[313] Su Chen’s character design collapsed

Facing the look and state that the dark lord showed to himself, he was noticed in his eyes. .

Then I saw that Su Chen didn’t have so many thoughts and considerations.

Instead, his expression was sharpened and dignified directly.

In the next time, with a very serious and serious look, he faced the dark lord’s figure.

When looking at the dark lord, Su Chen’s eyes seemed to have other meanings.

So much so that when these problems “May 40” were noticed in my heart.

Then I saw that Su Chen didn’t have so much consideration and hesitation.

Instead, he directly lowered his expression and gaze.

Then, with a very serious look, he faced the shadow of the dark lord.

When looking at the dark lord, Su Chen seemed to have many thoughts and thoughts in his heart.

After all, no matter how the next thing is done, it doesn’t matter how the next thing develops.

In Su Chen’s heart, there is one thing that he can always know very clearly.

According to the current situation, the final impact and result of the problem will definitely be very serious for him.

Because the strength of the dark lord has never been an existence that can be easily ignored for Su Chen.

Because although the lord Hei Na said so far, he has not shown his relatively strong strength.

But one thing that needs to be acknowledged very clearly and very seriously is that.

As far as the current battle situation is concerned, in front of the dark lord, he may not be able to occupy a very good result.

So, at this moment, when all these situations and thoughts are placed in front of me.

At this moment, Su Chen’s eyes and eyes can’t help but start at this moment, becoming very serious.

“The strength of the dark lord is still relatively strong, at least in a short period of time, I can’t kill him in seconds.”

This sentence was also very serious in Su Chen’s mouth, and it also expressed the most real thoughts in his own heart.

so. In the next time, Su Chen certainly didn’t have too many complicated words and thoughts.

Instead, he directly stood in front of the Dark Lord with a heavy and dignified face.

At the same time, in the eyes of the dark lord, there is already a feeling of incomparable strength and incomparable seriousness.

For Su Chen’s look and eyes gathered towards him.

After being seen by the dark lord, in fact, in the dark lord’s black heart, he also has a lot of complicated thoughts and thoughts.

Because when Su Chen took a very serious and serious attitude towards himself, in fact, in the heart of the dark lord, he was also full of worries and worries about Su Chen’s existence.

Therefore, in the next time, Su Chen’s eyes and expressions directly affected the judgment and thoughts of the dark lord.

Just when the two sides were still in a state of confrontation, in the next time.

Just saw that in the mouths of the people around, the voices of speaking began to gradually produce very complex changes.

“Su Chen must have his own thoughts, I don’t need to say more about this, everyone knows it in their hearts, right?

“Obviously there are still a lot of strengths that have not been used, but now I pretend that I have no other abilities, hehe, it really is. 99

“Su Chen obviously doesn’t believe us, so I don’t need to say anything more.

“If this continues, more of us will die invisibly at the hands of the dark lord!”

At this moment, everyone began to become a little complicated and a little dissatisfied with Su Chen’s remarks.

After all, in everyone’s opinion, Su Chen’s strength is actually 4.3 enough to make the Dark Lord directly perish.

However, Su Chen did not do that.

It even showed a very relaxed and very indifferent state.

It’s like these things have nothing to do with their own extinction at all.

So, when these ideas are placed in front of everyone.

In the following time, everyone did not have too many doubts and hesitations.

They all looked at Su Chen with serious and dignified eyes,

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