Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 440 Competition and Mingming Part of the Rules

There is no suspense in the next game.

The only pity is that because Feng Baobao and Huang Ming spent too much time playing, the game was already over by the time Zheng Shu arrived at the venue where Feng Xingtong and Deng Youfu were playing.

As for the battle between Feng Shayan and Jia Zhengliang, Zheng Shu found that Feng Shayan's strength had improved a lot compared to the previous few days. At least in this battle, her powers could already transmit matter.

But the range is still very small, and it can only transmit the range covered by its own Qi.

But no matter what, this is indeed an improvement from displacement to space transmission, which is a good progress.

Since it was considered valuable, Zheng Shu touched her Qi and obtained Feng Shayan's enhanced template.

Speaking of which, since coming to this world, what suits Zheng Shu best is that the way to obtain enhanced templates is much simpler.

Unlike the first two worlds, which are full of energy and do not require too much polishing, the energy of this world is too poor, so the power exerted by everyone has its own very distinctive mark.

In addition, Zheng Shu's golden finger has improved significantly, so now he only needs to touch the opponent's radiating Qi to obtain the creature's enhanced template.

By the time the competition was over, the night could be considered peaceful. Except for Lu Jin, who had been chasing Lao Tianshi all night because his granddaughter was beaten by Zhang Lingyu, there wasn't much movement.

When Zheng Shu came to the competition field the next day, he saw that the bandage that had been taken off from Lu Linglong was put back on. However, Zhang Lingyu was more skillful with her hands, so the injury this time was not serious.

The old Heavenly Master stood in the spectator seats and explained to Feng Zhenghao why his face suddenly swollen after just one night, and there were blue circles on his eyes.

Because today is the quarter-finals, the number of people in the surrounding auditorium is obviously much larger than before, which is completely different from the sparse crowd around the previous competition venue.

"Feng Baobao, Zhang Chulan enters!"

With the referee's announcement, today's game officially begins.

However, although the competitions were different, the results when Feng Baobao and Zhang Chulan met were exactly the same. The two used acting skills that could make the audience look like fools, completing a competition that could be called a fool's errand.

Faced with Zhang Chulan's operation, even Xu Si, who had always considered himself shameless, broke into cold sweat and was extremely speechless. He even began to doubt whether he had made the right decision in recruiting Zhang Chulan in the first place.

When Feng Baobao threw himself to the ground in an exaggerated posture, shouted "What an amazing Zhang Chulan! I am no match for him" and pretended to faint, the entire competition ground suddenly fell into unspeakable silence.

After a long silence, the Taoist priest who served as the referee coughed twice and declared Zhang Chulan's victory.

"Ahem... Zhang Chulan versus Feng Baobao, Zhang Chulan wins!"

It seems that because he was completely angered by Zhang Chulan's shameless behavior, even the Taoist priest who had been practicing on Longhu Mountain could not suppress his anger, so after declaring Zhang Chulan's victory, the Taoist priest added again said a word.

"By the way, everyone, no one is allowed to interfere during the competition. But after the competition is over, what happens in this place is not under the control of our Tianshi Mansion... Please do as you please."

After hearing this, the atmosphere on the field suddenly changed. Without any hesitation, a large number of spectators chose to jump from the stands.

"Zhang Chulan, I will fight with you!"

"Xiao Sha, can you pretend to be more dedicated? You'll treat us all as fools, right?"

"Hahaha, I can finally give you a good beating today!"

Zhang Chulan broke out in a cold sweat watching this scene, and ran away without hesitation. By the way, he also called Feng Baobao, who was lying aside and pretending to be dead.

"Oh! What are you going to do?! Sister Bao'er, stop pretending to be dead, betray the gang, and retreat!"

"Huh? Oh!"

Seeing the two people leaving the competition venue with a group of people in embarrassment, Xu San covered his face helplessly.

"It's finished...the company's image has been completely ruined by this kid."

"Hehehehe, if you think about it on the bright side, our company's image is not in a good shape." Xu Si on the side comforted him with a smile and a cigarette in his mouth.

After the previous farce ended, the remaining audience became serious, because they knew that the following game was what they were paying attention to.

"Zheng Shu, the king is also entering!"

Along with the whispers from the surrounding audience, Zheng Shu and Wang also stood on the field at the same time.

Since this was a Taoist civil war, Zheng Shu naturally had to exercise all etiquette.

"White Cloud Temple, Zheng Shu."

"Wudang, the king."

The two stood face to face, bowing and saluting with their hands clasped at the same time. The atmosphere between the two parties did not look like a competition, but more like a discussion between fellow students.

However, unlike Zheng Shu who was really relaxed, although Wang Ye looked listless on the outside, he was already full of confusion and vigilance in his heart.

Looking at Zheng Shu in front of him, Wang Ye was still thinking about what happened the night before yesterday.

The reason why Wang Ye chose to participate in Luotian Dajiao this time was mainly for two purposes.

The first is to save the soon-to-be-damaged reputation of the old Heavenly Master and the Heavenly Master's Mansion, and the second is to give Zhang Chulan one more choice.

The reason why this matter involves Lao Tianshi's reputation is because according to his calculation, during this Luotian Dajiao, Lao Tianshi did a little bit to help Zhang Chulan get rid of Zhuge Qing, a troublesome opponent. However, it was exposed and his reputation was ruined.

As for the other option that gives Zhang Chulan, needless to say, at this stage, Zhang Chulan has no chance of winning when facing Wang Ye, who has mastered the Fenghou Qimen. Therefore, in Wang Ye's original plan, he was trying to eliminate Zhuge After becoming young, you can give Zhang Chulan a "give up" choice when facing Zhang Chulan.

Theoretically speaking, Zhang Chulan only needs to give up the pursuit of the truth. Then the influence of the Tianshi Mansion and the protective character of the old Tianshi can completely protect Zhang Chulan for the rest of his life, allowing him to obtain the security and purity he has always pursued.

Because of his huge influence, even a vague idea would cost Wang Ye half his life in order to figure out this matter. Therefore, he came to participate in the Luotian Festival this time because he truly wanted to help Lao Tianshi and Zhang Chulan. Two people.

But things were different from what he had calculated. Zheng Shu, an unknown and powerful enemy, suddenly appeared.

That night, when Wang Ye quietly went to meet the old Celestial Master in the middle of the night, he was surprised to find that Zheng Shu had already found the old Celestial Master and reached a cooperative relationship with him.

And not only Zhuge Qing, the other party even planned to deal with it as well.

He obviously had such a great influence, but it was not included in his divination information. Whether Zheng Shu had a way to conceal his secrets or his sorcerer skills surpassed his own, Wang Ye became extremely curious about this man.

At the same time, he also knew that the other party might be an insurmountable enemy for him.

With Wang Ye's character, after confirming that Zheng Shu was very strong, he would not have any plans to be too competitive, and might even admit defeat directly.

But this time, in addition to the first purpose of coming to Luotian Dajiao, he also had the second purpose of giving Zhang Chulan one more chance to choose. Without knowing Zheng Shu's character, he decided to give it another try. .

What's more, in addition to these two purposes, Wang Ye actually has another unknown purpose, which is to lead the cause and effect of Fenghou Qimen to himself, so that the seniors in the door can be relieved.

Regardless of whether Zheng Shu is really good at warlock skills, with Fenghou Qimen, one of the eight magical skills, in his hands, Wang Ye can be sure that no warlock in the world can beat him.

Even if Chen Jinkui, one of the top ten players from the Shuzi sect, comes on the field, Wang can still be sure that he can overwhelm the opponent.

"Actually, I met the Heavenly Master the night before yesterday."

After thinking for a moment, Wang Ye took the lead and spoke. His voice was not loud, ensuring that only Zheng Shu could hear it.

"Ah, so?"

"So I'm a little curious about you now. You don't mind if I use my full strength as soon as I come on stage, right?"

"Of course, please!"

As soon as Zheng Shu finished speaking, he felt an inexplicable change in the place where he was standing.

If it were an ordinary person or a stranger who was not good at warlock methods, it would be hard to tell, but Zheng Shu could intuitively see the reaction of the elements, so he could detect these changes.

The originally balanced and chaotic elements on the playing field suddenly became orderly. It was a scene of being sorted and controlled. In other words, at this moment, Wang Ye had used Fenghou Qimen to control the entire field. All elements.

"Oh! This is really... amazing."

Zheng Shu looked at the rapidly changing elements around him in amazement. This was really admiration. After all, even at his current level, it was quite troublesome to control these elements that were closely integrated with matter.

Constantly observing the changing elements in front of him, Zheng Shu finally understood some principles.

"Is this how you use your own Qi to stir up the natural elements? No wonder people in this world have to engrave their extracted energy with very conspicuous personal marks. In comparison, the magicians of Xingyue and the dragon clan Hybrids’ control over external elements is too crude.”

Zheng Shu felt a little excited in his heart. The Quanzhen lineage was better at tapping into its own inner strength and not very good at controlling external elements, so Zheng Shu had never seen this type of method.

The other elemental users mobilized and used the elements for too short a time, and he really couldn't understand them. Unexpectedly, the unique operation method of Fenghou Qimen actually allowed Zheng Shu to explore clearly the external world in the world under one person. The secret of controlling the elements.

Whether the dragon world uses spiritual power to guide elemental energy or the Xingyue world uses its own magic power to guide elemental energy, they essentially use the "attraction" of "high-energy" elements to "low-energy" elements to work.

This method naturally works in a world with active energy, but it is not so easy to use in a world where one person is poor in energy and most of the elemental energy is combined with matter.

Therefore, the cultivators under one person used another method to mobilize the natural elements. They imprinted a large amount of will on the Qi in their bodies, making it more "active".

Then release such Qi and deliberately control them to actively "lead" the elemental energy combined with matter.

If the control method of the first two worlds is similar to a hero recruiting followers, then the control method of this world is that a general trains soldiers.

The former does not require too precise control skills. When the natural energy in the surrounding environment is active, it can also mobilize a large number of elements. However, the disadvantage is that once it is trapped in an element-poor world, it will become difficult to mobilize external forces.

The latter not only requires precise manipulation, but also requires a certain level of mental strength and willpower from the user, and the upper limit of elemental power that can be mobilized is not much compared to the former.

After all, the "hero" does not need to care about the life or death of the "followers" he recruits. He only needs them to follow the "hero" and charge in a swarm when necessary.

But a "general" can only lead a very limited number of "soldiers" based on his "command ability (mind cultivation)."

Of course, as long as the difference in the amount of elements controlled is not too outrageous, the regular army led by the general can easily defeat the rabble led by the hero.

"No wonder Zhuge Qing was able to block that rock spear even though he used so much less power than me. Let me just say, even if I was at a disadvantage, the gap between the two sides was too big. It turned out to be this reason."

Zheng Shu also finally understood the problem that he had not understood before. When he fought with Zhuge Qing, the power contained in the last rock gun he used was even more than five times the total power released by Zhuge Qing twice. times.

But judging from the elemental energy contained when the sandalwood's merit dissipated, the opponent only used a quarter of his own strength to block the blow.

Zheng Shu had been wondering before, is there really such a big gap between Qimen's superior position and inferior position?

Now I finally understand the specific reason.

"In that case, it's up to me to take action first."

Wang Ye waited for a while after opening the Fenghou Qimen, and found that Zheng Shu was standing there just staring down at the ground, as if he could see some flowers from there, without any desire to attack at all.

He had no choice but to take action himself.

The word Kun - Tuheche!

Wang Ye used the same moves as Zhuge Qing, but the difference in effectiveness between the two sides was unimaginably huge.

The earth and rocks surged, and the ground where Wang Ye was standing rose rapidly. In an instant, a huge stone wave several meters high was formed, which was even a section higher than the surrounding viewing platform. Zhuge Qing summoned a half-person-high earth wave and The scale of this land wave is completely incomparable.

"What it is?!"

"Qimen magic? But why is it so big?"

The surrounding audience was in an uproar. They originally came to watch Zheng Shu's performance, but they did not expect that Wang Ye gave them such a big surprise.

Wang Ye's attack also woke Zheng Shu out of his reverie. Looking at the wave of earth and rocks rushing towards him, he clenched his fists and took the initiative to meet it.

Without any bells and whistles, Zheng Shu simply clenched his fist and swung it out, and his white fist directly hit the head of Tu Lang.


Terrifying power erupted from Zheng Shu's body, not only smashing the Tuhe chariot flying towards him, but even relying on this violent power to turn a large amount of rocks and soil upside down, making it move towards the king standing on it. It also swept over.

"Holy shit!"

Wang, who was standing on the Tuhe cart, did not expect this scene to happen. He rolled down from the Tuhe cart in some embarrassment and barely escaped the impact.

"This strength is not bad."

Zheng Shu felt the force of the rebound from his fist and nodded with satisfaction. Although it was still a million points short of his overall strength, at least he no longer had to be so cautious when punching.


A carp jumped up from the ground. Wang Ye looked at Zheng Shu who was standing there and expressed the same emotion as Zhuge Qing.

As the signature spell with the word Kun in Qimen Magic, what Tuhe Che lacks is never power, but the speed enough to hit the enemy.

Even the Tulang summoned by an ordinary warlock, which is less than half a person tall, actually weighs several tons after careful calculation.

And giant waves of earth, several meters high, like those summoned by Wang Ye, contain dozens or even hundreds of tons of weight.

Such a heavy object rushes towards the enemy at speeds of tens to hundreds of kilometers per hour. In some world, it could even shatter space. In theory, it is impossible for any carbon-based creature to be able to withstand this blow.

However, because the speed is too slow in the eyes of strangers, in most cases, the Tuhe Car is only used as a means of limiting displacement.

Being able to crush the move I just made with my bare hands...

"Henglian? Impossible! Even the strongest Henglian master cannot have such a body. This is not a level that creatures on land can achieve."

As a top student who could be admitted to Tsinghua University, Wang Ye instantly figured out how terrifying the power Zheng Shu would have to explode at that moment if he relied purely on his body.

Compared with the power he exploded in that moment, the 100-ton hydraulic press was just a ridiculous toy.

Because of this, Wang Ye immediately rejected his idea and thought of a more possible reason.

"Is it some special technique?"

If Zheng Shu's Qi control skills have reached a superb level, and he can use his own Qi to completely gather, disperse or even replace the Qi that Wang Ye built in the tuhe chariot at the moment of contact, it is not impossible to play like that. Effect.

Although such a technique is quite nonsense, it is at least more real than the reason why Zheng Shu used his pure body to explode with construction machinery level power.

"He should have used this technique when he and Zhuge Qing were dueling before, so he was able to control the flames in reverse when Zhuge Qing finally released Chi Lian."

Thinking quickly in his mind, Wang Ye even helped Zheng Shu find reasons and examples for explanation, and then he barely regained some of his fighting spirit.

Zheng Shu was not idle at the moment when Wang Ye was thinking. He raised his hand and the dust blown away by him flew back in his direction, forming a large number of sharp cones in front of Zheng Shu.


With a command, a large number of rock cones shot towards Wang Yechan like bullets. In the process, a steady stream of elements were condensed into cones by Zheng Shu and entered the shooting ranks.

For a moment, it looked like there was an extra machine gun in front of Zheng Shu, constantly covering Wang Ye with firepower.

"I go!"

Sensing the information fed back by Fenghou Qimen, Wang Ye's face turned dark. Is there something wrong with the power of this thing? !

Although he was a little surprised, Wang Ye quickly released the spell to intercept.

The word Xun means the merits of sandalwood!

Bang bang bang...

The continuous pitons were blocked by a large amount of wood that suddenly appeared in front of Wang Ye. Although a single round of pitons could cause considerable damage to the wooden wall blocking the front, with the help of Wang Ye's control, the wooden wall was also blocked. He recovered extremely quickly, and soon blocked Zheng Shu's attack without any risk.

Zheng Shu looked at Wang Ye's slightly relaxed expression and smiled. He turned his arm that had been raised slightly. The elements derived from the merits of the sandalwood that had been dispersed were re-controlled by Zheng Shu, along with the earth elements that had not yet dissipated in the air. He was also used together.


With a slight shock, Wang Ye's expression suddenly changed, and Fenghou Qimen reported something quite extraordinary to him.

Without having time to think too much, Wang Ye controlled Fenghou Qimen to make himself jump in space.


The moment his figure disappeared, a large number of wooden spikes wrapped in rocks protruded from the ground at a speed invisible to the naked eye, completely covering his original location.


Wang Ye, who reappeared on the other side of the field, had a sudden change of expression before he could sigh. Whether it was the reminder from the exclamations of the surrounding audience or his perception, Zheng Shu appeared in front of him at some unknown time. behind.

Not daring to stay, Wang Ye stretched out his hand to strangle Zheng Shu again, but this time he moved Zheng Shu away.

"Oh, that's it. This is what jumping in space feels like."

Seeing the change in the scene in front of him, Zheng Shu was slightly stunned. He did not act immediately again, but closed his eyes and carefully felt the changes just now.

"Not enough...the sample data is too small for me to explore the rules."

Soon, Zheng Shu opened his eyes again, with a trace of annoyance in his eyes.

Although he experienced it personally, due to the lack of preparation in advance and the short time it took for the space jump to affect him, the data Zheng Shu could collect was too sparse.

But after seeing Wang Ye in front of him, Zheng Shu smiled again.

Insufficient data is not a problem, as long as the experiment is repeated, it just so happens that the person in front of me can do this.

"Daoist Wang Ye, pay attention, I'm going to continue the attack!"

Taking the initiative to give Wang Ye a reminder, Zheng Shu no longer stood there and competed with him for his ability to manipulate elements, but started moving his body again.

"Ahaha... By the way... wouldn't it be more appropriate for me to surrender directly now?"

Looking at Zheng Shu moving his shoulders, Wang Ye smiled awkwardly, feeling the remaining Qi in his body. His back was already wet with cold sweat.

Book recommendation: Even the whole world is trying to match us up

This is a slow-burning light novel about daily romance. From the perspective of a handsome guy in Tokyo, he finds his destined person with a "99% soul compatibility" in the fast-paced life. This book has a novel angle to explain the "feeling of getting along". Develop a story for the theme

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