Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 439 Deterioration Immortality and Victory

The party ended with a group of young people enjoying themselves noisily.

Zheng Shu also completed his purpose today, returned to the room with satisfaction, and slept until dawn.

When washing, Zheng Shu seemed very leisurely and didn't seem to care about what he did yesterday.

He was not worried that Xu San, Xu Si and Zhang Chulan would choose not to come to see him in the end. Even if they really resisted the urge to explore the question he raised, Zheng Shu had another way to make them choose not to face it. Own.

The players they met along the way would greet Zheng Shu with a friendly nod. The party last night made these players familiar with each other, and they had a little friendship with each other.

After all, we are all young people, and they are also the geniuses of the major forces of this generation. They can be said to have a bright future and are quite confident.

Therefore, even if Zheng Shu shows great strength, they will not feel that they will be inferior to Zheng Shu in the future, but will be full of confidence and motivation.

Maybe this is because newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

"Give me your phone! Delete it! Bring me your phone, you bastard!"

Zhang Chulan, with an angry look on his face, chased the chubby hidden dragon and passed by Zheng Shu. People around him also showed funny expressions when they saw this scene.

Well... not everyone benefited from that banquet.

Amidst the noise of the two fighting, Zheng Shu and Huang Ming came to the competition venue and saw the sixteen-man lineup posted on the door.

Although the drawing of lots is theoretically random, Zheng Shu knows very well that there is actually some truth in it.

After all, everyone drew lots on Longhu Mountain. For Lao Tianshi, a member of the Heavenly Path, he is the Heaven of Longhu Mountain, so he can naturally control the result of the draw a little.

The simplest thing is that basically the seeds of those powerful factions have not come together, except... Zhuge Qing and Zheng Shu.

The order of the competition has also been adjusted. Zhang Chulan and Tang Wenlong in the first group have not changed, but Feng Baobao and Huang Ming are in the same group.

This also means that Zhang Chulan can at least ensure that he will enter the semi-finals in advance.

In the group that decided his opponents in the semi-finals, Zheng Shu faced Zhuge Qing, and in the other group, Wang Ye and a supporting player.

Except for Zhang Lingyu in another large group, Zheng Shu himself had to face Zhuge Qing, the favorite to win, and Wang Ye, who had mastered one of the eight magical skills - Fenghou Qimen.

And if Zheng Shu loses to Zhang Chulan, then it is basically confirmed that Zhang Chulan will be sent to the finals.

As for whether Zheng Shu will be defeated by Zhang Chulan, of course he will!

Not only Zhang Chulan, but also facing the two tough guys Zhuge Qing and Wang Ye was something Zheng Shu had expected, because this was one of the contents of the deal he and Lao Tianshi negotiated that day.

He helped Zhang Chulan deal with all the powerful enemies before entering the finals, while Lao Tianshi provided what Zheng Shu wanted.

And this competition list is also the source of Zheng Shu’s confidence that Zhang Chulan will finally come to him.

That's right, Zheng Shu plans to eat two things with one fish.

The transaction between him and the Laotian Master will not be known to Zhang Chulan, so when facing an obstacle like Zheng Shu, Zhang Chulan will definitely think of other ways with his character.

By this time, what Zheng Shu said to Xu San, Xu Si and the others last night had taken effect. With such an excuse and the pressure of the competition, Zhang Chulan had the basis to come and meet Zheng Shu.

In this way, Lao Tianshi completed his plan, Zheng Shu got what he wanted, and Zhang Chulan was able to reach the finals. This is a triple win.

"In this way, an ending that is beneficial to everyone is achieved. As expected, all tragedies in the world stem from the lack of ability of the parties involved."

Looking at the competition list above, Zheng Shu smiled and stretched with satisfaction.

However, although Zheng Shu felt happy, Zhang Chulan's expression on the side was so ugly that he almost fainted.

He had even begun to think about whether he should go to the Heavenly Master's room in the middle of the night and beg him to tell him what happened during the Jiashen Rebellion.

"This is a tough battle, Zhang Chulan, it seems very difficult to fight..."

Xu Si, holding a cigarette in his mouth, came to Zhang Chulan's side and was a little surprised when he looked at the battle list above.

"Fourth brother, please stop entertaining me. It seems that my competition this time will only reach the semi-finals."

"Really? Huh..."

Xu Si exhaled a long breath of smoke, seeming to be struggling with something, but finally made up his mind.

"Come on, come with me over there. I want to tell you something."

"Ah? The game is about to start, brother four."

"Soon, just follow me."

Looking at Xu Si's solemn expression, Zhang Chulan knew there was a problem, so he nodded and followed his pace.

"Any contestants whose names you hear please enter quickly. Zhang Chulan versus Tang Wenlong, Feng Baobao versus Huang Ming..."

Soon, with the sound of the broadcast, the audience and players began to enter the stadium one after another. Zheng Shu did not go to other games this time, but came to the venue where Huang Ming competed to watch the game.

He actually really wanted to go watch Feng Xingtong's game, because according to the original work, he showed his ability to dispatch generals in this game. Unfortunately, Zheng Shu and Feng Xingtong had the same game time, so he had to come. Let’s take a look at Feng Baobao’s situation.

In fact, among these people, Zheng Shu saw Feng Baobao's situation the most clearly. To borrow a comment from Xia Liuqing, he is light in appearance and has the talent of an immortal.

In the original work, Feng Baobao's most important characteristic is probably her immortality. In addition, her ability to heal quickly without treatment after being seriously injured is also a special feature of hers.

And because she has some mental problems, all her actions are instinctive reactions to external stimuli using her own innate energy. This is why although Feng Baobao's strength is not weak, she has difficulty in front of some masters.

But no matter what, from Zheng Shu's perspective, there is actually only one reason why Feng Baobao has so many strange behaviors, and that is that she unintentionally obtained a ray of degraded immortality.

Zheng Shu actually didn't know very well whether this ray of deteriorated immortality was created by Feng Baobao through a ritual process when he was resurrected, or whether Wu Gensheng accidentally obtained it after gathering the Eight Wonders and used it to resurrect Feng Baobao. .

But regardless of the causal relationship, it is an indisputable fact that there is a trace of deterioration and immortality in Feng Baobao's body.

In addition to unclear mental problems, Feng Baobao's physical uniqueness is actually supported by this ray of deterioration and immortality.

Of course, although Zheng Shu's evaluation is that it has deteriorated immortality, it does not mean that this thing is really not precious.

In fact, even if it is just a ray of deteriorated immortality, it is an indescribably precious treasure even in the world of the Age of Gods.

At least as far as Zheng Shu knows, among the twelve main gods of ancient Greece in the Gods' Age, only Hades, the god of Hades who controls the underworld, has immortality.

This is because of his special divinity and power, so he can possess such a "treasure".

As for the other eleven main gods, they need to take golden apples regularly to maintain their lifespan and appearance.

Apart from Hades, the only two sisters in ancient Greece who clearly possess immortality are Chiron and Gorgon.

Chiron's immortality came from a gift from his parents. You must know that his parents were the previous main god-level beings in ancient Greece, so they were able to give such a treasure to their children.

Euryale and Stheno share an immortality, and will lose this power after merging with Medusa to form a Gorgon monster.

In the entire Xingyue World from the Age of Gods to the future, during these tens of thousands of years, there have been only a hundred creatures that truly possess immortality that have existed on the earth. It can be said that they are even rarer than the inherent barrier. strength.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Feng Baobao appeared in Xingyue's world of the Age of Gods, some gods would shamelessly snatch away this ray of degraded immortality from her immediately.

Of course, the existence of Feng Baobao is not without effect on Zheng Shu. At least by fully studying this ray of degraded immortality and relying on his own experience of having immortality, Zheng Shu may be able to create real immortality.

However, that level of research will definitely be ineffective simply by looking at it. With my consent, it will also require the assistance of a large number of sophisticated instruments.

Moreover, the time required for research will reach a point where ordinary people feel desperate.

While Zheng Shu was thinking, the battle below had already decided the winner.

The inner alchemy skill practiced by Huang Ming is best at consuming people, but the problem is that in front of him is Feng Baobao.

Wanting to consume someone with degraded immortality is a very stupid act in itself, so Huang Ming lost without a doubt after exhausting his last bit of strength.

At the last moment, he even used the sun god to fight. Unfortunately, Feng Baobao did not hesitate to suck his soul into his mouth, and used the innate energy to trap him, and then knocked down Huang with unusual ease. The defenseless body.

"Winner, Feng Baobao!!"

With the referee's announcement, the battle also came to an end.

"Senior brother, this woman is so outrageous that I was completely defeated!"

When Huang Ming came to Zheng Shu and Liu Xingyang's side, his legs were still shaking. Even though his inner alchemy skills recovered quickly, he still hasn't recovered a bit yet.

"You brat, who asked you to show off to the Yangshen! That girl's life cultivation is obviously much stronger than yours. If you show up to the Yangshen in front of such a person, doesn't it mean that you are losing too slowly?!"

Liu Xingyang slapped Huang Ming on the back of the head without hesitation, causing Huang Ming to stagger and almost fall to the ground.

"Didn't I want to give it a try? What if the girl herself is about to reach her limit? Who knew he was so strong."

Huang Ming held his head, feeling a little aggrieved.

"I told you to practice hard, but you didn't listen! Observing the enemy's condition during battle is the most basic skill. Look at that girl. She has been fighting with you for so long. Do you see any breath in her?!"

Liu Xingyang adjusted his sunglasses and said with hatred.

Huang Ming glanced at Feng Baobao's peacefully leaving figure and knew how serious the mistake he had just made was.

"I was wrong……"

"Okay, senior brother, our Quanzhen inner alchemy skills are slow to practice anyway. It's pretty good for junior brother Huang to be able to reach this level at his age."

Zheng Shu spoke up at the right time, interrupting Liu Xingyang's intention to continue his education. Huang Ming also noticed this and gave Zheng Shu a grateful look.

"Brother, the next game is yours, right? You must work hard!"

"Don't worry, I will try my best."

Zheng Shu smiled and waved his hand, left the viewing platform and walked towards the competition venue.

At the same time, the referee also announced the start of the next game.

"The next matchup... Zhuge Qing vs. Zheng Shu!"

When Zheng Shu came to the venue, Zhuge Qing, who had blue hair and wore a suit with suspenders, was already waiting on the court.

"I admire the strength you showed that day, Daozhang Zheng. I have long wanted to compete with you."

"Uh...thank you?"

Zheng Shu scratched his head. Speaking of which, he really hadn't experienced much peaceful competition like this in the first two worlds. Most of them were life and death battles. He really didn't know how to speak in such a scene.

"Haha, let's start now."

Zhuge Qing also saw Zheng Shu's embarrassment and very "considerately" skipped the heart-to-heart conversation before the competition for him.


Zheng Shu waited for a moment and found that Zhuge Qing was also standing there with no intention of taking action. He immediately understood that a warlock like him was probably better at finding tricks.

In this case, Zheng Shu doesn't mind being the one who takes the initiative to attack.

"I am coming."


As soon as the last word fell, Zheng Shu's figure had disappeared and appeared in front of Zhuge Qing.

Seeing Zheng Shu's speed, Zhuge Qing frowned and quickly retreated without hesitation, trying to distance himself from him.

However, Zheng Shu's figure followed quickly like a ghost, following him like a shadow, not wanting to give him any chance to escape.

Knowing that procrastinating like this would be detrimental to him, Zhuge Qing changed his battle strategy without hesitation. He stood firm on both feet, took a posture, and rushed forward instead of retreating.

Bajiquan·Eight Vajra Movements·Hold Hammer!


The dull sound of physical impact could be heard as a crisp feeling. The moment Zhuge Qing came into contact with Zheng Shu, his eyebrows twisted in pain.

He felt like he was hitting a solid steel plate with his bare hands. The muscles on Zheng Shu's body looked so relaxed, but he couldn't hit him no matter what, let alone destroy the opponent's body posture. It's "open".

"What kind of monster body is this? Does this guy really not have a steel plate under his clothes?!"

While he was amazed, Zheng Shu had already stretched out his palm and pressed it towards him.

Although he was sure that he couldn't beat the guy in front of him with his physical skills, his competitive spirit still made Zhuge Qing decide to give the opponent a try.

As soon as he moved his steps a little, so that he was in the dominant hexagram position, Zhuge Qing had already released the technique without seeing any movement from him.

The word Gen——Kunlun!

In an instant, Zhuge Qing's aura changed. He looked as unshakable as a mountain, and his feet seemed to be completely connected to the earth.

Zheng Shu was slightly startled when he felt the changing aura on Zhuge Qing's body, and unconsciously used a little more force on his hands.


The next moment, Zhuge Qing's body had disappeared from the spot, and his whole body "popped" on the far wall like a swatted fly.

"What's going on? What happened?!"

"My green!!!"

Goodbye Zhuge Qing was photographed on the wall, and there was a lot of wailing from the audience.

"Oh my god, I used too much strength..."

Zheng Shu looked annoyed when he saw Zhuge Qing slowly sliding down the wall. This was why he didn't like to compete with unfamiliar people.

Because we don't know the opponent's endurance level, we don't dare to use too much strength. If we are not careful, it is easy to cause such a result.

Fortunately, in order to prevent accidents, he used "push" instead of "shoot" in the move just now, so Zhuge Qing only looked a little embarrassed. Otherwise, half of the field would have been covered with his flesh and blood.

"Ahem, it's really scary..."

After coughing twice, Zhuge Qing finally got up from the ground and looked at Zheng Shu in the distance with a solemn expression.

Is this guy a little too strong? Do those big guys who specialize in body refining have his strength?

He didn't have time to think more, and seeing Zheng Shu's feet moving again, Zhuge Qing was so frightened that he immediately started to point out:

"Xunzi - wind rope!"

As the technique was used, a large amount of high-speed air flow wrapped around Zheng Shu's body like a snake, trying to restrain his movements.

There was no gap. Zhuge Qing waved his hand, and a large number of water droplets appeared out of thin air, flying towards Zheng Shu like bullets.

The word "kan" means water bomb.

Bang bang bang...

A large number of water bombs bombarded Zheng Shu's body and scattered like ordinary water droplets without causing any harm to him.

Zheng Shu curiously glanced at the wind rope entangled around his body. With a little force, the unusually strong wind rope broke and turned into a breeze and began to dissipate.

Zheng Shu did not let the wind disappear in vain, but stretched out his hand to stir the airflow, controlling all the winds to converge with extremely high manipulation skills.

The elements of this world are usually combined with various energy radiations or substances, and it is very difficult to mobilize them. However, for elements like this that have been mobilized, it is much easier for Zheng Shu to use them again.

Using this mass of elements as the basis, Zheng Shu affected the surrounding forces and formed a shock wave towards Zhuge Qing.


Seeing Zheng Shu tearing off his wind rope so easily, the corners of Zhuge Qing's eyes trembled unconsciously, but he kept moving his hands, moving while picking up the spell again.

"Gen character - earth waterfall!"

A large amount of soil suddenly rose up from the ground, forming an earthy waterfall that stood in front of Zhuge Qing, helping him block the blast of the storm.

"Hey, can you block it? Then you can use a little more power for the next move."

Zheng Shu's eyes lit up when he saw Zhuge Qing's condition. In that moment, he tripled the power of the wind rope and returned it. Since Zhuge Qing can block it, it means that he can still use a little more force. .

Since you are not sure of the opponent's endurance limit, use the opponent's attack as the standard.

This is the more appropriate output standard that Zheng Shu just thought of, and it seems to work well.

While Zheng Shu was trying his best to regulate his power and try every means to avoid killing the opponent during the battle, Zhuge Qing, who was treated like this by him, did not feel this "goodwill". After all, he now had both hands All trembling.

Zheng Shu's suppression force on him was so strong that Zhuge Qing even spent a lot of energy to block the unknown storm just now.

Quietly calculating Zheng Shu's position in his mind, Zhuge Qing even doubted his life.

"That's right... I am indeed in a dominant position. Why is the wind he sends out stronger than me?!"

Although he doubted his life, Zhuge Qing wanted to continue to resist, so he pinched his sword fingers again.

Kun character - Tuheche.

The word "kun" means flowing stone.

In an instant, earth and rocks flew, and a wave-like rock mass rose up from the ground and crashed towards Zheng Shu. A large amount of rubble suddenly appeared in the sky and smashed towards him, trying to restrain Zheng Shu's figure.

Zheng Shu still stood there without moving. He just casually stretched out his hand and smashed the waves of soil that came towards him. As for the gravel flying towards him, it turned into broken pieces like the previous water bombs. end.

"Ahem, such a move will have no effect except raising dust."

Zheng Shu fanned his hands to disperse the thick dust in front of his eyes. Zheng Shu raised his hand high. A large amount of gravel powder condensed in Zheng Shu's hand, and in an instant, a rock gun as big as a person was formed.



Along with the ear-piercing scream, the huge stone spear turned into a burst of black light and blasted towards Zhuge Qing's position. Seeing this move, he did not hesitate to kill it with both hands.

"The character Xun - the merits of sandalwood!"


A large number of wooden stakes were generated out of thin air, and Zhuge Qing relied on the method of mutual restraint to barely block Zheng Shu's attack.

"Half of Qi left!"

The pace under his feet continued, and Zhuge Qing quickly calculated the remaining amount of Qi in his body.

He had already seen clearly that ordinary attacks could not cause harm to the opponent at all, and Zheng Shu seemed to be quite resistant to physical damage.

"Then use all your remaining strength to use this move!"

Zhuge Qing himself is also a very decisive person. Judging from Zheng Shu's performance just now, these spells of his are completely trivial to him.

In this case, he might as well focus all the remaining power on his next move!

Stopping at the distance from the fire, Zhuge Qing gathered all his Qi without hesitation and cast the final spell without leaving any room.

"Huh? No way?"

Zheng Shu glanced at the elements mobilized by Zhuge Qing, with a strange expression on his face.

The word "Li" - Chi Lian!

boom! ! !

A large amount of surging flames spurted out from his hands, just like a dozen flamethrowers fired at the same time. Half of the field where Zheng Shu was located was instantly covered in flames.

"What a surprise... Someone actually dares to use fire against me."

Zheng Shu's voice came out from the flames. Zhuge Qing suddenly discovered in horror that his Chi Lian was no longer under his control. A large number of flames gathered in mid-air, and finally converged into a crimson light in the palm of Zheng Shu's hand. .

"This...this is..."

Kneeling on the ground in exhaustion, Zhuge Qing still forced himself to look at Zheng Shu's palm. There, the crimson light had become substantial, looking like shining red glass.

"It's hard to say anything else, but I still know a thing or two about fire."

Zheng Shu smiled and put the crimson colored glass in his pocket.

"I surrender……"

"The winner - Zheng Shu!"

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