Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 487 Causes and Consequences (Explanation)

After a while, while the officer was sitting on his chair thinking about the problem, the subordinate who just reported the situation came over in a hurry.

"What's wrong?" He glanced at his subordinates with a cold look. The commander was angry because of the heavy losses in this plan.

Because of an accident, they obtained an experimental subject that could manipulate probability to a certain extent.

For any force with independent research and development capabilities, the significance of being able to manipulate probability is completely self-evident.

It's a pity that this experimental subject uses this power at a high cost. Every time he uses it, it consumes a huge amount of life force. And the greater the impact of this thing, the more life span is consumed.

Even if the organization itself is good at biotechnology and uses various resources to try every means to extend its life, after helping the organization break through several important technical barriers, the experimental subject's weakening has reached an irreversible point.

Although the organization tried every means to replicate an experimental subject with probability manipulation abilities, no matter what methods they used, they could not succeed.

Whether it is to repeat the original experiment or simply use cloning technology, even if the experimental subject's probability control ability is used, it is impossible to obtain a new experimental subject that can control probability.

Just when the researchers of the organization were helpless, a piece of information suddenly came into their eyes. On a backward planet that they had interacted with before, special technology that could bring people back to life appeared.

After confirming the authenticity of the intelligence, the researchers suddenly had an idea. Although the intelligence already knew that this technology could only bring people back to life after death, it could not extend the lives of people who had exhausted their lifespan.

But researchers see hope in this technology. As organizations that specialize in biotechnology, they can see at a glance that this technology is essentially the control of vitality. Therefore, in theory, as long as several technical difficulties are overcome, Can replenish the vitality of other creatures without limit.

This is actually the unified attitude of other advanced civilizations in the universe towards the resurrection array brought out by Zheng Shu.

Although the technology that can simply resurrect people is amazing, for these advanced civilizations, it is really just that.

For these advanced civilizations, whether it is medical technology or mechanical transformation, as long as the treatment is timely, they theoretically have many solutions that can revive brain-dead creatures in a short period of time.

The only advantage of Zheng Shu's resurrection circle is that as long as the body is kept intact, even those who have been dead for a long time can be revived.

However, the resources consumed by Zheng Shu's resurrection circle are too precious. After all, it consumes rare elements like gold that can only be widely produced in supernova explosions. Moreover, with such a large weight, even in a cosmic-level civilization, It’s not something ordinary people can afford.

But for the powerful and wealthy aliens, a valuable person will be taken to comprehensive treatment at the moment of an accident. A worthless person, no matter how easy the injury is, the people around him will be affected by his death. Stand back and watch.

Guys like the Emperor of Obizud who are both lucky and unlucky are only a few in the entire universe.

Many cosmic forces have also seen the potential of Zheng Shu's technology in extending life, so they want to buy it, but they don't have much hope in Zheng Shu himself.

After all, in terms of technology, even just one level may stagnate the progress of a technology for several years.

However, for organizations that have mastered the ability to manipulate probability, these barriers are not enough to cause obstacles.

So they set their sights on Zheng Shu. After all, their experimental subjects were not able to use their powers very often. If possible, they should try to reduce the possibility of encountering technical barriers as much as possible.

That's why they took this action. Emperor Obizud was their carefully selected target. His status was noble enough and he could afford Zheng Shu's "treatment fee."

But its own influence is not too high. After all, this civilization has a sufficiently complete inheritance system. Even if the emperor really dies, it will not cause too much fluctuation, and there is a first heir who is salty enough and has enough Motivation to choose a plan to revive it.

In order to achieve the goal of capturing Zheng Shu, the organization even used the probability manipulation of the experimental subjects four times.

The first time ensured the death of the Emperor of Obizuod, the second time ensured the decision made by the princess, the third time ensured Zheng Shu's travel, and the fourth time ensured that Zheng Shu's spaceship would encounter space chaos. The stream was sent to this "grave".

For example, the three interferences Zheng Shu felt during the ceremony were actually the role of probability skills to ensure that Zheng Shu would teleport on the spacecraft at the time when there was space turbulence.

Although those three interferences did not affect the final result, they did delay the time.

Unexpectedly, the probability power did indeed work successfully, but there would be problems in the last step.

In order not to be accidentally injured, the organization set up a dragnet around the tomb.

In this way, there is a space blockade of monsters inside and an organized physical blockade outside. All they have to do is catch the turtle in the jar.

In addition to the commander himself, the ship also carried ten enhanced combatants just in case.

The strength of each combatant is much stronger than Zheng Shu's strength according to the intelligence. Even Wenshan can't sustain a few moves against these enhanced combatants in a one-on-one situation.

I originally thought that things were stable, but I didn't expect that Zheng Shu started to act out of routine since he was teleported in.

First, he unabashedly unleashed all his power, scaring the faces of the people on the spacecraft to blackening.

It's not because Zheng Shu's strength is too strong. Although the opponent's strength is indeed a bit higher than expected, judging from the strength of the energy fluctuations, even when the opponent's energy peaks, the commander is sure to directly suppress him in a frontal battle. other side.

What they were afraid of was that Zheng Shu's behavior would cause the monster entrenched in the tomb to wake up early and hunt for prey.

Therefore, the commander did not hesitate to order his flagship to separate from other spaceships and take the first step, trying to rescue Zheng Shu before he was killed.

Unfortunately, the battle was already over when they arrived, and surprisingly, it was not Zheng Shu who died but the monster.

After realizing that Zheng Shu had used a special space transmission device to escape, the commander already understood that he would definitely be punished after returning to the organization.

After all, after spending so much money but achieving nothing, someone must take the blame for this matter.

"Those bastards! After all, you have already used up four opportunities to use your power. Why not use it one more time to ensure that this guy will be caught?!"

While he was thinking with his eyes closed, the officer was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

But he also knew very well that the gap between Zheng Shu's strength and the experimental subject's strength was too big. It would be fine if he manipulated the results with little impact. For events like this that were directly related to the opponent's own future, the life span consumed by the experimental subject when directly manipulating the probability. The organization cannot afford it.

Just when the officer was worried, his subordinate suddenly rushed over. He knew his subordinate's temper very well. If there was no trouble, he would never report again, so the officer's eyes instantly became colder.

Feeling the dagger-like gaze of his superiors, his subordinates could not help but stand on end, but they still said bravely:

"Sir, there is news from the collection team that the collection team that went to explore the unknown transmission device set up by the target suffered heavy casualties."

"Huh? What's going on?!"

"According to the report, the other party should have played a trick on the transmission device. Our people didn't know what device was triggered when recording, and the remaining transmission device suddenly exploded.

The destructive force caused by the explosion caused three people in the collection team to die on the spot, four people were seriously injured, and the remaining three people also suffered minor injuries. Moreover, the recording instruments were also destroyed, and only a small part of the previously recorded data was transmitted back to the master brain. "


The officer was so angry that he gritted his teeth and smashed the table again. He knew that every mistake he made now would be a sword aimed at him by other senior officials in the future.

"Sir, how about we go directly to Earth to capture that kid? With the strength of Earth, the only one who can pose a threat to us is Wenshan. As long as we are fast enough, we can catch them all before everyone can react. Organize there.”

Seeing his parents' anger getting stronger and stronger, his subordinate cautiously made a suggestion.

"Is there something wrong with you?! Do you think the reason why the organization has not been wiped out by the Interstellar Alliance for so many years is because it is well hidden? Wrong! It's because the Interstellar Alliance is too lazy to care about us bugs!

Do you think why when the organization replenishes its manpower, it can only use clones in addition to looking for criminals who are exiled in the universe? That's because as long as we dare to attack any citizen of the United Stars, the nature of our organization will change!

Although that kid has always admitted that he is from Earth, his bloodline is indeed from Kitty. The two guys on Earth had already reported the boy's situation when they discovered him. Due to its unique cultural environment, the Kitty Planet has also recognized this kid's status as a Kitty Star. In other words, he has already Become a citizen of the United Stars!

Otherwise, why do you think those bastards at the top of the organization are willing to use precious experimental subjects? Of course, it is to make this kid's disappearance as justified as possible! "

The officer roared angrily at his attacker and sprayed the opponent's face with saliva, but he calmed down a little after the roar.

"Go ahead and give the order. The dead members of the collection team will be thrown directly into the biochemical pool to serve as biological substrates. Those who were injured should be cured as much as possible. It is really impossible to genetically modify them. The organization currently lacks such research capabilities. manpower."


Realizing that his boss had finally calmed down, his subordinates breathed a sigh of relief and immediately followed the command and issued the order without even bothering to wipe the spit on their faces.

"Also, don't transport the collected monster wreckage back to the battleship yet. Call a new spaceship over and let them take the wreckage to the base of Sub-3 for inspection."


The subordinates were stunned. Bases with secondary numbers are usually used as bait to hide the evidence from others. Considering how precious this monster material is, it would be a pity to use it as bait.

"I remember that the base just received a material detector two days ago. It has not yet been transported to the real base. After the wreckage is delivered, someone will use the instrument to analyze it first to see what's inside."


Looking at the back of his subordinate leaving, a sneer appeared on the officer's face.

Although they are fast, even if the target has arranged a back-up on the space teleportation device in such a short period of time, there is no guarantee that the opponent will not also arrange a back-up on the monster's remains.

Just in case, you have to be careful.

And the most important thing is that the person in charge of the secondary base No. 3 is his nemesis in the organization. If the little guy really wants revenge, he can also make his nemesis suffer a hidden loss.

The commander couldn't help but sneer when he thought of the scene where his nemesis was furious. However, after laughing for a while, his smile suddenly faded because he remembered Zheng Shu's record of defeating this monster in such a short period of time.

"We were able to get rid of this monster so quickly. Does that target actually have such a method? Forget it, luckily we didn't encounter him. Let's go back and report it and let the old guys in the base have a headache."

On Earth, Zheng Shu, who was talking to Zhao Fangxu, was suddenly stunned for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

"What's wrong? Are there any other problems?"

"No, Director Zhao, thank you for your help. Are these the coordinates and map of Nathan Island?" Zheng Shu came back to his senses and looked at the two documents in his hand.

"You're welcome, little Taoist priest. These are nothing compared to the help you have given us. Anyway, the United States has already planned to take action on Nason Island. In the future, these information will not be of much use."

Zhao Fangxu was still smiling, but then a worried look appeared on his face.

"But as far as I know, Lao Huang and the others have started the evacuation process now. There should only be three hours left before the other side takes action. Even if we arrange a flight for you now, you won't be able to make it in time."

"Have you just started the evacuation process? Haha, it's better to say that the time is just right."

Zheng Shu seemed a little happier after hearing this. He stood up very simply and stretched out his hand towards Zhao Fangxu.

"Time is running out, so I won't chat with you anymore and I'm leaving now!"

"Ah, do you really don't need us to help you prepare the plane?" Zhao Fangxu was a little confused.

"No need to bother." Zheng Shu smiled and shook off the two documents in his hand. "It will be faster if I just fly over."


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