Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 488 Transition Chapter

After confirming the coordinates of Nason Island, Zheng Shu ignored Zhao Fangxu's stunned eyes and took off directly in front of him.

At the stratosphere at an altitude of 20,000 meters, Zheng Shu was flying at supersonic speed. According to the coordinates, he could reach Nathan Island in about twenty minutes.

"With good luck, the general will catch up."

Feeling the huge wind resistance coming towards him, Zheng Shu breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he moved quickly enough. If he had been delayed for a few more hours, he would have missed it completely.

As for exposing his ability to fly at supersonic speed in front of Zhao Fangxu for this reason, Zheng Shu no longer needs to worry too much.

With the improvement of his character cultivation, the strengthening limit of the Nemean Lion Strengthening Template on his body is also constantly increasing. Now, his body's defense power no longer needs to worry about conventional nuclear bombs.

In other words, nothing on earth can hurt him. The only weakness he is worried about now is the few Taoist priests in Baiyun Temple.

"But people on Earth should already have a lot of experience in how to get along with strong people."

With Wenshan as a precedent, Zheng Shu felt that all countries on the earth should have already perfected their strategies on how to deal with powerful people.

"After dealing with these things on earth, let's go to the universe and see who the guy who dares to trick me is."

Feeling the blood auras changing positions in his mind, Zheng Shu showed a sneer on his face.

When he was talking to Zhao Fangxu just now, he noticed that his backhand left on the teleportation circle was triggered.

Originally, this back-up man was left behind just in case. Zheng Shu did not expect enemies to come at first. After all, according to his inference, he should only be the one who was angered.

But since someone went to the planet shortly after he left and checked his teleportation circle, it meant that his initial speculation was wrong, and the other party's main purpose was not the Emperor of Obizud at all.

Zheng Shu didn't know how he offended these people, but since he chose to be his enemy, he would fight back decisively.

"Well... the blood aura and other auras I left in the monster's remains were actually separated. It seems that the other party is not very stupid."

Zheng Shu stayed on that planet for several hours, not only to build the teleportation circle, but also to install several "trackers" on the monster's remains.

The principle of the tracker was created by Zheng Shu based on the blood induction of the bone bottle. As long as he was still in this world, he could ignore the distance and sense the specific coordinates of the tracker he placed on it.

The most important thing is that this thing is essentially a kind of life force with a relatively special nature. There is no actual carrier, so there is no need to worry about being discovered.

After all, if something like vitality is not deliberately retrieved by a strong person who is good at this, simple inspection will not be able to detect it at all. At most, the marked wreckage seems to be of better quality.

In addition to the monster remains, Zheng Shu also installed several trackers in his teleportation circle.

The explosion of the teleportation circle is just a cover-up. In addition to completely destroying the traditional magic circle and preventing the other party from analyzing it, the main purpose is to cover up the strange feeling that the other party can feel when the extra vitality enters the body of a living organism.

It is easier to hide the vitality in a living body. The marked living body will not have any special performance except that it will feel more energetic after the injury is healed.

"The plan to use the Resurrection Array to collect materials is going very smoothly. Now the information about the Resurrection Array has gradually spread. It won't be long before other forces on the earth come to me to open a business."

Zheng Shu suddenly raised his head and glanced at the sky, and then slowed down. He turned his body in mid-air so that he was lying flat and facing the sky, and waved his arms towards the sky, as if greeting someone.

"The rewards on Obizude are quite a lot, and the collection of materials is progressing much faster than I initially expected. I should have three or four more resurrection circles to recast my God's Arms. By then, Let’s settle accounts with those people again.”

Thinking of this, Zheng Shu couldn't wait even more. He corrected his flying posture, the power in his body exploded, and his speed increased again.

White sonic boom clouds surrounded him, not only quickly reaching the original high speed, but also raising it to a higher level again.

"This guy... was he greeting me just now?"

In a space composed of satellite networks that ordinary people cannot detect, the spiritual body of Gao Yushan (Er Zhuang), a temporary worker in the Northeast, is staying here, using the satellite network to send information to the world.

Just now, she used the observation power of the satellite to detect a fast-moving object on the earth. The object was not large, but it was flying at a speed close to a super-fast missile. This triggered the satellite to target various targets. A missile detection warning system.

However, Gao Yushan was shocked when he zoomed in, because it was not a missile as he imagined, but a human being, and a human being flying quickly in the sky without any auxiliary tools.

Gao Yushan was startled, almost thinking it was some kind of illusion, but just when she was trying to figure out whether she could see the other person's face clearly, the man's speed suddenly slowed down, and he turned around in mid-air and faced He waved his hand.

"Zheng Shu? He discovered me?! Impossible! It doesn't make sense! I'm in space now, and I'm observing him indirectly using satellites. Why can he discover me?!"

Gao Yushan was shocked. Because her mentality was too unstable, even her mental body on the Internet was in a trance.

The fact that humans can fly at super high speeds without the aid of any equipment is enough to break common sense. Even an innate alien with the ability to fly cannot achieve such speeds.

After all, the moment the body breaks through the speed of sound, the pressure on the body is already quite terrifying.

What's more, as the speed continues to increase, the temperature of the body is also rising rapidly due to the friction with the air. When reaching the speed of Mach 3, the front-end temperature will exceed 330 degrees Celsius. At this time, the temperature has exceeded the physical endurance of carbon-based organisms. At the limit, even some aluminum alloys will deform.

As for flying at more than ten times the speed of sound like the guy below, the high temperature generated by the front end temperature will melt even alloys with a slightly lower melting point.

In addition to flying at such a high speed, the other party was actually able to detect sight in space.

Gao Yushan has begun to wonder if Zheng Shu is a super robot created by a big force, so he can have these special abilities.

Surprised, Gao Yushan still reported the news about Zheng Shu according to the rules, but Zhao Fangxu soon gave back the information: the plan went on as usual, no need to pay too much attention to it, just continue to pay attention to Zheng Shu's actions and report them Just fine.

"Okay, since it says so, I don't care."

Gao Yushan muttered to herself, then suddenly narrowed her eyes and looked at a certain network node.

There, blue spiritual bodies are taking shape one after another. Gao Yushan is very familiar with these figures. She was on the Internet because of her supernatural powers. In order to restrain herself, some forces used various methods to control them. The human spirit is transmitted to the Internet and forms something similar to one's own spiritual body.

"Did you get caught because you were too excited just now? Humph! Everything has just happened to be over. I'm bored now, so I came to have a little fun with you. Hey!"

Gao Yushan's spiritual body waved his arm and rushed forward without hesitation towards the increasing number of spiritual bodies.

Her body can only stay in the cultivation tank for a long time, but she has been holding it in for a long time!

In the online world invisible to everyone, the first battle on Nathan Island begins early.

On Nathan Island, Zhang Chulan and the others were locked in a bitter battle.

After knowing the specific identity of Li Muxuan, Zhang Chulan, Feng Baobao and the Lu family brothers and sisters ran towards the center of Nathan Island without hesitation, trying to meet Li Muxuan.

However, at this moment, Nason Island has activated a state of emergency. Except for the divine guards and islanders, no outsiders are allowed to approach the center of the island.

After Zhang Chulan and the others finally defeated several islanders who blocked their way, the king of Nason Island also sent his own Nason Guards to block them at Li Muxuan's request.

And this Nathan Guard was the Bethea who was once hated by everyone on Nathan Island.

Zhang Chulan and the others had discovered something was wrong with this man during the battle with Bestia. The other party was obviously a very violent and cruel guy, but he had been following certain rules inexplicably.

During the battle, he should hold back at all times, even if he would rather take more attacks than to spare their lives as much as possible.

At this moment, Zhang Chulan finally seized an opportunity relying on his partner's attack.

One hand was quickly dyed golden by the golden light spell. Different from the previous golden light spell that was in a gaseous state, this golden light spell looked more like some kind of crystal. This was the morphological change of the golden light spell that Zhang Chulan had just learned.

He can only condense a little of this strong golden light spell, but by condensing it on the fingertips of five fingers, Zhang Chulan can break through Bethea's strong physical defense like an injection and stab him slightly in the back. Into a little bit.

With the help of this golden light transmission, Zhang Chulan quickly used the thunder method and poured it directly into other people's bodies.


Bestia let out a miserable howl that was not like a human being, and a surging blood-red energy suddenly burst out from his body, knocking away all the people who were close to him.

As the smoke dispersed, Bestia's figure was revealed.

After the black robe that covered the body was blown away, Bestia's upper body was completely exposed to everyone's eyes. The crisscrossing scars on his body combined with the terrifying expression made everyone who saw it involuntarily take a breath.

Looking at Bethea who was almost unscathed, Zhang Chulan was a little unbelievable.

Although he did reduce the power of the thunder method in order not to hurt his life, the terrifying and destructive power of the thunder method that was directly injected into the body was actually borne by the man in front of him with his own body.

"How can we deal with such a monster...?"

Zhang Chulan couldn't help but feel troubled when he looked at the already a little crazy Bethea in front of him, especially since they didn't want to be enemies with Nathan Island now, so they still had to find a way to win while saving the other party's life. This was simply It's an impossible task.

And Bestia surprisingly calmed down after going crazy for a while. He had already discovered the trouble of these outsiders.

Originally, he wanted to ask the Nason Islanders next to him to help, but the glowing boy he was attracted to suddenly lost momentum after he came on the stage.

The atmosphere on the court fell into a kind of silence for a moment. Bestia simply picked up the collar of the guy in front of him and threw him behind him, and without hesitation released his last resort.

After successive blows, his already unstable spirit became more and more violent, and he was already on the verge of losing control.

"Outsiders, pray for yourselves!"

As Bestia shouted loudly, Zhang Chulan and the others quickly retreated without hesitation, because they could feel that something was about to appear.

The God Burial Lake of Death!

The originally green grass under the feet was suddenly covered with a layer of brilliant colored substances, and it looked like an abstract painter was using his brush to paint unscrupulously.

Even though Zhang Churan and the other four people had quickly retreated, they were still enveloped within the colorful "lake" in an instant.

"Oops, what is this? It appeared without any warning at all. If this thing is like Uncle Master's Northern Territory, we will be in trouble."

Looking at the mucus-like substance under his feet, Zhang Chulan broke into a cold sweat. This reminded him of the northern Cangtan composed of Yin Wulu that he had learned from Zhang Lingyu.

And at this moment of hesitation, Bethidia's body also underwent drastic changes. A large amount of colorful substances poured out of his body. His seemingly plump figure suddenly lost weight, revealing that look of... He actually has a pretty good face.

The god buried in the lake!

These colored substances gathered on top of Bethea's head, forming a twisted human head.

Taking a deep breath, Bethea's speed increased significantly as her figure became thinner. She suddenly appeared in front of Lu Lin, grabbed his neck, and jumped into the air without hesitation.


Along with Bestia's roar, he also threw Lu Lin in his hand and fell hard to the ground.

When several people saw this, they immediately stepped forward to help without hesitation, but were blocked by various things condensed from the colorful lake released by Bestia.

"That woman won't let me hurt you...don't let me hurt you, get out! Don't make things difficult for me, get out!!!"

Looking at Zhang Chulan and the four people who had been entangled, Bestia's mood became more and more violent, but his moves became lighter and lighter, as if he was worrying about something.

Zhang Chulan and the others have now stopped not far away, looking at Bestia who is going crazy and unable to understand.

"What's going on with this guy?"

However, Zhang Chulan had no time to think about Bethea's abnormal situation now. Faced with the methods used by the other party, Zhang Chulan could not think of any way to deal with it.

"If we continue like this, we will run out of time. What should we do?"

Just when Zhang Chulan was in trouble, he suddenly looked stunned and turned to look at the horizon in the distance.

Not only him, but Bestia, who was still going crazy just now, several Nason Islanders standing aside, and even several people in the central palace of Nason Island all noticed something strange.

"what is that?"

Just now, they felt an inexplicable and huge presence approaching quickly, as if some Titan was approaching from a distance.

In the distance, a large amount of fire exploded in the sky. Even with everyone's eyesight, they could barely see a little blurry image, as if they were intercepting something.

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