Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 426 Getting Started and Information

The whole backyard of Baiyunguan is a quiet and elegant garden, named Yunji Garden, also known as "Little Penglai".

The center of the garden is the Jie Terrace and the Yunji Shanfang. The Jie Terrace is the altar where the Quanzhen sect of Taoism teaches the "Three Altars of Great Precepts", and the Yunji Shanfang is the place where Quanzhen Taoist lawyers give lectures to ordained disciples.

This place is generally not open to tourists and is where the people of Baiyun Temple go about their daily life.

In a remote part of the garden, a small room looked a little dark, as if there was a dark cloud shrouding the interior of the room.


Wind suddenly blew up out of thin air in the room, and the low, high-speed air pressure seemed to form a tornado in the room, shaking the doors and windows of the entire house.

In the center of the whirlwind, a tall and tall young man was sitting cross-legged on a futon, with Qi so intense that it could be seen with the naked eye flowing through his body.


The young man suddenly took a sharp breath, and the surging power that filled the room was immediately absorbed into his body like a tired bird returning to its nest. Even the originally dark house seemed much brighter in an instant.

After a long time, the young man re-refined this part of his power into Qi before slowly opening his eyes.

"It's not's just getting started. I didn't expect that I would be a genius in two worlds, but become a loser in this world."

This handsome young man is naturally Zheng Shu. It has been fifteen years since he was brought back to Baiyun Temple by Xu Zhengning.

Zheng Shu has lived a pretty good life over the years. Although he is a Taoist from the Quanzhen lineage and has complicated rules and cannot eat meat, Zheng Shu is quite adaptable to this kind of life.

In addition to the necessary morning classes and practice, there is free time every day. Because he is not too old, the task of entertaining tourists does not fall on his head, which gives Zheng Shu more free time to think about practice.

Quanzhen Taoism aims to "integrate the three teachings, understand the mind and nature, and realize the truth alone". It adheres to the Tao Te Ching, the Jing Jing Sutra, the Filial Piety Sutra, the Heart Sutra, and the Quanzhen Taoist Fifteenth Anniversary. "On" and other major classics.

It is a Taoist sect that mainly focuses on inner alchemy cultivation, and it is inherited from two famous golden alchemy Taoist priests, Zhong Lu.

Legend has it that Zhang Boduan was named Yongcheng after he attained Taoism, and the beginning of his masterpiece "Wuzhen Chapter" is "Ouch! Human life is rare." The main idea of ​​the whole article is that human life is rare, so you should not practice messy things, but should follow the correct path of forming the golden elixir.

The Quanzhen Longmen Sect follows this guidance. The most important training method of Baiyun Temple is inner alchemy Kung Fu. It advocates dual cultivation of life and life, abandons all bells and whistles, and has extremely solid basic skills. It is more blue than red and can withstand beatings for a long time. It is quite in line with Zheng Shu's taste. .

However, Zheng Shu still encountered a lot of troubles while practicing.

As he had deduced before, the cultivation of Qi in Under One Person itself is aimed at the cultivation of vitality, but here the vitality of living things has another name: innate Qi.

After being able to sense the innate Qi, through various cultivation methods, aliens can transform the innate Qi into Qi with certain special properties and exert different effects.

Zheng Shu completed the basics when he was seven years old and was allowed to formally practice Neidan Gong, but it was not until last year that he was barely introduced.

The Taoist priests at Baiyunguan were not surprised by the fact that Zheng Shu was extremely difficult to practice, because in their concept, it was extremely difficult for people with innate abilities to practice.

After all, the reason why innate aliens have superpowers is because they are born with talents that can transform their innate energy into special abilities. If the intensity of the talent is relatively high, most of the innate energy that can be mobilized will be lost as soon as they are born. It will be automatically converted into innate abilities by the body in an instant.

Therefore, if a congenital person wants to cultivate later in life, in addition to seeing whether the skills are consistent with his own physique, he must also look at the strength of the supernatural power.

If the strength of the superpower is too high and there is not enough innate energy to control it, then it will be impossible to practice.

Zheng Shu has shown powerful "innate powers" since he was a child, so although the Taoist priests at Baiyun Temple support his desire to practice, they don't have high hopes.

Only Zheng Shu's family knew about his family affairs. His own vitality or innate energy was not small, and was even ridiculously high compared to most people.

The reason why he couldn't practice smoothly was just because he contained different innate energy in his body.

Fortunately, Quanzhen Sect has collected enough Taoist classics and records of predecessors' cultivation. After reading through these books, Zheng Shu also thought of a solution.

Strictly speaking, this method is not subtle and can even be considered quite crude, but for Zheng Shu it is quite effective.

The principle is very simple. Since the reason for cultivation is caused by the conflict between multiple innate Qi, then during cultivation, it is enough to eliminate the obstructing innate Qi from the body, so that only one kind of innate Qi remains in the body for a short period of time. .

Of course, this method sounds simple, but in actual implementation there will be various dangers and difficulties.

If Zheng Shu had not strengthened three types of strengthening templates, and as a hybrid, the strengthening templates could quickly restore vitality... which is the so-called innate energy, he would probably have been lying on his back before he started cultivating.

After all, the reason why a skilled practitioner can sense that his or her longevity is approaching is because he can sense the innate energy in his body.

Once the innate Qi is exhausted, even if there is nothing wrong with the body, it will no longer be able to survive.

Therefore, even the most skilled practitioners are cautious when dealing with innate Qi.

Not to mention taking the initiative to expel one's own innate Qi, if they accidentally let the Qi they cultivate out of their body during cultivation, they will feel distressed for a long time.

Taking the initiative to give up part of one's innate energy in order to strengthen control over the remaining innate energy. Except for Zheng Shu, other practitioners who dared to "try" this "arrogant" and exaggerated cultivation method "died".

After all, not everyone is like him, who can use the hybrid's enhanced template and rely on food to continuously replenish his vitality after a bloodbath.

This made Zheng Shu couldn't help but sigh once again. Although his combat effectiveness was quite average, in other aspects, the dragon bloodline in the dragon world was indeed quite useful.

In addition to the disadvantage that it is extremely dangerous, another troublesome point of this cultivation method is that even if he ruthlessly expels the innate energy born from the Nemean lion and the hybrid race out of his body, the remaining innate energy in his body will remain. Qi will still be continuously converted into Qi belonging to these two strengthening templates.

After all, the enhanced template strengthened by Zheng Shu has given him the corresponding properties, so in essence, these two kinds of Qi are also part of his body, and the differences between the three are not so clear.

This caused Zheng Shu to continuously excrete the Qi belonging to the two types of energy that was constantly being transformed from his body during his cultivation.

Because the risk is too high, and the process of eliminating innate Qi will also put a huge mental load on him, he cannot practice for too long each time.

So even in the first few years, Zheng Shu was able to cultivate only a handful of qi that belonged to the inner alchemy skill.

Moreover, after cultivating Qi, Zheng Shu must always pay attention to its operation, so as not to let the too huge innate Qi in his body forcefully reverse the Qi.

After saying this, other cultivators probably thought that Zheng Shu was bragging. After all, there has always been a saying that there is insufficient innate Qi rather than too much innate Qi.

But for Zheng Shu, the innate energy that others rarely seek is a renewable resource that can be continuously produced as long as he eats enough food.

After practicing hard for seven or eight years, Zheng Shu finally completed the introduction to his knowledge today.

Feeling the Qi produced by the inner alchemy skills running smoothly in his body, Zheng Shu even burst into tears. Who knows how difficult it has been for him to practice these years.

But starting from today, he can finally reverse this situation. After accumulating bit by bit over the years, the Qi in his body has become strong enough to suppress the conflicts of various innate Qi in his body, forcing them to The point of refining.

After running a cycle of inner alchemy skills in the body normally, Zheng Shu felt the Qi that had obviously expanded a circle and was filled with emotion. He was finally able to start training normally.


The sound coming from his stomach brought Zheng Shu back to his senses. After relaxing his mind, he immediately felt an overwhelming sense of hunger, which almost destroyed his mind.

Sighing, along with Zheng Shu's thoughts, a large ball of compressed instant noodles appeared in his stomach.

Feeling the laziness all over his body after eating, Zheng Shu sighed helplessly. He now understood why the big spider of Ort looked so salty.

To put it bluntly, Oort, an alien creature, is essentially the ultimate dead nerd who sleeps when he is full and eats when he is full.

As long as there is enough food, it can stay in one place for hundreds or thousands of years without moving.

But for Ort, who is so powerful that even the author of the original work clearly stated that only Ultraman can deal with this guy, the earth is full of food.

Throw a dead nerd into a room with unlimited food, internet, electricity, mobile phones and computers. Unless someone comes to that room and beats the dead nerd, the dead nerd will basically not go out.

Alter was almost in this state back then, and Zheng Shu was the one who ran into the room and beat him up.

The residual influence of the mental distortion caused by the enhanced Ault template is a bit troublesome for Zheng Shu, but it is easy to solve. However, when he was young, the impact was very mild, and as he grew older, the impact became more and more serious. powerful.

Therefore, Zheng Shu still has a certain sense of crisis in his heart. He is afraid that when he reaches a certain age, this desire will become too strong.

Fortunately, the impact at this stage is not too great. As long as he has enough food, he will basically have no problems. Of course, the disadvantage is that once he is too hungry, he will become mentally ill.

If he is really hungry and anxious, Zheng Shu can really jump on the dining table and sweep a circle of dishes with a 360° Thomas gyration, and then pounce on the people at the same table and eat them directly. The onlookers should not try to run away. Chew it all, eat it, eat it, eat it!

However, with the skill provided by the panel, the probability of such a problem is very low, so there is a high probability that there will be no problem in the short term... probably.

After a moment of silence, Zheng Shu stood up and came to the four corners of the room. There were some plants growing here. In fact, they were nothing special, just vegetables such as apples and oranges grown in large flower pots.

The reason why these things are grown is also for "waste" utilization.

Although Zheng Shu would rely on his own control every time after practicing to forcibly recover the innate energy that was eliminated from the body, a large part of the innate energy was still dissipated in the process.

In order not to waste it, Zheng Shu simply planted fruits in several corners of the room to let them absorb the innate energy emanating from him.

After all, vitality is a great supplement to all living things, and Zheng Shu does not expect that the radiated vitality can cause any magical changes in these plants. After all, pure vitality can only promote growth for plants.

It would also be a good thing for these plants to absorb a little more vitality and grow stronger.

Just like now, although they are not too big because they have been planted for only a few years, these fruit trees are able to bear fruit all year round under the influence of Zheng Shu.

Regardless of spring, summer, autumn or winter, as long as sufficient fertilizer and water are provided, these fruit trees can continue to grow fruits regardless of the season.

Boom, boom, boom.

"Senior brother, the supervisor is looking for you."

Zheng Shu had just picked a few ripe fruits when there was a knock on the door.

"I know, let's go right away!"

The corners of Zheng Shu's eyes twitched unconsciously, but he still responded loudly, put on his Taoist robe and walked out quickly.

The so-called supervisor is Xu Zhengning, who brought Zheng Shu back to Baiyun Temple and is also his current master.

After Xu Zhengning completed his training, his cultivation level increased rapidly, and within a few years he had surpassed all his peers.

So after the older generation of supervisors retired for a retreat, he naturally took on this responsibility.

The reason why Zheng Shu was a little reluctant to see him was not because of his master, but because of his master, Xu Zhengning's master, Abbot Xie Xin of Baiyunguan.

Thinking of this, Zheng Shu wanted to talk to himself. Ever since Abbot Xie Xin discovered Zheng Shu's "natural talent" that he deliberately displayed, he would find some friends of the same generation to show off to him every now and then.

In just a few years, Zheng Shu had identified all the antiques hidden in Baiyun Temple.

If it weren't for the fact that the Taoist priests in Baiyun Temple were all monks, Zheng Shu would even suspect that his master wanted to show off to outsiders.

Although it is not a difficult matter for Zheng Shu to mobilize the spirit to release and judge, every time he faces such a thing, he always feels the shame of being forced by his parents to perform talents in front of relatives at the New Year party.

Outside the door, a young man several years older than Zheng Shu was waiting here.

His name is Huang Ming, and he is a new disciple recruited by Baiyunguan in recent years. Although he is a few years older than Zheng Shu, he joined Baiyunguan a little later, so he calls Zheng Shu his senior brother.

"It's been a long wait. Let's go. Where are Master and the others?"

After Zheng Shu closed the door, he threw Huang Ming an apple he had just picked.

"Thank you, senior brother! The supervisor and the abbot are waiting at Yunji Mountain House, asking you to come over quickly."

Huang Ming seemed a little happy after taking the apple. Although Baiyun Temple would not starve them, due to the rules of practice, they only had simple meals.

They little Taoist priests cannot leave Baiyun Temple at will, so snacks like fruits are quite rare.

"Yunji Shanfang? Is there anyone else besides the abbot?"

Zheng Shu was stunned for a moment, and then he looked happy again. It seemed that he didn't have to perform any more talents this time.

Yunji Shanfang is where the Taoist priests in the temple do morning lessons and receive precepts. It is not a place to receive guests. It seems that this time my master and master came to him for something else.

"No, it seems like just the two of us were called."

Huang Ming shook his head, looking a little worried: "Brother, do you think the supervisor came to us because we made some mistakes?"

"There is nothing to be afraid of. We have done everything right and we have not made any mistakes recently. There is nothing to be afraid of."

Zheng Shu turned around and glanced at Huang Ming, only to find that the boy was so frightened that he was trembling like a quail and almost hiding his head in his clothes.

Well... Huang Ming is the most active at his age after all. Not everyone can be like Zheng Shu and really practice in accordance with the rules of the temple.

Although Zheng Shu is not very old physically, he is mentally old enough and has enough experience.

Therefore, although a young body will affect the mind to a certain extent, it can still hold its temper.

"Okay, let's talk about it, what did you do again?"

"Ahem... Senior brother, I couldn't bear it any longer, so I asked someone to buy some fried chicken for me outside..."

Huang Ming looked at Zheng Shu carefully, feeling extremely nervous.

Although he should be a little older, Huang Ming always feels a sense of oppression every time he sees his senior brother. In addition to his taller senior brother, it is also because Zheng Shu absolutely abides by the rules and precepts. character.

If a person just preaches to others simply because of his high status, he will definitely be annoying, but if that person can personally do all the things required of others, then as long as someone with a certain sense of morality is in this person There will be a certain sense of oppression in front of you.

What's more, although Zheng Shu has always strictly required himself to abide by the rules and precepts, he is not too harsh on others. Coupled with his strong strength and gentle treatment of others, Zheng Shu is now regarded as the most prestigious person among the younger generation of Baiyun Temple.

"You... I understand. Don't worry. If Master and the others really blame me, I will help you plead for mercy."

"Thank you, senior brother!"

Huang Ming's face immediately brightened, and his steps became brisker.

"This guy……"

Zheng Shu had an old-fashioned expression on his young face, shook his head kindly, and followed him.

"Master, I'm here."

In front of Yunji Mountain House, Zheng Shu and Huang Ming arranged their clothes first before pushing the door open and bowing to the two Taoist priests sitting cross-legged on the two futons in the middle.

"Well, here we come."

Xu Zhengning sat on the futon and nodded appreciatively as Zheng Shu came in.

More than ten years have passed, and Xu Zhengning is approaching fifty years old. Because he has been dealing with various affairs in Baiyun Temple for a long time, his face has a somewhat dignified look.

But when he saw Zheng Shu, the majesty on his face disappeared, leaving only kindness.

He was extremely satisfied with this adopted disciple. Although he was young, he was able to restrain his desires, and his understanding of Taoism was also unique. Although his practice was not smooth due to his congenital abnormality, his strength was absolutely Not weak, he is considered the strongest among the younger generation of Baiyun Temple.

"How have you been practicing lately?"

"I was just about to tell Master that today I finally officially started learning the inner alchemy technique."

"Oh? Have you started?! Okay, okay!"

Xu Zhengning's eyes lit up and there was an expression of surprise on his face. Originally, he was just asking this for a routine check and did not expect his apprentice to get started.

After all, with the intensity of Zheng Shu's innate abilities, it may be much more difficult for ordinary people to learn the skills.

Baiyun Temple is one of the three ancestral houses of the Quanzhen Sect, and it can be regarded as the top force in the Quanzhen Sect.

There are nearly two hundred Taoist priests affiliated to Baiyun Temple. However, among these people, even including the old Taoist priests who have lived in seclusion and meditated, there are only sixty or seventy who can cultivate Qi.

This ratio is low enough. After all, many Taoist priests will choose to return to secular life after being unable to cultivate Qi for a long time, or leave Baiyun Temple to serve as abbots in other small Taoist temples.

Therefore, among the hundreds of new Taoist priests recruited by Baiyun Temple in each generation, there are only a dozen or so who can actually refine Qi.

You must know that these Taoist priests have been screened before entering the temple. At least they are all talented people, but the proportion of them who can practice Qi is still very small.

In fact, in the entire alien world, the difference in the number of acquired aliens and innate aliens is not too big, so in a sense, even acquired aliens can be regarded as having A talent that is different from ordinary people.

Therefore, Zheng Shu's ability to cultivate Qi was enough to surprise Xu Zhengning. Although Zheng Shu's Qi was not able to provide him with strong enough combat power at this stage, as long as he continued to practice according to the inner alchemy skill and continuously polished his own life, at least Zheng Shu would Akebono's own innate abilities can be enhanced faster than other innate abilities in this process.

"Come on, little Zheng Shu, let's help each other."

The abbot sitting beside him cheerfully stretched out his hand and called Zheng Shu to come to him.

Zheng Shu did not show any timidity and came to the old abbot and stretched out his hand to touch him.

As soon as they made contact, Zheng Shu felt a powerful Qi pass from the opponent's hand into his body. Zheng Shu did not hesitate to mobilize all his Qi and fight back.


As soon as the qi from both sides came into contact, Zheng Shu's weak and loose qi was scattered. However, the abbot's qi did not continue to attack, but immediately retracted it after a little trial.

"Not bad, not bad. You have such a level when you just started. It seems that although your innate abilities make it difficult for you to get started, it also helps you polish your character and makes your foundation better than others. Next, as long as you practice step by step, you will be fine. ”

Zheng Shu stood there and reorganized the Qi that had been scattered in his body, and then bowed and saluted: "Yes, Master."

The abbot smiled with narrowed eyes and touched his snow-white beard:

"Well...since you have such accomplishments, I can show off to those old guys during the Chinese New Year this year, hahahaha."

When Zheng Shu heard this, the corners of his eyes twitched unconsciously, as if he had seen the scene where he was shown off by the old abbot again when he was a child.

At this moment, he could even feel Huang Ming's pity look secretly coming from behind.

Everyone can be considered young people now, and Huang Ming certainly knows how embarrassing this kind of thing for the older generation to show off is to the person involved.

"Ahem, master, why did you call me and Huang Minglai this time?"

Zheng Shu coughed twice and changed the topic. He was already thinking about how he should survive this disaster during the Chinese New Year.

"Oh, I almost forgot."

Xu Zhengning smiled and took out a paper invitation from behind him. He also called Huang Ming over and handed the invitation to them.

"The old Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain will hold the Luotian Festival next month. You are the two most outstanding disciples among the younger generation of my Baiyun Temple, so I plan to let you see the world at that time."

"Really are!"

Huang Ming showed visible excitement, but on the contrary, Zheng Shu's reaction was dull.

It has been fifteen years since he came to this world, and it is not like he has never participated in the Luotian Dajiao. He was very excited when he first participated, but after actually participating, Zheng Shu felt a little bored.

After all, in addition to various rituals held at the Luotian Dajiao, there is also something to see in the competition between various sects.

But in Zheng Shu's opinion, the competition among the younger generation was too boring. Everyone was just playing to the point, not to mention being injured. Most of them were not out of breath after playing. It seemed that they didn't even do warm-up exercises. Not really.

Besides these messy things, the most uncomfortable thing for Zheng Shu was that every time at this time, he would become a rare animal visited by others.

The abbot personally took him to the last Luotian Festival. Needless to say, the purpose was because the people in Baiyun Temple had already finished showing off, so they took this opportunity to drag him out to show off again.

As for the most exciting thing for young people to go out and play, Zheng Shu has no interest at all.

If possible, he wished he could stay in Baiyun Temple all year round to practice. After all, the Taoist priests here were all talented and well-spoken.

"Okay, Master, I understand."

Xu Zhengning could tell that Zheng Shu was absent-minded. He knew that his apprentice only wanted to practice cultivation and was so calm that he didn't look like a young man at all.

After thinking about it, he decided to add some motivation to his apprentice.

"This Luotian Dajiao is different from the past. Lu Jin from the Lu family brought out quite good things as a bonus."

"Oh?!" Zheng Shu's eyes suddenly lit up.

(Two thousand words added.)

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