

As for what to do next, and how to deal with it.

All of this has become a very clear thing in his heart.

The atmosphere began to become a little dignified and heavy at this moment.

And, when the dark lord faced Su Chen’s attitude at the moment.

It can also be seen more clearly that,

At this moment, in the eyes of the dark lord, the face of Su Chen’s figure facing the past has undergone a very huge change.

If I tell the truth, in fact, the existence of Su Chen has really brought a huge shock to the dark lord.

Even the current Su Chen has shown a little flaw.

But I don’t know why, under such circumstances, the dark lord still dare not make any further attacks and strikes against Su Chen.

Perhaps for the dark lord, his actions, for Liang Chen, could not cause any results and any impact at all.

Even when these problems are placed in front of them.

The first thought in the dark lord’s head was not how to take the opportunity to launch the most powerful attack on Su Chen.

I want to take advantage of this opportunity to kill Su Chen.

But how to stabilize, even in the eyes of the dark lord, Su Chen’s actions are completely confusing himself.

I want to attack him deliberately and carelessly, and then find an opportunity to cause huge damage to myself.

When such an idea sprouted in my heart.

In the next time, I saw that the dark lord did not have so many considerations and plans, but looked at Su Chen seriously,

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