Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 509 Complete the Commission

After Zheng Shu left Xiaoxing'an Mountains, he flew quickly in the sky and quickly found the coordinates that Gao Lian had told him.

In fact, this place is not very far from the place where Gao Lian received him. In other words, Gao Yushan's place is actually not very far from the headquarters of the Northeast Region Nadutong Company.

But it's right to think about it. Because of Gao Yushan's physical condition, Gao Lian has to visit her from time to time.

The place where Zheng Shu was received was originally located deep in the mountains and old forests. Considering the confidentiality and convenience of support, this place was actually a very good choice. On the contrary, it also created the advantage of being dark under the lights.

Moreover, Zheng Shu also found traces of troops stationed not far away, which means that this place itself is within the military restricted area.

In this way, if there is an emergency that is difficult to handle, troops can even be mobilized directly for support.

In terms of Gao Yushan's ability, she does have such value.

Fortunately, Zheng Shu had already contacted Gao Lian when he was on the road, so although the army had discovered Zheng Shu's movement, they did not stop him.

Of course, it is also possible that because his trajectory was not discovered, Zheng Shu adjusted the force field around his body when he took off. In addition to hiding his body, it also intercepted all electromagnetic radiation from his body.

In other words, in addition to being optically invisible, Zheng Shu is also invisible to radar.

It wasn't until he reached the target location and landed on the ground that Zheng Shu removed the force field on himself to reveal his figure.

Because Zheng Shu had already been notified, someone was already waiting here in advance.

"Mr. Zheng Shu, please excuse me."

The person who received Zheng Shu was a middle-aged man wearing a white coat. He was not very strong in Qi training and looked like a researcher.

"Mr. Li? Why are you here?" Zheng Shu looked at this man with curiosity.

The name of the person in front of him is Li Fangrui, and he was one of the researchers studying the resurrection circle at that time.

However, Zheng Shu remembered that he was originally supposed to be a researcher in the North China Region, and he did not expect to appear here.

"Gao Lian seems to have discovered something special, so he needs to deal with it urgently. Not only him, but also Zhang Chulan and others seem to have come over.

Because there was a real shortage of manpower, and the company considered that Mr. Zheng Shu would launch two magic circles here, they transferred me here first. "

Zheng Shu nodded and probably understood the reason.

I want to launch the resurrection circle again in the Northeast. If the magic metal produced is completely collected, it will be enough for the country to launch the resurrection circle two or three times on its own.

For the country, strategic items of this level cannot be overemphasized, so it is quite normal to send a high-level researcher who knows the specific situation of the magic circle to come and contact them.

After all, due to some reasons, the Northeast Region did not send researchers to the bunker to learn the resurrection array, so they had to be transferred from other places.

"Where is Erzhuang? I can start treatment directly now."

"Mr. Zheng Shu, don't you need to take a rest? Judging from the time, you should not have rested since completing the resurrection circle over there, right?" Li Fangrui adjusted his glasses.

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome. With my energy, these things won't make me feel tired. And isn't the Second Strong already feeling impatient?"

As he spoke, Zheng Shu looked at a hidden camera inside the base.

His mental power was converted into electromagnetic waves and invaded the network connected to the camera. There, he saw a figure composed of blue data flow.

"Who said you can't wait?!"

As soon as the blue figure saw Zheng Shu's arrival, she immediately roared angrily, but according to Zheng Shu's perception, her emotion was more of fear than anger.

"You, aren't you the one who has been secretly touching my mobile phone to monitor me since I entered Northeast China?" The blue figure projected by Zheng Shu had his hands behind his back, observing the surrounding environment like a streetwalker.

"Looking at you like this...are you nervous?"

"Who would be nervous..." Although he said so, Gao Yushan obviously lacked confidence.

After all, when she was injured, Gao Lian sought out various famous doctors for treatment, but the final result was nothing. In the end, she could only use technological methods to save her life.

So Gao Yushan is actually quite nervous now because she is afraid that her hopes will be dashed again.

"Don't worry, your inner alchemy has been cultivated to the point of becoming a Yangshen, your soul itself is tough enough, and the materials for the resurrection circle should have been prepared here.

So even if I fail to treat you, it's okay. At worst, I can chop off your old body and leave only a head, and then grow the body back from the head. Zheng Shu said comfortingly.

"...I beg you, please give me a good time!" Listening to Zheng Shu's words, Gao Yushan felt numb all over.

Although her rationality told her that this method was quite effective, her human rationality prevented her from accepting such a thing.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be quite conservative at such a young age." Zheng Shu was a little surprised.

"Is this a question of being conservative or not?!" Gao Yushan was so angry that a mace composed of data streams appeared in her hand.

The two bickered online for a while, and Zheng Shu also came to the room where Gao Yushan was located under the guidance of Li Fangrui.

"Oh, I'm already by your side, so I won't argue with you. You should return to your body quickly. You still need to have your soul during the treatment."

The blue figure representing Zheng Shu glanced "below", waved to Gao Yushan and prepared to say goodbye and leave.

"Wait a minute!" Just before the blue figure representing Zheng Shu was about to disappear, Gao Yushan suddenly called him. After a moment of confusion, she bowed deeply towards Zheng Shu.

"I...I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Hey!" Zheng Shu looked at Gao Yushan's movements and suddenly smiled, "Leave it to me!"

"Mr. Zheng Shu, this is Gao Yushan." Li Fangrui pointed at the life-support device in front of him and introduced it to Zheng Shu.

At the same time, Zheng Shu also withdrew the part of his mental power that was placed in the network, blinked his eyes, and looked at Gao Yushan lying in the life-support cabin in front of him.

Gao Yushan, who was staying in the life-sustaining warehouse, looked even thinner than in the photo. After all, she had lost most of her body. It seemed that even a large part of her stomach and intestines had been lost. She could only rely on infusion of nutrient solution to sustain her life. , the body will definitely not look that good.

"Wait a moment, Mr. Zheng Shu, Er Zhuang shouldn't be back yet."

Next to the survival cabin, a tall and thick-looking man said hello to Zheng Shu.

Although this person looks like a martial artist, he is actually the caregiver who maintains Gao Yushan's life activities.

The so-called not back yet actually means that Gao Yushan's soul is still on the Internet and has not come back.

After all, my body has become like this, so the only way to entertain myself is to go online.

However, although Gao Yushan has reached the realm of the Yangshen by practicing the inner alchemy of the Wuliu Sect and can immerse all of her soul in the Internet, after all, problems will occur if the soul leaves the body for too long, so Gao Yushan can actually surf the Internet every day The time is also very limited.

Coupled with Gao Yushan's physical injuries, even the inner alchemy skills she practiced had natural shortcomings.

As far as Zheng Shu can see now, after Gao Yushan let all her souls enter the network, her body has become like a dead corpse. Even physiological activities such as heartbeat have stopped, and she is purely dependent on life-support machinery.

In this case, the time Gao Yushan can be active outside at a time will be further reduced.

"It's such a hard life..." Zheng Shu sighed.

"Mr. Zheng Shu, she is back!"

Along with the shouts of the people next to him, Gao Yushan in the life-saving cabin suddenly made a movement like breathing. With the return of his soul, Gao Yushan felt the pain in his body again.

Opening her eyes weakly, the first thing Gao Yushan saw through the glass was Zheng Shu, who was smiling at him.

His mouth was opening and closing slowly. Although he couldn't hear clearly, Gao Yushan could barely understand what Zheng Shu was saying through lip reading:

"Are you ready? I'm going to start."

Gao Yushan nodded silently, then her vision went dark and she lost consciousness.

"Mr. Zheng Shu, do you need to open the life-saving cabin?" The person next to him looked at Gao Yushan who had fallen asleep with some worry in his eyes.

Although I have heard about the so-called plan, I have never seen it with my own eyes. No matter how I think about it, resurrecting the dead still sounds a bit incredible.

"No, the space in the life-support cabin is large enough. It's just for repairing the body. It doesn't need to be that troublesome."

Looking at Gao Yushan who had been put into a deep sleep by his magic, Zheng Shu raised his hand and touched her forehead through the glass.

As he used his inner alchemy skills to the extreme, Zheng Shu's eyes also lit up with a faint light.

Different from the golden eyes when using dragon blood, this time the light looks gentler and does not have the slightest sense of oppression.

Putting part of his soul in a semi-detached state, Zheng Shu clearly saw Gao Yushan's sleeping soul through her broken body.


The short words came out of Zheng Shu's mouth, but they had a strange accent. They sounded both sacred and illusory, as if people were in a theater listening to a chorus.

As this almost command-like voice was spoken by Zheng Shu, Gao Yushan's body immediately began to shake irregularly.

The remaining vitality in Gao Yushan's body was instantly activated. A large number of life-support equipment were expelled from her body's muscles and fell from her body. The huge wound that should have been bleeding out was crawling with granulation that made her scalp feel numb. .

Soon, at the cost of consuming her vitality to the limit, Gao Yushan's lower body and hands, which had been lost, regrown at a speed visible to the naked eye in front of the stunned eyes of the people around her.

First comes the bones, which are the hardest to grow, followed by muscles, blood vessels and nerves, and finally covered with skin.

Originally, in this extremely short-lived bloom, Gao Yushan should have exhausted all her vitality and died in a short period of time.

But the light on Zheng Shu's fingers lit up, continuously providing Gao Yushan with massive vitality through the glass of the life-support cabin.

" seems to be a little crooked here. It seems that the effect of simply reversing the word spirit and judgment is not very good, and it needs to continue to be adjusted."

In this sacred range, Zheng Shu kept thinking in his heart.

Whenever Gao Yushan's rapidly growing body tried to grow out of the normal order, Zheng Shu would take action in time to adjust the vitality in her body so that the body could grow along the lines of Gao Yushan's own soul.

Fortunately, Zheng Shu's control over his life force was strong enough, so although there were many minor problems along the way, Zheng Shu adjusted himself before others realized it.

"It's almost time to open the life-saving cabin."

When the skin on Gao Yushan's body had almost grown, Zheng Shu gave instructions to the people next to him.

"Ah, yes!"

The researchers who were still shocked around them woke up from a dream and quickly operated the instruments to open the life-support capsule.


As the sealed glass hatch opened, the liquid inside the survival capsule flowed to the floor, and Gao Yushan's fully recovered body appeared in front of everyone.

"Hey, it's over, how do you feel now?"

After snapping his fingers, Gao Yushan woke up from a deep sleep, and Zheng Shu poked his head into the isolation cabin.

Hearing Zheng Shu's voice, Gao Yushan's initially dazed eyes gradually focused, and she blinked uncomfortably, finally seeing clearly Zheng Shu who was peeping his head.

Gao Yushan raised her hands in a slightly unfamiliar manner, and looked at her palms as they kept making fists and then unclenching them, as if she was a little confused.

Then she looked at her legs, tremblingly stroking her abdomen, knees and toes, as if to confirm that these were not dreams.

"How's it going? Are you satisfied with your new body?"

Zheng Shu's voice came from above the head again. Gao Yushan seemed to have woken up at this time, looking up at Zheng Shu's head, which was holding the side of the life-saving cabin with both hands.

After a moment of silence, her face suddenly changed drastically, from pale to red quickly.



Gao Yushan's scream was accompanied by a clenched fist. Although Zheng Shu quickly dodged it, the cover of the upper part of the life-support capsule was directly broken by this punch.

"Tsk, looking at the agility of this movement, there should be no problem with body coordination."

Zheng Shu casually caught the broken life-saving cabin cover, shrugged, and joked with the people next to him.

(Added update today, there will be another update later.)

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