Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 508: Invite the space battleship to come up

Seeing Zheng Shu's expression becoming more and more weird, Guan Shihua's heart was in her throat.

She lay down by the pond and carefully checked the bodies inside, then stood up with a worried look on her face.

"Yes, there are indeed the remains of King Li Long here. Little Taoist Priest, is there something wrong with the resurrection circle?"

"No, there's nothing wrong with this, it's just..."

Zheng Shu hesitated to speak, hesitated to speak, carefully sorted out his words, and finally decided to give up.

"Forget it, as long as you confirm that this is King Li Long, the rest is not a big problem..."

"Okay, then please wait for a moment, Taoist Master Zheng. My people will be able to prepare the materials soon." Guan Shihua stared at Zheng Shu for a while, and could only respond like this after seeing no problem.

"Guan Lao, please don't worry. If you just resurrect him, there will be no problem, and there will definitely be no damage."

After sending Guan Shihua away, Zheng Shu squatted back to the inlet and looked at the dragon corpse under the water with a strange expression.

Zheng Shu had to admit that at first glance, the creature below did look quite like a dragon.

The overall appearance is a slender body, a crocodile-like mouth, two sharp horns on the head, and most importantly, four strong claws under the body.

If you look carefully, this thing is quite different from a dragon in the traditional sense.

The first is the issue of scales. The scales on this "dragon" are not scales similar to fish scales, but arthropod carapace similar to red deer.

Although each section of the carapace is very narrow, and you can't see much difference from a distance in the sky, the difference is still quite obvious if you look closer.

The second issue is the dragon horns. The horns on the head of this creature are not like deer antlers, but more like buffalo horns or antelope horns, slender and sharp without any forks.

The biggest problem in the end was that section of the tail that looked like it had been cut off diagonally.

"This horse-riding... scramjet engine?!"

After carefully scanning the so-called broken tail with his mental power, Zheng Shu's expression became strange again.

Of course, the thing at the tail that looks like a jet fighter engine does not mean that it is exactly the same as a scramjet. Zheng Shu also saw the characteristics of other types of engines on it. It seems that it should be a technology that transcends the earth. A state-of-the-art comprehensive engine.

But the point is not here, but that Zheng Shu found such an overly exquisite structure in a creature.

This is different from the situation where Qi has been used to reach a higher technological level. This is something grown by the organism itself. Theoretically, it is impossible for naturally evolving organisms to have such sophisticated organs.

"Biological weapons? No..."

Using his mental power to carefully scan the body of the creature in front of him, and then comparing his existing knowledge with some of the more unique features on the corpse, Zheng Shu finally got an accurate answer in his heart.

"It is a space battleship with a biological system. There are indeed very obvious traces of artificial pruning on the gene. It does not seem to be a natural creature. However, judging from the information expressed in its genes, it should have appeared during the incubation process. Some accidents, so development simply stops at an early age."

The original "function" of this thing is probably similar to the big insect-like biological battleships of the Kirita people in the Avengers movie. In addition to being able to carry soldiers across the starry sky, it also has a certain degree of active combat capability.

Theoretically speaking, although this kind of thing is indeed a real creature inside, it cannot have self-awareness, let alone the ability to control its own innate energy.

But everything has its surprises.

The body of the creature in front of me is already quite huge for an earth creature. Even its relatively slender body is actually about the same thickness as a shipping container.

It's just that because the body is longer, it looks more slender.

Not to mention the four claws that can support such a body, and the head that is much larger than the body.

Compared with the "dragon" in front of him, the body of Liu Kunsheng that Zheng Shu had seen before could only be regarded as an ordinary little snake.

The energy that such a huge body can use is of course terrifying. No wonder he was able to escape from the Japanese encirclement and suppression during the war, which was almost overwhelming.

However, even with such a huge body, according to the information Zheng Shu collected from the genes in his body, this was still just a juvenile body.

Judging from the remaining gene expression, it seems that the biological fleet suffered a sudden attack, and these small ships were hatched in accordance with emergency procedures before the mother ship exploded in order to escape.

But due to some space turbulence or other reasons, this one was transmitted to the earth.

During this period, this thing must have encountered some special things. Zheng Shu speculated that it was most likely due to the turbulence in space that caused the components that stored nutrients to separate from the main body, thus causing his physical development to stagnate.

Although part of the body was later grown through food on the earth, the energy that natural food can provide is definitely not enough compared to the ultra-highly compressed nutrients specially supplied to biological battleships.

Zheng Shu could not confirm the situation encountered by Li Longwang later due to insufficient information. In short, what can be confirmed is that although his body stopped growing due to various reasons, his brain was still growing normally.

Compared with the complete body, the juvenile body lacks many important components, such as the energy shield system, weapon system and space jump engine, making such a biological battleship that far exceeds the earth's civilization in terms of technology. Human beings on the earth were beaten and fled with backward thermal weapons.

But it is precisely because he does not need to control these messy things that his brain has enough spare time and he has the opportunity to develop wisdom.

Needless to say, there is no need to mention the following things. As a creature that can even use its brain to rival ordinary supercomputers, it is easy to control its own innate energy after awakening to wisdom.

However, Zheng Shu suspected that another very important reason why King Li Long was able to become an independent biological individual was because of the special environment where the earth is located.

He also learned about the conditions of other alien planets through Wenshan, and none of them were as strange as Earth.

Although the planet Earth does not seem to have anything too special, as long as life here gains wisdom, it can awaken the extremely special extraordinary power of Qi.

But these are things to think about later. What Zheng Shu has to do now is to resurrect the Li Longwang in front of him.


Unable to help but cast his gaze on the corpse deep in the pool, Zheng Shu couldn't help but reveal a strange expression.

As we all know, the main fighting method of the Chumaxian system in the Northeast is to invite spirits to come to the body.

Generally speaking, it is more common to invite the five immortals, and it is relatively rare to invite spirits such as bears and tigers, but the style of painting is still considered normal.

According to Guan Shihua, King Li Long once gave away his essence to others to use his power.

When Zheng Shu knew the true identity of King Li Long, the matter became subtle in his eyes.

"It's quite common to invite gods, but this is the first time I've heard of inviting space battleships. Next time, I want to try inviting those 'lights' from the M78 Nebula."

This is of course a joke, but even a person like Zheng Shu, who has experienced two worlds, would have some inexplicable feelings about this subtle style of painting.

"I feel like if this continues, I won't be surprised if another Cthulhu Xingyiquan appears...probably..."

While Zheng Shu was thinking about these strange things, Guan Shihua had already directed the people to prepare all the materials.

"All the materials needed by Taoist Master Zheng are here. See if there is anything missing."

Zheng Shu took a general look and nodded with satisfaction to Guan Shihua: "No problem, these materials are not only sufficient in quantity, but also have a lot of excess. It is enough."

"That's good, little Taoist priest, look, when is the best time to open this resurrection circle? Is it some special auspicious time?" Guan Shihua nodded with a smile.

"No need to go to so much trouble. Since the materials are ready, I can start now. I also need to worry about it and don't let anyone get close to the magic circle." Zheng Shu stood casually on the high altar.

"That's natural. Don't worry, Taoist Priest Zheng. The famous strangers from the Northeast are all here now. I guarantee that not even a mosquito can fly in!"

Guan Shihua retreated with satisfaction. With her greeting, Zheng Shu could see shadowy figures jumping in the jungle, and various energy fluctuations also surrounded the place into a dragnet.

"Northeast? It should be more than that. It seems that there are a lot of people coming over there."

Zheng Shu glanced at several locations at random. Although they were well hidden, he still found some traces of the Moutong Company.

But it's normal to think about it. The most difficult aspect for the company to overcome when it comes to the resurrection circle is the manufacturing of magic metal.

Although Zheng Shu has given them the correct formula and production method, being able to manipulate the elements at will is not something that everyone can do.

Even a warlock like Wang Ye who has mastered the Fenghou Qimen has a limit to the control of the elements in the Qimen. There are still many difficulties in smelting them into metal.

However, there is a fairly simple method for the country, which is to collect the magic metal dropped by Zheng Shu after casting the magic circle and reuse it. After all, these magic metals will not be scrapped after being used once after being smelted successfully.

Although there will be some loss when using it, it is much simpler than smelting it yourself.

Zheng Shu knew in his heart that the reason why the Northeast was able to gather the materials for the resurrection circle so quickly was probably partly due to the country's tacit approval.

After all, the fastest and most efficient way to obtain magic metal at this stage is to collect the remaining magic metal on the ground after casting a resurrection circle.

Otherwise, even if Northeastern Yiren uses all his connections, it will be impossible to obtain those materials that are considered absolute contraband.

Nadoutong employees are now able to stand by and observe the resurrection circle, probably because of some of the transactions.

While Zheng Shu was thinking, he constructed the resurrection circle with ease.

The resurrection of King Li Long went very smoothly. Although due to his excessive size, even after using more live pigs to resurrect him, he was still somewhat weak, but Zheng Shu did recover all the injuries on his body.

And in the process of reshaping his body, it also helped him remove some of his genetic restrictions.

In any case, this Li Longwang did save many people with his celestial control system, and also restrained a large part of the enemy's troops for a long time during the war.

So even if his true identity is an alien battleship, Zheng Shu doesn't mind treating him as the real Dragon King of Heilongjiang.

Looking at King Li Long who fell asleep again due to extreme weakness after his resurrection, Zheng Shu waved to the people watching outside.

"Master Zheng, how is the situation?" Guan Shihua looked at King Li Long who was still immersed in the water and sleeping with a worried look.

Fortunately, after being repaired by the resurrection circle, the scars on his body that looked quite scary have been completely healed, and it can also be seen that the water in the pool is constantly being sucked in and out with the breathing of King Li Long.

Judging from these two points, this Li Longwang's body is at least moving again.

"Don't worry, the resurrection is quite successful, but he is still a little weak now, so he needs to recover through deep sleep. By the way, put more food around him so that he can eat and recover as soon as possible after waking up."

Looking at the magic metal that began to crumble in the sky, Zheng Shu made a swipe of his hand, and all the metal wires automatically flew in front of him, gathering together and forming a big ball.

Since the company planned to collect the magic metal he made, Zheng Shu would help them reduce the workload of those employees. It was just a little effort anyway.

He reached out and placed the magic metal ball on a clean open space next to the altar. Zheng Shu patted the non-existent dust on his hands and nodded towards Guan Shihua.

"Well, Mr. Guan, now that the matter here has been resolved, I will leave first."

"If Taoist Master Zheng is leaving two days late, I'll have to let you, my wife, do my best to serve as a landlord." Guan Shihua was stunned.

"No, I have some urgent matters over there and need to get there early."

"Well, I won't force you to stay, old lady. Don't worry, the reward and other things have been sent to Baiyunguan."

"That really saved me a lot of trouble, thank you very much."

After waving his hand, Zheng Shu's body floated slightly in the air, he found a direction and quickly flew away from here.

(PS: Regarding this month’s additional update.

The monthly votes on both sides last month added up to 681 votes, and the contract was more than 13,000 words long. For the sake of convenience, I calculated it as 14,000 words.

More updates tomorrow...probably. )

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